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@@ -1,142 +0,163 @@

'use strict';Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });var _createClass = function () {function defineProperties(target, props) {for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {var descriptor = props[i];descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;descriptor.configurable = true;if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);}}return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);return Constructor;};}();var _Factory = require('./Factory');var _Factory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Factory);
var _helper = require('./lib/helper');var _helper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helper);function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };}function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");}}
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();
var _Factory = require('./Factory');
var _Factory2 = _interopRequireDefault(_Factory);
var _helper = require('./lib/helper');
var _helper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helper);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
* AccessControl class that implements RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) basics
* and ABAC (Attribute-Based Access Control) <i>resource</i> and <i>action</i>
* attributes.
* @author Onur Yıldırım (
* @license MIT
* @example
* var ac = new AccessControl(grants);
* ac.grant('admin').createAny('profile');
* // or you can chain methods
* ac.grant('admin')
* .createAny('profile')
* .readAny('profile', ["*", "!password"])
* .readAny('video')
* .deleteAny('video');
* // since these permissions have common resources, there is an alternative way:
* ac.grant('admin')
* .resource('profile').createAny().readAny(null, ["*", "!password"])
* .resource('video').readAny()..deleteAny();
* ac.grant('user')
* .readOwn('profile', ["uid", "email", "address.*", "account.*", "!account.roles"])
* .updateOwn('profile', ["uid", "email", "password", "address.*", "!account.roles"])
* .deleteOwn('profile')
* .createOwn('video', ["*", "!geo.*"])
* .readAny('video')
* .updateOwn('video', ["*", "!geo.*"])
* .deleteOwn('video');
* var permission = ac.can('admin').readAny('profile');
* permission.granted // true
* permission.attributes // ["*", "!password"]
* permission.filter(data) // { uid, email, address, account }
* ac.deny('admin').createAny('profile');
* ac.can('admin').createAny('profile').granted // false
* // To add a grant but deny access
* ac.grant('admin').createAny('profile', []); // no attributes allowed
* ac.can('admin').createAny('profile').granted // false
* console.log(ac.getGrants());
* // outputs:
* {
* admin: {
* profile: {
* "read:any": ["*", "!password"],
* "update:any": ["*"],
* "delete:any": ["*"]
* },
* video: {
* "read:any": ["*"],
* "update:any": ["*", "!userId"],
* "delete:any": ["*"]
* }
* },
* user: {
* profile: {
* "read:own": ["uid", "email", "address.*", "!account.roles"],
* "update:own": ["uid", "email", "password", "address.*", "!account.roles"],
* "delete:own": ["*"]
* },
* video: {
* "create:own": ["*", "!geo.*"],
* "read:any": ["*"],
* "update:own": ["*", "!geo.*"],
* "delete:own": ["*"],
* }
* }
* }
AccessControl = function () {
* AccessControl class that implements RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) basics
* and ABAC (Attribute-Based Access Control) <i>resource</i> and <i>action</i>
* attributes.
* @author Onur Yıldırım (
* @license MIT
* @example
* var ac = new AccessControl(grants);
* ac.grant('admin').createAny('profile');
* // or you can chain methods
* ac.grant('admin')
* .createAny('profile')
* .readAny('profile', ["*", "!password"])
* .readAny('video')
* .deleteAny('video');
* // since these permissions have common resources, there is an alternative way:
* ac.grant('admin')
* .resource('profile').createAny().readAny(null, ["*", "!password"])
* .resource('video').readAny()..deleteAny();
* ac.grant('user')
* .readOwn('profile', ["uid", "email", "address.*", "account.*", "!account.roles"])
* .updateOwn('profile', ["uid", "email", "password", "address.*", "!account.roles"])
* .deleteOwn('profile')
* .createOwn('video', ["*", "!geo.*"])
* .readAny('video')
* .updateOwn('video', ["*", "!geo.*"])
* .deleteOwn('video');
* var permission = ac.can('admin').readAny('profile');
* permission.granted // true
* permission.attributes // ["*", "!password"]
* permission.filter(data) // { uid, email, address, account }
* ac.deny('admin').createAny('profile');
* ac.can('admin').createAny('profile').granted // false
* // To add a grant but deny access
* ac.grant('admin').createAny('profile', []); // no attributes allowed
* ac.can('admin').createAny('profile').granted // false
* console.log(ac.getGrants());
* // outputs:
* {
* admin: {
* profile: {
* "read:any": ["*", "!password"],
* "update:any": ["*"],
* "delete:any": ["*"]
* },
* video: {
* "read:any": ["*"],
* "update:any": ["*", "!userId"],
* "delete:any": ["*"]
* }
* },
* user: {
* profile: {
* "read:own": ["uid", "email", "address.*", "!account.roles"],
* "update:own": ["uid", "email", "password", "address.*", "!account.roles"],
* "delete:own": ["*"]
* },
* video: {
* "create:own": ["*", "!geo.*"],
* "read:any": ["*"],
* "update:own": ["*", "!geo.*"],
* "delete:own": ["*"],
* }
* }
* }
var AccessControl = function () {
* Initializes a new instance of `AccessControl` with the given grants.
* @param {Object|Array} grants - A list containing the access grant
* definitions. See the structure of this object in the examples.
* @example
* var grants = {
* role1: {
* resource1: {
* "create:any": [ attrs ],
* "read:own": [ attrs ]
* },
* resource2: {
* "create:any": [ attrs ],
* "update:own": [ attrs ]
* }
* },
* role2: { ... }
* };
* var ac = new AccessControl(grants);
* // The passed object can also be an array, such as a flat list
* // fetched from a database.
* var flatList = [
* { role: "role1", resource: "resource1", action: "create:any", attributes: [ attrs ] },
* { role: "role1", resource: "resource1", action: "read:own", attributes: [ attrs ] },
* { role: "role2", ... },
* ...
* ];
* // We turn this list into a hashtable for better performance. We aggregate
* // the list by roles first, resources second. If possession (in action
* // value or as a separate property) is omitted, it will default to "any".
* // e.g. "create" —> "create:any"
* // Below are equivalent:
* { role: "role1", resource: "resource1", action: "create:any", attributes: [ attrs ] }
* { role: "role1", resource: "resource1", action: "create", possession: "any", attributes: [ attrs ] }
* var ac = new AccessControl(flatList);
* console.log(ac.getGrants());
* // This flat list is turned into:
* {
* role1: {
* resource1: {
* "create:any": [ attrs ],
* "read:own": [ attrs ]
* },
* resource2: {
* "create:any": [ attrs ],
* "update:own": [ attrs ]
* }
* },
* role2: { ... }
* }
function AccessControl() {var grants = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0];_classCallCheck(this, AccessControl);
* Initializes a new instance of `AccessControl` with the given grants.
* @param {Object|Array} grants - A list containing the access grant
* definitions. See the structure of this object in the examples.
* @example
* var grants = {
* role1: {
* resource1: {
* "create:any": [ attrs ],
* "read:own": [ attrs ]
* },
* resource2: {
* "create:any": [ attrs ],
* "update:own": [ attrs ]
* }
* },
* role2: { ... }
* };
* var ac = new AccessControl(grants);
* // The passed object can also be an array, such as a flat list
* // fetched from a database.
* var flatList = [
* { role: "role1", resource: "resource1", action: "create:any", attributes: [ attrs ] },
* { role: "role1", resource: "resource1", action: "read:own", attributes: [ attrs ] },
* { role: "role2", ... },
* ...
* ];
* // We turn this list into a hashtable for better performance. We aggregate
* // the list by roles first, resources second. If possession (in action
* // value or as a separate property) is omitted, it will default to "any".
* // e.g. "create" —> "create:any"
* // Below are equivalent:
* { role: "role1", resource: "resource1", action: "create:any", attributes: [ attrs ] }
* { role: "role1", resource: "resource1", action: "create", possession: "any", attributes: [ attrs ] }
* var ac = new AccessControl(flatList);
* console.log(ac.getGrants());
* // This flat list is turned into:
* {
* role1: {
* resource1: {
* "create:any": [ attrs ],
* "read:own": [ attrs ]
* },
* resource2: {
* "create:any": [ attrs ],
* "update:own": [ attrs ]
* }
* },
* role2: { ... }
* }
function AccessControl() {
var grants = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? {} : arguments[0];
_classCallCheck(this, AccessControl);

