PubMed plugin for Amalgamatic
Install amalgamatic and this plugin via npm
npm install amalgamatic amalgamatic-pubmed
var amalgamatic = require('amalgamatic'),
pubmed = require('amalgamatic-pubmed');
// Set your tool and otool options if you want results to come back customized for your institution
pubmed.setOptions({tool: 'cdl', otool: 'cdlotool'});
// Add this plugin to your Amalgamatic instance along with any other plugins you've configured.
amalgamatic.add('our cool pubmed plugin', pubmed);
//Use it!
var callback = function (err, results) {
if (err) {
} else {
results.forEach(function (result) {
console.log('Plugin Name: ' + result.name);
console.log('\nSearch Results: ');
result.data.forEach(function (value) { console.dir(value); } );
console.log('\nSuggested terms: ' + result.suggestedTerms.join(','));
// Let's misspell "medicine" to trigger PubMed's suggested terms along with the search results
amalgamatic.search({searchTerm: 'medisine'}, callback);