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@@ -16,15 +16,9 @@ (function (global, factory) {

// is it a node list?
if (
/^\[object (HTMLCollection|NodeList|Object)\]$/
&& typeof els.length === 'number'
{ return Array.from(els) }
if (/^\[object (HTMLCollection|NodeList|Object)\]$/.test( && typeof els.length === 'number') return Array.from(els);else
// if it's a single node
// it will be returned as "array" with one single entry
{ return [els] }
return [els];
// this object could be looped out of the box
return els
return els;

@@ -39,6 +33,3 @@

function $(selector, ctx) {
return domToArray(typeof selector === 'string' ?
(ctx || document).querySelectorAll(selector) :
return domToArray(typeof selector === 'string' ? (ctx || document).querySelectorAll(selector) : selector);

@@ -52,3 +43,5 @@

var split = function (l) { return l.split(/\s/); };
var split = function split(l) {
return l.split(/\s/);

@@ -68,3 +61,17 @@ /**

split(evList).forEach(function (e) {
for (var el of els) el[method](e, cb, options || false);
for (var _iterator = els, _isArray = Array.isArray(_iterator), _i = 0, _iterator = _isArray ? _iterator : _iterator[Symbol.iterator]();;) {
var _ref;
if (_isArray) {
if (_i >= _iterator.length) break;
_ref = _iterator[_i++];
} else {
_i =;
if (_i.done) break;
_ref = _i.value;
var el = _ref;
el[method](e, cb, options || false);

@@ -83,3 +90,3 @@ }

manageEvents(els, evList, cb, 'addEventListener', options);
return els
return els;

@@ -107,6 +114,192 @@

manageEvents(els, evList, cb, 'removeEventListener', options);
return els
return els;
var OBSERVER_CONFIG = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true };
function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) {
return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;
* Converts any DOM node/s to a loopable array
* @param { HTMLElement|NodeList } els - single html element or a node list
* @returns { Object } always a loopable object
function domToArray$1(els) {
// can this object be already looped?
if (!Array.isArray(els)) {
// is it a node list?
if (els.length) return Array.from(els);else
// if it's a single node
// it will be returned as "array" with one single entry
return [els];
// this object could be looped out of the box
return els;
var index$2 = domToArray$1;
var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; };
var index = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
function _interopDefault(ex) {
return ex && (typeof ex === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(ex)) === 'object' && 'default' in ex ? ex['default'] : ex;
var domToArray = _interopDefault(index$2);
* Normalize the return values, in case of a single value we avoid to return an array
* @param { Array } values - list of values we want to return
* @returns { Array|String|Boolean } either the whole list of values or the single one found
* @private
var normalize = function normalize(values) {
return values.length === 1 ? values[0] : values;
* Parse all the nodes received to get/remove/check their attributes
* @param { HTMLElement|NodeList|Array } els - DOM node/s to parse
* @param { String|Array } name - name or list of attributes
* @param { String } method - method that will be used to parse the attributes
* @returns { Array|String } result of the parsing in a list or a single value
* @private
function parseNodes(els, name, method) {
var names = typeof name === 'string' ? [name] : name;
return normalize(domToArray(els).map(function (el) {
return normalize( (n) {
return el[method](n);
* Set any attribute on a single or a list of DOM nodes
* @param { HTMLElement|NodeList|Array } els - DOM node/s to parse
* @param { String|Object } name - either the name of the attribute to set
* or a list of properties as object key - value
* @param { String } value - the new value of the attribute (optional)
* @returns { HTMLElement|NodeList|Array } the original array of elements passed to this function
* @example
* import { set } from 'bianco.attr'
* const img = document.createElement('img')
* set(img, 'width', 100)
* // or also
* set(img, {
* width: 300,
* height: 300
* })
function set(els, name, value) {
var _ref;
var attrs = (typeof name === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(name)) === 'object' ? name : (_ref = {}, _ref[name] = value, _ref);
var props = Object.keys(attrs);
domToArray(els).forEach(function (el) {
props.forEach(function (prop) {
return el.setAttribute(prop, attrs[prop]);
return els;
* Get any attribute from a single or a list of DOM nodes
* @param { HTMLElement|NodeList|Array } els - DOM node/s to parse
* @param { String|Array } name - name or list of attributes to get
* @returns { Array|String } list of the attributes found
* @example
* import { get } from 'bianco.attr'
* const img = document.createElement('img')
* get(img, 'width') // => '200'
* // or also
* get(img, ['width', 'height']) // => ['200', '300']
* // or also
* get([img1, img2], ['width', 'height']) // => [['200', '300'], ['500', '200']]
function get(els, name) {
return parseNodes(els, name, 'getAttribute');
* Remove any attribute from a single or a list of DOM nodes
* @param { HTMLElement|NodeList|Array } els - DOM node/s to parse
* @param { String|Array } name - name or list of attributes to remove
* @returns { HTMLElement|NodeList|Array } the original array of elements passed to this function
* @example
* import { remove } from 'bianco.attr'
* remove(img, 'width') // remove the width attribute
* // or also
* remove(img, ['width', 'height']) // remove the width and the height attribute
* // or also
* remove([img1, img2], ['width', 'height']) // remove the width and the height attribute from both images
function remove(els, name) {
return parseNodes(els, name, 'removeAttribute');
* Set any attribute on a single or a list of DOM nodes
* @param { HTMLElement|NodeList|Array } els - DOM node/s to parse
* @param { String|Array } name - name or list of attributes to detect
* @returns { Boolean|Array } true or false or an array of boolean values
* @example
* import { has } from 'bianco.attr'
* has(img, 'width') // false
* // or also
* has(img, ['width', 'height']) // => [false, false]
* // or also
* has([img1, img2], ['width', 'height']) // => [[false, false], [false, false]]
function has(els, name) {
return parseNodes(els, name, 'hasAttribute');
var index_next = {
get: get,
set: set,
remove: remove,
has: has
exports.set = set;
exports.get = get;
exports.remove = remove;
exports.has = has;
exports['default'] = index_next;
var index_1 = index.set;
var index_3 = index.remove;
var index_4 = index.has;

