What is @visx/axis?
@visx/axis is a part of the VisX library, which provides a collection of low-level visualization components for building custom visualizations in React. The @visx/axis package specifically focuses on rendering axes for charts, including both horizontal and vertical axes, with customizable ticks, labels, and styles.
What are @visx/axis's main functionalities?
Rendering a Basic Axis
This code demonstrates how to render a basic bottom axis using the @visx/axis package. The `AxisBottom` component is used along with a linear scale to create an axis at the bottom of the SVG.
import { AxisBottom } from '@visx/axis';
import { scaleLinear } from '@visx/scale';
const xScale = scaleLinear({ domain: [0, 100], range: [0, 400] });
<svg width={500} height={100}>
<AxisBottom scale={xScale} top={50} />
Customizing Axis Ticks
This code shows how to customize the ticks of a left axis. The `tickLength` property is used to set the length of the ticks, and the `tickFormat` function is used to format the tick labels.
import { AxisLeft } from '@visx/axis';
import { scaleLinear } from '@visx/scale';
const yScale = scaleLinear({ domain: [0, 100], range: [400, 0] });
<svg width={100} height={500}>
tickFormat={(value) => `${value}%`}
Styling Axis Components
This example demonstrates how to style the axis components. The `stroke` and `tickStroke` properties are used to set the color of the axis line and ticks, respectively. The `tickLabelProps` function is used to customize the properties of the tick labels.
import { AxisTop } from '@visx/axis';
import { scaleLinear } from '@visx/scale';
const xScale = scaleLinear({ domain: [0, 100], range: [0, 400] });
<svg width={500} height={100}>
tickLabelProps={() => ({
fill: '#1b1a1e',
fontSize: 11,
textAnchor: 'middle',
Other packages similar to @visx/axis
The `d3-axis` package is part of the D3.js library and provides similar functionality for creating and rendering axes in SVG. It offers a high level of customization and is widely used in the data visualization community. Compared to @visx/axis, `d3-axis` is more low-level and requires more manual setup, but it is also more flexible.
Recharts is a charting library built on React and D3. It provides a higher-level abstraction for creating charts, including built-in support for axes. Recharts is easier to use for common chart types but offers less customization compared to @visx/axis.
Victory is another React-based charting library that provides components for creating a wide range of charts, including axes. Victory offers a good balance between ease of use and customization. It is more opinionated than @visx/axis but can be quicker to get started with for standard chart types.
An axis component consists of a line with ticks, tick labels, and an axis label that helps viewers
interpret your graph.
You can use one of the 4 pre-made axes, or you can create your own based on the <Axis />
Note that the @visx/react-spring
package exports an AnimatedAxis
variant with animated ticks.
npm install --save @visx/axis