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@zag-js/radio-group - npm Package Compare versions

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import * as _zag_js_anatomy from '@zag-js/anatomy';
import { RequiredBy, PropTypes, DirectionProperty, CommonProperties, NormalizeProps } from '@zag-js/types';
import { DirectionProperty, CommonProperties, PropTypes, RequiredBy, NormalizeProps } from '@zag-js/types';
import * as _zag_js_core from '@zag-js/core';
import { Machine, StateMachine } from '@zag-js/core';
import { Service, EventObject } from '@zag-js/core';

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ declare const anatomy: _zag_js_anatomy.AnatomyInstance<"root" | "label" | "item" | "itemText" | "itemControl" | "indicator">;

interface ValueChangeDetails {
value: string;
value: string | null;

@@ -21,3 +21,3 @@ type ElementIds = Partial<{

interface PublicContext extends DirectionProperty, CommonProperties {
interface RadioGroupProps extends DirectionProperty, CommonProperties {

@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ * The ids of the elements in the radio. Useful for composition.

* The value of the checked radio
* The controlled value of the radio group
value: string | null;
value?: string | null | undefined;
* The initial value of the checked radio when rendered.
* Use when you don't need to control the value of the radio group.
defaultValue?: string | null | undefined;
* The name of the input fields in the radio

@@ -51,5 +56,4 @@ * (Useful for form submission).

* Function called once a radio is checked
* @param value the value of the checked radio
onValueChange?(details: ValueChangeDetails): void;
onValueChange?: ((details: ValueChangeDetails) => void) | undefined;

@@ -60,8 +64,49 @@ * Orientation of the radio group

interface IndicatorRect {
left: string;
top: string;
width: string;
height: string;
interface PrivateContext {
* The value of the checked radio
value: string | null;
* The id of the active radio
activeValue: string | null;
* The id of the focused radio
focusedValue: string | null;
* The id of the hovered radio
hoveredValue: string | null;
* The active tab indicator's dom rect
indicatorRect: Partial<IndicatorRect>;
* Whether the active tab indicator's rect can transition
canIndicatorTransition: boolean;
* Whether the radio group's fieldset is disabled
fieldsetDisabled: boolean;
* Whether the radio group is in focus
focusVisible: boolean;
* Whether the radio group is in server-side rendering
ssr: boolean;
type UserDefinedContext = RequiredBy<PublicContext, "id">;
type PropsWithDefault = "orientation";
type ComputedContext = Readonly<{
* @computed
* Whether the radio group is disabled

@@ -71,10 +116,20 @@ */

interface MachineContext extends PublicContext, PrivateContext, ComputedContext {
interface Refs {
* Function to clean up the observer for the active tab's rect
indicatorCleanup: VoidFunction | null;
interface MachineState {
value: "idle";
interface RadioGroupSchema {
state: "idle";
props: RequiredBy<RadioGroupProps, PropsWithDefault>;
context: PrivateContext;
computed: ComputedContext;
refs: Refs;
event: EventObject;
action: string;
effect: string;
guard: string;
type State = StateMachine.State<MachineContext, MachineState>;
type Send = StateMachine.Send<StateMachine.AnyEventObject>;
type Service = Machine<MachineContext, MachineState, StateMachine.AnyEventObject>;
type RadioGroupService = Service<RadioGroupSchema>;
interface ItemProps {

@@ -111,3 +166,3 @@ value: string;

interface MachineApi<T extends PropTypes = PropTypes> {
interface RadioGroupApi<T extends PropTypes = PropTypes> {

