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Simple Xbox Live API wrapper.

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Xbox Live - API

Simple Xbox Live API wrapper.


This module MUST be used server side only to prevent CORS issues and credentials leak.


$ npm install @xboxreplay/xboxlive-api

Example usage

import XboxLiveAPI from '@xboxreplay/xboxlive-api';

XboxLiveAPI.getPlayerSettings('Zeny IC', {
    userHash: 'YOUR_OWN_USER_HASH',
}, ['UniqueModernGamertag', 'GameDisplayPicRaw', 'Gamerscore', 'Location'])

Sample response:

        "id": "UniqueModernGamertag",
        "value": "Zeny IC"
        "id": "GameDisplayPicRaw",
        "value": ""
        "id": "Gamerscore",
        "value": "5610"
        "id": "Location",
        "value": "Paris, France"

How to generate a Xbox Live authorization?

The fastest way to generate a valid authorization is to use our XboxLive-Auth module which returns an userHash and a XSTSToken for a specified account.

Available methods

getPlayerXUID - Returns targeted player's XUID:

    gamertagOrXUID: string;
    authorization: {
        userHash: string;
        XSTSToken: string;
): Promise<string>

getPlayerSettings - Returns targeted player's settings:

    gamertagOrXUID: string;
    authorization: {
        userHash: string;
        XSTSToken: string;
    settings?: [
        | 'GameDisplayPicRaw'
        | 'Gamerscore'
        | 'Gamertag'
        | 'AccountTier'
        | 'XboxOneRep'
        | 'PreferredColor'
        | 'RealName'
        | 'Bio'
        | 'Location'
        | 'ModernGamertag'
        | 'ModernGamertagSuffix'
        | 'UniqueModernGamertag'
        | 'RealNameOverride'
        | 'TenureLevel'
        | 'Watermarks'
        | 'IsQuarantined'
        | 'DisplayedLinkedAccounts'
): Promise<{
    id: | 'GameDisplayPicRaw'
        | 'Gamerscore'
        | 'Gamertag'
        | 'AccountTier'
        | 'XboxOneRep'
        | 'PreferredColor'
        | 'RealName'
        | 'Bio'
        | 'Location'
        | 'ModernGamertag'
        | 'ModernGamertagSuffix'
        | 'UniqueModernGamertag'
        | 'RealNameOverride'
        | 'TenureLevel'
        | 'Watermarks'
        | 'IsQuarantined'
        | 'DisplayedLinkedAccounts';
    value: string;

getPlayerScreenshots - Returns targeted player's screenshots:
Warning: Recent games (since mid-2019) will not be returned, please use getPlayerScreenshotsFromActivityHistory instead (if required).

    gamertagOrXUID: string;
    authorization: {
        userHash: string;
        XSTSToken: string;
    qs: {
        maxItems?: number; // Default: 25
        continuationToken?: string
): Promise<{
    screenshots: {
        screenshotId: string;
    	resolutionHeight: number;
    	resolutionWidth: number;
    	state: string;
    	datePublished: string;
    	dateTaken: string;
    	lastModified: string;
    	userCaption: string;
    	type: 'UserGenerated' | 'AutoGenerated';
    	scid: string;
    	titleId: number;
    	rating: number;
    	ratingCount: number;
    	views: number;
    	titleData: string;
    	systemProperties: string;
    	savedByUser: boolean;
    	achievementId: string;
    	greatestMomentId: string | null;
    	thumbnails: {
            uri: string;
            fileSize: 0;
            thumbnailType: 'Small' | 'Large';
    	screenshotUris: {
            uri: string;
            fileSize: number;
            uriType: 'Download';
            expiration: string;
    	xuid: string;
    	screenshotName: string;
    	titleName: string;
    	screenshotLocale: string;
    	screenshotContentAttributes: string;
    	deviceType: string;
    pagingInfo: {
        continuationToken: string | null

getPlayerScreenshotsFromMediaHub - Returns targeted player's screenshots:
Warning: Recent games (since mid-2019) will not be returned, please use getPlayerScreenshotsFromActivityHistory instead (if required).

    gamertagOrXUID: string;
    authorization: {
        userHash: string;
        XSTSToken: string;
    payload: {
        max?: number; // Default: 100
        skip?: number; // Default: 0
        query?: string; // Example: titleId eq 175227487 and contentId eq 773a413e-5a95-48c2-98c4-5c919f67cfee
        continuationToken?: string;
): Promise<{
    continuationToken?: string;
    values: {
        captureDate: string;
        contentId: string;
        contentLocators: Array<
            | { fileSize: number; locatorType: 'Download'; uri: string }
            | { locatorType: 'Thumbnail_Small'; uri: string }
            | { locatorType: 'Thumbnail_Large'; uri: string }
            | { fileSize: number; locatorType: 'Download_HDR'; uri: string }
        CreationType: 'UserGenerated' | 'AutoGenerated';
        localId: string;
        ownerXuid: number;
        resolutionHeight: number;
        resolutionWidth: number;
        sandboxId: 'RETAIL';
        sharedTo: any[];
        titleId: number;
        titleName: string;
        dateUploaded: string;
        uploadLanguage: string;
        uploadRegion: string;
        uploadTitleId: number;
        uploadDeviceType: string;
        commentCount: number;
        likeCount: number;
        shareCount: number;
        viewCount: number;
        contentState: string;
        enforcementState: string;
        safetyThreshold: string;
        sessions: any[];
        tournaments: any[];

getPlayerScreenshotsFromActivityHistory - Returns targeted player's screenshots from its activity history:
Warning: Returned items count may not respect the specified numItems parameter.

