Angular Scaffold
Simple scaffolding for AngularJS
Angular Scaffold is a collection of convenience wrappers around angular-model collections.
Running unit tests
Install the test runner with npm:
npm install
You can then run the tests with Gulp:
You can run coverage with:
gulp coverage
angular-scaffold API docs
See /docs/ in this project for detailed documentation of all angular-scaffold's functions.
Supporting angular-scaffold in your API
Your API must:
- Use and interpret HTTP headers correctly (e.g. HTTP PUT, POST, GET and DELETE)
- Consume and return json
- Supply a
collection containing a self
key, e.g.:
"$links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/posts/postaa"
"name":"Post A",
"body":"Some content for Post A"
Basic Usage
In your AngularJS application, include the JavaScript:
// your specific paths may vary
<script src="node_modules/radify/angular-model.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/radify/angular-scaffold.js"></script>
In your app configuration, state a dependency on Angular Model and Angular Scaffold:
angular.module('myApp', [
Example controller using Angular Scaffold:
.controller('PostsController', function($scope, scaffold) {
angular.extend($scope, {
posts: scaffold('Posts', {})
Basic CRUD example project
An example application is included in this repository. It has a very simple API that illustrates a basic use case for angular-scaffold.
To install and run the sample project:
cd sample-project
npm install
node server.js
You can then browse to http://localhost:4730/ and add/remove Post objects from a list. angular-scaffold takes care of talking to the API for you.
angular-scaffold can paginate your model. Your API will need to support the Range: resources=n-n
header to take advantage of this. For example, Range: resources=10-20
would return resources 10 through 20.
scaffold('Shares', {
paginate: { size: 20, page: 1, strategy: 'paged' }
You can pass a specific query in, which will be sent through to the API. Your API will have to know how to respond to this.
scaffold('Comments', {
query: {
offline: $scope.selected._id
You can also pass in an ordering parameter. Again, your API will have to know what to do with it.
return scaffold('Shares', {
query: { to: true, order: { _id: 'desc'} }