@@ -142,11 +197,11 @@ * The current value of the radio group

declare function connect<T extends PropTypes>(state: State, send: Send, normalize: NormalizeProps<T>): MachineApi<T>;
declare function connect<T extends PropTypes>(service: RadioGroupService, normalize: NormalizeProps<T>): RadioGroupApi<T>;
declare function machine(userContext: UserDefinedContext): _zag_js_core.Machine<MachineContext, MachineState, _zag_js_core.StateMachine.AnyEventObject>;
declare const machine: _zag_js_core.MachineConfig<RadioGroupSchema>;
declare const props: ("disabled" | "form" | "dir" | "id" | "name" | "value" | "orientation" | "getRootNode" | "ids" | "readOnly" | "onValueChange")[];
declare const splitProps: <Props extends Partial<UserDefinedContext>>(props: Props) => [Partial<UserDefinedContext>, Omit<Props, "disabled" | "form" | "dir" | "id" | "name" | "value" | "orientation" | "getRootNode" | "ids" | "readOnly" | "onValueChange">];
declare const props: (keyof RadioGroupProps)[];
declare const splitProps: <Props extends Partial<RadioGroupProps>>(props: Props) => [Partial<RadioGroupProps>, Omit<Props, keyof RadioGroupProps>];
declare const itemProps: (keyof ItemProps)[];
declare const splitItemProps: <Props extends ItemProps>(props: Props) => [ItemProps, Omit<Props, keyof ItemProps>];
export { type MachineApi as Api, type UserDefinedContext as Context, type ElementIds, type ItemProps, type ItemState, type Service, type ValueChangeDetails, anatomy, connect, itemProps, machine, props, splitItemProps, splitProps };
export { type RadioGroupApi as Api, type ElementIds, type ItemProps, type ItemState, type RadioGroupProps as Props, type RadioGroupService as Service, type ValueChangeDetails, anatomy, connect, itemProps, machine, props, splitItemProps, splitProps };

@@ -21,47 +21,40 @@ 'use strict';

var parts =;
var dom = domQuery.createScope({
getRootId: (ctx) => ctx.ids?.root ?? `radio-group:${}`,
getLabelId: (ctx) => ctx.ids?.label ?? `radio-group:${}:label`,
getItemId: (ctx, value) => ctx.ids?.item?.(value) ?? `radio-group:${}:radio:${value}`,
getItemHiddenInputId: (ctx, value) => ctx.ids?.itemHiddenInput?.(value) ?? `radio-group:${}:radio:input:${value}`,
getItemControlId: (ctx, value) => ctx.ids?.itemControl?.(value) ?? `radio-group:${}:radio:control:${value}`,
getItemLabelId: (ctx, value) => ctx.ids?.itemLabel?.(value) ?? `radio-group:${}:radio:label:${value}`,
getIndicatorId: (ctx) => ctx.ids?.indicator ?? `radio-group:${}:indicator`,
getRootEl: (ctx) => dom.getById(ctx, dom.getRootId(ctx)),
getItemHiddenInputEl: (ctx, value) => dom.getById(ctx, dom.getItemHiddenInputId(ctx, value)),
getIndicatorEl: (ctx) => dom.getById(ctx, dom.getIndicatorId(ctx)),
getFirstEnabledInputEl: (ctx) => dom.getRootEl(ctx)?.querySelector("input:not(:disabled)"),
getFirstEnabledAndCheckedInputEl: (ctx) => dom.getRootEl(ctx)?.querySelector("input:not(:disabled):checked"),
getInputEls: (ctx) => {
const ownerId = CSS.escape(dom.getRootId(ctx));
const selector = `input[type=radio][data-ownedby='${ownerId}']:not([disabled])`;
return domQuery.queryAll(dom.getRootEl(ctx), selector);
getActiveRadioEl: (ctx) => {
if (!ctx.value) return;
return dom.getById(ctx, dom.getItemId(ctx, ctx.value));
getOffsetRect: (el) => ({
left: el?.offsetLeft ?? 0,
top: el?.offsetTop ?? 0,
width: el?.offsetWidth ?? 0,
height: el?.offsetHeight ?? 0
getRectById: (ctx, id) => {
const radioEl = dom.getById(ctx, dom.getItemId(ctx, id));
if (!radioEl) return;
return dom.resolveRect(dom.getOffsetRect(radioEl));
resolveRect: (rect) => ({
width: `${rect.width}px`,
height: `${rect.height}px`,
left: `${rect.left}px`,
top: `${}px`
var getRootId = (ctx) => ctx.ids?.root ?? `radio-group:${}`;
var getLabelId = (ctx) => ctx.ids?.label ?? `radio-group:${}:label`;
var getItemId = (ctx, value) => ctx.ids?.item?.(value) ?? `radio-group:${}:radio:${value}`;
var getItemHiddenInputId = (ctx, value) => ctx.ids?.itemHiddenInput?.(value) ?? `radio-group:${}:radio:input:${value}`;
var getItemControlId = (ctx, value) => ctx.ids?.itemControl?.(value) ?? `radio-group:${}:radio:control:${value}`;
var getItemLabelId = (ctx, value) => ctx.ids?.itemLabel?.(value) ?? `radio-group:${}:radio:label:${value}`;
var getIndicatorId = (ctx) => ctx.ids?.indicator ?? `radio-group:${}:indicator`;
var getRootEl = (ctx) => ctx.getById(getRootId(ctx));
var getIndicatorEl = (ctx) => ctx.getById(getIndicatorId(ctx));
var getFirstEnabledInputEl = (ctx) => getRootEl(ctx)?.querySelector("input:not(:disabled)");
var getFirstEnabledAndCheckedInputEl = (ctx) => getRootEl(ctx)?.querySelector("input:not(:disabled):checked");
var getInputEls = (ctx) => {
const ownerId = CSS.escape(getRootId(ctx));
const selector = `input[type=radio][data-ownedby='${ownerId}']:not([disabled])`;
return domQuery.queryAll(getRootEl(ctx), selector);
var getRadioEl = (ctx, value) => {
if (!value) return;
return ctx.getById(getItemId(ctx, value));
var getOffsetRect = (el) => ({
left: el?.offsetLeft ?? 0,
top: el?.offsetTop ?? 0,
width: el?.offsetWidth ?? 0,
height: el?.offsetHeight ?? 0
var resolveRect = (rect) => ({
width: `${rect.width}px`,
height: `${rect.height}px`,
left: `${rect.left}px`,
top: `${}px`
// src/radio-group.connect.ts
function connect(state, send, normalize) {
const groupDisabled = state.context.isDisabled;
const readOnly = state.context.readOnly;
function connect(service, normalize) {
const { context, send, computed, prop, scope } = service;
const groupDisabled = computed("isDisabled");
const readOnly = prop("readOnly");
function getItemState(props2) {

