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@vue/language-core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.17 to 2.0.18




@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ "use strict";

// @ts-ignore
type __VLS_IntrinsicElements = __VLS_PickNotAny<import('vue/jsx-runtime').JSX.IntrinsicElements, __VLS_PickNotAny<globalThis.JSX.IntrinsicElements, Record<string, any>>>;
type __VLS_IntrinsicElements = __VLS_PickNotAny<import('${vueCompilerOptions.lib}/jsx-runtime').JSX.IntrinsicElements, __VLS_PickNotAny<globalThis.JSX.IntrinsicElements, Record<string, any>>>;
// @ts-ignore
type __VLS_Element = __VLS_PickNotAny<import('vue/jsx-runtime').JSX.Element, globalThis.JSX.Element>;
type __VLS_Element = __VLS_PickNotAny<import('${vueCompilerOptions.lib}/jsx-runtime').JSX.Element, globalThis.JSX.Element>;
// @ts-ignore
type __VLS_GlobalComponents = ${[
`__VLS_PickNotAny<import('vue').GlobalComponents, {}>`,
`__VLS_PickNotAny<import('${vueCompilerOptions.lib}').GlobalComponents, {}>`,
`__VLS_PickNotAny<import('@vue/runtime-core').GlobalComponents, {}>`,

@@ -21,2 +21,6 @@ `__VLS_PickNotAny<import('@vue/runtime-dom').GlobalComponents, {}>`,

].join(' & ')};
type __VLS_BuiltInPublicProps =
__VLS_PickNotAny<import('${vueCompilerOptions.lib}').VNodeProps, {}>
& __VLS_PickNotAny<import('${vueCompilerOptions.lib}').AllowedComponentProps, {}>
& __VLS_PickNotAny<import('${vueCompilerOptions.lib}').ComponentCustomProps, {}>;
type __VLS_IsAny<T> = 0 extends 1 & T ? true : false;

@@ -72,4 +76,2 @@ type __VLS_PickNotAny<A, B> = __VLS_IsAny<A> extends true ? B : A;

type __VLS_FillingEventArg_ParametersLength<E extends (...args: any) => any> = __VLS_IsAny<Parameters<E>> extends true ? -1 : Parameters<E>['length'];
type __VLS_FillingEventArg<E> = E extends (...args: any) => any ? __VLS_FillingEventArg_ParametersLength<E> extends 0 ? ($event?: undefined) => ReturnType<E> : E : E;
function __VLS_asFunctionalComponent<T, K = T extends new (...args: any) => any ? InstanceType<T> : unknown>(t: T, instance?: K):

@@ -87,8 +89,2 @@ T extends new (...args: any) => any

function __VLS_functionalComponentArgsRest<T extends (...args: any) => any>(t: T): Parameters<T>['length'] extends 2 ? [any] : [];
function __VLS_pickEvent<E1, E2>(emitEvent: E1, propEvent: E2): __VLS_FillingEventArg<
> | undefined;
function __VLS_pickFunctionalComponentCtx<T, K>(comp: T, compInstance: K): __VLS_PickNotAny<

@@ -95,0 +91,0 @@ '__ctx' extends keyof __VLS_PickNotAny<K, {}> ? K extends { __ctx?: infer Ctx } ? Ctx : never : any

@@ -258,6 +258,2 @@ "use strict";

yield common_1.endOfLine;
yield `type __VLS_BuiltInPublicProps =${common_1.newLine}`
+ ` import('${options.vueCompilerOptions.lib}').VNodeProps${common_1.newLine}`
+ ` & import('${options.vueCompilerOptions.lib}').AllowedComponentProps${common_1.newLine}`
+ ` & import('${options.vueCompilerOptions.lib}').ComponentCustomProps${common_1.endOfLine}`;
if (scriptSetupRanges.defineProp.length) {

@@ -264,0 +260,0 @@ yield `const __VLS_defaults = {${common_1.newLine}`;

