
A Slate plugin to handle code block editing.
npm install @wikifactory/slate-edit-code
- Pressing Enter insert a new line starting with the right indentation
- Pressing Tab insert the right indentation if selection is collapsed or indent all lines in selection
- Pressing Delete remove the indentation before cursor if possible
- Pressing Mod+Enter exits the code block
- Pressing Mod+A selects all the text in the block
Mod means Ctrl on Windows/Linux and Command on Mac.
This plugin uses the following structure for code blocks:
<code_line>A code block is made of</code_line>
<code_line>several code lines</code_line>
Texts inside code_blocks
that contain newlines \n
are automatically split into the appropriate number of code_lines
Simple Usage
import EditCode from 'slate-edit-code'
const plugins = [
Options arguments
containerType = 'code_block' : string
— The type of the code containers
lineType = 'code_line' : string
— The type of the code lines
exitBlockType = 'paragraph' : null | string
— Mod+Enter will exit the code container, into the given block type. Backspace at start of an empty code container will convert it to the given block type. Pass null
to disable this behavior.
onExit: (Editor) => void | Editor
— Change to do when the user hits Mod+Enter. Defaults to exiting the code block, into a new exitBlockType
selectAll = true : boolean
— True to select all code inside a code container on Mod+A
allowMarks = false : boolean
— False disallow marks in code blocks by normalizing them away.
getIndent: (Value) => string
— Returns the indent unit as a string. The current value is passed as context.
Suppressing onKeyDown behavior
Some behavior implemented by this plugins have no corresponding option. While there is an option selectAll
to disable the behavior on Mod+A
, If you would like to fine tune these behavior, you can always redefine the exported onKeyDown
The following example disable all indent behavior
import EditCode from '@wikifactory/slate-edit-code'
const options = { ... };
const basePlugin = EditCode(options);
const customPlugin = {
onKeyDown(event, editor, next) {
if (event.key === 'Tab') {
return ...;
} else {
return basePlugin.onKeyDown(event, editor, next);
Utilities and Changes
exports utilities, accessible like so:
const plugin = EditCode()
plugin.utils.deserializeCode(text: String) => Block
Split a text string into lines, and deserialize them to a code_container
, with one children code_line
per line.
plugin.changes.toggleCodeBlock(editor: Editor, type: String) => Editor
Toggle a block into a code block or a normal block (defined by type
plugin.changes.wrapCodeBlockByKey(editor: Editor, key: String) => Editor
Convert a block (paragraph, etc) into a code block.
plugin.changes.wrapCodeBlock(editor: Editor) => Editor
Convert current block (paragraph, etc) into a code block.
plugin.changes.unwrapCodeBlockByKey(editor: Editor, key: String, type: String) => Editor
Convert a code block into a normal block (paragraph, etc).
plugin.changes.unwrapCodeBlock(editor: Editor, type: String) => Editor
Convert current code block into a normal block (paragraph, etc).