@@ -120,7 +313,87 @@ duration: 300,

var IS_ANIMATING_ATTR = 'is-animating';
var TIMER_OFFSET = 5; // ms
var ANIMORE_STRUCT = Object.seal({
* Cleanup function triggered when the animations will be complete
* @returns { ANIMORE_STRUCT } self
clear: function clear() {;
index_3(this.el, IS_ANIMATING_ATTR);
style(this.el, {
opacity: null,
transition: null,
transform: null,
transformOrigin: null,
willChange: null
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
this.opts[args[0].type === 'transitioncancel' ? 'onCancel' : 'onEnd'](args);
return this;
* Store the element initial properties
* @returns { ANIMORE_STRUCT } self
stash: function stash() {
this.props.old = inspect(this.el);
return this;
* Apply a flip animation
* @returns { ANIMORE_STRUCT } self
apply: function apply() {
var _this = this;
if (!this.props.old) throw new Error('Make sure to trigger animore.stash() before any animore.apply()'); = inspect(this.el);
flip(this.el, this.props, this.opts);
// make sure the transition end will always be triggered
// this will enable the testing of this script also in a node environment
setTimeout(function () {
if (index_4(_this.el, IS_ANIMATING_ATTR)) {
_this.el.dispatchEvent(new Event('transitionend'));
}, this.opts.duration + TIMER_OFFSET);
return this;
// noop function
function noop() {}
* Add all the event listeners to the animore.el
* @this animore
function addEvents() {
add(this.el, 'transitionstart', this.opts.onStart);
add(this.el, 'transitionend transitioncancel', this.clear);
* Remove all the event listeners from the animore.el
* @this animore
function removeEvents() {
remove(this.el, 'transitionstart', this.opts.onStart);
remove(this.el, 'transitionend transitioncancel', this.clear);
* Inspect the transitionable properties of a DOM node

@@ -131,7 +404,8 @@ * @param { HTMLElement } el - DOM node to inspect

function inspect(el) {
var ref = el.getBoundingClientRect();
var left = ref.left;
var top =;
var height = ref.height;
var width = ref.width;
var _el$getBoundingClient = el.getBoundingClientRect(),
left = _el$getBoundingClient.left,
top = _el$,
height = _el$getBoundingClient.height,
width = _el$getBoundingClient.width;
return {

@@ -143,3 +417,3 @@ left: left,

opacity: +( || 1)

@@ -161,12 +435,11 @@

* @param { HTMLElement } el - DOM element we want to animate
* @param { Object } newProps - new element properties
* @param { Object } prevProps - old element properties
* @param { Object } props - object containing the old and new properties to animate
* @param { Object } opts - animation options
function flip(el, newProps, prevProps, opts) {
function flip(el, props, opts) {
style(el, {
opacity: prevProps.opacity,
opacity: props.old.opacity,
willChange: 'transform',
transformOrigin: '0 0',
transform: ("\n translateX(" + (prevProps.left - newProps.left) + "px)\n translateY(" + ( - + "px)\n scaleX(" + (prevProps.width / newProps.width) + ")\n scaleY(" + (prevProps.height / newProps.height) + ")\n")
transform: '\n translateX(' + (props.old.left - + 'px)\n translateY(' + ( - + 'px)\n scaleX(' + props.old.width / + ')\n scaleY(' + props.old.height / + ')\n'

