&yet auth middleware for Express.js
World's simplest OAuth.
Sign up for an &yet account at https://apps.andyet.com
Register your application at https://apps.andyet.com/developer
When setting your redirect URL, make sure your path is /auth/andyet/callback
For example: localhost:9000/auth/andyet/callback
Copy your app's client ID and secret, and insert them into the middleware's
constructor, like in the example below.
Add a link or button that points to /auth
somewhere on your page. You can also optionally set the "next" url to go to after successful auth all in one swoop by doing /auth?next={{some URL}}
The code below should work once you've dropped in your client ID and secret:
var express = require('express'),
andyetAuth = require('andyet-express-auth'),
app = express();
app.use(express.session({ secret: 'keyboard cat' }));
app.use(andyetAuth.middleware(app, {
id: '<< YOUR CLIENT ID>>',
secret: '<< YOUR CLIENT SECRET>>',
successRedirect: '/secured',
failedRedirect: '/didntauthorize'
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.send('<a href="/auth">login</a>');
app.get('/secured', andyetAuth.secure(), function (req, res) {
available options
: You can pass any logger you want as long as it implements standard console methods: log
, error
and warn