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airwallex-payment-elements - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.89.0 to 1.96.0



@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

/* Airwallex Checkout Component Version [1.89.0] */
"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});const e={prod:"",demo:"",staging:"",dev:"",local:"localhost:3000"},r=r=>`https://${e[r]||}`,t="/assets/elements.bundle.min.js?version=1.89.0",o=e=>{const r=document.createElement("script");r.src=`${e}${t}`,r.crossOrigin="anonymous";const o=document.head||document.body;if(!o)throw new Error("Airwallex payment scripts requires a <head> or <body> html element in order to be loaded.");return o.appendChild(r),r},n=async e=>{if("undefined"==typeof window)return null;if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex;let n=0;const l=async()=>{const n=document.querySelector(`script[src="${t}"], script[src="${t}/"]`)||o(r((null==e?void 0:e.env)||"prod"));return new Promise(((r,t)=>{n.addEventListener("load",(()=>{window.Airwallex?(window.Airwallex.init(e),r(window.Airwallex)):t(new Error("Failed to load Airwallex on load event"))})),n.addEventListener("error",(()=>{t(new Error("Failed to load Airwallex scripts")),n.remove&&n.remove()}))}))};for(;n<3;)try{return await l()}catch(e){n++,await new Promise((e=>window.setTimeout(e,500)))}return null},l=e=>{window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.init(e):console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before init();")},a=e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.redirectToCheckout(e);console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before redirectToCheckout();")},i=(e,r)=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.createElement(e,r):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before createElement();"),null),w=e=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.destroyElement(e):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before destroyElement();"),!1),d=e=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.getElement(e):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before getElement();"),null),s=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.confirmPaymentIntent(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before confirmPaymentIntent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},c=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},x=async(e,r)=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.createPaymentMethod(e,r);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before createPaymentMethod();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},m=async(e,r)=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.getPaymentIntent(e,r);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before getPaymentIntent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},A=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.createPaymentConsent(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before createPaymentConsent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},y=e=>window.Airwallex.getDeviceFingerprint(e);var u={getGatewayUrl:r,loadAirwallex:n,loadAirwallexJs:o,init:l,redirectToCheckout:a,createElement:i,destroyElement:w,getDeviceFingerprint:y,getElement:d,getPaymentIntent:m,createPaymentMethod:x,createPaymentConsent:A,confirmPaymentIntent:s,confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard:c};exports.confirmPaymentIntent=s,exports.confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard=c,exports.createElement=i,exports.createPaymentConsent=A,exports.createPaymentMethod=x,exports.default=u,exports.destroyElement=w,exports.getDeviceFingerprint=y,exports.getElement=d,exports.getGatewayUrl=r,exports.getPaymentIntent=m,exports.init=l,exports.loadAirwallex=n,exports.loadAirwallexJs=o,exports.redirectToCheckout=a;
/* Airwallex Checkout Component Version [1.96.0] */
"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});const e={prod:"",demo:"",staging:"",dev:"",local:"localhost:3000"},r=r=>`https://${e[r]||}`,t="/assets/elements.bundle.min.js?version=1.96.0",o=e=>{const r=document.createElement("script");r.src=`${e}${t}`,r.crossOrigin="anonymous";const o=document.head||document.body;if(!o)throw new Error("Airwallex payment scripts requires a <head> or <body> html element in order to be loaded.");return o.appendChild(r),r},n=async e=>{if("undefined"==typeof window)return null;if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex;let n=0;const l=async()=>{const n=document.querySelector(`script[src="${t}"], script[src="${t}/"]`)||o(r((null==e?void 0:e.env)||"prod"));return new Promise(((r,t)=>{n.addEventListener("load",(()=>{window.Airwallex?(window.Airwallex.init(e),r(window.Airwallex)):t(new Error("Failed to load Airwallex on load event"))})),n.addEventListener("error",(()=>{t(new Error("Failed to load Airwallex scripts")),n.remove&&n.remove()}))}))};for(;n<3;)try{return await l()}catch(e){n++,await new Promise((e=>window.setTimeout(e,500)))}return null},l=e=>{window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.init(e):console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before init();")},a=e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.redirectToCheckout(e);console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before redirectToCheckout();")},i=(e,r)=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.createElement(e,r):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before createElement();"),null),w=e=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.destroyElement(e):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before destroyElement();"),!1),d=e=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.getElement(e):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before getElement();"),null),s=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.confirmPaymentIntent(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before confirmPaymentIntent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},c=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},x=async(e,r)=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.createPaymentMethod(e,r);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before createPaymentMethod();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},m=async(e,r)=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.getPaymentIntent(e,r);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before getPaymentIntent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},A=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.createPaymentConsent(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before createPaymentConsent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},y=e=>window.Airwallex.getDeviceFingerprint(e);var u={getGatewayUrl:r,loadAirwallex:n,loadAirwallexJs:o,init:l,redirectToCheckout:a,createElement:i,destroyElement:w,getDeviceFingerprint:y,getElement:d,getPaymentIntent:m,createPaymentMethod:x,createPaymentConsent:A,confirmPaymentIntent:s,confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard:c};exports.confirmPaymentIntent=s,exports.confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard=c,exports.createElement=i,exports.createPaymentConsent=A,exports.createPaymentMethod=x,exports.default=u,exports.destroyElement=w,exports.getDeviceFingerprint=y,exports.getElement=d,exports.getGatewayUrl=r,exports.getPaymentIntent=m,exports.init=l,exports.loadAirwallex=n,exports.loadAirwallexJs=o,exports.redirectToCheckout=a;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

