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@wagmi/chains - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-20221201004721 to 0.0.0-20230121004721



@@ -1,7 +0,7 @@

declare type Address = `0x${string}`;
declare type BlockExplorer = {
type Address = `0x${string}`;
type BlockExplorer = {
name: string;
url: string;
declare type Chain = {
type Chain = {
/** ID in number form */

@@ -19,2 +19,3 @@ id: number;

default: RpcUrls;
public: RpcUrls;

@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ /** Collection of block explorers */

declare type Contract = {
type Contract = {
address: Address;
blockCreated?: number;
declare type NativeCurrency = {
type NativeCurrency = {
name: string;

@@ -45,43 +46,1015 @@ /** 2-6 characters long */

declare type RpcUrls = {
http: string[];
webSocket?: string[];
type RpcUrls = {
http: readonly string[];
webSocket?: readonly string[];
declare const arbitrum: Chain;
declare const arbitrum: {
readonly id: 42161;
readonly name: "Arbitrum One";
readonly network: "arbitrum";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly name: "Ether";
readonly symbol: "ETH";
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly alchemy: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly infura: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "Arbiscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Arbiscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 7654707;
declare const arbitrumGoerli: Chain;
declare const arbitrumGoerli: {
readonly id: 421613;
readonly name: "Arbitrum Goerli";
readonly network: "arbitrum-goerli";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly name: "Arbitrum Goerli Ether";
readonly symbol: "ETH";
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly alchemy: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly infura: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "Arbiscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Arbiscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 88114;
readonly testnet: true;
declare const avalanche: Chain;
declare const avalanche: {
readonly id: 43114;
readonly name: "Avalanche";
readonly network: "avalanche";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Avalanche";
readonly symbol: "AVAX";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "SnowTrace";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "SnowTrace";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 11907934;
declare const avalancheFuji: Chain;
declare const avalancheFuji: {
readonly id: 43113;
readonly name: "Avalanche Fuji";
readonly network: "avalanche-fuji";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Avalanche Fuji";
readonly symbol: "AVAX";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "SnowTrace";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "SnowTrace";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 7096959;
readonly testnet: true;
declare const bsc: Chain;
declare const bsc: {
readonly id: 56;
readonly name: "BNB Smart Chain";
readonly network: "bsc";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "BNB";
readonly symbol: "BNB";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "BscScan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "BscScan";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 15921452;
declare const bscTestnet: Chain;
declare const bscTestnet: {
readonly id: 97;
readonly name: "Binance Smart Chain Testnet";
readonly network: "bsc-testnet";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "BNB";
readonly symbol: "tBNB";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "BscScan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "BscScan";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 17422483;
readonly testnet: true;
declare const fantom: Chain;
declare const crossbell: {
readonly id: 3737;
readonly network: "crossbell";
readonly name: "Crossbell";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "CSB";
readonly symbol: "CSB";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly default: {
readonly name: "CrossScan";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xBB9759009cDaC82774EfC84D94cD9F7440f75Fcf";
readonly blockCreated: 23499787;
declare const fantomTestnet: Chain;
declare const evmos: {
readonly id: 9001;
readonly name: "Evmos";
readonly network: "evmos";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Evmos";
readonly symbol: "EVMOS";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Evmos Block Explorer";
readonly url: "";
declare const foundry: Chain;
declare const evmosTestnet: {
readonly id: 9000;
readonly name: "Evmos Testnet";
readonly network: "evmos-testnet";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Evmos";
readonly symbol: "EVMOS";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Evmos Testnet Block Explorer";
readonly url: "";
declare const goerli: Chain;
declare const fantom: {
readonly id: 250;
readonly name: "Fantom";
readonly network: "fantom";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Fantom";
readonly symbol: "FTM";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "FTMScan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "FTMScan";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 33001987;
declare const hardhat: Chain;
declare const fantomTestnet: {
readonly id: 4002;
readonly name: "Fantom Testnet";
readonly network: "fantom-testnet";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Fantom";
readonly symbol: "FTM";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "FTMScan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "FTMScan";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 8328688;
declare const localhost: Chain;
declare const foundry: {
readonly id: 31337;
readonly name: "Foundry";
readonly network: "foundry";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Ether";
readonly symbol: "ETH";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
declare const mainnet: Chain;
declare const iotex: {
readonly id: 4689;
readonly name: "IoTeX";
readonly network: "iotex";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "IoTeX";
readonly symbol: "IOTX";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly default: {
readonly name: "IoTeXScan";
readonly url: "";
declare const optimism: Chain;
declare const iotexTestnet: {
readonly id: 4690;
readonly name: "IoTeX Testnet";
readonly network: "iotex-testnet";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "IoTeX";
readonly symbol: "IOTX";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly default: {
readonly name: "IoTeXScan";
readonly url: "";
declare const optimismGoerli: Chain;
declare const goerli: {
readonly id: 5;
readonly network: "goerli";
readonly name: "Goerli";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly name: "Goerli Ether";
readonly symbol: "ETH";
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly alchemy: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly infura: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "Etherscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Etherscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly ensRegistry: {
readonly address: "0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e";