@@ -155,4 +176,8 @@ // initiate our inner classes

* @return {Object} - Hash-map of grants.
*/_createClass(AccessControl, [{ key: 'getGrants', value: function getGrants()
_createClass(AccessControl, [{
key: 'getGrants',
value: function getGrants() {
return this._grants;

@@ -162,12 +187,17 @@ }

* Sets all access grants at once, from an object or array.
* Note that this will reset the object and remove all previous grants.
* @chainable
* @param {Object|Array} grantsObject - A list containing the access grant
* definitions.
* @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
*/ }, { key: 'setGrants', value: function setGrants(
grantsObject) {var _this = this;
* Sets all access grants at once, from an object or array.
* Note that this will reset the object and remove all previous grants.
* @chainable
* @param {Object|Array} grantsObject - A list containing the access grant
* definitions.
* @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
}, {
key: 'setGrants',
value: function setGrants(grantsObject) {
var _this = this;
this._grants = {};

@@ -178,3 +208,5 @@ var type = _helper2.default.type(grantsObject);

} else if (type === 'array') {
grantsObject.forEach(function (item) {return _this._grantAccess(item);});
grantsObject.forEach(function (item) {
return _this._grantAccess(item);

@@ -185,8 +217,11 @@ return this;

* Resets the internal grants object and removes all previous grants.
* @chainable
* @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
*/ }, { key: 'reset', value: function reset()
* Resets the internal grants object and removes all previous grants.
* @chainable
* @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
}, {
key: 'reset',
value: function reset() {
this._grants = {};

@@ -197,18 +232,23 @@ return this;

* Extends the given role(s) with privileges of one or more other roles.
* @chainable
* @param {String|Array} roles
* Role(s) to be extended.
* Single role as a `String` or multiple roles as an `Array`.
* @param {String|Array} extenderRoles
* Role(s) to inherit from.
* Single role as a `String` or multiple roles as an `Array`.
* @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
* @throws {Error} - If a role tries to extend itself.
*/ }, { key: 'extendRole', value: function extendRole(
roles, extenderRoles) {var _this2 = this;
* Extends the given role(s) with privileges of one or more other roles.
* @chainable
* @param {String|Array} roles
* Role(s) to be extended.
* Single role as a `String` or multiple roles as an `Array`.
* @param {String|Array} extenderRoles
* Role(s) to inherit from.
* Single role as a `String` or multiple roles as an `Array`.
* @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
* @throws {Error} - If a role is extended by itself.
}, {
key: 'extendRole',
value: function extendRole(roles, extenderRoles) {
var _this2 = this;
extenderRoles = _helper2.default.asArray(extenderRoles);

@@ -221,4 +261,4 @@ _helper2.default.asArray(roles).forEach(function (role) {

_this2._grants[role] = {
$extend: extenderRoles.concat() };
$extend: extenderRoles.concat()
} else {

@@ -237,11 +277,16 @@ var r = _this2._grants[role];

* Removes all the given role(s) and their granted permissions, at once.
* @chainable
* @param {String|Array} roles - An array of roles to be removed.
* Also accepts a string that can be used to remove a single role.
* @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
*/ }, { key: 'removeRoles', value: function removeRoles(
roles) {var _this3 = this;
* Removes all the given role(s) and their granted permissions, at once.
* @chainable
* @param {String|Array} roles - An array of roles to be removed.
* Also accepts a string that can be used to remove a single role.
* @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
}, {
key: 'removeRoles',
value: function removeRoles(roles) {
var _this3 = this;
var rolesToRemove = _helper2.default.asArray(roles);

@@ -261,16 +306,19 @@ rolesToRemove.forEach(function (role) {

* Removes all the given resources for all roles, at once.
* Pass the `roles` argument to remove access to resources for those
* roles only.
* @chainable
* @param {String|Array} resources - A single or array of resources to
* be removed.
* @param {String|Array} [roles] - A single or array of roles to
* be removed. If omitted, permissions for all roles to all given
* resources will be removed.
* @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
*/ }, { key: 'removeResources', value: function removeResources(
resources, roles) {
* Removes all the given resources for all roles, at once.
* Pass the `roles` argument to remove access to resources for those
* roles only.
* @chainable
* @param {String|Array} resources - A single or array of resources to
* be removed.
* @param {String|Array} [roles] - A single or array of roles to
* be removed. If omitted, permissions for all roles to all given
* resources will be removed.
* @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
}, {
key: 'removeResources',
value: function removeResources(resources, roles) {
// _removePermission has a third argument `actionPossession`. if

@@ -283,7 +331,10 @@ // omitted (like below), removes the parent resource object.