@@ -71,6 +64,6 @@ return {

disabled: !!props2.disabled || groupDisabled,
checked: state.context.value === props2.value,
focused: state.context.focusedValue === props2.value,
hovered: state.context.hoveredValue === props2.value,
active: state.context.activeValue === props2.value
checked: context.get("value") === props2.value,
focused: context.get("focusedValue") === props2.value,
hovered: context.get("hoveredValue") === props2.value,
active: context.get("activeValue") === props2.value

@@ -82,3 +75,3 @@ }

"data-focus": domQuery.dataAttr(radioState.focused),
"data-focus-visible": domQuery.dataAttr(radioState.focused && state.context.focusVisible),
"data-focus-visible": domQuery.dataAttr(radioState.focused && context.get("focusVisible")),
"data-disabled": domQuery.dataAttr(radioState.disabled),

@@ -89,8 +82,8 @@ "data-readonly": domQuery.dataAttr(readOnly),

"data-invalid": domQuery.dataAttr(radioState.invalid),
"data-orientation": state.context.orientation,
"data-ssr": domQuery.dataAttr(state.context.ssr)
"data-orientation": prop("orientation"),
"data-ssr": domQuery.dataAttr(context.get("ssr"))
const focus = () => {
const firstEnabledAndCheckedInput = dom.getFirstEnabledAndCheckedInputEl(state.context);
const firstEnabledAndCheckedInput = getFirstEnabledAndCheckedInputEl(scope);
if (firstEnabledAndCheckedInput) {

@@ -100,3 +93,3 @@ firstEnabledAndCheckedInput.focus();

const firstEnabledInput = dom.getFirstEnabledInputEl(state.context);
const firstEnabledInput = getFirstEnabledInputEl(scope);

