Imagine you could simply control a web page opened in a browser (master) from an other page in an other browser (remote), just like you would with a TV and a remote.
webrtc-remote-control lets you do that (based on PeerJS) and handles the disconnections / reconnections, providing a simple API.
npm install peerjs @webrtc-remote-control/core
This package is the core one. Implementations for popular frameworks such as react or vue are available here.
Add the peerjs library as a script tag in your html page. You'll have access to Peer
<script src="https://unpkg.com/peerjs@1.3.2/dist/peerjs.min.js"></script>
Direct link to the demo source code: master.js / remote.js
import prepare, { prepareUtils } from "@webrtc-remote-control/core/master";
async function init() {
const { bindConnection, getPeerId, humanizeError } = prepare(prepareUtils());
const peer = new Peer(getPeerId());
peer.on("open", (peerId) => {
const api = await bindConnection(peer);
api.on("remote.connect", ({ id }) => {
console.log(`Yay, remote ${id} just connected to master!`);
api.on("remote.disconnect", ({ id }) => {
console.log(`Boo, remote ${id} just disconnected from master!`);
api.on("data", ({ id }, data) => {
console.log(`Remote ${id} just sent the message`, data);
api.sendAll({ msg: "Hello world to all remotes" });
import prepare, { prepareUtils } from "@webrtc-remote-control/core/remote";
async function init() {
const { bindConnection, getPeerId, humanizeError } = prepare(prepareUtils());
const peer = new Peer(getPeerId());
const api = await bindConnection(peer, masterPeerId);
api.on("remote.disconnect", ({ id }) => {
console.log(`Boo, remote ${id} just disconnected from master!`);
api.on("remote.reconnect", ({ id }) => {
console.log(`Yay, remote ${id} just reconnected to master!`);
api.on("data", (_, data) => {
console.log("Master just sent this message", data);
api.send({ msg: "Hello master page" });
TypeScript types are shipped with the package.
UMD build
Don't want to use a bundler ? You can simply use the UMD (Universal Module Definition) build and drop it with a script tag from your favorite js cdn, you'll have access to a webrtcRemoteControl
object on the window