* Gets all the unique roles that have at least one grant.
* @returns {Array}
*/ }, { key: 'getRoles', value: function getRoles()
* Gets all the unique roles that have at least one grant.
* @returns {Array}
}, {
key: 'getRoles',
value: function getRoles() {
return Object.keys(this._grants);

@@ -293,8 +344,11 @@ }

* Gets all the unique resources that are granted access for at
* least one role.
* @returns {Array}
*/ }, { key: 'getResources', value: function getResources()
* Gets all the unique resources that are granted access for at
* least one role.
* @returns {Array}
}, {
key: 'getResources',
value: function getResources() {
// using an object for unique count

@@ -309,7 +363,10 @@ var resources = {};

* Checks whether any permissions are granted to the given role.
* @returns {Boolean}
*/ }, { key: 'hasRole', value: function hasRole(
role) {
* Checks whether any permissions are granted to the given role.
* @returns {Boolean}
}, {
key: 'hasRole',
value: function hasRole(role) {
return this._grants.hasOwnProperty(role);

@@ -319,7 +376,10 @@ }

* Checks whether any permissions are granted for the given resource.
* @returns {Boolean}
*/ }, { key: 'hasResource', value: function hasResource(
resource) {
* Checks whether any permissions are granted for the given resource.
* @returns {Boolean}
}, {
key: 'hasResource',
value: function hasResource(resource) {
if (typeof resource !== 'string' || resource === '') {

@@ -333,36 +393,39 @@ return false;

* Deep clones the given data object(s) while filtering its properties
* by the given attribute (glob) notations. Includes all matched
* properties and removes the rest.
* @param {Object|Array} data - A single or array of data objects
* to be filtered.
* @param {Array|String} attributes - The attribute glob notation(s)
* to be processed. You can use wildcard stars (*) and negate
* the notation by prepending a bang (!). A negated notation
* will be excluded. Order of the globs do not matter, they will
* be logically sorted. Loose globs will be processed first and
* verbose globs or normal notations will be processed last.
* e.g. `[ "car.model", "*", "!car.*" ]`
* will be sorted as:
* `[ "*", "!car.*", "car.model" ]`.
* Passing no parameters or passing an empty string (`""` or `[""]`)
* will empty the source object.
* @returns {Object|Array} - Returns the filtered data object or array
* of data objects.
* @example
* var assets = { notebook: "Mac", car: { brand: "Ford", model: "Mustang", year: 1970, color: "red" } };
* var filtered = AccessControl.filter(assets, [ "*", "!car.*", "car.model" ]);
* console.log(assets); // { notebook: "Mac", car: { model: "Mustang" } }
* filtered = AccessControl.filter(assets, "*"); // or AccessControl.filter(assets, ["*"]);
* console.log(assets); // { notebook: "Mac", car: { model: "Mustang" } }
* filtered = AccessControl.filter(assets); // or AccessControl.filter(assets, "");
* console.log(assets); // {}
*/ }, { key: 'filter', value: function filter(
data, attributes) {
* Deep clones the given data object(s) while filtering its properties
* by the given attribute (glob) notations. Includes all matched
* properties and removes the rest.
* @param {Object|Array} data - A single or array of data objects
* to be filtered.
* @param {Array|String} attributes - The attribute glob notation(s)
* to be processed. You can use wildcard stars (*) and negate
* the notation by prepending a bang (!). A negated notation
* will be excluded. Order of the globs do not matter, they will
* be logically sorted. Loose globs will be processed first and
* verbose globs or normal notations will be processed last.
* e.g. `[ "car.model", "*", "!car.*" ]`
* will be sorted as:
* `[ "*", "!car.*", "car.model" ]`.
* Passing no parameters or passing an empty string (`""` or `[""]`)
* will empty the source object.
* @returns {Object|Array} - Returns the filtered data object or array
* of data objects.
* @example
* var assets = { notebook: "Mac", car: { brand: "Ford", model: "Mustang", year: 1970, color: "red" } };
* var filtered = AccessControl.filter(assets, [ "*", "!car.*", "car.model" ]);
* console.log(assets); // { notebook: "Mac", car: { model: "Mustang" } }
* filtered = AccessControl.filter(assets, "*"); // or AccessControl.filter(assets, ["*"]);
* console.log(assets); // { notebook: "Mac", car: { model: "Mustang" } }
* filtered = AccessControl.filter(assets); // or AccessControl.filter(assets, "");
* console.log(assets); // {}
}, {
key: 'filter',
value: function filter(data, attributes) {
_helper2.default.filterAll(data, attributes);