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 6507670;
readonly testnet: true;
declare const polygon: Chain;
declare const gnosis: {
readonly id: 100;
readonly name: "Gnosis";
readonly network: "gnosis";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Gnosis";
readonly symbol: "xDAI";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "Gnosisscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Gnosis Chain Explorer";
readonly url: "";
declare const polygonMumbai: Chain;
declare const gnosisChiado: {
readonly id: 10200;
readonly name: "Gnosis Chiado";
readonly network: "chiado";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Gnosis";
readonly symbol: "xDAI";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Blockscout";
readonly url: "";
declare const sepolia: Chain;
declare const hardhat: {
readonly id: 31337;
readonly name: "Hardhat";
readonly network: "hardhat";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Ether";
readonly symbol: "ETH";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
export { Chain, arbitrum, arbitrumGoerli, avalanche, avalancheFuji, bsc, bscTestnet, fantom, fantomTestnet, foundry, goerli, hardhat, localhost, mainnet, optimism, optimismGoerli, polygon, polygonMumbai, sepolia };
declare const localhost: {
readonly id: 1337;
readonly name: "Localhost";
readonly network: "localhost";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Ether";
readonly symbol: "ETH";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
declare const mainnet: {
readonly id: 1;
readonly network: "homestead";
readonly name: "Ethereum";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly name: "Ether";
readonly symbol: "ETH";
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly alchemy: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly infura: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "Etherscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Etherscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly ensRegistry: {
readonly address: "0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e";
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 14353601;
declare const metis: {
readonly id: 1088;
readonly name: "Metis";
readonly network: "andromeda";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Metis";
readonly symbol: "METIS";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Andromeda Explorer";
readonly url: "";
declare const metisGoerli: {
readonly id: 599;
readonly name: "Metis Goerli";
readonly network: "metis-goerli";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Metis Goerli";
readonly symbol: "METIS";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Metis Goerli Explorer";
readonly url: "";
declare const optimism: {
readonly id: 10;
readonly name: "Optimism";
readonly network: "optimism";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly name: "Ether";
readonly symbol: "ETH";
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly alchemy: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly infura: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "Etherscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Optimism Explorer";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 4286263;
declare const optimismGoerli: {
readonly id: 420;
readonly name: "Optimism Goerli";
readonly network: "optimism-goerli";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly name: "Goerli Ether";
readonly symbol: "ETH";
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly alchemy: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly infura: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "Etherscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Etherscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 49461;
readonly testnet: true;
declare const polygon: {
readonly id: 137;
readonly name: "Polygon";
readonly network: "matic";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly name: "MATIC";
readonly symbol: "MATIC";
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly alchemy: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly infura: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "PolygonScan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "PolygonScan";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 25770160;
declare const polygonMumbai: {
readonly id: 80001;
readonly name: "Polygon Mumbai";
readonly network: "maticmum";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly name: "MATIC";
readonly symbol: "MATIC";
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly alchemy: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly infura: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "PolygonScan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "PolygonScan";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 25770160;
readonly testnet: true;
declare const sepolia: {
readonly id: 11155111;
readonly network: "sepolia";
readonly name: "Sepolia";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly name: "Sepolia Ether";
readonly symbol: "SEP";
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly infura: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly etherscan: {
readonly name: "Etherscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Etherscan";
readonly url: "";
readonly contracts: {
readonly multicall3: {
readonly address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11";
readonly blockCreated: 6507670;
readonly testnet: true;
declare const taraxa: {
readonly id: 841;
readonly name: "Taraxa Mainnet";
readonly network: "taraxa";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly name: "Tara";
readonly symbol: "TARA";
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Taraxa Explorer";
readonly url: "";
declare const taraxaTestnet: {
readonly id: 842;
readonly name: "Taraxa Testnet";
readonly network: "taraxa-testnet";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly name: "Tara";
readonly symbol: "TARA";
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly default: {
readonly name: "Taraxa Explorer";
readonly url: "";
readonly testnet: true;
declare const zkSync: {
readonly id: 324;
readonly name: "zkSync";
readonly network: "zksync";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly name: "Ether";
readonly symbol: "ETH";
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly default: {
readonly name: "zkExplorer";
readonly url: "";
declare const zkSyncTestnet: {
readonly id: 280;
readonly name: "zkSync Testnet";
readonly network: "zksync-testnet";
readonly nativeCurrency: {
readonly name: "Ether";
readonly symbol: "ETH";
readonly decimals: 18;
readonly rpcUrls: {
readonly default: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly public: {
readonly http: readonly [""];
readonly webSocket: readonly ["wss://"];
readonly blockExplorers: {
readonly default: {
readonly name: "zkExplorer";
readonly url: "";
readonly testnet: true;
export { Chain, arbitrum, arbitrumGoerli, avalanche, avalancheFuji, bsc, bscTestnet, crossbell, evmos, evmosTestnet, fantom, fantomTestnet, foundry, gnosis, gnosisChiado, goerli, hardhat, iotex, iotexTestnet, localhost, mainnet, metis, metisGoerli, optimism, optimismGoerli, polygon, polygonMumbai, sepolia, taraxa, taraxaTestnet, zkSync, zkSyncTestnet };