    gamertagOrXUID: string;
    authorization: {
        userHash: string;
        XSTSToken: string;
    qs: {
        numItems?: number;
        contToken?: string;
        pollingToken?: string;
        startDate?: string;
): Promise<{
    numItems: number;
    activityItems: {
        screenshotId: string;
        screenshotThumbnail: string;
        screenshotScid: string;
        screenshotName: string;
        screenshotUri: string;
        viewCount: number;
        gameMediaContentLocators: [
                Expiration: string;
                FileSize: number;
                LocatorType: 'Download';
                Uri: string;
                Expiration: string;
                FileSize: number;
                LocatorType: 'Thumbnail_Small';
                Uri: string;
                Expiration: string;
                FileSize: number;
                LocatorType: 'Thumbnail_Large';
                Uri: string;
        contentImageUri: string;
        contentTitle: string;
        platform: string;
        titleId: string;
        uploadTitleId: string;
        activity: {
            screenshotThumbLarge: null;
            screenshotThumbSmall: null;
            screenshotType: null;
            savedByUser: boolean;
            screenshotScid: string;
            screenshotId: string;
            numShares: number;
            numLikes: number;
            numComments: number;
            ugcCaption: string | null;
            authorType: string;
            activityItemType: 'Screenshot';
            userXuid: string;
            date: string;
            contentType: 'Game';
            titleId: string;
            platform: string;
            sandboxid: string;
            userKey: string | null;
            scid: string;
        userImageUriMd: string;
        userImageUriXs: string;
        description: string;
        date: string;
        hasUgc: boolean;
        activityItemType: 'Screenshot';
        contentType: 'Game';
        shortDescription: string;
        itemText: string;
        itemImage: string;
        shareRoot: string;
        feedItemId: string;
        itemRoot: string;
        hasLiked: boolean;
        authorInfo: {
            name: string;
            secondName: string;
            imageUrl: string;
            authorType: string;
            id: string;
        gamertag: string;
        realName: string;
        displayName: string;
        userImageUri: string;
        userXuid: string;
    pollingToken: string;
    pollingIntervalSeconds: string | null;
    contToken: string;

getPlayerGameClips - Returns targeted player's clips:
Warning: Recent games (since mid-2019) will not be returned, please use getPlayerGameClipsFromActivityHistory instead (if required).

    gamertagOrXUID: string;
    authorization: {
        userHash: string,
        XSTSToken: string
    qs: {
        maxItems?: number = 25
        continuationToken?: string
): Promise<{
    gameClips: {
        gameClipId: string;
        state: string;
        datePublished: string;
        dateRecorded: string;
        lastModified: string;
        userCaption: string;
        type: 'UserGenerated' | 'AutoGenerated';
        durationInSeconds: number;
        scid: string;
        titleId: number;
        rating: number;
        ratingCount: number;
        views: number;
        titleData: string;
        systemProperties: string;
        savedByUser: boolean;
        achievementId: string;
        greatestMomentId: string | null;
        thumbnails: {
            uri: string;
            fileSize: 0;
            thumbnailType: 'Small' | 'Large';
    	gameClipUris: {
            uri: string;
            fileSize: number;
            uriType: 'Download';
            expiration: string;
        xuid: string;
        clipName: string;
        titleName: string;
        gameClipLocale: string;
        clipContentAttributes: string;
        deviceType: string;
        commentCount: number;
        likeCount: number;
        shareCount: number;
        partialViews: number;
    pagingInfo: {
        continuationToken: string | null

getPlayerGameClipsFromMediaHub - Returns targeted player's clips:
Warning: Recent games (since mid-2019) will not be returned, please use getPlayerGameClipsFromActivityHistory instead (if required).