@@ -372,30 +435,33 @@ }

* Gets an instance of `Access` (inner) object. This is used to check
* whether the defined access is allowed for the given role(s) and resource.
* This object provides chainable methods to build and define the access
* to be checked.
* @alias AccessControl#access
* @chainable
* @param {String|Array|Object} rolesOrAccess - A single role (as a string),
* a list of roles (as an array) or an object that fully or partially
* defines the access to be checked.
* @returns {AccessControl~Access} - The returned object provides chainable
* methods to build and define the access permissions to be checked.
* @example
* var ac = new AccessControl(grants);
* ac.can('admin').createAny('profile');
* // equivalent to:
* ac.can().role('admin').createAny('profile');
* // equivalent to:
* ac.can().role('admin').resource('profile').createAny();
* // To check for multiple roles:
* ac.can(['admin', 'user']).createOwn('profile');
* // Note: when multiple roles checked, acquired attributes are unioned (merged).
*/ }, { key: 'can', value: function can(
rolesOrAccess) {
* Gets an instance of `Access` (inner) object. This is used to check
* whether the defined access is allowed for the given role(s) and resource.
* This object provides chainable methods to build and define the access
* to be checked.
* @alias AccessControl#access
* @chainable
* @param {String|Array|Object} rolesOrAccess - A single role (as a string),
* a list of roles (as an array) or an object that fully or partially
* defines the access to be checked.
* @returns {AccessControl~Access} - The returned object provides chainable
* methods to build and define the access permissions to be checked.
* @example
* var ac = new AccessControl(grants);
* ac.can('admin').createAny('profile');
* // equivalent to:
* ac.can().role('admin').createAny('profile');
* // equivalent to:
* ac.can().role('admin').resource('profile').createAny();
* // To check for multiple roles:
* ac.can(['admin', 'user']).createOwn('profile');
* // Note: when multiple roles checked, acquired attributes are unioned (merged).
}, {
key: 'can',
value: function can(rolesOrAccess) {
return new this._factory.Access(rolesOrAccess);

@@ -405,6 +471,9 @@ }

* Alias of `can()`.
* @private
*/ }, { key: 'access', value: function access(
rolesOrAccess) {
* Alias of `can()`.
* @private
}, {
key: 'access',
value: function access(rolesOrAccess) {
return this.can(rolesOrAccess);

@@ -414,42 +483,45 @@ }

* Gets an instance of `Permission` (inner) object that checks and defines
* the granted access permissions for the target resource and role.
* Normally you would use `AccessControl#can()` method to check for
* permissions but this is useful if you need to check at once by passing
* a grant object; instead of chaining methods
* (as in `.can(role).action(resource)`).
* Returned object has the following members:
* @property {Boolean} granted
* Whether the specified resource permissions are granted for
* the given role.
* @property {Array} attributes
* The defined attributes for the specified resource and
* permissions. This will return an empty array if `granted` is
* `false`.
* @property {Function} filter
* Method that filters the properties of the given data object
* or array of objects, by granted permission attributes. Accepts
* a single argument; an object or array of objects to be
* filtered by the resulting attributes. This is equivalent to
* `AccessControl#filter(object, attributes)` method only with
* one difference that you don't need to pass the attributes
* argument.
* @returns {AccessControl~Permission} - An object that provides properties
* and methods that defines the granted access permissions.
* @example
* var ac = new AccessControl(grants);
* var permission = ac.permission({
* role: "user",
* action: "update:own",
* resource: "profile"
* });
* permission.granted; // Boolean
* permission.attributes; // Array e.g. [ 'username', 'password', 'company.*']
* permission.filter(object); // { username, password, company: { name, address, ... } }
*/ }, { key: 'permission', value: function permission(
rolesOrPerm) {
* Gets an instance of `Permission` (inner) object that checks and defines
* the granted access permissions for the target resource and role.
* Normally you would use `AccessControl#can()` method to check for
* permissions but this is useful if you need to check at once by passing
* a grant object; instead of chaining methods
* (as in `.can(role).action(resource)`).
* Returned object has the following members:
* @property {Boolean} granted
* Whether the specified resource permissions are granted for
* the given role.
* @property {Array} attributes
* The defined attributes for the specified resource and
* permissions. This will return an empty array if `granted` is
* `false`.
* @property {Function} filter
* Method that filters the properties of the given data object
* or array of objects, by granted permission attributes. Accepts
* a single argument; an object or array of objects to be
* filtered by the resulting attributes. This is equivalent to
* `AccessControl#filter(object, attributes)` method only with
* one difference that you don't need to pass the attributes
* argument.
* @returns {AccessControl~Permission} - An object that provides properties
* and methods that defines the granted access permissions.
* @example
* var ac = new AccessControl(grants);
* var permission = ac.permission({
* role: "user",
* action: "update:own",
* resource: "profile"
* });
* permission.granted; // Boolean
* permission.attributes; // Array e.g. [ 'username', 'password', 'company.*']
* permission.filter(object); // { username, password, company: { name, address, ... } }
}, {
key: 'permission',
value: function permission(rolesOrPerm) {
return new this._factory.Permission(rolesOrPerm);

@@ -459,52 +531,55 @@ }

* Gets an instance of `Grant` (inner) object. This is used to grant access
* to specified resource(s) for the given role(s).
* @alias AccessControl#allow
* @chainable
* @param {String|Array|Object} rolesOrGrant - A single role (as a string),
* a list of roles (as an array) or an object that fully or partially
* defines the access to be granted.
* @return {AccessControl~Access} - The returned object provides chainable
* properties to build and define the access to be granted. See the
* examples for details.
* @example
* var ac = new AccessControl(),
* attributes = ['*'];
* ac.grant('admin').createAny('profile', attributes);
* // equivalent to:
* ac.grant().role('admin').createAny('profile', attributes);
* // equivalent to:
* ac.grant().role('admin').resource('profile').createAny(null, attributes);
* // equivalent to:
* ac.grant({
* role: 'admin',
* resource: 'profile',
* }).createAny(null, attributes);
* // equivalent to:
* ac.grant({
* role: 'admin',
* resource: 'profile',
* action: 'create:any',
* attributes: attributes
* });
* // equivalent to:
* ac.grant({
* role: 'admin',
* resource: 'profile',
* action: 'create',
* possession: 'any', // omitting this will default to 'any'
* attributes: attributes
* });
* // To grant same resource and attributes for multiple roles:
* ac.grant(['admin', 'user']).createOwn('profile', attributes);
* // Note: when attributes is omitted, it will default to `['*']`
* // which means all attributes (of the resource) are allowed.
*/ }, { key: 'grant', value: function grant(
rolesOrGrant) {
* Gets an instance of `Grant` (inner) object. This is used to grant access
* to specified resource(s) for the given role(s).
* @alias AccessControl#allow
* @chainable
* @param {String|Array|Object} rolesOrGrant - A single role (as a string),
* a list of roles (as an array) or an object that fully or partially
* defines the access to be granted.
* @return {AccessControl~Access} - The returned object provides chainable
* properties to build and define the access to be granted. See the
* examples for details.
* @example
* var ac = new AccessControl(),
* attributes = ['*'];
* ac.grant('admin').createAny('profile', attributes);
* // equivalent to:
* ac.grant().role('admin').createAny('profile', attributes);
* // equivalent to:
* ac.grant().role('admin').resource('profile').createAny(null, attributes);
* // equivalent to:
* ac.grant({
* role: 'admin',
* resource: 'profile',
* }).createAny(null, attributes);
* // equivalent to:
* ac.grant({
* role: 'admin',
* resource: 'profile',
* action: 'create:any',
* attributes: attributes
* });
* // equivalent to:
* ac.grant({
* role: 'admin',
* resource: 'profile',
* action: 'create',
* possession: 'any', // omitting this will default to 'any'
* attributes: attributes
* });
* // To grant same resource and attributes for multiple roles:
* ac.grant(['admin', 'user']).createOwn('profile', attributes);
* // Note: when attributes is omitted, it will default to `['*']`
* // which means all attributes (of the resource) are allowed.
}, {
key: 'grant',
value: function grant(rolesOrGrant) {
return new this._factory.Grant(rolesOrGrant);

