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@zag-js/toggle-group - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-dev-20240723090825 to 0.0.0-v1-beta-20250220125322


import * as _zag_js_anatomy from '@zag-js/anatomy';
import { RequiredBy, PropTypes, DirectionProperty, CommonProperties, Orientation, NormalizeProps } from '@zag-js/types';
import { DirectionProperty, CommonProperties, Orientation, PropTypes, RequiredBy, NormalizeProps } from '@zag-js/types';
export { Orientation } from '@zag-js/types';
import * as _zag_js_core from '@zag-js/core';
import { Machine, StateMachine } from '@zag-js/core';
import { Service, EventObject } from '@zag-js/core';

@@ -16,19 +16,23 @@ declare const anatomy: _zag_js_anatomy.AnatomyInstance<"root" | "item">;

interface PublicContext extends DirectionProperty, CommonProperties {
interface ToggleGroupProps extends DirectionProperty, CommonProperties {
* The ids of the elements in the toggle. Useful for composition.
ids?: ElementIds;
ids?: ElementIds | undefined;
* Whether the toggle is disabled.
disabled?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean | undefined;
* The values of the toggles in the group.
value: string[];
value?: string[] | undefined;
* The default value of the toggle group.
defaultValue?: string[] | undefined;
* Function to call when the toggle is clicked.
onValueChange?: (details: ValueChangeDetails) => void;
onValueChange?: ((details: ValueChangeDetails) => void) | undefined;

@@ -38,3 +42,3 @@ * Whether to loop focus inside the toggle group.

loopFocus: boolean;
loopFocus?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -44,3 +48,3 @@ * Whether to use roving tab index to manage focus.

rovingFocus?: boolean;
rovingFocus?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -50,9 +54,9 @@ * The orientation of the toggle group.

orientation: Orientation;
orientation?: Orientation | undefined;
* Whether to allow multiple toggles to be selected.
multiple?: boolean;
multiple?: boolean | undefined;
type UserDefinedContext = RequiredBy<PublicContext, "id">;
type PropsWithDefault = "loopFocus" | "rovingFocus" | "orientation";
type ComputedContext = Readonly<{

@@ -62,14 +66,38 @@ currentLoopFocus: boolean;

interface PrivateContext {
* Whether the user is tabbing backward.
isTabbingBackward: boolean;
* Whether the toggle was focused by a click.
isClickFocus: boolean;
* The value of the toggle that was focused.
focusedId: string | null;
* Whether the toggle group is within a toolbar.
* This is used to determine whether to use roving tab index.
isWithinToolbar: boolean;
* The value of the toggle group.
value: string[];
interface MachineContext extends PublicContext, PrivateContext, ComputedContext {
interface ToggleGroupSchema {
props: RequiredBy<ToggleGroupProps, PropsWithDefault>;
context: PrivateContext;
computed: ComputedContext;
state: "idle" | "focused";
event: EventObject;
action: string;
effect: string;
guard: string;
interface MachineState {
value: "idle" | "focused";
type State = StateMachine.State<MachineContext, MachineState>;
type Send = StateMachine.Send<StateMachine.AnyEventObject>;
type Service = Machine<MachineContext, MachineState, StateMachine.AnyEventObject>;
type ToggleGroupService = Service<ToggleGroupSchema>;
interface ItemProps {
value: string;
disabled?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean | undefined;

@@ -94,3 +122,3 @@ interface ItemState {

interface MachineApi<T extends PropTypes = PropTypes> {
interface ToggleGroupApi<T extends PropTypes = PropTypes> {

@@ -112,11 +140,11 @@ * The value of the toggle group.