@@ -106,3 +99,3 @@ };

value: state.context.value,
value: context.get("value"),
setValue(value) {

@@ -118,8 +111,8 @@ send({ type: "SET_VALUE", value, isTrusted: false });

role: "radiogroup",
id: dom.getRootId(state.context),
"aria-labelledby": dom.getLabelId(state.context),
"data-orientation": state.context.orientation,
id: getRootId(scope),
"aria-labelledby": getLabelId(scope),
"data-orientation": prop("orientation"),
"data-disabled": domQuery.dataAttr(groupDisabled),
"aria-orientation": state.context.orientation,
dir: state.context.dir,
"aria-orientation": prop("orientation"),
dir: prop("dir"),
style: {

@@ -133,6 +126,6 @@ position: "relative",
dir: state.context.dir,
"data-orientation": state.context.orientation,
dir: prop("dir"),
"data-orientation": prop("orientation"),
"data-disabled": domQuery.dataAttr(groupDisabled),
id: dom.getLabelId(state.context),
id: getLabelId(scope),
onClick: focus

@@ -146,5 +139,5 @@ });,
dir: state.context.dir,
id: dom.getItemId(state.context, props2.value),
htmlFor: dom.getItemHiddenInputId(state.context, props2.value),
dir: prop("dir"),
id: getItemId(scope, props2.value),
htmlFor: getItemHiddenInputId(scope, props2.value),

@@ -176,4 +169,4 @@ onPointerMove() {,
dir: state.context.dir,
id: dom.getItemLabelId(state.context, props2.value),
dir: prop("dir"),
id: getItemLabelId(scope, props2.value),

@@ -186,4 +179,4 @@ });,
dir: state.context.dir,
id: dom.getItemControlId(state.context, props2.value),
dir: prop("dir"),
id: getItemControlId(scope, props2.value),
"data-active": domQuery.dataAttr(,

@@ -197,7 +190,7 @@ "aria-hidden": true,

return normalize.input({
"data-ownedby": dom.getRootId(state.context),
id: dom.getItemHiddenInputId(state.context, props2.value),
"data-ownedby": getRootId(scope),
id: getItemHiddenInputId(scope, props2.value),
type: "radio",
name: ||,
form: state.context.form,
name: prop("name") || prop("id"),
form: prop("form"),
value: props2.value,

@@ -238,21 +231,22 @@ onClick(event) {

getIndicatorProps() {
const rect = context.get("indicatorRect");
return normalize.element({
id: dom.getIndicatorId(state.context),
id: getIndicatorId(scope),,
dir: state.context.dir,
hidden: state.context.value == null,
dir: prop("dir"),
hidden: context.get("value") == null,
"data-disabled": domQuery.dataAttr(groupDisabled),
"data-orientation": state.context.orientation,
"data-orientation": prop("orientation"),
style: {
"--transition-property": "left, top, width, height",
"--left": state.context.indicatorRect?.left,
"--top": state.context.indicatorRect?.top,
"--width": state.context.indicatorRect?.width,
"--height": state.context.indicatorRect?.height,
"--left": rect?.left,
"--top": rect?.top,
"--width": rect?.width,
"--height": rect?.height,
position: "absolute",
willChange: "var(--transition-property)",
transitionProperty: "var(--transition-property)",
transitionDuration: state.context.canIndicatorTransition ? "var(--transition-duration, 150ms)" : "0ms",
transitionDuration: context.get("canIndicatorTransition") ? "var(--transition-duration, 150ms)" : "0ms",
transitionTimingFunction: "var(--transition-timing-function)",
[state.context.orientation === "horizontal" ? "left" : "top"]: state.context.orientation === "horizontal" ? "var(--left)" : "var(--top)"
[prop("orientation") === "horizontal" ? "left" : "top"]: prop("orientation") === "horizontal" ? "var(--left)" : "var(--top)"