/* Airwallex Checkout Component Version [1.89.0] */
const e={prod:"",demo:"",staging:"",dev:"",local:"localhost:3000"},r=r=>`https://${e[r]||}`,o="/assets/elements.bundle.min.js?version=1.89.0",n=e=>{const r=document.createElement("script");r.src=`${e}${o}`,r.crossOrigin="anonymous";const n=document.head||document.body;if(!n)throw new Error("Airwallex payment scripts requires a <head> or <body> html element in order to be loaded.");return n.appendChild(r),r},l=async e=>{if("undefined"==typeof window)return null;if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex;let l=0;const t=async()=>{const l=document.querySelector(`script[src="${o}"], script[src="${o}/"]`)||n(r((null==e?void 0:e.env)||"prod"));return new Promise(((r,o)=>{l.addEventListener("load",(()=>{window.Airwallex?(window.Airwallex.init(e),r(window.Airwallex)):o(new Error("Failed to load Airwallex on load event"))})),l.addEventListener("error",(()=>{o(new Error("Failed to load Airwallex scripts")),l.remove&&l.remove()}))}))};for(;l<3;)try{return await t()}catch(e){l++,await new Promise((e=>window.setTimeout(e,500)))}return null},t=e=>{window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.init(e):console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before init();")},a=e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.redirectToCheckout(e);console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before redirectToCheckout();")},i=(e,r)=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.createElement(e,r):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before createElement();"),null),w=e=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.destroyElement(e):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before destroyElement();"),!1),d=e=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.getElement(e):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before getElement();"),null),c=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.confirmPaymentIntent(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before confirmPaymentIntent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},s=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},m=async(e,r)=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.createPaymentMethod(e,r);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before createPaymentMethod();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},x=async(e,r)=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.getPaymentIntent(e,r);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before getPaymentIntent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},A=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.createPaymentConsent(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before createPaymentConsent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},u=e=>window.Airwallex.getDeviceFingerprint(e);var y={getGatewayUrl:r,loadAirwallex:l,loadAirwallexJs:n,init:t,redirectToCheckout:a,createElement:i,destroyElement:w,getDeviceFingerprint:u,getElement:d,getPaymentIntent:x,createPaymentMethod:m,createPaymentConsent:A,confirmPaymentIntent:c,confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard:s};export default y;export{c as confirmPaymentIntent,s as confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard,i as createElement,A as createPaymentConsent,m as createPaymentMethod,w as destroyElement,u as getDeviceFingerprint,d as getElement,r as getGatewayUrl,x as getPaymentIntent,t as init,l as loadAirwallex,n as loadAirwallexJs,a as redirectToCheckout};
/* Airwallex Checkout Component Version [1.96.0] */
const e={prod:"",demo:"",staging:"",dev:"",local:"localhost:3000"},r=r=>`https://${e[r]||}`,o="/assets/elements.bundle.min.js?version=1.96.0",n=e=>{const r=document.createElement("script");r.src=`${e}${o}`,r.crossOrigin="anonymous";const n=document.head||document.body;if(!n)throw new Error("Airwallex payment scripts requires a <head> or <body> html element in order to be loaded.");return n.appendChild(r),r},l=async e=>{if("undefined"==typeof window)return null;if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex;let l=0;const t=async()=>{const l=document.querySelector(`script[src="${o}"], script[src="${o}/"]`)||n(r((null==e?void 0:e.env)||"prod"));return new Promise(((r,o)=>{l.addEventListener("load",(()=>{window.Airwallex?(window.Airwallex.init(e),r(window.Airwallex)):o(new Error("Failed to load Airwallex on load event"))})),l.addEventListener("error",(()=>{o(new Error("Failed to load Airwallex scripts")),l.remove&&l.remove()}))}))};for(;l<3;)try{return await t()}catch(e){l++,await new Promise((e=>window.setTimeout(e,500)))}return null},t=e=>{window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.init(e):console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before init();")},a=e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.redirectToCheckout(e);console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before redirectToCheckout();")},i=(e,r)=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.createElement(e,r):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before createElement();"),null),w=e=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.destroyElement(e):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before destroyElement();"),!1),d=e=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.getElement(e):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before getElement();"),null),c=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.confirmPaymentIntent(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before confirmPaymentIntent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},s=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},m=async(e,r)=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.createPaymentMethod(e,r);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before createPaymentMethod();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},x=async(e,r)=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.getPaymentIntent(e,r);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before getPaymentIntent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},A=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.createPaymentConsent(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before createPaymentConsent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},u=e=>window.Airwallex.getDeviceFingerprint(e);var y={getGatewayUrl:r,loadAirwallex:l,loadAirwallexJs:n,init:t,redirectToCheckout:a,createElement:i,destroyElement:w,getDeviceFingerprint:u,getElement:d,getPaymentIntent:x,createPaymentMethod:m,createPaymentConsent:A,confirmPaymentIntent:c,confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard:s};export default y;export{c as confirmPaymentIntent,s as confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard,i as createElement,A as createPaymentConsent,m as createPaymentMethod,w as destroyElement,u as getDeviceFingerprint,d as getElement,r as getGatewayUrl,x as getPaymentIntent,t as init,l as loadAirwallex,n as loadAirwallexJs,a as redirectToCheckout};

