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TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
Advanced tools
Simple Xbox Live API wrapper.
This module MUST be used server side only to prevent CORS issues and credentials leak.
$ npm install @xboxreplay/xboxlive-api
import XboxLiveAPI from '@xboxreplay/xboxlive-api';
XboxLiveAPI.getPlayerSettings('Zeny IC', {
}, ['UniqueModernGamertag', 'GameDisplayPicRaw', 'Gamerscore', 'Location'])
Sample response:
"id": "UniqueModernGamertag",
"value": "Zeny IC"
"id": "GameDisplayPicRaw",
"value": "http://images-eds.xboxlive.com/image?url=wHwbXKif8cus8csoZ03RWwcxuUQ9WVT6xh5XaeeZD02wEfGZeuD.XMoGFVYkwHDq4Ch7pcu9E3UwDqy.fzrTaviUvY1c8gvrWRzLTqFKUVap_Nvh0.Em2IsAWtHcMFeVpY2boMYiy03w887.tSGAT62Na2z3k33eMWnP12mY2x0-&format=png"
"id": "Gamerscore",
"value": "5610"
"id": "Location",
"value": "Paris, France"
The fastest way to generate a valid authorization is to use our XboxLive-Auth module which returns an userHash and a XSTSToken for a specified account.
getPlayerXUID - Returns targeted player's XUID:
gamertagOrXUID: string;
authorization: {
userHash: string;
XSTSToken: string;
): Promise<string>
getPlayerSettings - Returns targeted player's settings:
gamertagOrXUID: string;
authorization: {
userHash: string;
XSTSToken: string;
settings?: [
| 'GameDisplayPicRaw'
| 'Gamerscore'
| 'Gamertag'
| 'AccountTier'
| 'XboxOneRep'
| 'PreferredColor'
| 'RealName'
| 'Bio'
| 'Location'
| 'ModernGamertag'
| 'ModernGamertagSuffix'
| 'UniqueModernGamertag'
| 'RealNameOverride'
| 'TenureLevel'
| 'Watermarks'
| 'IsQuarantined'
| 'DisplayedLinkedAccounts'
): Promise<{
id: | 'GameDisplayPicRaw'
| 'Gamerscore'
| 'Gamertag'
| 'AccountTier'
| 'XboxOneRep'
| 'PreferredColor'
| 'RealName'
| 'Bio'
| 'Location'
| 'ModernGamertag'
| 'ModernGamertagSuffix'
| 'UniqueModernGamertag'
| 'RealNameOverride'
| 'TenureLevel'
| 'Watermarks'
| 'IsQuarantined'
| 'DisplayedLinkedAccounts';
value: string;
getPlayerScreenshots - Returns targeted player's screenshots:
Warning: Recent games (since mid-2019) will not be returned, please use getPlayerScreenshotsFromActivityHistory instead (if required).
gamertagOrXUID: string;
authorization: {
userHash: string;
XSTSToken: string;
qs: {
maxItems?: number; // Default: 25
continuationToken?: string
): Promise<{
screenshots: {
screenshotId: string;
resolutionHeight: number;
resolutionWidth: number;
state: string;
datePublished: string;
dateTaken: string;
lastModified: string;
userCaption: string;
type: 'UserGenerated' | 'AutoGenerated';
scid: string;
titleId: number;
rating: number;
ratingCount: number;
views: number;
titleData: string;
systemProperties: string;
savedByUser: boolean;
achievementId: string;
greatestMomentId: string | null;
thumbnails: {
uri: string;
fileSize: 0;
thumbnailType: 'Small' | 'Large';
screenshotUris: {
uri: string;
fileSize: number;
uriType: 'Download';
expiration: string;
xuid: string;
screenshotName: string;
titleName: string;
screenshotLocale: string;
screenshotContentAttributes: string;
deviceType: string;
pagingInfo: {
continuationToken: string | null
getPlayerScreenshotsFromMediaHub - Returns targeted player's screenshots:
Warning: Recent games (since mid-2019) will not be returned, please use getPlayerScreenshotsFromActivityHistory instead (if required).