@@ -35,3 +35,2 @@ "use strict";

let dynamicTagInfo;
let usedComponentEventsVar = false;
if (isComponentTag) {

@@ -167,3 +166,3 @@ for (const prop of node.props) {

yield* (0, elementEvents_1.generateElementEvents)(options, ctx, node, var_functionalComponent, var_componentInstance, var_componentEmit, var_componentEvents, () => usedComponentEventsVar = true);
const usedComponentEventsVar = yield* (0, elementEvents_1.generateElementEvents)(options, ctx, node, var_functionalComponent, var_componentInstance, var_componentEmit, var_componentEvents);
const slotDir = node.props.find(p => p.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE && === 'slot');

@@ -170,0 +169,0 @@ if (slotDir) {

@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ import * as CompilerDOM from '@vue/compiler-dom';

import type { TemplateCodegenOptions } from './index';
export declare function generateElementEvents(options: TemplateCodegenOptions, ctx: TemplateCodegenContext, node: CompilerDOM.ElementNode, componentVar: string, componentInstanceVar: string, emitVar: string, eventsVar: string, used: () => void): Generator<Code>;
export declare function generateEventArg(options: TemplateCodegenOptions, ctx: TemplateCodegenContext, arg: CompilerDOM.SimpleExpressionNode, access: boolean, enableHover: boolean): Generator<Code>;
export declare function generateElementEvents(options: TemplateCodegenOptions, ctx: TemplateCodegenContext, node: CompilerDOM.ElementNode, componentVar: string, componentInstanceVar: string, emitVar: string, eventsVar: string): Generator<Code>;
export declare function generateEventArg(ctx: TemplateCodegenContext, arg: CompilerDOM.SimpleExpressionNode, enableHover: boolean): Generator<Code>;
export declare function generateEventExpression(options: TemplateCodegenOptions, ctx: TemplateCodegenContext, prop: CompilerDOM.DirectiveNode): Generator<Code>;
export declare function isCompoundExpression(ts: typeof import('typescript'), ast: ts.SourceFile): boolean;

@@ -10,29 +10,44 @@ "use strict";