@@ -263,150 +257,168 @@ });

var { not } = core.guards;
function machine(userContext) {
const ctx = utils.compact(userContext);
return core.createMachine(
id: "radio",
initial: "idle",
context: {
value: null,
activeValue: null,
focusedValue: null,
hoveredValue: null,
disabled: false,
orientation: "vertical",
indicatorRect: {},
canIndicatorTransition: false,
fieldsetDisabled: false,
focusVisible: false,
ssr: true
var { not } = core.createGuards();
var machine = core.createMachine({
props({ props: props2 }) {
return {
orientation: "vertical",
initialState() {
return "idle";
context({ prop, bindable }) {
return {
value: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: prop("defaultValue"),
value: prop("value"),
onChange(value) {
prop("onValueChange")?.({ value });
activeValue: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: null
focusedValue: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: null
hoveredValue: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: null
indicatorRect: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: {}
canIndicatorTransition: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: false
fieldsetDisabled: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: false
focusVisible: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: false
ssr: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: true
refs() {
return {
indicatorCleanup: null
computed: {
isDisabled: ({ prop, context }) => !!prop("disabled") || context.get("fieldsetDisabled")
entry: ["syncIndicatorRect", "syncSsr"],
exit: ["cleanupObserver"],
effects: ["trackFormControlState", "trackFocusVisible"],
watch({ track, action, context }) {
track([() => context.get("value")], () => {
action(["setIndicatorTransition", "syncIndicatorRect", "syncInputElements"]);
on: {
guard: not("isTrusted"),
actions: ["setValue", "dispatchChangeEvent"]
computed: {
isDisabled: (ctx2) => !!ctx2.disabled || ctx2.fieldsetDisabled
entry: ["syncIndicatorRect", "syncSsr"],
exit: ["cleanupObserver"],
activities: ["trackFormControlState", "trackFocusVisible"],
watch: {
value: ["setIndicatorTransition", "syncIndicatorRect", "syncInputElements"]
on: {
guard: not("isTrusted"),
actions: ["setValue", "dispatchChangeEvent"]
actions: ["setValue"]
actions: ["setHovered"]
actions: ["setActive"]
actions: ["setFocused"]
states: {
idle: {}
implementations: {
guards: {
isTrusted: ({ event }) => !!event.isTrusted
effects: {
trackFormControlState({ context, scope }) {
return domQuery.trackFormControl(getRootEl(scope), {
onFieldsetDisabledChange(disabled) {
context.set("fieldsetDisabled", disabled);
actions: ["setValue"]
onFormReset() {
context.set("value", context.initial("value"));
actions: "setHovered"
actions: "setActive"
actions: "setFocused"
states: {
idle: {}
trackFocusVisible({ scope }) {
return focusVisible.trackFocusVisible({ root: scope.getRootNode?.() });
guards: {
isTrusted: (_ctx, evt) => !!evt.isTrusted
actions: {
setValue({ context, event }) {
context.set("value", event.value);
activities: {
trackFormControlState(ctx2, _evt, { send, initialContext }) {
return domQuery.trackFormControl(dom.getRootEl(ctx2), {
onFieldsetDisabledChange(disabled) {
ctx2.fieldsetDisabled = disabled;
onFormReset() {
send({ type: "SET_VALUE", value: initialContext.value });
trackFocusVisible(ctx2) {
return focusVisible.trackFocusVisible({ root: dom.getRootNode(ctx2) });
setHovered({ context, event }) {
context.set("hoveredValue", event.value);
setActive({ context, event }) {
context.set("activeValue", event.value);
setFocused({ context, event }) {
context.set("focusedValue", event.value);
context.set("focusVisible", event.focusVisible);
syncInputElements({ context, scope }) {
const inputs = getInputEls(scope);
inputs.forEach((input) => {
input.checked = input.value === context.get("value");
setIndicatorTransition({ context }) {
context.set("canIndicatorTransition", utils.isString(context.get("value")));
cleanupObserver({ refs }) {
syncSsr({ context }) {
context.set("ssr", false);
syncIndicatorRect({ context, scope, refs }) {
if (!getIndicatorEl(scope)) return;
const value = context.get("value");
const radioEl = getRadioEl(scope, value);
if (value == null || !radioEl) {
context.set("indicatorRect", {});
const indicatorCleanup = elementRect.trackElementRect(radioEl, {
getRect(el) {
return getOffsetRect(el);
onChange(rect) {
context.set("indicatorRect", resolveRect(rect));
domQuery.nextTick(() => {
context.set("canIndicatorTransition", false);
refs.set("indicatorCleanup", indicatorCleanup);
actions: {
setValue(ctx2, evt) {
set.value(ctx2, evt.value);
setHovered(ctx2, evt) {
ctx2.hoveredValue = evt.value;
setActive(ctx2, evt) {
ctx2.activeValue = evt.value;
setFocused(ctx2, evt) {
ctx2.focusedValue = evt.value;
ctx2.focusVisible = evt.focusVisible;
syncInputElements(ctx2) {
const inputs = dom.getInputEls(ctx2);
inputs.forEach((input) => {
input.checked = input.value === ctx2.value;
setIndicatorTransition(ctx2) {
ctx2.canIndicatorTransition = utils.isString(ctx2.value);
cleanupObserver(ctx2) {
syncSsr(ctx2) {
ctx2.ssr = false;
syncIndicatorRect(ctx2) {
if (!dom.getIndicatorEl(ctx2)) return;
const value = ctx2.value;
const radioEl = dom.getActiveRadioEl(ctx2);
if (value == null || !radioEl) {
ctx2.indicatorRect = {};
ctx2.indicatorCleanup = elementRect.trackElementRect(radioEl, {
getRect(el) {
return dom.getOffsetRect(el);
onChange(rect) {
ctx2.indicatorRect = dom.resolveRect(rect);
domQuery.nextTick(() => {
ctx2.canIndicatorTransition = false;
dispatchChangeEvent(ctx2) {
const inputEls = dom.getInputEls(ctx2);
inputEls.forEach((inputEl) => {
const checked = inputEl.value === ctx2.value;
if (checked === inputEl.checked) return;
domQuery.dispatchInputCheckedEvent(inputEl, { checked });
dispatchChangeEvent({ context, scope }) {
const inputEls = getInputEls(scope);
inputEls.forEach((inputEl) => {
const checked = inputEl.value === context.get("value");
if (checked === inputEl.checked) return;
domQuery.dispatchInputCheckedEvent(inputEl, { checked });
var invoke = {
change: (ctx) => {
if (ctx.value == null) return;
ctx.onValueChange?.({ value: ctx.value });
var set = {
value: (ctx, value) => {
if (utils.isEqual(ctx.value, value)) return;
ctx.value = value;
var props = types.createProps()([

