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AST utils for webassemblyjs

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Package description

What is @webassemblyjs/ast?

The @webassemblyjs/ast package is a toolchain for WebAssembly manipulation which allows you to parse, validate, and generate WebAssembly code. It provides an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of WebAssembly modules, enabling programmatic analysis and transformation of Wasm code.

What are @webassemblyjs/ast's main functionalities?

Parsing WebAssembly binary

This feature allows you to parse a WebAssembly binary into an AST. The code sample demonstrates how to use the wasm-parser submodule to decode a binary representation of a WebAssembly module.

"use strict";\nconst { decode } = require('@webassemblyjs/wasm-parser');\nconst binary = new Uint8Array([0x00, 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, ...]);\nconst ast = decode(binary);\nconsole.log(ast);

Generating WebAssembly binary

This feature enables you to generate a WebAssembly binary from an AST. The code sample shows how to create an empty WebAssembly module using the ast submodule and then encode it into a binary with wasm-gen.

"use strict";\nconst { encode } = require('@webassemblyjs/wasm-gen');\nconst t = require('@webassemblyjs/ast');\nconst module = t.module([], []);\nconst binary = encode(module);\nconsole.log(new Uint8Array(binary));

Traversing and modifying the AST

This feature is for traversing the AST and applying modifications. The code sample illustrates how to traverse an existing AST and log each ModuleImport node encountered.

"use strict";\nconst { traverse } = require('@webassemblyjs/ast');\nconst ast = ...; // Assume this is an existing AST\ntraverse(ast, {\n  ModuleImport(path) {\n    console.log(path.node);\n  }\n});

Other packages similar to @webassemblyjs/ast




AST utils for webassemblyjs


yarn add @webassemblyjs/ast



import { traverse } from "@webassemblyjs/ast";

traverse(ast, {
  Module(path) {

Instruction signatures

import { signatures } from "@webassemblyjs/ast";


Path methods

  • findParent: NodeLocator
  • replaceWith: Node => void
  • remove: () => void
  • insertBefore: Node => void
  • insertAfter: Node => void
  • stop: () => void

AST utils

  • function module(id, fields, metadata)
  • function moduleMetadata(sections, functionNames, localNames)
  • function moduleNameMetadata(value)
  • function functionNameMetadata(value, index)
  • function localNameMetadata(value, localIndex, functionIndex)
  • function binaryModule(id, blob)
  • function quoteModule(id, string)
  • function sectionMetadata(section, startOffset, size, vectorOfSize)
  • function loopInstruction(label, resulttype, instr)
  • function instruction(id, args, namedArgs)
  • function objectInstruction(id, object, args, namedArgs)
  • function ifInstruction(testLabel, test, result, consequent, alternate)
  • function stringLiteral(value)
  • function numberLiteralFromRaw(value, raw)
  • function longNumberLiteral(value, raw)
  • function floatLiteral(value, nan, inf, raw)
  • function elem(table, offset, funcs)
  • function indexInFuncSection(index)
  • function valtypeLiteral(name)
  • function typeInstruction(id, functype)
  • function start(index)
  • function globalType(valtype, mutability)
  • function leadingComment(value)
  • function blockComment(value)
  • function data(memoryIndex, offset, init)
  • function global(globalType, init, name)
  • function table(elementType, limits, name, elements)
  • function memory(limits, id)
  • function funcImportDescr(id, signature)
  • function moduleImport(module, name, descr)
  • function moduleExportDescr(exportType, id)
  • function moduleExport(name, descr)
  • function limit(min, max)
  • function signature(params, results)
  • function program(body)
  • function identifier(value, raw)
  • function blockInstruction(label, instr, result)
  • function callInstruction(index, instrArgs)
  • function callIndirectInstruction(signature, intrs)
  • function byteArray(values)
  • function func(name, signature, body, isExternal, metadata)
  • ConstantisModule
  • ConstantisModuleMetadata
  • ConstantisModuleNameMetadata
  • ConstantisFunctionNameMetadata
  • ConstantisLocalNameMetadata
  • ConstantisBinaryModule
  • ConstantisQuoteModule
  • ConstantisSectionMetadata
  • ConstantisLoopInstruction
  • ConstantisInstruction
  • ConstantisObjectInstruction
  • ConstantisIfInstruction
  • ConstantisStringLiteral
  • ConstantisNumberLiteral
  • ConstantisLongNumberLiteral
  • ConstantisFloatLiteral
  • ConstantisElem
  • ConstantisIndexInFuncSection
  • ConstantisValtypeLiteral
  • ConstantisTypeInstruction
  • ConstantisStart
  • ConstantisGlobalType
  • ConstantisLeadingComment
  • ConstantisBlockComment
  • ConstantisData
  • ConstantisGlobal
  • ConstantisTable
  • ConstantisMemory
  • ConstantisFuncImportDescr
  • ConstantisModuleImport
  • ConstantisModuleExportDescr
  • ConstantisModuleExport
  • ConstantisLimit
  • ConstantisSignature
  • ConstantisProgram
  • ConstantisIdentifier
  • ConstantisBlockInstruction
  • ConstantisCallInstruction
  • ConstantisCallIndirectInstruction
  • ConstantisByteArray
  • ConstantisFunc
  • ConstantassertModule
  • ConstantassertModuleMetadata
  • ConstantassertModuleNameMetadata
  • ConstantassertFunctionNameMetadata
  • ConstantassertLocalNameMetadata
  • ConstantassertBinaryModule
  • ConstantassertQuoteModule
  • ConstantassertSectionMetadata
  • ConstantassertLoopInstruction
  • ConstantassertInstruction
  • ConstantassertObjectInstruction
  • ConstantassertIfInstruction
  • ConstantassertStringLiteral
  • ConstantassertNumberLiteral
  • ConstantassertLongNumberLiteral
  • ConstantassertFloatLiteral
  • ConstantassertElem
  • ConstantassertIndexInFuncSection
  • ConstantassertValtypeLiteral
  • ConstantassertTypeInstruction
  • ConstantassertStart
  • ConstantassertGlobalType
  • ConstantassertLeadingComment
  • ConstantassertBlockComment
  • ConstantassertData
  • ConstantassertGlobal
  • ConstantassertTable
  • ConstantassertMemory
  • ConstantassertFuncImportDescr
  • ConstantassertModuleImport
  • ConstantassertModuleExportDescr
  • ConstantassertModuleExport
  • ConstantassertLimit
  • ConstantassertSignature
  • ConstantassertProgram
  • ConstantassertIdentifier
  • ConstantassertBlockInstruction
  • ConstantassertCallInstruction
  • ConstantassertCallIndirectInstruction
  • ConstantassertByteArray
  • ConstantassertFunc



Package last updated on 13 Mar 2024

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