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

/* Airwallex Checkout Component Version [1.89.0] */
var Airwallex=function(e){"use strict";const r={prod:"",demo:"",staging:"",dev:"",local:"localhost:3000"},n=e=>`https://${r[e]||}`,t="/assets/elements.bundle.min.js?version=1.89.0",o=e=>{const r=document.createElement("script");r.src=`${e}${t}`,r.crossOrigin="anonymous";const n=document.head||document.body;if(!n)throw new Error("Airwallex payment scripts requires a <head> or <body> html element in order to be loaded.");return n.appendChild(r),r},l=async e=>{if("undefined"==typeof window)return null;if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex;let r=0;const l=async()=>{const r=document.querySelector(`script[src="${t}"], script[src="${t}/"]`)||o(n((null==e?void 0:e.env)||"prod"));return new Promise(((n,t)=>{r.addEventListener("load",(()=>{window.Airwallex?(window.Airwallex.init(e),n(window.Airwallex)):t(new Error("Failed to load Airwallex on load event"))})),r.addEventListener("error",(()=>{t(new Error("Failed to load Airwallex scripts")),r.remove&&r.remove()}))}))};for(;r<3;)try{return await l()}catch(e){r++,await new Promise((e=>window.setTimeout(e,500)))}return null},a=e=>{window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.init(e):console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before init();")},i=e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.redirectToCheckout(e);console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before redirectToCheckout();")},w=(e,r)=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.createElement(e,r):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before createElement();"),null),d=e=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.destroyElement(e):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before destroyElement();"),!1),c=e=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.getElement(e):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before getElement();"),null),s=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.confirmPaymentIntent(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before confirmPaymentIntent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},m=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},x=async(e,r)=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.createPaymentMethod(e,r);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before createPaymentMethod();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},A=async(e,r)=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.getPaymentIntent(e,r);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before getPaymentIntent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},u=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.createPaymentConsent(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before createPaymentConsent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},y=e=>window.Airwallex.getDeviceFingerprint(e);var f={getGatewayUrl:n,loadAirwallex:l,loadAirwallexJs:o,init:a,redirectToCheckout:i,createElement:w,destroyElement:d,getDeviceFingerprint:y,getElement:c,getPaymentIntent:A,createPaymentMethod:x,createPaymentConsent:u,confirmPaymentIntent:s,confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard:m};return e.confirmPaymentIntent=s,e.confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard=m,e.createElement=w,e.createPaymentConsent=u,e.createPaymentMethod=x,e.default=f,e.destroyElement=d,e.getDeviceFingerprint=y,e.getElement=c,e.getGatewayUrl=n,e.getPaymentIntent=A,e.init=a,e.loadAirwallex=l,e.loadAirwallexJs=o,e.redirectToCheckout=i,Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e}({});
/* Airwallex Checkout Component Version [1.96.0] */
var Airwallex=function(e){"use strict";const r={prod:"",demo:"",staging:"",dev:"",local:"localhost:3000"},n=e=>`https://${r[e]||}`,t="/assets/elements.bundle.min.js?version=1.96.0",o=e=>{const r=document.createElement("script");r.src=`${e}${t}`,r.crossOrigin="anonymous";const n=document.head||document.body;if(!n)throw new Error("Airwallex payment scripts requires a <head> or <body> html element in order to be loaded.");return n.appendChild(r),r},l=async e=>{if("undefined"==typeof window)return null;if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex;let r=0;const l=async()=>{const r=document.querySelector(`script[src="${t}"], script[src="${t}/"]`)||o(n((null==e?void 0:e.env)||"prod"));return new Promise(((n,t)=>{r.addEventListener("load",(()=>{window.Airwallex?(window.Airwallex.init(e),n(window.Airwallex)):t(new Error("Failed to load Airwallex on load event"))})),r.addEventListener("error",(()=>{t(new Error("Failed to load Airwallex scripts")),r.remove&&r.remove()}))}))};for(;r<3;)try{return await l()}catch(e){r++,await new Promise((e=>window.setTimeout(e,500)))}return null},a=e=>{window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.init(e):console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before init();")},i=e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.redirectToCheckout(e);console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before redirectToCheckout();")},w=(e,r)=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.createElement(e,r):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before createElement();"),null),d=e=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.destroyElement(e):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before destroyElement();"),!1),c=e=>window.Airwallex?window.Airwallex.getElement(e):(console.error("Please loadAirwallex() before getElement();"),null),s=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.confirmPaymentIntent(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before confirmPaymentIntent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},m=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},x=async(e,r)=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.createPaymentMethod(e,r);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before createPaymentMethod();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},A=async(e,r)=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.getPaymentIntent(e,r);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before getPaymentIntent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},u=async e=>{if(window.Airwallex)return window.Airwallex.createPaymentConsent(e);{const e="Please loadAirwallex() before createPaymentConsent();";throw console.error(e),new Error(e)}},y=e=>window.Airwallex.getDeviceFingerprint(e);var f={getGatewayUrl:n,loadAirwallex:l,loadAirwallexJs:o,init:a,redirectToCheckout:i,createElement:w,destroyElement:d,getDeviceFingerprint:y,getElement:c,getPaymentIntent:A,createPaymentMethod:x,createPaymentConsent:u,confirmPaymentIntent:s,confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard:m};return e.confirmPaymentIntent=s,e.confirmPaymentIntentWithSavedCard=m,e.createElement=w,e.createPaymentConsent=u,e.createPaymentMethod=x,e.default=f,e.destroyElement=d,e.getDeviceFingerprint=y,e.getElement=c,e.getGatewayUrl=n,e.getPaymentIntent=A,e.init=a,e.loadAirwallex=l,e.loadAirwallexJs=o,e.redirectToCheckout=i,Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e}({});
"name": "airwallex-payment-elements",
"version": "1.89.0",
"version": "1.96.0",
"module": "lib/bin/",