@@ -514,6 +589,9 @@ }

* Alias of `grant()`.
* @private
*/ }, { key: 'allow', value: function allow(
rolesOrGrant) {
* Alias of `grant()`.
* @private
}, {
key: 'allow',
value: function allow(rolesOrGrant) {
return this.grant(rolesOrGrant);

@@ -523,47 +601,50 @@ }

* Gets an instance of `Deny` (inner) object. This is used to deny access
* to specified resource(s) for the given role(s). Denying will only remove
* a previously created grant. So if not granted before, you don't need
* to deny an access.
* @alias AccessControl#reject
* @chainable
* @param {String|Array|Object} rolesOrGrant - A single role (as a string),
* a list of roles (as an array) or an object that fully or partially
* defines the access to be granted.
* @return {AccessControl~Access} - The returned object provides chainable
* properties to build and define the access to be granted.
* @example
* var ac = new AccessControl();
* ac.deny('admin').createAny('profile');
* // equivalent to:
* ac.deny().role('admin').createAny('profile');
* // equivalent to:
* ac.deny().role('admin').resource('profile').createAny();
* // equivalent to:
* ac.deny({
* role: 'admin',
* resource: 'profile',
* }).createAny();
* // equivalent to:
* ac.deny({
* role: 'admin',
* resource: 'profile',
* action: 'create:any'
* });
* // equivalent to:
* ac.deny({
* role: 'admin',
* resource: 'profile',
* action: 'create',
* possession: 'any' // omitting this will default to 'any'
* });
* // To deny same resource for multiple roles:
* ac.deny(['admin', 'user']).createOwn('profile');
*/ }, { key: 'deny', value: function deny(
rolesOrDeny) {
* Gets an instance of `Deny` (inner) object. This is used to deny access
* to specified resource(s) for the given role(s). Denying will only remove
* a previously created grant. So if not granted before, you don't need
* to deny an access.
* @alias AccessControl#reject
* @chainable
* @param {String|Array|Object} rolesOrGrant - A single role (as a string),
* a list of roles (as an array) or an object that fully or partially
* defines the access to be granted.
* @return {AccessControl~Access} - The returned object provides chainable
* properties to build and define the access to be granted.
* @example
* var ac = new AccessControl();
* ac.deny('admin').createAny('profile');
* // equivalent to:
* ac.deny().role('admin').createAny('profile');
* // equivalent to:
* ac.deny().role('admin').resource('profile').createAny();
* // equivalent to:
* ac.deny({
* role: 'admin',
* resource: 'profile',
* }).createAny();
* // equivalent to:
* ac.deny({
* role: 'admin',
* resource: 'profile',
* action: 'create:any'
* });
* // equivalent to:
* ac.deny({
* role: 'admin',
* resource: 'profile',
* action: 'create',
* possession: 'any' // omitting this will default to 'any'
* });
* // To deny same resource for multiple roles:
* ac.deny(['admin', 'user']).createOwn('profile');
}, {
key: 'deny',
value: function deny(rolesOrDeny) {
return new this._factory.Deny(rolesOrDeny);

@@ -573,6 +654,9 @@ }

* Alias of `deny()`.
* @private
*/ }, { key: 'reject', value: function reject(
rolesOrDeny) {
* Alias of `deny()`.
* @private
}, {
key: 'reject',
value: function reject(rolesOrDeny) {
return this.deny(rolesOrDeny);

@@ -587,19 +671,37 @@ }

* @private
*/ }, { key: '_each', value: function _each(
callback) {var _this4 = this;
_helper2.default.eachKey(this._grants, function (role) {return callback(role, _this4._grants[role]);});
}, {
key: '_each',
value: function _each(callback) {
var _this4 = this;
_helper2.default.eachKey(this._grants, function (role) {
return callback(role, _this4._grants[role]);
* @private
*/ }, { key: '_eachRole', value: function _eachRole(
callback) {
_helper2.default.eachKey(this._grants, function (role) {return callback(role);});
* @private
}, {
key: '_eachRole',
value: function _eachRole(callback) {
_helper2.default.eachKey(this._grants, function (role) {
return callback(role);
* @private
*/ }, { key: '_eachRoleResource', value: function _eachRoleResource(
callback) {var _this5 = this;
var resources = void 0,permissions = void 0;
* @private
}, {
key: '_eachRoleResource',
value: function _eachRoleResource(callback) {
var _this5 = this;
var resources = void 0,
permissions = void 0;
this._eachRole(function (role) {

@@ -616,6 +718,14 @@ resources = _this5._grants[role];

// means "all attributes allowed".
}, { key: '_grantAccess', value: function _grantAccess(grant) {var _this6 = this;
}, {
key: '_grantAccess',
value: function _grantAccess(grant) {
var _this6 = this;
grant = _helper2.default.normalizeAccessObject(grant);
// console.log(grant);
var grantItem = void 0,resource = void 0,re = void 0,ap = void 0;
var grantItem = void 0,
resource = void 0,
re = void 0,
ap = void 0;
// grant.role also accepts an array, so treat it like it.