const interpolation_1 = require("./interpolation");
const objectProperty_1 = require("./objectProperty");
function* generateElementEvents(options, ctx, node, componentVar, componentInstanceVar, emitVar, eventsVar, used) {
function* generateElementEvents(options, ctx, node, componentVar, componentInstanceVar, emitVar, eventsVar) {
let usedComponentEventsVar = false;
let propsVar;
for (const prop of node.props) {
if (prop.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE
&& === 'on'
&& prop.arg?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION) {
const eventVar = ctx.getInternalVariable();
yield `let ${eventVar} = {${common_1.newLine}`;
&& prop.arg?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION
&& !prop.arg.loc.source.startsWith('[')
&& !prop.arg.loc.source.endsWith(']')) {
usedComponentEventsVar = true;
if (!propsVar) {
propsVar = ctx.getInternalVariable();
yield `let ${propsVar}!: __VLS_FunctionalComponentProps<typeof ${componentVar}, typeof ${componentInstanceVar}>${common_1.endOfLine}`;
const originalPropName = (0, shared_1.camelize)('on-' + prop.arg.loc.source);
const originalPropNameObjectKey = common_1.variableNameRegex.test(originalPropName)
? originalPropName
: `'${originalPropName}'`;
yield `const ${ctx.getInternalVariable()}: `;
if (!options.vueCompilerOptions.strictTemplates) {
yield `Record<string, unknown> & `;
yield `(`;
yield `__VLS_IsAny<__VLS_AsFunctionOrAny<typeof ${propsVar}['${originalPropName}']>> extends false${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `? typeof ${propsVar}${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `: __VLS_IsAny<typeof ${eventsVar}['${prop.arg.loc.source}']> extends false${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `? {${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `/**__VLS_emit,${emitVar},${prop.arg.loc.source}*/${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `'${prop.arg.loc.source}': __VLS_pickEvent(`;
yield `${eventsVar}['${prop.arg.loc.source}'], `;
yield `({} as __VLS_FunctionalComponentProps<typeof ${componentVar}, typeof ${componentInstanceVar}>)`;
yield* generateEventArg(options, ctx, prop.arg, true, false);
yield `) }${common_1.endOfLine}`;
yield `${eventVar} = { `;
if (prop.arg.loc.source.startsWith('[') && prop.arg.loc.source.endsWith(']')) {
yield `[(`;
yield* (0, interpolation_1.generateInterpolation)(options, ctx, prop.arg.loc.source.slice(1, -1), prop.arg.loc, prop.arg.loc.start.offset + 1, ctx.codeFeatures.all, '', '');
yield `)!]`;
yield `${originalPropNameObjectKey}?: typeof ${eventsVar}['${prop.arg.loc.source}']${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `}${common_1.newLine}`;
if (prop.arg.loc.source !== (0, shared_1.camelize)(prop.arg.loc.source)) {
yield `: __VLS_IsAny<typeof ${eventsVar}['${(0, shared_1.camelize)(prop.arg.loc.source)}']> extends false${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `? {${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `/**__VLS_emit,${emitVar},${(0, shared_1.camelize)(prop.arg.loc.source)}*/${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `${originalPropNameObjectKey}?: typeof ${eventsVar}['${(0, shared_1.camelize)(prop.arg.loc.source)}']${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `}${common_1.newLine}`;
else {
yield* (0, objectProperty_1.generateObjectProperty)(options, ctx, prop.arg.loc.source, prop.arg.loc.start.offset, ctx.codeFeatures.withoutHighlightAndCompletionAndNavigation, prop.arg.loc);
yield `: typeof ${propsVar}${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `) = {${common_1.newLine}`;
yield* generateEventArg(ctx, prop.arg, true);
yield `: `;
yield* generateEventExpression(options, ctx, prop);
yield common_1.newLine;
yield `}${common_1.endOfLine}`;

@@ -49,2 +64,3 @@ }

return usedComponentEventsVar;

@@ -68,3 +84,3 @@ exports.generateElementEvents = generateElementEvents;

function* generateEventArg(options, ctx, arg, access, enableHover) {
function* generateEventArg(ctx, arg, enableHover) {
const features = enableHover

@@ -76,11 +92,3 @@ ? {

: eventArgFeatures;
if (arg.loc.source.startsWith('[') && arg.loc.source.endsWith(']')) {
yield `[`;
yield* (0, interpolation_1.generateInterpolation)(options, ctx, arg.loc.source.slice(1, -1), arg.loc, arg.loc.start.offset + 1, ctx.codeFeatures.all, '', '');
yield `]`;
else if (common_1.variableNameRegex.test((0, shared_1.camelize)(arg.loc.source))) {
if (access) {
yield `.`;
if (common_1.variableNameRegex.test((0, shared_1.camelize)(arg.loc.source))) {
yield ['', 'template', arg.loc.start.offset, features];

@@ -91,9 +99,3 @@ yield `on`;

else {
if (access) {
yield `[`;
yield* (0, common_1.wrapWith)(arg.loc.start.offset, arg.loc.end.offset, features, `'`, ['', 'template', arg.loc.start.offset, common_1.combineLastMapping], 'on', ...(0, camelized_1.generateCamelized)((0, shared_1.capitalize)(arg.loc.source), arg.loc.start.offset, common_1.combineLastMapping), `'`);
if (access) {
yield `]`;