@@ -43,3 +43,3 @@ "main": "lib/bin/airwallex.cjs.js",

"devDependencies": {
"@airwallex/typedoc-plugin": "^1.57.0",
"@airwallex/typedoc-plugin": "^1.61.0",
"@babel/core": "^7.12.17",

@@ -104,4 +104,5 @@ "@commitlint/cli": "^11.0.0",

"@types/googlepay": "^0.7.6",
"csstype": "^3.0.6"
"csstype": "^3.0.6",
"eslint-plugin-tsdoc": "^0.4.0"

@@ -35,2 +35,6 @@ const baseConfig = require('@airwallex/typedoc-plugin/typedoc.base.json');


@@ -37,0 +41,0 @@ csstype: {

@@ -151,5 +151,12 @@ import {

* Set it to `true` if you want to skip 3DS regardless of the risk score and Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulation. Only applicable when it's a card recurring flow.
* @deprecated use {@link three_ds_action} instead
* @hidden
skip_3ds?: boolean;
* Set it to `SKIP_3DS` if you want to skip 3DS regardless of the risk score and Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulation. Only applicable when it's a card recurring flow.
* Set it to `FORCE_3DS` if you want to force 3DS regardless of the risk score and Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulation. Only applicable when it's a card recurring flow.
three_ds_action?: 'SKIP_3DS' | 'FORCE_3DS';
* Descriptor that may be displayed to the customer during verification.

@@ -510,2 +517,8 @@ */

* The payment intent you would like to checkout
* Refer to [Airwallex Client API](
* @deprecated use {@link intent_id} instead
id?: string;
* The ID of the Payment Intent you would like to checkout. Required when `mode` is `'payment'`.