@@ -18,2 +18,5 @@ // src/arbitrum.ts

http: [""]
public: {
http: [""]

@@ -53,8 +56,11 @@ },

default: {
http: [""]
http: [""]
public: {
http: [""]
blockExplorers: {
etherscan: { name: "Arbiscan", url: "" },
default: { name: "Arbiscan", url: "" }
etherscan: { name: "Arbiscan", url: "" },
default: { name: "Arbiscan", url: "" }

@@ -64,3 +70,3 @@ contracts: {

address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11",
blockCreated: 7654707
blockCreated: 88114

@@ -82,3 +88,4 @@ },

rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] }
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }

@@ -108,3 +115,4 @@ blockExplorers: {

rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] }
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }

@@ -127,3 +135,3 @@ blockExplorers: {

id: 56,
name: "Binance Smart Chain",
name: "BNB Smart Chain",
network: "bsc",

@@ -136,3 +144,4 @@ nativeCurrency: {

rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] }
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }

@@ -162,3 +171,4 @@ blockExplorers: {

rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] }
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }

@@ -178,2 +188,72 @@ blockExplorers: {

// src/crossbell.ts
var crossbell = {
id: 3737,
network: "crossbell",
name: "Crossbell",
nativeCurrency: {
decimals: 18,
name: "CSB",
symbol: "CSB"
rpcUrls: {
default: {
http: [""]
public: {
http: [""]
blockExplorers: {
default: { name: "CrossScan", url: "" }
contracts: {
multicall3: {
address: "0xBB9759009cDaC82774EfC84D94cD9F7440f75Fcf",
blockCreated: 23499787
// src/evmos.ts
var evmos = {
id: 9001,
name: "Evmos",
network: "evmos",
nativeCurrency: {
decimals: 18,
name: "Evmos",
symbol: "EVMOS"
rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }
blockExplorers: {
default: { name: "Evmos Block Explorer", url: "" }
// src/evmosTestnet.ts
var evmosTestnet = {
id: 9e3,
name: "Evmos Testnet",
network: "evmos-testnet",
nativeCurrency: {
decimals: 18,
name: "Evmos",
symbol: "EVMOS"
rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }
blockExplorers: {
default: {
name: "Evmos Testnet Block Explorer",
url: ""
// src/fantom.ts

