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A command-line tool for building, managing, and publishing A-Frame scenes.

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A command-line tool for building, managing, and publishing A-Frame scenes.

⚠ NOTE:️ This is not meant to be used just yet. This is a WIP!

TODO: Upstream changes to angle.


npm install -g aframe-cli


To get a list of all commands and options:

aframe --help
aframe new <name> [template]

To create a new A-Frame scene in the working directory:

aframe new

To create a new A-Frame scene in a different directory:

aframe new my-project-directory

To bootstrap a new A-Frame scene from a boilerplate template:

aframe new my-project-directory --template default

From a GitHub repository (such as aframevr/aframe-default-template):

aframe new my-project-directory --template aframevr/aframe-default-template
aframe build <path> [options]

To build the static files (i.e., HTML/CSS/JS) for your A-Frame scene in the working directory:

aframe build

The files will be written to the .public directory, by default, in your A-Frame project's working directory (you can override the paths.public value in your own custom Brunch config file). This default Brunch config file will be used if a brunch-config.js file does not exist and the --config <path> flag is not passed when calling aframe build).

For other options, refer to the usage information returned from aframe serve --help:

  Command: aframe build

  Usage: build|b [options] [path]

  Build an A-Frame project in path (default: current directory).


    -h, --help             output usage information
    -e, --env [setting]    specify a set of override settings to apply
    -p, --production       same as `--env production`
    -d, --debug [pattern]  print verbose debug output to stdout
    -j, --jobs [num]       parallelize the build
    -c, --config [path]    specify a path to Brunch config file
aframe serve <path> [options]

To start a local development server for your A-Frame scene from your project's directory:

aframe serve

The server (which defaults to listening on port 3333) you can now load here: http://localhost:3333/

To create an A-Frame scene in a different directory:

aframe serve my-project-directory

To run in the production mode (how your site would look when published and deployed online):

aframe serve my-project-directory --production

To change the server port, for example, to 8080:

aframe serve -P 8080

For other options, refer to the usage information returned from aframe serve --help:

  Command: aframe serve

  Usage: serve|s [options] [path]

  Serve an A-Frame project in path (default: current directory).


    -h, --help             output usage information
    -e, --env [setting]    specify a set of override settings to apply
    -p, --production       same as `--env production`
    -s, --server           run a simple HTTP server for the public directory on localhost
    -n, --network          if `server` was given, allow access from the network
    -P, --port [port]      if `server` was given, listen on this port
    -d, --debug [pattern]  print verbose debug output to stdout
    -j, --jobs [num]       parallelize the build
    -c, --config [path]    specify a path to Brunch config file
    --stdin                listen to stdin and exit when stdin closes
aframe install <aframe-component-name> [scene-filename.html]

Install a component from the A-Frame Registry to an HTML file. This will detect the A-Frame version from your HTML file and install the appropriate version of the component as a <script> tag.

aframe install aframe-mountain-component
aframe install aframe-physics-system myaframescene-1.html
aframe component

Create a template in the working directory for an A-Frame component for publishing to the ecosystem. This command will ask several questions about your component to get things set up. See how to write a component.

aframe component

To develop the component:

aframe component add aframe-mountain-component

To list all installed components for your active project:

aframe component list

To publish the component to the ecosystem:

npm publish
npm run ghpages

Then submit to the A-Frame Registry.

CLI development

To work on improving the aframe CLI in this repository, first ensure you've set up the project and installed the dependencies:

  1. Clone this git repository, and open the directory created:

    git clone
    cd aframe-cli
  2. Install the Node dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the CLI:

    node index.js

Creating a new A-Frame scene template (boilerplate project)

  1. From the root directory (i.e., cloned checkout of this git repository), create a npm symlink for the aframe CLI (i.e., bin in this repository's root package.json file):

    npm link
  2. Edit the metadata in the templates/index.json, adding a new object to the templates array. The only required keys are alias, url, and title.

  3. Create a new directory in the templates/ directory, by copying over the contents of the default template:

    mkdir -p templates/aframe-new-example-template/
    cp -r templates/aframe-default-template/{.gitignore,app,package.json} templates/aframe-new-example-template/.
  4. Create a git repository for the new directory created (e.g., templates/aframe-new-example-template/):

    export TEMPLATE_NAME=aframe-new-example-template
    cd templates/$TEMPLATE_NAME/
    git init .
    git remote add origin$TEMPLATE_NAME.git
  5. Open the new directory created (e.g., templates/aframe-new-example-template/), use the npm sylink for the aframe CLI, and install the Node dependencies:

    cd templates/aframe-new-example-template/
    npm link aframe-cli
    npm install
  6. From within the template's directory (e.g., templates/aframe-new-example-template/), start the local development server:

    npm start
  7. Now you can start building out this scene template!

  8. Once you're done building the scene, create a new repository on GitHub in the aframevr-userland organization, and publish the repository to GitHub:

    git push origin master -u
Adding components to an A-Frame scene template
  1. Ensure you're in the template's directory:

    cd templates/aframe-new-example-template/
  2. Install an A-Frame component you'd like to use in the template. (Check out the A-Frame Registry or the Awesome A-Frame list.)

    npm install --save aframe-teleport-controls
  3. Import the module from within the app/js/initialize.js JS file in the template's directory (e.g., templates/aframe-new-example-template/).

    // For `teleport-controls` component.
  4. To make use of the component, update the scene's A-Frame HTML markup in the app/assets/index.html file, for example:

      <a-entity teleport-controls vive-controls="hand: left"></a-entity>
  5. Go wild!


This source code, including all contributions, is provided under an MIT License.


Last updated on 02 Jun 2017

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