declare function connect<T extends PropTypes>(state: State, send: Send, normalize: NormalizeProps<T>): MachineApi<T>;
declare function connect<T extends PropTypes>(service: ToggleGroupService, normalize: NormalizeProps<T>): ToggleGroupApi<T>;
declare function machine(userContext: UserDefinedContext): _zag_js_core.Machine<MachineContext, MachineState, _zag_js_core.StateMachine.AnyEventObject>;
declare const machine: _zag_js_core.MachineConfig<ToggleGroupSchema>;
declare const props: ("value" | "dir" | "id" | "getRootNode" | "multiple" | "disabled" | "orientation" | "ids" | "onValueChange" | "loopFocus" | "rovingFocus")[];
declare const splitProps: <Props extends Partial<UserDefinedContext>>(props: Props) => [Partial<UserDefinedContext>, Omit<Props, "value" | "dir" | "id" | "getRootNode" | "multiple" | "disabled" | "orientation" | "ids" | "onValueChange" | "loopFocus" | "rovingFocus">];
declare const props: (keyof ToggleGroupProps)[];
declare const splitProps: <Props extends Partial<ToggleGroupProps>>(props: Props) => [Partial<ToggleGroupProps>, Omit<Props, keyof ToggleGroupProps>];
declare const itemProps: (keyof ItemProps)[];
declare const splitItemProps: <Props extends ItemProps>(props: Props) => [ItemProps, Omit<Props, keyof ItemProps>];
export { type MachineApi as Api, type UserDefinedContext as Context, type ElementIds, type ItemProps, type ItemState, type Service, type ValueChangeDetails, anatomy, connect, itemProps, machine, props, splitItemProps, splitProps };
export { type ToggleGroupApi as Api, type ElementIds, type ItemProps, type ItemState, type ToggleGroupProps as Props, type ToggleGroupService as Service, type ValueChangeDetails, anatomy, connect, itemProps, machine, props, splitItemProps, splitProps };

@@ -1,69 +0,35 @@

"use strict";
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
'use strict';
// src/index.ts
var src_exports = {};
__export(src_exports, {
anatomy: () => anatomy,
connect: () => connect,
itemProps: () => itemProps,
machine: () => machine,
props: () => props,
splitItemProps: () => splitItemProps,
splitProps: () => splitProps
module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports);
var anatomy$1 = require('@zag-js/anatomy');
var domQuery = require('@zag-js/dom-query');
var utils = require('@zag-js/utils');
var core = require('@zag-js/core');
var types = require('@zag-js/types');
// src/toggle-group.anatomy.ts
var import_anatomy = require("@zag-js/anatomy");
var anatomy = (0, import_anatomy.createAnatomy)("toggle-group").parts("root", "item");
var anatomy = anatomy$1.createAnatomy("toggle-group").parts("root", "item");
var parts =;
var getRootId = (ctx) => ctx.ids?.root ?? `toggle-group:${}`;
var getItemId = (ctx, value) => ctx.ids?.item?.(value) ?? `toggle-group:${}:${value}`;
var getRootEl = (ctx) => ctx.getById(getRootId(ctx));
var getElements = (ctx) => {
const ownerId = CSS.escape(getRootId(ctx));
const selector = `[data-ownedby='${ownerId}']:not([data-disabled])`;
return domQuery.queryAll(getRootEl(ctx), selector);
var getFirstEl = (ctx) => utils.first(getElements(ctx));
var getLastEl = (ctx) => utils.last(getElements(ctx));
var getNextEl = (ctx, id, loopFocus) => domQuery.nextById(getElements(ctx), id, loopFocus);
var getPrevEl = (ctx, id, loopFocus) => domQuery.prevById(getElements(ctx), id, loopFocus);
// src/toggle-group.connect.ts
var import_dom_event = require("@zag-js/dom-event");
var import_dom_query2 = require("@zag-js/dom-query");
// src/toggle-group.dom.ts
var import_dom_query = require("@zag-js/dom-query");
var import_utils = require("@zag-js/utils");
var dom = (0, import_dom_query.createScope)({
getRootId: (ctx) => ctx.ids?.root ?? `toggle-group:${}`,
getItemId: (ctx, value) => ctx.ids?.item?.(value) ?? `toggle-group:${}:${value}`,
getRootEl: (ctx) => dom.getById(ctx, dom.getRootId(ctx)),
getElements: (ctx) => {
const ownerId = CSS.escape(dom.getRootId(ctx));
const selector = `[data-ownedby='${ownerId}']:not([data-disabled])`;
return (0, import_dom_query.queryAll)(dom.getRootEl(ctx), selector);
getFirstEl: (ctx) => (0, import_utils.first)(dom.getElements(ctx)),
getLastEl: (ctx) => (0, import_utils.last)(dom.getElements(ctx)),
getNextEl: (ctx, id) => (0, import_dom_query.nextById)(dom.getElements(ctx), id, ctx.currentLoopFocus),
getPrevEl: (ctx, id) => (0, import_dom_query.prevById)(dom.getElements(ctx), id, ctx.currentLoopFocus)
// src/toggle-group.connect.ts
function connect(state, send, normalize) {
const value = state.context.value;
const disabled = state.context.disabled;
const isSingle = !state.context.multiple;
const rovingFocus = state.context.rovingFocus;
const isHorizontal = state.context.orientation === "horizontal";
function connect(service, normalize) {
const { context, send, prop, scope } = service;
const value = context.get("value");
const disabled = prop("disabled");
const isSingle = !prop("multiple");
const rovingFocus = prop("rovingFocus");
const isHorizontal = prop("orientation") === "horizontal";
function getItemState(props2) {
const id = dom.getItemId(state.context, props2.value);
const id = getItemId(scope, props2.value);
return {

