Webpack loader for animate.css
you want to keep your css small this is the way to go
create the following file in your config and in your webpack config
load it as:
entry: {
'main': [
module.exports = {
styleLoader: 'style-loader!css-loader',
styles: {
"attention_seekers": {
"bounce": true,
"flash": true,
"pulse": true,
"rubberBand": true,
"shake": true,
"headShake": true,
"swing": true,
"tada": true,
"wobble": true,
"jello": true,
"bouncing_entrances": {
"bounceIn": true,
"bounceInDown": true,
"bounceInLeft": true,
"bounceInRight": true,
"bounceInUp": true,
"bouncing_exits": {
"bounceOut": true,
"bounceOutDown": true,
"bounceOutLeft": true,
"bounceOutRight": true,
"bounceOutUp": true,
"fading_entrances": {
"fadeIn": true,
"fadeInDown": true,
"fadeInDownBig": true,
"fadeInLeft": true,
"fadeInLeftBig": true,
"fadeInRight": true,
"fadeInRightBig": true,
"fadeInUp": true,
"fadeInUpBig": true,
"fading_exits": {
"fadeOut": true,
"fadeOutDown": true,
"fadeOutDownBig": true,
"fadeOutLeft": true,
"fadeOutLeftBig": true,
"fadeOutRight": true,
"fadeOutRightBig": true,
"fadeOutUp": true,
"fadeOutUpBig": true,
"flippers": {
"flip": true,
"flipInX": true,
"flipInY": true,
"flipOutX": true,
"flipOutY": true,
"lightspeed": {
"lightSpeedIn": true,
"lightSpeedOut": true,
"rotating_entrances": {
"rotateIn": true,
"rotateInDownLeft": true,
"rotateInDownRight": true,
"rotateInUpLeft": true,
"rotateInUpRight": true,
"rotating_exits": {
"rotateOut": true,
"rotateOutDownLeft": true,
"rotateOutDownRight": true,
"rotateOutUpLeft": true,
"rotateOutUpRight": true,
"specials": {
"hinge": true,
"rollIn": true,
"rollOut": true,
"zooming_entrances": {
"zoomIn": true,
"zoomInDown": true,
"zoomInLeft": true,
"zoomInRight": true,
"zoomInUp": true,
"zooming_exits": {
"zoomOut": true,
"zoomOutDown": true,
"zoomOutLeft": true,
"zoomOutRight": true,
"zoomOutUp": true,
"sliding_entrances": {
"slideInDown": true,
"slideInLeft": true,
"slideInRight": true,
"slideInUp": true,
"sliding_exits": {
"slideOutDown": true,
"slideOutLeft": true,
"slideOutRight": true,
"slideOutUp": true,
animate-css-webpack is licensed under the MIT license. (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
Pull requests are the way to go here. Submit a PR and I will review
once I get a chance, there are no hard guidelines for PRs just follow
some sort of a sesnible style similar to what is there.