@@ -190,3 +270,4 @@ var fantom = {

rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] }
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }

@@ -207,3 +288,3 @@ blockExplorers: {

var fantomTestnet = {
id: 250,
id: 4002,
name: "Fantom Testnet",

@@ -217,3 +298,4 @@ network: "fantom-testnet",

rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] }
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }

@@ -243,6 +325,57 @@ blockExplorers: {

rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] }
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }
// src/iotex.ts
var iotex = {
id: 4689,
name: "IoTeX",
network: "iotex",
nativeCurrency: {
decimals: 18,
name: "IoTeX",
symbol: "IOTX"
rpcUrls: {
default: {
http: [""],
webSocket: ["wss://"]
public: {
http: [""],
webSocket: ["wss://"]
blockExplorers: {
default: { name: "IoTeXScan", url: "" }
// src/iotexTestnet.ts
var iotexTestnet = {
id: 4690,
name: "IoTeX Testnet",
network: "iotex-testnet",
nativeCurrency: {
decimals: 18,
name: "IoTeX",
symbol: "IOTX"
rpcUrls: {
default: {
http: [""],
webSocket: ["wss://"]
public: {
http: [""],
webSocket: ["wss://"]
blockExplorers: {
default: { name: "IoTeXScan", url: "" }
// src/goerli.ts

@@ -253,3 +386,3 @@ var goerli = {

name: "Goerli",
nativeCurrency: { name: "Goerli Ether", symbol: "GOR", decimals: 18 },
nativeCurrency: { name: "Goerli Ether", symbol: "ETH", decimals: 18 },
rpcUrls: {

@@ -266,2 +399,5 @@ alchemy: {

http: [""]
public: {
http: [""]

@@ -291,2 +427,50 @@ },

// src/gnosis.ts
var gnosis = {
id: 100,
name: "Gnosis",
network: "gnosis",
nativeCurrency: {
decimals: 18,
name: "Gnosis",
symbol: "xDAI"
rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }
blockExplorers: {
etherscan: {
name: "Gnosisscan",
url: ""
default: {
name: "Gnosis Chain Explorer",
url: ""
// src/gnosisChiado.ts
var gnosisChiado = {
id: 10200,
name: "Gnosis Chiado",
network: "chiado",
nativeCurrency: {
decimals: 18,
name: "Gnosis",
symbol: "xDAI"
rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }
blockExplorers: {
default: {
name: "Blockscout",
url: ""
// src/hardhat.ts

@@ -303,3 +487,4 @@ var hardhat = {

rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] }
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }

@@ -319,3 +504,4 @@ };

rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] }
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }

@@ -341,2 +527,5 @@ };

http: [""]
public: {
http: [""]

@@ -365,2 +554,46 @@ },

// src/metis.ts
var metis = {
id: 1088,
name: "Metis",
network: "andromeda",
nativeCurrency: {
decimals: 18,
name: "Metis",
symbol: "METIS"
rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }
blockExplorers: {
default: {
name: "Andromeda Explorer",
url: ""
// src/metisGoerli.ts
var metisGoerli = {
id: 599,
name: "Metis Goerli",
network: "metis-goerli",
nativeCurrency: {
decimals: 18,
name: "Metis Goerli",
symbol: "METIS"
rpcUrls: {
default: { http: [""] },
public: { http: [""] }
blockExplorers: {
default: {
name: "Metis Goerli Explorer",
url: ""
// src/optimism.ts

@@ -383,2 +616,5 @@ var optimism = {

http: [""]
public: {
http: [""]