@@ -553,18 +566,18 @@ * Refer to [Airwallex Client API](

* Function to redirect the shopper in a Hosted Payment Page(HPP) integration.
* @example
* ```ts
import { init } from '@airwallex/components-sdk';
* Function to redirect the shopper in a Hosted Payment Page(HPP) integration.
* @example
import { init } from '@airwallex/components-sdk';
const { payment } = await init({
env: 'demo', // Choose the Airwallex environment ('demo' or 'prod')
enabledElements: ['payments'],
intent_id: 'replace-with-your-intent-id',
client_secret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret',
currency: 'replace-with-your-currency',
country_code: 'replace-with-your-country-code',
const { payment } = await init({
env: 'demo', // Choose the Airwallex environment ('demo' or 'prod')
enabledElements: ['payments'],
intent_id: 'replace-with-your-intent-id',
client_secret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret',
currency: 'replace-with-your-currency',
country_code: 'replace-with-your-country-code',

@@ -878,5 +891,12 @@ export declare const redirectToCheckout: (props: HostPaymentPage) => void | string;

* Set it to `true` if you want to skip 3DS regardless of the risk score and SCA. Only applicable to card recurring payments.
* Set it to `true` if you want to skip 3DS regardless of the risk score and Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulation. Only applicable when it's a card recurring flow.
* @deprecated use {@link threeDsAction} instead
* @hidden
skip_3ds?: boolean;
* Set it to `SKIP_3DS` if you want to skip 3DS regardless of the risk score and Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulation. Only applicable when it's a card recurring flow.
* Set it to `FORCE_3DS` if you want to force 3DS regardless of the risk score and Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulation. Only applicable when it's a card recurring flow.
three_ds_action?: 'SKIP_3DS' | 'FORCE_3DS';

@@ -883,0 +903,0 @@

@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ import { Intent, PaymentMethodBasicInfo } from './cardNumber';

* Customized Popup overlay width like 3DS payment flow
* Customized Popup overlay width like 3DS payment flow.
popupWidth?: number;
* Customized Popup overlay height like 3DS payment flow
* Customized Popup overlay height like 3DS payment flow.

@@ -384,3 +384,3 @@ popupHeight?: number;

* Supported customized pseudo css style for `cardNumber` | `expiry` | `cvc` Elements
* Supported customized pseudo css style for `cardNumber` | `expiry` | `cvc` Elements.

@@ -391,3 +391,3 @@ */

* Pseudo-classes object
* Pseudo-classes object.

@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ type PseudoClassStyle = { [K in PseudoClasses]?: CSSProperties };

* Styling applied to the input element
* Styling applied to the input element.
input?: CSSProperties & PseudoClassStyle;
* Input variation
* Input variation.

@@ -660,3 +660,3 @@ variant?: 'outlined' | 'filled' | 'standard' | 'bootstrap';

* The merchant's two-letter ISO 3166 country code, e.g. 'US'.
* The merchant's two-letter ISO 3166 country code. For example, 'US'.

@@ -796,3 +796,3 @@ countryCode: string;

* not change based on selections made by the shopper.
* * @defaultValue `'FINAL'`
* @defaultValue `'FINAL'`

@@ -802,9 +802,4 @@ totalPriceStatus?: 'NOT_CURRENTLY_KNOWN' | 'ESTIMATED' | 'FINAL';

* Total price label of this transaction.
* The string will be shown as the total price label on the cart modal
* dialog page.
* This field is optional, but required if developer wants to show cart
* information. Otherwise the cart modal dialog will not be rendered
* even if transactionInfo.displayItems is set.
* The string will be shown as the total price label on the cart modal dialog page.
* This field is optional, but required if developer wants to show cart information. Otherwise the cart modal dialog will not be rendered.

@@ -887,7 +882,2 @@ totalPriceLabel?: string;

* Parameters for shipping option that can be used in this request.
* This should only be set if
* [[PaymentDataRequest.shippingOptionRequired|`PaymentDataRequest.shippingOptionRequired`]]
* is set to `true`.
* Note: This field is currently for web only.

@@ -900,3 +890,3 @@ */

* Upon selection by the shopper, these intents can be used to update the
* request with new data based on that selection (e.g. if a shipping
* request with new data based on that selection (For exmaple, if a shipping
* option is selected, the developer could update the `transactionInfo`

@@ -967,3 +957,3 @@ * with new `totalPrice` and `diplayItems`).

* Error displayed to the shopper for erroneous payment data.
* For example, you can update error when user selects the wrong shipping option
* For example, you can update error when user selects the wrong shipping option.
* Note: This field is currently available for web only.

@@ -1262,14 +1252,11 @@ */