@@ -423,3 +435,4 @@ "dir",


@@ -426,0 +439,0 @@ var splitProps = utils.createSplitProps(props);

"name": "@zag-js/radio-group",
"version": "0.82.2",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Core logic for the radio group widget implemented as a state machine",

@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "keywords": [

"dependencies": {
"@zag-js/anatomy": "0.82.2",
"@zag-js/dom-query": "0.82.2",
"@zag-js/element-rect": "0.82.2",
"@zag-js/focus-visible": "0.82.2",
"@zag-js/utils": "0.82.2",
"@zag-js/core": "0.82.2",
"@zag-js/types": "0.82.2"
"@zag-js/anatomy": "1.0.0",
"@zag-js/dom-query": "1.0.0",
"@zag-js/element-rect": "1.0.0",
"@zag-js/utils": "1.0.0",
"@zag-js/focus-visible": "1.0.0",
"@zag-js/core": "1.0.0",
"@zag-js/types": "1.0.0"

@@ -48,5 +48,10 @@ "devDependencies": {

".": {
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/index.mjs",
"require": "./dist/index.js"
"import": {
"types": "./dist/index.d.mts",
"default": "./dist/index.mjs"
"require": {
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"default": "./dist/index.js"

@@ -53,0 +58,0 @@ "./package.json": "./package.json"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet