WebXR Input Profiles - Motion Controllers
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This package provides a 3D engine agnostic javascript library for synchronizing the status of an XRInputSource
object with a 3D model representing that XRInputSource
. The library consumes JSON files in the format published from the @webxr-input-profiles/assets package to create MotionController
objects that enable a simple path for developers to:
- Find the best matching profile for an
- Enumerate the component parts (trigger, squeeze, touchpad, thumbstick, button, etc)
- If a 3D asset is available for the matching profile, provide a path to load it
- On each render frame, apply precomputed deformations to the 3D asset to reflect the state
- Optionally attach descriptive explanations to each component that will not overlap the rest of the 3D asset
The state of an XR motion controller's trigger, squeeze, touchnpad, thumbstick, and button components is made available to developers via the XRInputSource.Gamepad
object. The behavior of this object is described in WebXR Gamepads Module and the Gamepad API. These objects expose detailed state in the Gamepad.buttons
array and the Gamepad.axes
array. While this system was adequate for the relatively homogenous console gaming controllers, it is less effective for XR motion controllers as they have not converged on a common form factor. In addition, the Gamepad
object does not provide any information about the visualization of a XRInputSource
object which is a requirement to displaying a virtual copy of motion controller on opaque XR headsets.
Filing a bug
To file bugs, use this issue template
In general, this package should be built and tested from the root of the repository using the following command:
npm run test
To build just this package without running tests, invoke the following command from the root of the repository:
npm run build -- --scope @webxr-input-profiles/motion-controllers
To test just this package without building anything, invoke the following command from the root of the repository:
npm run testOnly -- motion-controllers
To visually validate the library behaves as expected, follow the viewer instructions.
See the LICENSE.md.
This repo provides a javascript library for managing known motion controller profiles, loading the most ideal known profile for a supplied input source, and creating a MotionController object that binds them together. Developers can use this library to interact with the conceptual components of an input source, rather than each individual button or axis.
Getting started
To install this library:
npm install @webxr-input-profiles/motion-controllers
Watching for new XRInputSources
As XRInputSource
s are added to a WebXR session, the inputsourceschange
event will fire. In response, an XRMotionController
can be created. When the XRInputSource
is removed, the associated MotionController
can be released.
xrSession.addEventListener('inputsourceschange', onInputSourcesChange);
function onInputSourcesChange(event) {
event.added.forEach((xrInputSource) => {
Creating a MotionController
Creating a MotionController
requires a JSON profile in the format published by the assets package and, if available, the path to an associated asset. The fetchProfile
function can be used to fetch this information for a supplied XRInputSource
from a supplied basePath
. It will first fetch the profilesList.json
file at the root of the basePath
; this file must contain a JSON object with keys for each available profile id whose values are the relative paths to the profiles' locations. It will then iterate through the XRInputSource.profiles
array to find the first matching profile and retrieve it.
import { fetchProfile, MotionController } from '@webxr-input-profiles/motion-controllers/motion-controllers.module.js'
const uri = 'URI of folder with profiles and assets';
const motionControllers = {};
async function createMotionController(xrInputSource) {
const { profile, assetPath } = await fetchProfile(xrInputSource, uri);
const motionController = new MotionController(xrInputSource, profile, assetPath);
motionControllers[xrInputSource] = motionController;
Updating the motion controller
Once a MotionController
has been created, the updateFromGamepad()
method should be called on every XRSession.requestAnimationFrame()
callback. This will process the current state of the gamepad
attribute of the XRInputSource
the motion controller was created with and update each of the MotionController
's Compontents
function onAnimationFrameCallback(timestamp, xrFrame) {
Object.keys(motionControllers).forEach((motionController) =>
Developers can use the MotionController
to interact with its components such as thumbsticks, touchpads, triggers, squeezes, and buttons. These components expose their current values through the Components.values
object. The values.state
key will always be present and describes the overall state of the component as being pressed
, touched
, or default
. In addition to values.state
, components may optionally also have a values.button
, values.xAxis
, or values.yAxis
. Each of values are populated slightly differently based on the underlying component type.