@@ -73,3 +39,3 @@ id,

pressed: !!value.includes(props2.value),
focused: state.context.focusedId === id
focused: context.get("focusedId") === id

@@ -85,13 +51,13 @@ },
id: dom.getRootId(state.context),
dir: state.context.dir,
id: getRootId(scope),
dir: prop("dir"),
role: isSingle ? "radiogroup" : "group",
tabIndex: state.context.isTabbingBackward ? -1 : 0,
"data-disabled": (0, import_dom_query2.dataAttr)(disabled),
"data-orientation": state.context.orientation,
"data-focus": (0, import_dom_query2.dataAttr)(state.context.focusedId != null),
tabIndex: context.get("isTabbingBackward") ? -1 : 0,
"data-disabled": domQuery.dataAttr(disabled),
"data-orientation": prop("orientation"),
"data-focus": domQuery.dataAttr(context.get("focusedId") != null),
style: { outline: "none" },
onMouseDown() {
if (disabled) return;
send({ type: "ROOT.MOUSE_DOWN" });

@@ -101,8 +67,8 @@ onFocus(event) {

const evt = event.nativeEvent || event;
if (!(0, import_dom_query2.isSelfTarget)(evt) || !!state.context.isClickFocus || state.context.isTabbingBackward) return;
if (!domQuery.isSelfTarget(evt) || !!context.get("isClickFocus") || context.get("isTabbingBackward")) return;
send({ type: "ROOT.FOCUS" });
onBlur() {
if (disabled) return;
send({ type: "ROOT.BLUR" });

@@ -119,4 +85,4 @@ });

type: "button",
"data-ownedby": dom.getRootId(state.context),
"data-focus": (0, import_dom_query2.dataAttr)(itemState.focused),
"data-ownedby": getRootId(scope),
"data-focus": domQuery.dataAttr(itemState.focused),
disabled: itemState.disabled,

@@ -129,5 +95,5 @@ tabIndex: rovingFocus ? rovingTabIndex : void 0,

"data-disabled": (0, import_dom_query2.dataAttr)(itemState.disabled),
"data-orientation": state.context.orientation,
dir: state.context.dir,
"data-disabled": domQuery.dataAttr(itemState.disabled),
"data-orientation": prop("orientation"),
dir: prop("dir"),
"data-state": itemState.pressed ? "on" : "off",

@@ -141,3 +107,3 @@ onFocus() {

send({ type: "TOGGLE.CLICK", id:, value: props2.value });
if ((0, import_dom_query2.isSafari)()) {
if (domQuery.isSafari()) {
event.currentTarget.focus({ preventScroll: true });

@@ -148,3 +114,3 @@ }

if (event.defaultPrevented) return;
if (!(0, import_dom_query2.isSelfTarget)(event)) return;
if (!domQuery.isSelfTarget(event)) return;
if (itemState.disabled) return;

@@ -158,26 +124,26 @@ const keyMap = {

if (!rovingFocus || !isHorizontal) return;
send({ type: "TOGGLE.FOCUS_PREV" });
ArrowRight() {
if (!rovingFocus || !isHorizontal) return;
send({ type: "TOGGLE.FOCUS_NEXT" });
ArrowUp() {
if (!rovingFocus || isHorizontal) return;
send({ type: "TOGGLE.FOCUS_PREV" });
ArrowDown() {
if (!rovingFocus || isHorizontal) return;
send({ type: "TOGGLE.FOCUS_NEXT" });
Home() {
if (!rovingFocus) return;
send({ type: "TOGGLE.FOCUS_FIRST" });
End() {
if (!rovingFocus) return;
send({ type: "TOGGLE.FOCUS_LAST" });
const exec = keyMap[(0, import_dom_event.getEventKey)(event)];
const exec = keyMap[domQuery.getEventKey(event)];
if (exec) {

@@ -192,165 +158,163 @@ exec(event);

