Library provides pipeline element infrastructure for a cradle data pipeline
The pipeline component designed to provide a RabbitMQ subscriber and publisher ecosystem around a transform()
function and should simplify implementation of future Cradle components.
npm i --save agc-pipeline-node
import { Action, IMessage, IResult } from 'agc-pipeline-node';
export default function(input: IMessage): IResult {
const counter =;
return {
action: Action.Forward,
target: '',
message: {
kind: 'myKind',
data: {
counter: counter + 1
import configProvider from '@vamship/config';
import loggerProvider from '@vamship/logger';
import { PipelineElement } from 'agc-pipeline-node';
import transform from '../lib/my-transform';
export const command = 'start';
export const describe = 'Run Pipeline Transform';
export const builder = {};
export const handler = (argv) => {
const config = configProvider.getConfig();
const logger = loggerProvider.getLogger('command:start');
logger.trace('config', { config });
const pipelineElement = new PipelineElement(transform, config);
return pipelineElement.start();
"default": {
"app": {},
"log": {
"level": "trace",
"extremeLogging": false
"subscriber": {
"hostname": "localhost",
"port": "5672",
"username": "user",
"password": "password",
"exchangeName": "inputExchange",
"exchangeType": "topic",
"isExchangeDurable": "true",
"topicName": "myTopic",
"queueName": "inputQueue",
"isQueueDurable": "true",
"isQueueExclusive": "false"
"publisher": {
"hostname": "localhost",
"port": "5672",
"username": "user",
"password": "password",
"exchangeName": "outputExchange",
"exchangeType": "topic",
"isExchangeDurable": "true",
"queueName": "outputQueue",
"isQueueDurable": "true",
"isQueueExclusive": "false"
"development": {
"app": {}
"test": {
"app": {}
"production": {
"app": { },
"log": {
"level": "info",
"extremeLogging": true
Use Docker to spin up a RabbitMQ container:
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --rm --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit rabbitmq:3-management
Launch your CLI application:
./working/src/bin/my-project.js start 2>&1
Open RabbitMQ management console in a web browser:
User: guest
. Password: guest
Use the management console to send a message input the input exchange and to receive the message on the output exchange.
Tip: you can find the rabbit connection again using the
docker ps
To ensure that your code works fine you will need to test it against running RabbitMQ instance.
API Documentation
API documentation can be found here.