Trigger, Squeeze, and Button components
Much of the behavior of trigger
, squeeze
, and button
components is identical, though they are often used for different interactions (e.g. a squeeze may often be preferred for picking up objects). The values.button
is set directly from the associated GamepadButton.value
. If the GamepadButton.pressed
is true or the GamepadButton.value
is 1, the values.state
will be set to pressed
. Otherwise, if the GamepadButton.touched
is true or the GamepadButton.value
is greater than 0, the component's values.state
will be set to touched
. Otherwise the values.state
is set to default
import { Constants } from './webxr-input-profiles.module.js';
function processTriggerInput(trigger) {
if (trigger.state === Constants.ComponentState.PRESSED) {
} else if (trigger.state === Constants.ComponentState.TOUCHED) {
const chargeLevel = trigger.buttonValue;
Thumbstick and touchpad components
Much of the behavior of thumbstick
and touchpad
components is identical, though they are often used for different interactions (e.g. thumbsticks may often be preferred for teleportation). These components must have either an xAxis
, a yAxis
, or both. The values.xAxis
and values.yAxis
are populated from the associated indices in the Gamepad.axes
array. The value.xAxis
is -1.0
at the far left of its range of motion and 1.0
at the far right. The value.yAxis
is -1.0
at the top of its range of motion and 1.0
at the bottom.
These components may also be clickable, and if so will have a value.button
which is populated identically to those of trigger
, squeeze
, and button
The value.state
is set based on a combination of factors. If clickable, value.state
will be populated using an identical algorithm as trigger
, squeeze
, and button
components. If not clickable, or clickable and set to default
, values.state
will be set to touched
if values.xAxis
or values.yAxis
are non-zero.
import { Constants } from './webxr-input-profiles.module.js';
function processThumbstickInput(thumbstick) {
if (thumbstick.values.state === Constants.ComponentState.PRESSED) {
} else if (thumbstick.values.state === Constants.ComponentState.TOUCHED
&& thumbstick.values.yAxis !== 0) {
const scootDistance = thumbstick.values.yAxis * scootIncrement;
Visual representation
Adding the asset to the scene
The visualization asset representing a motion controller can loaded once the MotionController
has been created. The path to the asset can be found in the MotionController.assetPath
. Assets are available under MIT license in .glTF, .glB, or .fbx formats.
async function addMotionControllerToScene(motionController) {
const asset = await MyEngine.loadAsset(motionController.assetPath);
addTouchPointDots(motionController, asset);
Touch point dot
Touchpads have an additional property that enables visualizing the point at which they are touched. To use this property, attach your visualization to the Touchpad.touchPointNodeName
when the asset is loaded. This sample uses THREE.js, but can be applied to any 3D engine.
function addTouchPointDots(motionController, asset) {
Object.values(motionController.components).forEach((component) => {
if (component.touchPointNodeName) {
const touchPointRoot = asset.getChildByName(component.touchPointNodeName, true);
const sphereGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(0.001);
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x0000FF });
const touchPointDot = new THREE.Mesh(sphereGeometry, material);
Animating components
On each frame, the motion controller data must be retrieved from the input source, and the rendering engine must respond accordingly to the new button/axis data. This the same for both WebXR and WebVR
function onAnimationFrameCallback(xrFrame) {
Object.keys(motionControllers).forEach((motionController) =>
function updateMotionControllerModel(motionController) {
const motionControllerRoot = MyEngine.scene.getChildByName(motionController.rootNodeName);
Object.values(motionController.components).forEach((component) => {
component.visualResponses.forEach((visualResponse) => {
const valueNode = motionControllerRoot.getChildByName(visualResponse.valueNodeName);
if (visualResponse.valueNodeProperty === 'visibility') {
valueNode.visible = visualResponse.value;
} else if (visualResponse.valueNodeProperty === 'transform') {
const minNode = motionControllerRoot.getObjectByName(visualResponse.minNodeName);
const maxNode = motionControllerRoot.getObjectByName(visualResponse.maxNodeName);