gamertagOrXUID: string;
authorization: {
userHash: string;
XSTSToken: string;
payload: {
max?: number; // Default: 100
skip?: number; // Default: 0
query?: string; // Example: titleId eq 175227487 and contentId eq 773a413e-5a95-48c2-98c4-5c919f67cfee
continuationToken?: string;
): Promise<{
continuationToken?: string;
values: {
captureDate: string;
contentId: string;
contentLocators: Array<
| { fileSize: number; locatorType: 'Download'; uri: string }
| { locatorType: 'Thumbnail_Small'; uri: string }
| { locatorType: 'Thumbnail_Large'; uri: string }
| { fileSize: number; locatorType: 'Download_HDR'; uri: string }
CreationType: 'UserGenerated' | 'AutoGenerated';
localId: string;
ownerXuid: number;
resolutionHeight: number;
resolutionWidth: number;
sandboxId: 'RETAIL';
sharedTo: any[];
titleId: number;
titleName: string;
dateUploaded: string;
uploadLanguage: string;
uploadRegion: string;
uploadTitleId: number;
uploadDeviceType: string;
commentCount: number;
likeCount: number;
shareCount: number;
viewCount: number;
contentState: string;
enforcementState: string;
safetyThreshold: string;
sessions: any[];
tournaments: any[];
getPlayerScreenshotsFromActivityHistory - Returns targeted player's screenshots from its activity history:
Warning: Returned items count may not respect the specified numItems
gamertagOrXUID: string;
authorization: {
userHash: string;
XSTSToken: string;
qs: {
numItems?: number;
contToken?: string;
pollingToken?: string;
startDate?: string;
): Promise<{
numItems: number;
activityItems: {
screenshotId: string;
screenshotThumbnail: string;
screenshotScid: string;
screenshotName: string;
screenshotUri: string;
viewCount: number;
gameMediaContentLocators: [
Expiration: string;
FileSize: number;
LocatorType: 'Download';
Uri: string;
Expiration: string;
FileSize: number;
LocatorType: 'Thumbnail_Small';
Uri: string;
Expiration: string;
FileSize: number;
LocatorType: 'Thumbnail_Large';
Uri: string;
contentImageUri: string;
contentTitle: string;
platform: string;
titleId: string;
uploadTitleId: string;
activity: {
screenshotThumbLarge: null;
screenshotThumbSmall: null;
screenshotType: null;
savedByUser: boolean;
screenshotScid: string;
screenshotId: string;
numShares: number;
numLikes: number;
numComments: number;
ugcCaption: string | null;
authorType: string;
activityItemType: 'Screenshot';
userXuid: string;
date: string;
contentType: 'Game';
titleId: string;
platform: string;
sandboxid: string;
userKey: string | null;
scid: string;
userImageUriMd: string;
userImageUriXs: string;
description: string;
date: string;
hasUgc: boolean;
activityItemType: 'Screenshot';
contentType: 'Game';
shortDescription: string;
itemText: string;
itemImage: string;
shareRoot: string;
feedItemId: string;
itemRoot: string;
hasLiked: boolean;
authorInfo: {
name: string;
secondName: string;
imageUrl: string;
authorType: string;
id: string;
gamertag: string;
realName: string;
displayName: string;
userImageUri: string;
userXuid: string;
pollingToken: string;
pollingIntervalSeconds: string | null;
contToken: string;
getPlayerGameClips - Returns targeted player's clips:
Warning: Recent games (since mid-2019) will not be returned, please use getPlayerGameClipsFromActivityHistory instead (if required).
gamertagOrXUID: string;
authorization: {
userHash: string,
XSTSToken: string
qs: {
maxItems?: number = 25
continuationToken?: string
): Promise<{
gameClips: {
gameClipId: string;
state: string;
datePublished: string;
dateRecorded: string;
lastModified: string;
userCaption: string;
type: 'UserGenerated' | 'AutoGenerated';
durationInSeconds: number;
scid: string;
titleId: number;
rating: number;
ratingCount: number;
views: number;
titleData: string;
systemProperties: string;
savedByUser: boolean;
achievementId: string;
greatestMomentId: string | null;
thumbnails: {
uri: string;
fileSize: 0;
thumbnailType: 'Small' | 'Large';
gameClipUris: {
uri: string;
fileSize: number;
uriType: 'Download';
expiration: string;
xuid: string;
clipName: string;
titleName: string;
gameClipLocale: string;
clipContentAttributes: string;
deviceType: string;
commentCount: number;
likeCount: number;
shareCount: number;
partialViews: number;
pagingInfo: {
continuationToken: string | null
getPlayerGameClipsFromMediaHub - Returns targeted player's clips:
Warning: Recent games (since mid-2019) will not be returned, please use getPlayerGameClipsFromActivityHistory instead (if required).