@@ -100,0 +102,0 @@ }

@@ -15,49 +15,32 @@ "use strict";

function* generateElementProps(options, ctx, node, props, enableCodeFeatures, propsFailedExps) {
let styleAttrNum = 0;
let classAttrNum = 0;
const isIntrinsicElement = node.tagType === CompilerDOM.ElementTypes.ELEMENT || node.tagType === CompilerDOM.ElementTypes.TEMPLATE;
const canCamelize = node.tagType === CompilerDOM.ElementTypes.COMPONENT;
if (props.some(prop => prop.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE
&& === 'bind'
&& !prop.arg
&& prop.exp?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION)) {
// fix
if (isIntrinsicElement) {
for (const prop of props) {
if (prop.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE
&& === 'on') {
if (prop.arg?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION) {
yield* (0, elementEvents_1.generateEventArg)(options, ctx, prop.arg, false, true);
for (const prop of props) {
if (prop.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE
&& === 'on') {
if (prop.arg?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION
&& !prop.arg.loc.source.startsWith('[')
&& !prop.arg.loc.source.endsWith(']')) {
if (isIntrinsicElement) {
yield `...{ `;
yield* (0, elementEvents_1.generateEventArg)(ctx, prop.arg, true);
yield `: `;
yield* (0, elementEvents_1.generateEventExpression)(options, ctx, prop);
yield `,${common_1.newLine}`;
yield `}, `;
else if (prop.exp?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION) {
else {
yield `...{ '${(0, shared_1.camelize)('on-' + prop.arg.loc.source)}': {} as any }, `;
else {
let generatedEvent = false;
for (const prop of props) {
if (prop.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.DIRECTIVE
&& === 'on'
&& prop.arg?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION) {
if (prop.arg.loc.source.startsWith('[') && prop.arg.loc.source.endsWith(']')) {
else {
if (prop.arg?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION
&& prop.arg.loc.source.startsWith('[')
&& prop.arg.loc.source.endsWith(']')) {
if (!generatedEvent) {
yield `...{ `;
generatedEvent = true;
if (prop.exp?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION) {
yield `'${(0, shared_1.camelize)('on-' + prop.arg.loc.source)}': {} as any, `;
if (generatedEvent) {
yield `}, `;

@@ -69,16 +52,13 @@ for (const prop of props) {

&& (!prop.exp || prop.exp.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION)) {
let propName = prop.arg?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION
? prop.arg.constType === CompilerDOM.ConstantTypes.CAN_STRINGIFY
let propName;
if (prop.arg?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION) {
propName = prop.arg.constType === CompilerDOM.ConstantTypes.CAN_STRINGIFY
? prop.arg.content
: prop.arg.loc.source
: getModelValuePropName(node,, options.vueCompilerOptions);
if (prop.modifiers.some(m => m === 'prop' || m === 'attr')) {
propName = propName?.substring(1);
: prop.arg.loc.source;
else {
propName = getModelValuePropName(node,, options.vueCompilerOptions);
if (propName === undefined
|| options.vueCompilerOptions.dataAttributes.some(pattern => (0, minimatch_1.minimatch)(propName, pattern))
|| (propName === 'style' && ++styleAttrNum >= 2)
|| (propName === 'class' && ++classAttrNum >= 2)
|| (propName === 'name' && node.tagType === CompilerDOM.ElementTypes.SLOT) // #2308
) {
|| options.vueCompilerOptions.dataAttributes.some(pattern => (0, minimatch_1.minimatch)(propName, pattern))) {
if (prop.exp && prop.exp.constType !== CompilerDOM.ConstantTypes.CAN_STRINGIFY) {

@@ -89,2 +69,6 @@ propsFailedExps?.push(prop.exp);

if (prop.modifiers.some(m => m === 'prop' || m === 'attr')) {
propName = propName.substring(1);
const shouldSpread = propName === 'style' || propName === 'class';
const shouldCamelize = canCamelize

@@ -94,6 +78,7 @@ && (!prop.arg || (prop.arg.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.SIMPLE_EXPRESSION && prop.arg.isStatic)) // isStatic