* ```ts
// type
element.mount: (domElement: string | HTMLElement) => void
// There are two ways to mount the element:
// 1. Call with the container DOM id
// 2. Find the created DOM in the existing HTML and call with the container DOM element
const containerElement = document.getElementById('container-dom-id');
* // There are two ways to mount the element:
* // 1. Call with the container DOM id
* element.mount('container-dom-id');
* // 2. Find the created DOM in the existing HTML and call with the container DOM element
* const containerElement = document.getElementById('container-dom-id');
* element.mount(containerElement);
* ```
mount(domElement: string | HTMLElement): null | HTMLElement;

@@ -1279,7 +1266,6 @@

* Unmounts the Element. Note that the Element instance will remain.
* @example
* ```ts
* element.unmount();
* ```

@@ -1289,11 +1275,7 @@ unmount(): void;

* Destroys the Element instance.
* Destroys the Element instance.
* @example
* Once Element is destroyed by calling destroyElement() function, the Element reference is no longer valid.
* ```ts
* element.destroy();
* ```

@@ -1310,6 +1292,6 @@ destroy(): void;

* Using this function to blur the HTML Input element
* @example
* ```ts
* element.blur();
* ```

@@ -1320,5 +1302,5 @@ blur(): void;

* @example
* ```ts
* element.clear();
* ```

@@ -1329,5 +1311,5 @@ clear(): void;

* @example
* ```ts
* element.focus();
* ```

@@ -1339,5 +1321,7 @@ focus(): void;

* @example
element.createPaymentConsent({client_secret: 'mock_client_secret'});
* ```ts
* element.createPaymentConsent({
* client_secret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret',
* });
* ```

@@ -1349,9 +1333,9 @@ createPaymentConsent(data: PaymentConsentRequestData): Promise<PaymentConsentResponse>;

* @example
consent_id: 'mock_consent_id',
client_secret: 'mock_client_secret',
currency: 'mock_currency'
* ```ts
* element.verifyConsent({
* consent_id: 'replace-with-your-consent-id',
* client_secret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret',
* currency: 'replace-with-your-currency',
* });
* ```

@@ -1364,5 +1348,7 @@ verifyConsent(data: VerifyConsentRequest): Promise<PaymentConsentResponse | boolean>;

* @example
element.confirm({client_secret: 'mock_client_secret'});
* ```ts
* element.confirm({
* client_secret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret',
* });
* ```

@@ -1373,5 +1359,5 @@ confirm(data: PaymentMethodRequestData): Promise<Intent>;

* @example
element.update({autoCapture: true});
* ```ts
* element.update({autoCapture: true});
* ```

@@ -1381,12 +1367,12 @@ update(options?: Partial<CardElementOptions>, initOptions?: Partial<InitOptions>): void;

* Listen to Element events.
* @param event - The event name
* @param handler - The event handler
* @example
element.on('success', () => {
// Handle success event
* ```ts
* element.on('success', () => {
* // Handle success event
* });
* ```
on(event: CardElementEvent, handler: EventListener): void;

@@ -1402,15 +1388,15 @@ }

* Using this function to blur the HTML Input element
* Using this function to blur the HTML Input element.
* @example
* ```ts
* element.blur();
* ```
blur(): void;
* Using this function to clear the HTML Input element
* Using this function to clear the HTML Input element.
* @example
* ```ts
* element.clear();
* ```

@@ -1421,5 +1407,5 @@ clear(): void;

* @example
* ```ts
* element.focus();
* ```

@@ -1429,6 +1415,8 @@ focus(): void;

* Creates a Payment Consent, which represents the consent between you and the shopper to use the shopper’s saved card details for future payments.
element.createPaymentConsent({client_secret: 'mock_client_secret'});
* @example
* ```ts
* element.createPaymentConsent({
* client_secret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret',
* });
* ```

@@ -1438,10 +1426,10 @@ createPaymentConsent(data: PaymentConsentRequestData): Promise<PaymentConsentResponse>;

* Using this function to verify payment consent.
consent_id: 'mock_consent_id',
client_secret: 'mock_client_secret',
currency: 'mock_currency'
* @example
* ```ts
* element.verifyConsent({
* consent_id: 'replace-with-your-consent-id',
* client_secret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret',
* currency: 'replace-with-your-currency',
* });
* ```

@@ -1453,25 +1441,29 @@ verifyConsent(data: VerifyConsentRequest): Promise<PaymentConsentResponse | boolean>;

element.confirm({client_secret: 'mock_client_secret'});
* ```ts
* element.confirm({
* client_secret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret',
* });
* ```
confirm(data: PaymentMethodRequestData): Promise<Intent>;
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element
element.update({autoCapture: false});
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element.
* @example
* ```ts
* element.update({
* autoCapture: false,
* });
* ```
update(options?: Partial<CardNumberElementOptions>, initOptions?: Partial<InitOptions>): void;
* Listen to element events.
* Listen to element events.
* @example
element.on('change', () => {
// Handle change event
* ```ts
* element.on('change', () => {
* // Handle change event
* });
* ```
on(event: CardNumberElementEvent, handler: EventListener): void;

@@ -1487,15 +1479,15 @@ }

* Using this function to blur the HTML Input element
* Using this function to blur the HTML Input element.
* @example
* ```ts