gamertagOrXUID: string;
authorization: {
userHash: string;
XSTSToken: string;
payload: {
max?: number; // Default: 100
skip?: number; // Default: 0
query?: string; // Example: titleId eq 175227487 and contentId eq 773a413e-5a95-48c2-98c4-5c919f67cfee
continuationToken?: string;
): Promise<{
continuationToken?: string;
values: {
contentId: string;
contentLocators: Array<
| {
expiration: string;
fileSize: number;
locatorType: 'Download';
uri: string;
| { locatorType: 'Thumbnail_Small'; uri: string }
| { locatorType: 'Thumbnail_Large'; uri: string }
contentSegments: Array<{
segmentId: number;
creationType: 'UserGenerated' | 'AutoGenerated';
creatorChannelId: string | null;
creatorXuid: number;
recordDate: string;
durationInSeconds: number;
offset: number;
secondaryTitleId: string | null;
titleId: number;
creationType: 'UserGenerated' | 'AutoGenerated';
durationInSeconds: number;
frameRate: number;
greatestMomentId: string;
localId: string;
ownerXuid: number;
resolutionHeight: number;
resolutionWidth: number;
sandboxId: 'RETAIL';
sharedTo: any[];
titleData: string;
titleId: number;
titleName: string;
uploadDate: string;
uploadLanguage: string;
uploadRegion: string;
uploadTitleId: number;
uploadDeviceType: string;
userCaption: string;
commentCount: number;
likeCount: number;
shareCount: number;
viewCount: number;
contentState: string;
enforcementState: string;
safetyThreshold: string;
sessions: any[];
tournaments: any[];
getPlayerGameClipsFromActivityHistory - Returns targeted player's clips from its activity history:
Warning: Returned items count may not respect the specified numItems
gamertagOrXUID: string;
authorization: {
userHash: string;
XSTSToken: string;
qs: {
numItems?: number;
contToken?: string;
pollingToken?: string;
startDate?: string;
): Promise<{
numItems: number;
activityItems: {
clipId: string;
clipThumbnail: string;
downloadUri: string;
clipName: string;
clipCaption: string;
clipScid: string;
dateRecorded: string;
viewCount: number;
gameMediaContentLocators: [
Expiration: string;
FileSize: number;
LocatorType: 'Download';
Uri: string;
Expiration: string;
FileSize: number;
LocatorType: 'Thumbnail_Small';
Uri: string;
Expiration: string;
FileSize: number;
LocatorType: 'Thumbnail_Large';
Uri: string;
contentImageUri: string;
contentTitle: string;
platform: string;
titleId: string;
uploadTitleId: string;
activity: {
dateRecorded: string;
numShares: number;
numLikes: number;
numComments: number;
ugcCaption: string | null;
authorType: string;
clipId: string;
clipName: string | null;
activityItemType: 'GameDVR';
clipScid: string;
userXuid: string;
clipImage: string | null;
clipType: string | null;
clipCaption: string | null;
savedByUser: boolean;
date: string;
sharedSourceUser: number;
contentType: 'Game';
titleId: string;
platform: string;
sandboxid: string;
userKey: string | null;
scid: string;
userImageUriMd: string;
userImageUriXs: string;
description: string;
date: string;
hasUgc: boolean;
activityItemType: 'GameDVR';
contentType: 'Game';
shortDescription: string;
itemText: string;
itemImage: string;
shareRoot: string;
feedItemId: string;
itemRoot: string;
hasLiked: boolean;
authorInfo: {
name: string;
secondName: string;
imageUrl: string;
authorType: string;
id: string;
gamertag: string;
realName: string;
displayName: string;
userImageUri: string;
userXuid: string;
pollingToken: string;
pollingIntervalSeconds: string | null;
contToken: string;
getPlayerActivityHistory - Returns targeted player's activity history:
Warning: Returned items count may not respect the specified numItems
gamertagOrXUID: string;
authorization: {
userHash: string;
XSTSToken: string;
qs?: {
numItems?: number;
contToken?: string;
pollingToken?: string;
activityTypes?: 'GameDVR' | 'Screenshot' | 'Achievement' | 'Played';
excludeTypes?: 'GameDVR' | 'Screenshot' | 'Achievement' | 'Played';
contentTypes?: 'Game' | 'App';
startDate?: string;
includeSelf?: boolean;
): Promise<{
numItems: number;
activityItems: any[];
pollingToken: string;
pollingIntervalSeconds: string | null;
contToken: string;
call - Generic method to call the API with a custom configuration:
config: {
url: string;
method: GET | PUT | POST | PATCH | DELETE,
... // Please refer to https://github.com/axios/axios#request-config for further information
authorization: {
userHash: string;
XSTSToken: string;
XBLContractVersion?: number; // Default: 2
): Promise<any>
Some of exposed methods resolve player's XUID thanks to the specified gamertag which requires an additional request to be made internally (getPlayerXUID
). If a valid XUID is used instead (during pagination for instance), this may speed up your request.
Please refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/xbox-live/xbox-live-rest/uri/atoc-xboxlivews-reference-uris.
Simple Xbox Live API wrapper.
The npm package @xboxreplay/xboxlive-api receives a total of 248 weekly downloads. As such, @xboxreplay/xboxlive-api popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that @xboxreplay/xboxlive-api demonstrated a not healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
TypeScript is porting its compiler to Go, delivering 10x faster builds, lower memory usage, and improved editor performance for a smoother developer experience.
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The Socket Research Team has discovered six new malicious npm packages linked to North Korea’s Lazarus Group, designed to steal credentials and deploy backdoors.
Security News
Socket CEO Feross Aboukhadijeh discusses the open web, open source security, and how Socket tackles software supply chain attacks on The Pair Program podcast.