&& !options.vueCompilerOptions.htmlAttributes.some(pattern => (0, minimatch_1.minimatch)(propName, pattern));
const codes = (0, common_1.wrapWith)(prop.loc.start.offset, prop.loc.end.offset, ctx.codeFeatures.verification, ...(0, objectProperty_1.generateObjectProperty)(options, ctx, propName, prop.arg
? prop.arg.loc.start.offset
: prop.loc.start.offset, prop.arg
? {
if (shouldSpread) {
yield `...{ `;
const codes = (0, common_1.wrapWith)(prop.loc.start.offset, prop.loc.end.offset, ctx.codeFeatures.verification, ...(prop.arg
? (0, objectProperty_1.generateObjectProperty)(options, ctx, propName, prop.arg.loc.start.offset, {

@@ -106,4 +91,4 @@ navigation: ctx.codeFeatures.withoutHighlightAndCompletion.navigation

: false,
: ctx.codeFeatures.withoutHighlightAndCompletion, prop.loc.name_2 ?? (prop.loc.name_2 = {}), shouldCamelize), `: (`, ...genereatePropExp(options, ctx, prop.exp, ctx.codeFeatures.all, prop.arg?.loc.start.offset === prop.exp?.loc.start.offset, enableCodeFeatures), `)`);
}, prop.loc.name_2 ?? (prop.loc.name_2 = {}), shouldCamelize)
: [propName]), `: (`, ...genereatePropExp(options, ctx, prop.exp, ctx.codeFeatures.all, prop.arg?.loc.start.offset === prop.exp?.loc.start.offset, enableCodeFeatures), `)`);
if (!enableCodeFeatures) {

@@ -115,2 +100,5 @@ yield (0, language_core_1.toString)([]);

if (shouldSpread) {
yield ` }`;
yield `, `;

@@ -120,17 +108,15 @@ }

if (options.vueCompilerOptions.dataAttributes.some(pattern => (0, minimatch_1.minimatch)(, pattern))
|| ( === 'style' && ++styleAttrNum >= 2)
|| ( === 'class' && ++classAttrNum >= 2)
|| ( === 'name' && node.tagType === CompilerDOM.ElementTypes.SLOT) // #2308
) {
if ( < 3
&& === 'persisted'
&& node.tag.toLowerCase() === 'transition') {
// Vue 2 Transition doesn't support "persisted" property but `@vue/compiler-dom always adds it (#3881)
|| ( < 3
&& === 'persisted'
&& node.tag.toLowerCase() === 'transition')) {
const shouldSpread = === 'style' || === 'class';
const shouldCamelize = canCamelize
&& (0, shared_2.hyphenateAttr)( ===
&& !options.vueCompilerOptions.htmlAttributes.some(pattern => (0, minimatch_1.minimatch)(, pattern));
if (shouldSpread) {
yield `...{ `;
const codes = (0, common_1.conditionWrapWith)(enableCodeFeatures, prop.loc.start.offset, prop.loc.end.offset, ctx.codeFeatures.verification, ...(0, objectProperty_1.generateObjectProperty)(options, ctx,, prop.loc.start.offset, shouldCamelize

@@ -155,2 +141,5 @@ ? {

if (shouldSpread) {
yield ` }`;
yield `, `;

@@ -157,0 +146,0 @@ }

@@ -34,8 +34,18 @@ "use strict";

yield `) {${common_1.newLine}`;
for (const varName of forBlockVars) {
for (const argument of node.codegenNode?.children.arguments ?? []) {
if (argument.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.JS_FUNCTION_EXPRESSION
&& argument.returns.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.VNODE_CALL
&& argument.returns.props?.type === CompilerDOM.NodeTypes.JS_OBJECT_EXPRESSION) {
for (const prop of {
yield* (0, interpolation_1.generateInterpolation)(options, ctx, prop.value.loc.source, prop.value.loc, prop.value.loc.start.offset, ctx.codeFeatures.all, '(', ')');
yield common_1.endOfLine;
if ((0, index_1.isFragment)(node)) {
yield* ctx.resetDirectiveComments('end of v-for start');
for (const varName of forBlockVars) {
let prev;