    gamertagOrXUID: string;
    authorization: {
        userHash: string;
        XSTSToken: string;
    payload: {
        max?: number; // Default: 100
        skip?: number; // Default: 0
        query?: string; // Example: titleId eq 175227487 and contentId eq 773a413e-5a95-48c2-98c4-5c919f67cfee
        continuationToken?: string;
): Promise<{
    continuationToken?: string;
    values: {
        contentId: string;
        contentLocators: Array<
            | {
                    expiration: string;
                    fileSize: number;
                    locatorType: 'Download';
                    uri: string;
            | { locatorType: 'Thumbnail_Small'; uri: string }
            | { locatorType: 'Thumbnail_Large'; uri: string }
        contentSegments: Array<{
            segmentId: number;
            creationType: 'UserGenerated' | 'AutoGenerated';
            creatorChannelId: string | null;
            creatorXuid: number;
            recordDate: string;
            durationInSeconds: number;
            offset: number;
            secondaryTitleId: string | null;
            titleId: number;
        creationType: 'UserGenerated' | 'AutoGenerated';
        durationInSeconds: number;
        frameRate: number;
        greatestMomentId: string;
        localId: string;
        ownerXuid: number;
        resolutionHeight: number;
        resolutionWidth: number;
        sandboxId: 'RETAIL';
        sharedTo: any[];
        titleData: string;
        titleId: number;
        titleName: string;
        uploadDate: string;
        uploadLanguage: string;
        uploadRegion: string;
        uploadTitleId: number;
        uploadDeviceType: string;
        userCaption: string;
        commentCount: number;
        likeCount: number;
        shareCount: number;
        viewCount: number;
        contentState: string;
        enforcementState: string;
        safetyThreshold: string;
        sessions: any[];
        tournaments: any[];

getPlayerGameClipsFromActivityHistory - Returns targeted player's clips from its activity history:
Warning: Returned items count may not respect the specified numItems parameter.

    gamertagOrXUID: string;
    authorization: {
        userHash: string;
        XSTSToken: string;
    qs: {
        numItems?: number;
        contToken?: string;
        pollingToken?: string;
        startDate?: string;
): Promise<{
    numItems: number;
    activityItems: {
        clipId: string;
        clipThumbnail: string;
        downloadUri: string;
        clipName: string;
        clipCaption: string;
        clipScid: string;
        dateRecorded: string;
        viewCount: number;
        gameMediaContentLocators: [
                Expiration: string;
                FileSize: number;
                LocatorType: 'Download';
                Uri: string;
                Expiration: string;
                FileSize: number;
                LocatorType: 'Thumbnail_Small';
                Uri: string;
                Expiration: string;
                FileSize: number;
                LocatorType: 'Thumbnail_Large';
                Uri: string;
        contentImageUri: string;
        contentTitle: string;
        platform: string;
        titleId: string;
        uploadTitleId: string;
        activity: {
            dateRecorded: string;
            numShares: number;
            numLikes: number;
            numComments: number;
            ugcCaption: string | null;
            authorType: string;
            clipId: string;
            clipName: string | null;
            activityItemType: 'GameDVR';
            clipScid: string;
            userXuid: string;
            clipImage: string | null;
            clipType: string | null;
            clipCaption: string | null;
            savedByUser: boolean;
            date: string;
            sharedSourceUser: number;
            contentType: 'Game';
            titleId: string;
            platform: string;
            sandboxid: string;
            userKey: string | null;
            scid: string;
        userImageUriMd: string;
        userImageUriXs: string;
        description: string;
        date: string;
        hasUgc: boolean;
        activityItemType: 'GameDVR';
        contentType: 'Game';
        shortDescription: string;
        itemText: string;
        itemImage: string;
        shareRoot: string;
        feedItemId: string;
        itemRoot: string;
        hasLiked: boolean;
        authorInfo: {
            name: string;
            secondName: string;
            imageUrl: string;
            authorType: string;
            id: string;
        gamertag: string;
        realName: string;
        displayName: string;
        userImageUri: string;
        userXuid: string;
    pollingToken: string;
    pollingIntervalSeconds: string | null;
    contToken: string;

getPlayerActivityHistory - Returns targeted player's activity history:
Warning: Returned items count may not respect the specified numItems parameter.

    gamertagOrXUID: string;
    authorization: {
        userHash: string;
        XSTSToken: string;
    qs?: {
        numItems?: number;
        contToken?: string;
        pollingToken?: string;
        activityTypes?: 'GameDVR' | 'Screenshot' | 'Achievement' | 'Played';
        excludeTypes?: 'GameDVR' | 'Screenshot' | 'Achievement' | 'Played';
        contentTypes?: 'Game' | 'App';
        startDate?: string;
        includeSelf?: boolean;
): Promise<{
    numItems: number;
    activityItems: any[];
    pollingToken: string;
    pollingIntervalSeconds: string | null;
    contToken: string;

call - Generic method to call the API with a custom configuration:

    config: {
        url: string;
        method: GET | PUT | POST | PATCH | DELETE,
        ... // Please refer to for further information
    authorization: {
        userHash: string;
        XSTSToken: string;
    XBLContractVersion?: number; // Default: 2
): Promise<any>

Should I use XUIDs instead of Gamertags?

Some of exposed methods resolve player's XUID thanks to the specified gamertag which requires an additional request to be made internally (getPlayerXUID). If a valid XUID is used instead (during pagination for instance), this may speed up your request.

Where can I find additional Xbox Live API URIs?

Please refer to




Package last updated on 08 Jan 2021

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