@@ -392,4 +628,4 @@ },

default: {
name: "Etherscan",
url: ""
name: "Optimism Explorer",
url: ""

@@ -422,2 +658,5 @@ },

http: [""]
public: {
http: [""]

@@ -461,2 +700,5 @@ },

http: [""]
public: {
http: [""]

@@ -499,2 +741,5 @@ },

http: [""]
public: {
http: [""]

@@ -534,2 +779,5 @@ },

http: [""]
public: {
http: [""]

@@ -548,5 +796,2 @@ },

contracts: {
ensRegistry: {
address: "0x00000000000C2E074eC69A0dFb2997BA6C7d2e1e"
multicall3: {

@@ -559,2 +804,100 @@ address: "0xca11bde05977b3631167028862be2a173976ca11",

// src/taraxa.ts
var taraxa = {
id: 841,
name: "Taraxa Mainnet",
network: "taraxa",
nativeCurrency: { name: "Tara", symbol: "TARA", decimals: 18 },
rpcUrls: {
default: {
http: [""]
public: {
http: [""]
blockExplorers: {
default: {
name: "Taraxa Explorer",
url: ""
// src/taraxaTestnet.ts
var taraxaTestnet = {
id: 842,
name: "Taraxa Testnet",
network: "taraxa-testnet",
nativeCurrency: { name: "Tara", symbol: "TARA", decimals: 18 },
rpcUrls: {
default: {
http: [""]
public: {
http: [""]
blockExplorers: {
default: {
name: "Taraxa Explorer",
url: ""
testnet: true
// src/zkSync.ts
var zkSync = {
id: 324,
name: "zkSync",
network: "zksync",
nativeCurrency: {
decimals: 18,
name: "Ether",
symbol: "ETH"
rpcUrls: {
default: {
http: [""],
webSocket: ["wss://"]
public: {
http: [""],
webSocket: ["wss://"]
blockExplorers: {
default: {
name: "zkExplorer",
url: ""
// src/zkSyncTestnet.ts
var zkSyncTestnet = {
id: 280,
name: "zkSync Testnet",
network: "zksync-testnet",
nativeCurrency: { name: "Ether", symbol: "ETH", decimals: 18 },
rpcUrls: {
default: {
http: [""],
webSocket: ["wss://"]
public: {
http: [""],
webSocket: ["wss://"]
blockExplorers: {
default: {
name: "zkExplorer",
url: ""
testnet: true
export {

@@ -567,9 +910,18 @@ arbitrum,


@@ -579,3 +931,7 @@ optimismGoerli,


@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"license": "MIT",
"version": "0.0.0-20221201004721",
"version": "0.0.0-20230121004721",
"type": "module",

@@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"default": "./dist/index.js"
"./package.json": "./package.json"

@@ -21,2 +22,10 @@ "files": [

"sideEffects": false,
"peerDependencies": {
"typescript": ">=4.9.4"
"peerDependenciesMeta": {
"typescript": {
"optional": true
"contributors": [

@@ -51,4 +60,5 @@ "jxom.eth <>",

"scripts": {
"build": "tsup"
"build": "tsup",
"dev": "DEV=true tsup"
# `@wagmi/chains`
References to popular EVM-compatible chains.
## Installation
Install the `@wagmi/chains` reference package.
Install the `@wagmi/chains` package.

@@ -29,4 +31,2 @@ ```

- `mainnet`
- `goerli`
- `arbitrum`

@@ -38,2 +38,13 @@ - `arbitrumGoerli`

- `bscTestnet`
- `fantom`
- `fantomTestnet`
- `foundry`
- `goerli`
- `hardhat`
- `iotex`
- `iotexTestnet`
- `localhost`
- `mainnet`
- `metis`
- `metisGoerli`
- `optimism`

@@ -44,1 +55,9 @@ - `optimismGoerli`

- `sepolia`
- `taraxa`
- `taraxaTestnet`
- `zkSync`
- `zkSyncTestnet`
## Contributing
Want to add another chain to the list? Make sure you read the [contributing guide](../../.github/ first.
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