@@ -42,0 +52,0 @@ for (const childNode of node.children) {

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ import { type VueLanguagePlugin } from './types';

resolveTemplateCompilerOptions?(options: import("@vue/compiler-dom").CompilerOptions): import("@vue/compiler-dom").CompilerOptions;
compileSFCScript?(lang: string, script: string): import("typescript").SourceFile | undefined;
compileSFCTemplate?(lang: string, template: string, options: import("@vue/compiler-dom").CompilerOptions): import("@vue/compiler-dom").CodegenResult | undefined;

@@ -17,0 +18,0 @@ updateSFCTemplate?(oldResult: import("@vue/compiler-dom").CodegenResult, textChange: {

@@ -22,2 +22,3 @@ "use strict";

const vue_sfc_template_1 = require("./plugins/vue-sfc-template");
const vue_script_js_1 = require("./plugins/vue-script-js");
const vue_template_html_1 = require("./plugins/vue-template-html");

@@ -31,2 +32,3 @@ const vue_template_inline_css_1 = require("./plugins/vue-template-inline-css");

const plugins = [

@@ -33,0 +35,0 @@ vue_template_inline_css_1.default,

@@ -45,2 +45,3 @@ "use strict";

if (sfc.descriptor.template) {
sfc.descriptor.template.lang = 'md';

@@ -47,0 +48,0 @@ }

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ "use strict";

compileSFCTemplate(lang, template, options) {
if (lang === 'html') {
if (lang === 'html' || lang === 'md') {
const compiler = modules['@vue/compiler-dom'];

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ return compiler.compile(template, {

@@ -71,2 +71,3 @@ import type * as CompilerDOM from '@vue/compiler-dom';

resolveTemplateCompilerOptions?(options: CompilerDOM.CompilerOptions): CompilerDOM.CompilerOptions;
compileSFCScript?(lang: string, script: string): ts.SourceFile | undefined;
compileSFCTemplate?(lang: string, template: string, options: CompilerDOM.CompilerOptions): CompilerDOM.CodegenResult | undefined;

@@ -73,0 +74,0 @@ updateSFCTemplate?(oldResult: CompilerDOM.CodegenResult, textChange: {

@@ -28,3 +28,12 @@ "use strict";

const ast = (0, computeds_1.computed)(() => ts.createSourceFile(fileName + '.' + base.lang, base.content, 99));
const ast = (0, computeds_1.computed)(() => {
for (const plugin of plugins) {
const ast = plugin.compileSFCScript?.(base.lang, base.content);
if (ast) {
return ast;
return ts.createSourceFile(fileName + '.' + base.lang, '', 99);
return mergeObject(base, {

@@ -45,3 +54,12 @@ get src() { return src(); },

const ast = (0, computeds_1.computed)(() => ts.createSourceFile(fileName + '.' + base.lang, base.content, 99));
const ast = (0, computeds_1.computed)(() => {
for (const plugin of plugins) {
const ast = plugin.compileSFCScript?.(base.lang, base.content);
if (ast) {
return ast;
return ts.createSourceFile(fileName + '.' + base.lang, '', 99);
return mergeObject(base, {

@@ -48,0 +66,0 @@ get generic() { return generic(); },

"name": "@vue/language-core",
"version": "2.0.17",
"version": "2.0.18",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ "files": [

"dependencies": {
"@volar/language-core": "~2.2.2",
"@volar/language-core": "~2.2.4",
"@vue/compiler-dom": "^3.4.0",

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ "@vue/shared": "^3.4.0",

"gitHead": "968039cbb07961f318b4bf122bfa8e3e4a824277"
"gitHead": "7aac2805f03b17e4c624335f509d502002bb75a8"
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