Install with npm:
npm install --save angular-eha.focus-on-invalid
Or alternatively bower:
bower install --save angular-eha.focus-on-invalid
Distribution bundle
- dist/focus-on-invalid.js
- dist/focus-on-invalid.min.js
Then simply add eha.focus-on-invalid
as dependencies somewhere in your project that makes sense and you're good to go.
A note on wiredep
If you're using wiredep dist/focus-on-invalid.js
will be injected by default. If you don't want that to happen you'll like want to employ something along the following lines in your Gruntfile
wiredep: {
options: {
exclude: [
Then you're free to include whichever bundle you prefer in what ever manner you prefer.
- Firefox (for running test suite)
- node (0.12.0)
- bower (1.3.12)
- grunt-cli (0.1.7)
- grunt (0.4.5)
git clone
cd angular-eha.focus-on-invalid
git remote add upstream
npm install
Code should be documented following the guidelines set out by jsdoc and ngdoc. We can then leverage Dgeni or something simlary to generate documentation in any format we like.
Test Suite
The test suite is configured to run in Firefox and is powered by:
- Karma
- Mocha
- Chai (as promised)
- Sinon (chai)
The library is conducive to TDD. grunt test:watch
is your friend. As modules (and templates) are exposed on their own namespace you can easily isolate areas of the code base for true unit testing without being forced to pull in the whole library or stub/mock modules irrelevant to the feature(s) you're testing.
Running Tests
Single run
grunt test
grunt test:watch
Release Process
To make a release, ensure you have issued grunt build
, committed the distribution package and tagged the commit with an appropriate version according to the SemVer spec.
To make this easy for you, there's a handy grunt task. Simply issue grunt release:major|minor|patch
and grunt will take care of building, committing and tagging for you. Then make a PR to the master branch of the upstream, merge upon CI build success and then all that's left to do is to push the tags to the upstream.
grunt release:minor
git pull-request -b <upstream_repo>:master
git push upstream --tags
Publishing to npm
To publish a new version to npm, simply issue from the command line prior making a release (i.e.issuing a grunt release
and pushing both commits and tags to the upstream):
npm publish
### Publishing to bower
Publishing to bower is slightly simpler in so far that you only have to do it once, and not explicitly for every release like npm:
bower register angular-eha.focus-on-invalid <upstream_repo_url>
Copyright 2015 eHealth Africa
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.