@@ -641,5 +751,10 @@ grant.role.forEach(function (role) {

* @private
*/ }, { key: '_removePermission', value: function _removePermission(
resources, roles, actionPossession) {var _this7 = this;
* @private
}, {
key: '_removePermission',
value: function _removePermission(resources, roles, actionPossession) {
var _this7 = this;
resources = _helper2.default.asArray(resources);

@@ -663,12 +778,18 @@ if (roles) roles = _helper2.default.asArray(roles);

* Removes the permission ("action:possession" property which represents
* the permission) from the corresponding resource object (in grants).
* @private
*/ }, { key: '_denyAccess', value: function _denyAccess(
deny) {
* Removes the permission ("action:possession" property which represents
* the permission) from the corresponding resource object (in grants).
* @private
}, {
key: '_denyAccess',
value: function _denyAccess(deny) {
deny = _helper2.default.normalizeAccessObject(deny);
var ap = deny.action + ':' + deny.possession;
this._removePermission(deny.resource, deny.role, ap);
} }]);return AccessControl;}();
return AccessControl;

@@ -678,3 +799,3 @@ // -------------------------------

// -------------------------------
exports.default =
exports.default = AccessControl;

@@ -1,69 +0,78 @@

'use strict';Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
* Enumerates the possible actions of a role.
* An action defines the type of an operation that will be
* executed on a "resource" by a "role".
* This is known as CRUD (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE).
* @enum {String}
* @memberof! AccessControl
* Enumerates the possible actions of a role.
* An action defines the type of an operation that will be
* executed on a "resource" by a "role".
* This is known as CRUD (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE).
* @enum {String}
* @memberof! AccessControl
var Action = {
* Specifies a CREATE action to be performed on a resource.
* For example, an HTTP POST request or an INSERT database operation.
* @type {String}
* Specifies a CREATE action to be performed on a resource.
* For example, an HTTP POST request or an INSERT database operation.
* @type {String}
CREATE: 'create',
* Specifies a READ action to be performed on a resource.
* For example, an HTTP GET request or an database SELECT operation.
* @type {String}
* Specifies a READ action to be performed on a resource.
* For example, an HTTP GET request or an database SELECT operation.
* @type {String}
READ: 'read',
* Specifies an UPDATE action to be performed on a resource.
* For example, an HTTP PUT or POST request or an database UPDATE operation.
* @type {String}
* Specifies an UPDATE action to be performed on a resource.
* For example, an HTTP PUT or POST request or an database UPDATE operation.
* @type {String}
UPDATE: 'update',
* Specifies a DELETE action to be performed on a resource.
* For example, an HTTP DELETE request or a database DELETE operation.
* @type {String}
DELETE: 'delete' };
* Specifies a DELETE action to be performed on a resource.
* For example, an HTTP DELETE request or a database DELETE operation.
* @type {String}
DELETE: 'delete'
* @private
var actions = Object.keys(Action).map(function (item) {return item.toLowerCase();});
* @private
var actions = Object.keys(Action).map(function (item) {
return item.toLowerCase();
* Enumerates the possible possessions of a resource, for an action.
* A possession defines whether the access is granted/denied for ANY or OWN resource(s).
* @enum {String}
* @memberof! AccessControl
* Enumerates the possible possessions of a resource, for an action.
* A possession defines whether the access is granted/denied for ANY or OWN resource(s).
* @enum {String}
* @memberof! AccessControl
var Possession = {
* Indicates that the action is (or not) to be performed on **own**
* resource(s) of the current subject.
* @type {String}
* Indicates that the action is (or not) to be performed on <b>own</b>
* resource(s) of the current subject.
* @type {String}
OWN: 'own',
* Indicates that the action is (or not) to be performed on **any**
* resource(s); including *own* resource(s) of the current subject.
* @type {String}
ANY: 'any' };
* Indicates that the action is (or not) to be performed on <b>any</b>
* resource(s); including <i>own</i> resource(s) of the current subject.
* @type {String}
ANY: 'any'
* @private
var possessions = Object.keys(Possession).map(function (item) {return item.toLowerCase();});exports.default =
* @private
var possessions = Object.keys(Possession).map(function (item) {
return item.toLowerCase();
exports.default = Object.freeze({
Action: Action,

@@ -73,2 +82,3 @@ Possession: Possession,

actions: actions,
possessions: possessions });
possessions: possessions

@@ -1,9 +0,30 @@

'use strict';Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });var _createClass = function () {function defineProperties(target, props) {for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {var descriptor = props[i];descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;descriptor.configurable = true;if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);}}return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);return Constructor;};}(); // dep modules
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); // dep modules
// own modules
var _notation = require('notation');var _notation2 = _interopRequireDefault(_notation);var _enums = require('./enums');var _enums2 = _interopRequireDefault(_enums);
var _helper = require('./lib/helper');var _helper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helper);function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };}function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");}}exports.default =
function (ac) {
var _notation = require('notation');
var _notation2 = _interopRequireDefault(_notation);
var _enums = require('./enums');
var _enums2 = _interopRequireDefault(_enums);
var _helper = require('./lib/helper');
var _helper2 = _interopRequireDefault(_helper);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
exports.default = function (ac) {
// -------------------------------

@@ -29,18 +50,12 @@ // CLASS: Permission

var Permission = function () {
function Permission(perm) {
_classCallCheck(this, Permission);
function Permission(perm) {_classCallCheck(this, Permission);
this._attributes = this._getUnionAttrsOfRoles(perm);
}_createClass(Permission, [{ key: 'filter',
_createClass(Permission, [{
key: 'filter',
// equivalent to AccessControl.filter(data, attributes);

@@ -52,6 +67,9 @@ value: function filter(data) {

* Gets roles and extended roles in a flat array.
* @private
*/ }, { key: '_getFlatRoles', value: function _getFlatRoles(
roles) {
* Gets roles and extended roles in a flat array.
* @private
}, {
key: '_getFlatRoles',
value: function _getFlatRoles(roles) {
roles = _helper2.default.asArray(roles);

