Grabby the Grubby Data Grabber
This thing grabs data from a bunch of sources and combines them into a single JSON. This is useful for projects w/ read-only data coming from all kinds of sources, and you need a dashboard to display it all.
A bunch of notes
Grabby the grubby Data Grabber
- Take SOURCES and transform them into an array of JSON objects
- Flatten the dbs into json
- { sources: [ {
- source(url/link),
- name,
- format:[json,csv,gsheet json,notion(db only, official API?),airtable base],
- url/link,
- payload,
- prim: primary key in each data set
- }] }
- maybe use CUE to align data of each TYPE to a custom schema?
- tabular data from CSV, Gsheet, Notion, Airtable should LOOK THE SAME, regardless of where it lives
- speeds up site loads
- makes data portable between the formats
- flatten Airtable records, Notion's weirdness, etc.
- for PRE-CACHING data for static site generation
- lots of data points and low need to be dynamic
- easily RE-FETCH all data on build
- GIT ACTION to re-build and redeploy as a STATIC SITE using STATIC DATA
- If we have lots of sources
- Google sheet of bacteria, experiment data
- Notion of Stamp data
- Airtable of Phage data
- we need a relational way to query/filter/search/display this info, w/o putting them ALL in Airtable
- this is a Node thing run in CLI, but of course can be used in Express, it'll just be really slow
- Load in a JSON config file or object, load in the array of sources
- Collapse them into a single data object, either in JS or in
- w/ the data, now we need SvelteKit Static site figured out
Data Format Schema Project
- Notion blog to talk about what "data" is, and how it's stored, both on a computer and the web
- Use json-schema for definitions — — play with validator
- Compatibility
- Excel (sheetjs)
- JSON5 (used for annotation)
- CSV (use csv2json)
- Airtable
- Notion DB
- Complex
- CouchDB (PouchDB and RxDB)
- ArangoDB
- MongoDB
- Sqlite
- Postgres