// src/toggle-group.machine.ts
var import_core = require("@zag-js/core");
var import_dom_query3 = require("@zag-js/dom-query");
var import_utils2 = require("@zag-js/utils");
var { not, and } = import_core.guards;
function machine(userContext) {
const ctx = (0, import_utils2.compact)(userContext);
return (0, import_core.createMachine)(
id: "toggle-group",
initial: "idle",
context: {
value: [],
disabled: false,
orientation: "horizontal",
rovingFocus: true,
loopFocus: true,
focusedId: null,
isTabbingBackward: false,
isClickFocus: false,
isWithinToolbar: false
computed: {
currentLoopFocus: (ctx2) => ctx2.loopFocus && !ctx2.isWithinToolbar
entry: ["checkIfWithinToolbar"],
var { not, and } = core.createGuards();
var machine = core.createMachine({
props({ props: props2 }) {
return {
defaultValue: [],
orientation: "horizontal",
rovingFocus: true,
loopFocus: true,
initialState() {
return "idle";
context({ prop, bindable }) {
return {
value: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: prop("defaultValue"),
value: prop("value"),
onChange(value) {
prop("onValueChange")?.({ value });
focusedId: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: null
isTabbingBackward: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: false
isClickFocus: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: false
isWithinToolbar: bindable(() => ({
defaultValue: false
computed: {
currentLoopFocus: ({ context, prop }) => prop("loopFocus") && !context.get("isWithinToolbar")
entry: ["checkIfWithinToolbar"],
on: {
actions: ["setValue"]
actions: ["setValue"]
actions: ["setClickFocus"]
states: {
idle: {
on: {
actions: ["setValue"]
target: "focused",
guard: not(and("isClickFocus", "isTabbingBackward")),
actions: ["focusFirstToggle", "clearClickFocus"]
actions: ["setValue"]
actions: ["setClickFocus"]
target: "focused",
actions: ["setFocusedId"]
states: {
idle: {
on: {
target: "focused",
guard: not(and("isClickFocus", "isTabbingBackward")),
actions: ["focusFirstToggle", "clearClickFocus"]
target: "focused",
actions: ["setFocusedId"]
focused: {
on: {
target: "idle",
actions: ["clearIsTabbingBackward"]
actions: ["setFocusedId"]
actions: ["focusNextToggle"]
actions: ["focusPrevToggle"]
actions: ["focusFirstToggle"]
actions: ["focusLastToggle"]
target: "idle",
actions: ["setIsTabbingBackward"]
guards: {
isClickFocus: (ctx2) => ctx2.isClickFocus,
isTabbingBackward: (ctx2) => ctx2.isTabbingBackward
actions: {
setIsTabbingBackward(ctx2) {
ctx2.isTabbingBackward = true;
focused: {
on: {
target: "idle",
actions: ["clearIsTabbingBackward"]
clearIsTabbingBackward(ctx2) {
ctx2.isTabbingBackward = false;
actions: ["setFocusedId"]
setClickFocus(ctx2) {
ctx2.isClickFocus = true;
actions: ["focusNextToggle"]
clearClickFocus(ctx2) {
ctx2.isClickFocus = false;
actions: ["focusPrevToggle"]
checkIfWithinToolbar(ctx2) {
const closestToolbar = dom.getRootEl(ctx2)?.closest("[role=toolbar]");
ctx2.isWithinToolbar = !!closestToolbar;
actions: ["focusFirstToggle"]
setFocusedId(ctx2, evt) {
ctx2.focusedId =;
actions: ["focusLastToggle"]
clearFocusedId(ctx2) {
ctx2.focusedId = null;
setValue(ctx2, evt) {
if (!evt.value) return;
let next = Array.from(ctx2.value);
if (ctx2.multiple) {
next = next.includes(evt.value) ? (0, import_utils2.remove)(next, evt.value) : (0, import_utils2.add)(next, evt.value);
} else {
next = (0, import_utils2.isEqual)(ctx2.value, [evt.value]) ? [] : [evt.value];
set.value(ctx2, next);
focusNextToggle(ctx2) {
(0, import_dom_query3.raf)(() => {
if (!ctx2.focusedId) return;
dom.getNextEl(ctx2, ctx2.focusedId)?.focus({ preventScroll: true });
focusPrevToggle(ctx2) {
(0, import_dom_query3.raf)(() => {
if (!ctx2.focusedId) return;
dom.getPrevEl(ctx2, ctx2.focusedId)?.focus({ preventScroll: true });
focusFirstToggle(ctx2) {
(0, import_dom_query3.raf)(() => {
dom.getFirstEl(ctx2)?.focus({ preventScroll: true });
focusLastToggle(ctx2) {
(0, import_dom_query3.raf)(() => {
dom.getLastEl(ctx2)?.focus({ preventScroll: true });
target: "idle",
actions: ["setIsTabbingBackward"]
var invoke = {
change(ctx) {
ctx.onValueChange?.({ value: Array.from(ctx.value) });
implementations: {
guards: {
isClickFocus: ({ context }) => context.get("isClickFocus"),
isTabbingBackward: ({ context }) => context.get("isTabbingBackward")
actions: {
setIsTabbingBackward({ context }) {
context.set("isTabbingBackward", true);
clearIsTabbingBackward({ context }) {
context.set("isTabbingBackward", false);
setClickFocus({ context }) {
context.set("isClickFocus", true);
clearClickFocus({ context }) {
context.set("isClickFocus", false);
checkIfWithinToolbar({ context, scope }) {
const closestToolbar = getRootEl(scope)?.closest("[role=toolbar]");
context.set("isWithinToolbar", !!closestToolbar);
setFocusedId({ context, event }) {
clearFocusedId({ context }) {
context.set("focusedId", null);
setValue({ context, event, prop }) {
if (!event.value) return;
const value = context.get("value");
let next = Array.from(value);
if (prop("multiple")) {
next = next.includes(event.value) ? utils.remove(next, event.value) : utils.add(next, event.value);
} else {
next = utils.isEqual(value, [event.value]) ? [] : [event.value];
context.set("value", next);
focusNextToggle({ context, scope, prop }) {
domQuery.raf(() => {
const focusedId = context.get("focusedId");
if (!focusedId) return;
getNextEl(scope, focusedId, prop("loopFocus"))?.focus({ preventScroll: true });
focusPrevToggle({ context, scope, prop }) {
domQuery.raf(() => {
const focusedId = context.get("focusedId");
if (!focusedId) return;
getPrevEl(scope, focusedId, prop("loopFocus"))?.focus({ preventScroll: true });
focusFirstToggle({ scope }) {
domQuery.raf(() => {
getFirstEl(scope)?.focus({ preventScroll: true });
focusLastToggle({ scope }) {
domQuery.raf(() => {
getLastEl(scope)?.focus({ preventScroll: true });
var set = {
value(ctx, value) {
if ((0, import_utils2.isEqual)(ctx.value, value)) return;
ctx.value = value;
// src/toggle-group.props.ts
var import_types = require("@zag-js/types");
var import_utils3 = require("@zag-js/utils");
var props = (0, import_types.createProps)()([
var props = types.createProps()([

