Accessible tab component for React
Properly and efficiently handles clicks, keystrokes, and tabindexes. Also allows for callbacks to be passed to perform some action when a tab is clicked (optional).
import Tabs from './Tabs';
const tabContent = [
label: 'Some Component',
content: <SomeComponent />,
callback: this.someCallback
label: 'Another Component',
content: <AnotherComponent someProp={this.someFunc} />,
callback: () => {}
label: 'Third Tab',
content: <ThirdComponent />
render() {
return (
<Tabs data={tabContent} />
No styles are included, but use the following for reference:
.dz0-wrapper-tabs {
.dz0-tabs {
.dz0-tab {
&.is-selected {
.dz0-tabpanels {
.dz0-tabpanel {
&.is-selected {