Angular Responsive Breakpoints is a small lightweight angular service, providing a customizable set of screen breakpoints.
npm install --save angular-responsive-breakpoints
- Add 'ngResponsiveBreakpoints' to you modules
angular.module('myApp', ['ngResponsiveBreakpoints']);
- Inject 'responsiveBreakpoints' in your controller and you are ready to go.
angular.module('myApp').controller('MyController', ['$scope','responsiveBreakpoints', MyController]);
function MyController($scope, responsiveBreakpoints) {
$scope.screen = responsiveBreakpoints;
<div ng-show=""></div>
The service watches your window size and sets its keys by the following rules:
- responsiveBreakpoints[breakpoint.code] is true if window.innerWidth <= breakpoint.value and window.innerWidth > previousBreakpoint.value (if it exists)
- responsiveBreakpoints[breakpoint.code + postfix] is true if window.innerWidth > breakpoint.value
responsiveBreakpoints.xs is true if window.innerWidth <= 600px is true if window.innerWidth <= 1280px and window.innerWidth > 960px
responsiveBreakpoints.smGt is true if window.innerWidth > 960px
Customize breakpoints and postfix
By default the breakpoint set is a collection in a format of:
code: 'xs',
value: 600
code: 'sm',
value: 960
code: 'md',
value: 1280
code: 'lg',
value: 1920
Default postfix is 'Gt'
In order to override it inject 'responsiveBreakpointsProvider' in your config
angular.module('myApp').config(['responsiveBreakpointsProvider', config]);
function config(responsiveBreakpointsProvider) {
responsiveBreakpointsProvider.setResponsiveBreakpoints(/* pass your collection of breakpoints in ascending order here */);
responsiveBreakpointsProvider.setGreaterPostfix(/* pass your postfix here */);
Bower deprecation notice
Since version 0.2.0 bower package is no longer maintained.
You still can install an older verion from bower with
bower install --save angular-responsive-breakpoints