@@ -69,9 +87,12 @@ var arr = roles.concat();

* When more than one role is passed, we union the permitted attributes
* for all given roles; so we can check whether "at least one of these
* roles" have the permission to execute this action.
* e.g. `can(['admin', 'user']).createAny('video')`
* @private
*/ }, { key: '_getUnionAttrsOfRoles', value: function _getUnionAttrsOfRoles(
access) {
* When more than one role is passed, we union the permitted attributes
* for all given roles; so we can check whether "at least one of these
* roles" have the permission to execute this action.
* e.g. `can(['admin', 'user']).createAny('video')`
* @private
}, {
key: '_getUnionAttrsOfRoles',
value: function _getUnionAttrsOfRoles(access) {
if (!ac._grants) {

@@ -83,4 +104,6 @@ throw new Error('AccessControl: Grants are not set.');

var grantItem = void 0,_resource = void 0,
attrsList = [],
var grantItem = void 0,
_resource = void 0,
attrsList = [],
// get roles and extended roles in a flat array

@@ -98,7 +121,3 @@ roles = this._getFlatRoles(access.role);

// `granted=true` for "own", if "own" is not defined.
_resource[access.action + ':' + access.possession] ||
_resource[access.action + ':any'] ||
attrsList.push(_resource[access.action + ':' + access.possession] || _resource[access.action + ':any'] || []);
// console.log(_resource, 'for:', action + '.' + possession);

@@ -112,3 +131,3 @@ }

var attrs = [],
len = attrsList.length;
len = attrsList.length;
if (len > 0) {

@@ -123,5 +142,21 @@ attrs = attrsList[0];

return attrs;
} }, { key: 'attributes', get: function get() {return this._attributes;} }, { key: 'granted', get: function get() {// check for a non-negated attribute
return this.attributes.some(function (attr) {return attr.slice(0, 1) !== '!';});} }]);return Permission;}();
}, {
key: 'attributes',
get: function get() {
return this._attributes;
}, {
key: 'granted',
get: function get() {
// check for a non-negated attribute
return this.attributes.some(function (attr) {
return attr.slice(0, 1) !== '!';
return Permission;
// -------------------------------

@@ -132,5 +167,8 @@ // CLASS: Access

// See AccessControl#can
var Access = function () {
function Access(rolesOrAccess) {
_classCallCheck(this, Access);
function Access(rolesOrAccess) {_classCallCheck(this, Access);
// if this is a (permission) object, we directly build attributes from

@@ -144,17 +182,23 @@ // grants.

this._access = {
role: rolesOrAccess };
role: rolesOrAccess
}_createClass(Access, [{ key: 'role', value: function role(
roles) {
_createClass(Access, [{
key: 'role',
value: function role(roles) {
this._access.role = roles;
return this;
} }, { key: 'resource', value: function resource(
_resource2) {
}, {
key: 'resource',
value: function resource(_resource2) {
this._access.resource = _resource2;
return this;
} }]);return Access;}();
return Access;

@@ -166,2 +210,4 @@ // -------------------------------

// See AccessControl#grant
var Grant = function () {

@@ -173,3 +219,5 @@

// default to "any".
function Grant(rolesOrGrant) {_classCallCheck(this, Grant);
function Grant(rolesOrGrant) {
_classCallCheck(this, Grant);
// if this is a (access grant) object, we directly add it to grants

@@ -188,23 +236,28 @@ if (_helper2.default.type(rolesOrGrant) === 'object') {

this._grant = {
role: rolesOrGrant };
role: rolesOrGrant
}_createClass(Grant, [{ key: 'role', value: function role(
roles) {
_createClass(Grant, [{
key: 'role',
value: function role(roles) {
this._grant.role = roles;
return this;
} }, { key: 'resource', value: function resource(
_resource3) {
}, {
key: 'resource',
value: function resource(_resource3) {
this._grant.resource = _resource3;
return this;
} }, { key: 'attributes', value: function attributes(
_attributes) {
}, {
key: 'attributes',
value: function attributes(_attributes) {
this._grant.attributes = _attributes;
return this;
} }, { key: 'extend', value: function extend(
roles) {
}, {
key: 'extend',
value: function extend(roles) {
ac.extendRole(this._grant.role, roles);

@@ -215,9 +268,12 @@ return this;

* Shorthand to switch to a new `Grant` instance with a different role
* within the method chain.
* @example
* ac.grant('user').createOwn('video')
* .grant('admin').updateAny('video');
*/ }, { key: 'grant', value: function grant(
rolesOrGrant) {
* Shorthand to switch to a new `Grant` instance with a different role
* within the method chain.
* @example
* ac.grant('user').createOwn('video')
* .grant('admin').updateAny('video');
}, {
key: 'grant',
value: function grant(rolesOrGrant) {
if (!rolesOrGrant) rolesOrGrant = this._grant.role;

@@ -228,13 +284,19 @@ return new Grant(rolesOrGrant);

* Shorthand to switch to a new `Deny` instance with a different
* (or same) role within the method chain.
* @example
* ac.grant('user').createOwn('video')
* .grant('admin').updateAny('video');
*/ }, { key: 'deny', value: function deny(
rolesOrDeny) {
* Shorthand to switch to a new `Deny` instance with a different
* (or same) role within the method chain.
* @example
* ac.grant('user').createOwn('video')
* .grant('admin').updateAny('video');
}, {
key: 'deny',
value: function deny(rolesOrDeny) {
if (!rolesOrDeny) rolesOrDeny = this._grant.role;
return new Deny(rolesOrDeny); // eslint-disable-line
} }]);return Grant;}();
return Grant;

@@ -246,6 +308,10 @@ // -------------------------------

// See AccessControl#deny
var Deny = function () {
// See AccessControl.Deny
function Deny(rolesOrDeny) {_classCallCheck(this, Deny);
function Deny(rolesOrDeny) {
_classCallCheck(this, Deny);
// if this is a (access grant) object, we directly add it to grants

