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Estro is a tiny Extended String Object helper enables you to get more out of the string class.
var string = "Hello";
if (!string.isEmpty()) alert(string);
if (string.equals("Hello")) alert("Hi :D!");
if (string.equalsIgnoreCase("hello")) alert("Hello again!");
if (string.startsWith("H")) alert("Starts with H!");
if (string.endsWith("ello")) alert("Ends with ello!");
if (string.contains("e")) alert(string + " contains an e! Who knew?");
alert(" trimmed ".trim());
You can view a demo here.
Estro contains the following string extensions (Unless they already exist; Estro is meant to be un-obtrusive):
- string.equals(string) Check one string against another. Returns: Boolean
- string.equalsIgnoreCase(string) Check one string against another without case sensitivity. Returns: Boolean
- string.startsWith(prefix) Check to see if a string starts with the given string. Returns: Boolean
- string.endsWith(suffix) Check to see if a string ends with the given string. Returns: Boolean
- string.contains(needle) Check to see if a string contains a given string. Returns Boolean
- string.trim() Trim the string of whitespace. Returns: String
- string.isEmpty() Check to see if the string is empty, and really empty. Returns Boolean
- string.reverse() Reverses string. IE: Hello -> olleH
- string.repeat(n) Repeat string n times
- string.capitalize() Capitalize each word in the string and lower the rest. Returns String
- string.camelize() CamelCase string, hello-there -> helloThere. Returns String
- string.bind(data) Small template layer. Ex: "Hi %{name}".bind({'name': 'Estro'});" Outputs: Hi Estro
- string.extract(regex, n) Extract data into an array based on regex and group(n). Returns Array
In the future?
Hopefully, in the future I will extend this to work with other objects and not just strings.
Copyright Nijikokun 2011 nijikokun@gmail.com
GNUv3 Affero License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html