What is allure-playwright?
The allure-playwright package integrates Allure reporting capabilities with Playwright, a popular end-to-end testing framework. It allows you to generate detailed and visually appealing test reports, capturing various aspects of your test execution such as steps, attachments, and test results.
What are allure-playwright's main functionalities?
Generate Allure Reports
This feature allows you to generate Allure reports by annotating your Playwright tests with labels and steps. The code sample demonstrates how to add labels and steps to a basic test.
const { test } = require('@playwright/test');
const { allure } = require('allure-playwright');
test('basic test', async ({ page }) => {
allure.label('feature', 'Login');
allure.label('severity', 'critical');
await page.goto('https://example.com');
allure.step('Navigate to example.com');
await page.click('text=Login');
allure.step('Click on Login button');
// Add more steps and assertions
Attach Screenshots
This feature allows you to attach screenshots to your Allure reports. The code sample demonstrates how to take a screenshot during a test and attach it to the report.
const { test } = require('@playwright/test');
const { allure } = require('allure-playwright');
test('screenshot test', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('https://example.com');
const screenshot = await page.screenshot();
allure.attachment('Screenshot', screenshot, 'image/png');
Attach Logs
This feature allows you to attach logs to your Allure reports. The code sample demonstrates how to attach log data to the report.
const { test } = require('@playwright/test');
const { allure } = require('allure-playwright');
test('log test', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('https://example.com');
const logs = 'Some log data';
allure.attachment('Logs', logs, 'text/plain');
Other packages similar to allure-playwright
The jest-allure package integrates Allure reporting with Jest, another popular testing framework. It provides similar functionalities such as generating detailed test reports, attaching screenshots, and adding steps. However, it is specifically designed for use with Jest rather than Playwright.
The wdio-allure-reporter package integrates Allure reporting with WebdriverIO, a testing framework for Node.js. It offers similar functionalities such as generating test reports and attaching screenshots, but it is designed for use with WebdriverIO.
Allure framework integration for Playwright Test framework

The documentation and examples
The docs for Allure Playwright are available at https://allurereport.org/docs/playwright/.
Also, check out the examples at github.com/allure-examples.
Install allure-playwright
using a package manager of your choice. For example:
npm install -D allure-playwright
Add allure-playwright
as the reporter in the Playwright configuration file:
import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';
export default defineConfig({
reporter: "allure-playwright",
Or, if you want to use more than one reporter:
import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';
export default defineConfig({
reporter: [["line"], ["allure-playwright"]],
Or pass the same values via the command line:
npx playwright test --reporter=line,allure-playwright
When the test run completes, the result files will be generated in the ./allure-results
You may select another location, or further customize the reporter's behavior with the configuration options.
View the report
You need Allure Report to be installed on your machine to generate and open the report from the result files. See the installation instructions on how to get it.
Generate Allure Report after the tests are executed:
allure generate ./allure-results -o ./allure-report
Open the generated report:
allure open ./allure-report
Allure API
Enhance the report by utilizing the runtime API:
import { describe, test } from "playwright";
import * as allure from "allure-js-commons";
describe("signing in with a password", () => {
test("sign in with a valid password", async () => {
await allure.description("The test checks if an active user with a valid password can sign in to the app.");
await allure.epic("Signing in");
await allure.feature("Sign in with a password");
await allure.story("As an active user, I want to successfully sign in using a valid password");
await allure.tags("signin", "ui", "positive");
await allure.issue("https://github.com/allure-framework/allure-js/issues/331", "ISSUE-331");
await allure.owner("eroshenkoam");
await allure.parameter("browser", "chrome");
const user = await allure.step("Prepare the user", async () => {
return await createAnActiveUserInDb();
await allure.step("Make a sign-in attempt", async () => {
await allure.step("Navigate to the sign in page", async () => {
await allure.step("Fill the sign-in form", async (stepContext) => {
await stepContext.parameter("login", user.login);
await stepContext.parameter("password", user.password, "masked");
await allure.step("Submit the form", async () => {
await allure.attachment("response", JSON.stringify(responseData), { contentType: "application/json" });
await allure.step("Assert the signed-in state", async () => {
More details about the API are available at https://allurereport.org/docs/playwright-reference/.