ES6 LRU Cache
A simple LRU Cache, a
Map that has a maximum number of entries and which discards the least recently used
items first.
To install
$ npm install an-lru-cache
The API mirrors the builtin Map
and WeakMap
APIs but does not include iterators.
const { LruCache } = require('an-lru-cache')
const myCache = new LruCache()
function foo(key, value) {
myCache.set(key, value)
return myCache.get(key)
function bar(key) {
if (myCache.has(key)) {
.set(key, value)
Associates value with key so that .get(key)
returns value
until a subsequent .set
or .delete
with the same key or
.get(key, fallbackValue=undefined)
Returns the value associated with key, or the fallbackValue if supplied.
Gets may return the fallbackValue even if there was a value associated
with key if that entry was evicted to ensure that the number of entries
did not exceed the maximum allowed.
.delete(key, fallbackValue=undefined)
Deletes any entry for the given key returning the previously associated
value if present or fallbackValue otherwise.
True iff there is a value associated with key