@@ -366,17 +330,15 @@ "disabled",

var splitProps = (0, import_utils3.createSplitProps)(props);
var itemProps = (0, import_types.createProps)()(["value", "disabled"]);
var splitItemProps = (0, import_utils3.createSplitProps)(itemProps);
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
0 && (module.exports = {
var splitProps = utils.createSplitProps(props);
var itemProps = types.createProps()(["value", "disabled"]);
var splitItemProps = utils.createSplitProps(itemProps);
exports.anatomy = anatomy;
exports.connect = connect;
exports.itemProps = itemProps;
exports.machine = machine;
exports.props = props;
exports.splitItemProps = splitItemProps;
exports.splitProps = splitProps;
"name": "@zag-js/toggle-group",
"version": "0.0.0-dev-20240723090825",
"version": "0.0.0-v1-beta-20250220125322",
"description": "Core logic for the toggle widget implemented as a state machine",

@@ -20,4 +20,3 @@ "keywords": [

"files": [

@@ -31,8 +30,7 @@ "publishConfig": {

"dependencies": {
"@zag-js/anatomy": "0.0.0-dev-20240723090825",
"@zag-js/dom-event": "0.0.0-dev-20240723090825",
"@zag-js/dom-query": "0.0.0-dev-20240723090825",
"@zag-js/utils": "0.0.0-dev-20240723090825",
"@zag-js/core": "0.0.0-dev-20240723090825",
"@zag-js/types": "0.0.0-dev-20240723090825"
"@zag-js/anatomy": "0.0.0-v1-beta-20250220125322",
"@zag-js/utils": "0.0.0-v1-beta-20250220125322",
"@zag-js/dom-query": "0.0.0-v1-beta-20250220125322",
"@zag-js/core": "0.0.0-v1-beta-20250220125322",
"@zag-js/types": "0.0.0-v1-beta-20250220125322"

@@ -56,5 +54,5 @@ "devDependencies": {

"build": "tsup",
"lint": "eslint src --ext .ts,.tsx",
"lint": "eslint src",
"typecheck": "tsc --noEmit"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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