* element.blur();
* ```
blur(): void;
* Using this function to clear the HTML Input element
* Using this function to clear the HTML Input element.
* @example
* ```ts
* element.clear();
* ```

@@ -1506,13 +1498,15 @@ clear(): void;

* @example
* ```ts
* element.focus();
* ```
focus(): void;
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element
element.update({placeholder: 'mock placeholder'});
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element.
* @example
* ```ts
* element.update({
* placeholder: 'replace-with-your-placeholder',
* });
* ```

@@ -1522,10 +1516,10 @@ update(options?: Partial<ExpiryDateElementOptions>, initOptions?: Partial<InitOptions>): void;

* Listen to element event
* @example
element.on('change', () => {
// Handle change event
* ```ts
* element.on('change', () => {
* // Handle change event
* });
* ```
on(event: ExpiryElementEvent, handler: EventListener): void;

@@ -1537,51 +1531,57 @@ }

* Functions and external fields can be used in your integration flow with Airwallex element
* Element functions can be used in your integration flow with Airwallex element.
export interface CvcElementType extends ElementBaseType {
* Using this function to blur the HTML Input element
* Using this function to blur the HTML Input element.
* @example
* ```ts
* element.blur();
* ```
blur(): void;
* Using this function to clear the HTML Input element
* Using this function to clear the HTML Input element.
* @example
* ```ts
* element.clear();
* ```
clear(): void;
* Using this function to focus the HTML Input element
* Using this function to focus the HTML Input element.
* @example
* ```ts
* element.focus();
* ```
focus(): void;
* Using this function to confirm payment intent
* Using this function to confirm payment intent.
* @example
element.confirm({client_secret: 'mocked client_secret'});
* ```ts
* element.confirm({
* client_secret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret',
* });
* ```
confirm(data: PaymentMethodRequestData): Promise<Intent>;
* Using this function to create payment consent
* Using this function to create payment consent.
* @example
element.createPaymentConsent({client_secret: 'mocked client_secret'});
* ```ts
* element.createPaymentConsent({
* client_secret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret',
* });
* ```
createPaymentConsent(data: PaymentConsentRequestData): Promise<PaymentConsentResponse>;
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element.
* @example
element.update({placeholder: 'mocked placeholder'});
* ```ts
* element.update({
* placeholder: 'replace-with-your-placeholder',
* });
* ```

@@ -1591,10 +1591,10 @@ update(options?: Partial<CvcElementOptions>, initOptions?: Partial<InitOptions>): void;

* Listen to element event
* @example
element.on('change', () => {
// Handle change event
* ```ts
* element.on('change', () => {
* // Handle change event
* });
* ```
on(event: CvcElementEvent, handler: EventListener): void;

@@ -1622,15 +1622,15 @@ }

* Functions and external fields can be used in your integration flow with Airwallex element
* Element functions can be used in your integration flow with Airwallex element.
export interface ApplePayButtonElementType extends ElementBaseType {
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element.
* @example
buttonType: 'donate',
}, {
locale: 'en',
* ```ts
* element.update({
* buttonType: 'donate',
* }, {
* locale: 'en',
* });
* ```

@@ -1641,29 +1641,29 @@ update(options?: Partial<ApplePayButtonUpdateOptions>, initOptions?: Partial<InitOptions>): void;

* Listen to element event
* @example
element.on('success', () => {
// Handle success event
* ```ts
* element.on('success', () => {
* // Handle success event
* });
* ```
on(event: ApplePayButtonEvent, handler: EventListener): void;
* Using this function to confirm payment intent
* Using this function to confirm payment intent.
* @example
client_secret: intent?.client_secret,
* ```ts
* element.confirmIntent({
* client_secret: intent?.client_secret,
* });
* ```
confirmIntent(data: ParameterObject): Promise<Intent>;
* Using this function to create payment consent
* Using this function to create payment consent.
* @example
client_secret: intent?.client_secret,
* ```ts
* element.createPaymentConsent({
* client_secret: intent?.client_secret,
* });
* ```

@@ -1675,17 +1675,17 @@ createPaymentConsent(data: ParameterObject): Promise<Consent | undefined>;

* @example
epochTimestamp: 1721269728247,
expiresAt: 1721273328247,
merchantSessionIdentifier: 'xxx',
nonce: '9c283350',
merchantIdentifier: 'xxx',
domainName: 'your domain name',
displayName: 'Sawayn, O\'Conner and Quigley',
signature: 'xxx',
operationalAnalyticsIdentifier: 'xxx',
retries: 0,
pspId: 'xxx',
* ```ts
* element.completeValidation({
* epochTimestamp: 1721269728247,
* expiresAt: 1721273328247,
* merchantSessionIdentifier: 'SSH16075688527B4E',
* nonce: '9c283350',
* merchantIdentifier: '3409DA66CE0',
* domainName: 'your domain name',
* displayName: 'Sawayn, Conner and Quigley',
* signature: '308006092a86',
* operationalAnalyticsIdentifier: 'Carroll, Swaniawski',
* retries: 0,
* pspId: '803FB3E0FC',
* });
* ```

@@ -1705,27 +1705,27 @@ completeValidation(merchantSession: unknown): void;

* Functions and external fields can be used in your integration flow with Airwallex element