@@ -261,12 +327,16 @@ if (_helper2.default.type(rolesOrDeny) === 'object') {

this._deny = {
role: rolesOrDeny };
role: rolesOrDeny
}_createClass(Deny, [{ key: 'role', value: function role(
roles) {
_createClass(Deny, [{
key: 'role',
value: function role(roles) {
this._deny.role = roles;
return this;
} }, { key: 'resource', value: function resource(
_resource4) {
}, {
key: 'resource',
value: function resource(_resource4) {
this._deny.resource = _resource4;

@@ -277,9 +347,12 @@ return this;

* Shorthand to switch to a new `Deny` instance with a different role
* within the method chain.
* @example
* ac.grant('user').createOwn('video')
* .grant('admin').updateAny('video');
*/ }, { key: 'deny', value: function deny(
rolesOrDeny) {
* Shorthand to switch to a new `Deny` instance with a different role
* within the method chain.
* @example
* ac.grant('user').createOwn('video')
* .grant('admin').updateAny('video');
}, {
key: 'deny',
value: function deny(rolesOrDeny) {
if (!rolesOrDeny) rolesOrDeny = this._deny.role;

@@ -290,13 +363,19 @@ return new Deny(rolesOrDeny);

* Shorthand to switch to a new `Grant` instance with a different
* (or same) role within the method chain.
* @example
* ac.grant('user').createOwn('video')
* .grant('admin').updateAny('video');
*/ }, { key: 'grant', value: function grant(
rolesOrGrant) {
* Shorthand to switch to a new `Grant` instance with a different
* (or same) role within the method chain.
* @example
* ac.grant('user').createOwn('video')
* .grant('admin').updateAny('video');
}, {
key: 'grant',
value: function grant(rolesOrGrant) {
if (!rolesOrGrant) rolesOrGrant = this._deny.role;
return new Grant(rolesOrGrant);
} }]);return Deny;}();
return Deny;

@@ -317,4 +396,6 @@ // -------------------------------

var method = void 0;
_enums2.default.actions.forEach(function (action) {// create|read|update|delete
_enums2.default.possessions.forEach(function (possession) {// any|own
_enums2.default.actions.forEach(function (action) {
// create|read|update|delete
_enums2.default.possessions.forEach(function (possession) {
// any|own
method = _helper2.default.getMethodName(action, possession);

@@ -391,5 +472,4 @@ // Access.prototype.<action+Possession>

Grant: Grant,
Deny: Deny };
Deny: Deny

@@ -1,16 +0,25 @@

'use strict';Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var _notation = require('notation');var _notation2 = _interopRequireDefault(_notation);
'use strict';
var _enums = require('../enums');var _enums2 = _interopRequireDefault(_enums);function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };} // dep modules
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
var _notation = require('notation');
var _notation2 = _interopRequireDefault(_notation);
var _enums = require('../enums');
var _enums2 = _interopRequireDefault(_enums);
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
// dep modules
var helper = {
type: function type(o) {
hasDefined: function hasDefined(o, propName) {
return o.hasOwnProperty(propName) && o[propName] !== undefined;
asArray: function asArray(value, delim) {

@@ -24,3 +33,2 @@ if (!value) return;

uniqConcat: function uniqConcat(arrA, arrB) {

@@ -32,7 +40,7 @@ arrB.forEach(function (b) {

subtractArray: function subtractArray(arrA, arrB) {
return arrA.filter(function (a) {return arrB.indexOf(a) === -1;});
return arrA.filter(function (a) {
return arrB.indexOf(a) === -1;
eachKey: function eachKey(o, callback) {

@@ -42,13 +50,12 @@ return Object.keys(o).forEach(callback);

// "create" + "own" = "createOwn"
getMethodName: function getMethodName(action, possession) {
return action.toLowerCase() +
possession.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
return action.toLowerCase() + possession.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + possession.slice(1).toLowerCase();
// Converts the given role(s) to an array, checks the role(s) and resource.
normalizeRoleAndResource: function normalizeRoleAndResource(o) {
var valid = (typeof o.role === 'string' || Array.isArray(o.role)) &&
o.role.length > 0;
var valid = (typeof o.role === 'string' || Array.isArray(o.role)) && o.role.length > 0;
if (!valid) {

@@ -68,2 +75,3 @@ throw new Error('AccessControl: Invalid role(s): ' + o.role);

// Normalizes base properties of an access object such as role, resource,

@@ -84,4 +92,4 @@ // action and possession. This method also validates these properties and

var ap = String(o.action || '').split(':'),
a = ap[0].toLowerCase(),
p = (o.possession || ap[1] || 'any').toLowerCase();
a = ap[0].toLowerCase(),
p = (o.possession || ap[1] || 'any').toLowerCase();
if (_enums2.default.actions.indexOf(a) < 0) {

@@ -97,3 +105,2 @@ throw new Error('AccessControl: Invalid action: ' + o.action);

filter: function filter(object, attributes) {

@@ -104,5 +111,4 @@ if (!Array.isArray(attributes) || attributes.length === 0) {

var notation = new _notation2.default(object);
return notation.filter(attributes).value();
return notation.filter(attributes).value;
filterAll: function filterAll(arrOrObj, attributes) {

@@ -115,6 +121,5 @@ if (!Array.isArray(arrOrObj)) {

} }; // own modules
exports.default =
// own modules
exports.default = helper;
"name": "accesscontrol",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.0.1",
"description": "Role and Attribute based Access Control for Node.js",

@@ -9,2 +9,7 @@ "main": "index.js",

"files": [
"scripts": {

@@ -11,0 +16,0 @@ "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"

# AccessControl

@@ -159,3 +162,3 @@ > © 2016, Onur Yıldırım (@onury). MIT License.

See [express.js example](express-js-example).
See [express.js example](#expressjs-example).

@@ -212,4 +215,12 @@ #### Defining All Grants at Once

## Documentation
You can read the full [**API reference** here][docs].
## Change-Log
**v1.0.1** (2016-11-09)
- Bug-Fix: Permission filter would throw an error due to syntax. Fixes [issue #1](
- (Dev) added filter test.
**v1.0.0** (2016-09-10)

@@ -222,3 +233,3 @@ - initial release.


@@ -225,0 +236,0 @@ [abac]:

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