* Element functions can be used in your integration flow with Airwallex element.
export interface DropInElementType extends ElementBaseType {
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element.
* @example
methods: ['card'],
}, {
locale: 'en',
* ```ts
* element.update({
* methods: ['card'],
* }, {
* locale: 'en',
* });
* ```
update(options?: Partial<DropInElementOptions>, initOptions?: Partial<InitOptions>): void;
* Listen to element event
* Listen to element event.
* @example
element.on('success', () => {
// Handle success event
* ```ts
* element.on('success', () => {
* // Handle success event
* });
* ```
on(event: DropInElementEvent, handler: EventListener): void;

@@ -1744,14 +1744,15 @@ }

* Functions and external fields can be used in your integration flow with Airwallex element
* Element functions can be used in your integration flow with Airwallex element.
export interface GooglePayButtonElementType extends ElementBaseType {
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element.
* @example
autoCapture: true,
}, {
locale: 'en',
* ```ts
* element.update({
* autoCapture: true,
* }, {
* locale: 'en',
* });
* ```

@@ -1762,32 +1763,31 @@ */

* Listen to element event
* Listen to element event.
* @example
element.on('success', () => {
// Handle success event
* ```ts
* element.on('success', () => {
* // Handle success event
* });
* ```
on(event: GooglePayButtonEvent, handler: EventListener): void;
* Using this function to confirm payment intent
* Using this function to confirm payment intent.
* @example
client_secret: 'xxx'
* ```ts
* element.confirmIntent({
* client_secret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret',
* });
* ```
confirmIntent(data: ParameterObject): Promise<Intent>;
* Using this function to create payment consent
* @param data client_secret returned in create intent response or returned in create customer response
* @example
client_secret: 'xxx'
* Using this function to create payment consent.
* @example
* ```ts
* element.createPaymentConsent({
* client_secret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret',
* });
* ```

@@ -1799,28 +1799,28 @@ createPaymentConsent(data: ParameterObject): Promise<Consent | undefined>;

* @deprecated Use {@link DropInElementType} instead
* @deprecated Use {@link DropInElementType} instead.
export interface WechatElementType extends ElementBaseType {
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element
* @example
intent: {
id: 'xxx',
client_secret: 'xxx',
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element.
* @example
* ```ts
* element.update({
* intent: {
* id: 'replace-with-your-intent-id',
* client_secret: 'replace-with-your-client-secret',
* }
* });
* ```
update(options?: Partial<WechatElementOptions>, initOptions?: Partial<InitOptions>): void;
* Listen to element event
* Listen to element event.
* @example
element.on('ready', () => {
// Handle ready event
* ```ts
* element.on('ready', () => {
* // Handle ready event
* });
* ```
on(event: WechatElementEvent, handler: EventListener): void;

@@ -1831,19 +1831,27 @@ }

* @deprecated Use {@link DropInElementType} instead
* @deprecated Use {@link DropInElementType} instead.
export interface QrcodeElementType extends ElementBaseType {
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element.
* @example
* ```ts
* element.update({
* autoCapture: true,
* }, {
* locale: 'en',
* });
* ```
update(options?: Partial<QrcodeElementOptions>, initOptions?: Partial<InitOptions>): void;
* Listen to element event
* Listen to element event.
* @example
element.on('change', () => {
// Handle change event
* ```ts
* element.on('change', () => {
* // Handle change event
* });
* ```
on(event: QrcodeElementEvent, handler: EventListener): void;

@@ -1855,27 +1863,27 @@ }

* @deprecated Use {@link DropInElementType} instead
* @deprecated Use {@link DropInElementType} instead.
export interface FullFeaturedCardElementType extends ElementBaseType {
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element.
* @example
autoCapture: true,
}, {
locale: 'en',
* ```ts
* element.update({
* autoCapture: true,
* }, {
* locale: 'en',
* });
* ```
update(options?: Partial<FullFeaturedCardElementOptions>, initOptions?: Partial<InitOptions>): void;
* Listen to element event
* Listen to element event.
* @example
element.on('change', () => {
// Handle change event
* ```ts
* element.on('change', () => {
* // Handle change event
* });
* ```
on(event: FullFeaturedCardElementEvent, handler: EventListener): void;

@@ -1886,20 +1894,20 @@ }

* @deprecated Use {@link DropInElementType} instead
* @deprecated Use {@link DropInElementType} instead.
export interface RedirectElementType extends ElementBaseType {
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element
* Using this function to update the element option after create the element.
update(options?: Partial<RedirectElementOptions>, initOptions?: Partial<InitOptions>): void;
* Listen to element event
* Listen to element event.
* @example
element.on('change', () => {
// Handle change event
* ```ts
* element.on('change', () => {
* // Handle change event
* });
* ```
on(event: RedirectElementEvent, handler: EventListener): void;

@@ -19,2 +19,4 @@ export * from './cardNumber';


@@ -50,2 +52,4 @@ createPaymentConsent,


@@ -52,0 +56,0 @@ createPaymentConsent,

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