@@ -178,5 +451,5 @@

style(el, {
opacity: newProps.opacity,
transition: ("transform " + (opts.duration) + "ms " + (opts.easing) + " " + (opts.delay) + "ms"),
transform: "\n translateX(0)\n translateY(0)\n scaleX(1)\n scaleY(1)\n"
transition: 'transform ' + opts.duration + 'ms ' + opts.easing + ' ' + opts.delay + 'ms',
transform: '\n translateX(0)\n translateY(0)\n scaleX(1)\n scaleY(1)\n'

@@ -186,89 +459,38 @@ }

* Create a single animore object
* Return an object linked to the context prototype but with all the methods bound to it
* @param { Object } src - object that will receive our bound methods
* @param { Array } methods - array containing all the methods we want to bind
* @param { * } context (optional) - context where we want to bind our methods
* @returns { Object } new object linked to the src prototype
function bind(src, methods, context) {
if (!context) context = src;
methods.forEach(function (method) {
return src[method] = src[method].bind(context);
return Object.create(src);
* Factory funciton to create a single animore object
* @param { HTMLElement } el - DOM node we need to animate
* @param { Object } opts - animations options
* @returns { Object } ret
* @returns { HTMLElement } ret.el - DOM element originally received
* @returns { Function } ret.destroy - unsubscribe function
* @returns { Object } animore - animore object
function create(el, opts) {
var isFrozen = false;
var isAnimating = false;
function create(el) {
var opts = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
props = inspect(el),
// create an observer instance
observer = new MutationObserver(apply);
observer.observe(el, OBSERVER_CONFIG);
function removeEvents() {
remove(el, 'transitionstart', opts.onStart);
remove(el, 'transitionend transitioncancel', cleanup);
function addEvents() {
add(el, 'transitionstart', opts.onStart);
add(el, 'transitionend transitioncancel', cleanup);
function apply() {
if (isFrozen || isAnimating) { return }
isAnimating = true;
var newProps = inspect(el);
flip(el, newProps, props, opts);
Object.assign(props, newProps);
// make sure the transition end will always be triggered
// this will enable the testing of this script also in a node environment
setTimeout(function () {
if (isAnimating) {
el.dispatchEvent(new Event('transitionend'));
}, opts.duration + TIMER_OFFSET);
// cleanup function triggered when the animations are complete
function cleanup() {
var args = [], len = arguments.length;
while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];
style(el, {
opacity: null,
transition: null,
transform: null,
transformOrigin: null,
willChange: null
opts[args[0].type === 'transitioncancel' ? 'onCancel' : 'onEnd'].apply(null, args);
requestAnimationFrame(function () { return isAnimating = false; });
return {
var animore = bind(Object.assign({}, ANIMORE_STRUCT, {
el: el,
freeze: function freeze() {
isFrozen = true;
return this
unfreeze: function unfreeze() {
isFrozen = false;
return this
apply: function apply$1() {
return this
destroy: function destroy() {
return this
opts: bind(Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, opts), ['onStart', 'onEnd', 'onCancel'], animore),
props: {
old: null,
new: null
}), ['clear', 'stash', 'apply']);
return Object.seal(animore);
* Returns always an array containing
* the destroy method to disconnect the MutationObserver instances created
* and the result of the DOM query first argument of this function
* Returns always an array containing all the animore objects
* @param { Array|String|HTMLElement } el - element/s we want to animate

@@ -285,6 +507,5 @@ * @param { Object } opts - options object

function animore(el, opts) {
if ( opts === void 0 ) opts = {};
opts = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, opts);
return $(el).map(function (e) { return create(e, opts); })
return $(el).map(function (e) {
return create(e, opts);

@@ -291,0 +512,0 @@

import $ from 'bianco.query'
import { add as addEvent, remove as removeEvent } from ''
import { has as hasAttr, set as setAttr, remove as removeAttr } from 'bianco.attr'
const OBSERVER_CONFIG = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true }

@@ -13,7 +13,78 @@ duration: 300,

const IS_ANIMATING_ATTR = 'is-animating'
const TIMER_OFFSET = 5 // ms
const ANIMORE_STRUCT = Object.seal({
* Cleanup function triggered when the animations will be complete
* @returns { ANIMORE_STRUCT } self
clear(...args) {
removeAttr(this.el, IS_ANIMATING_ATTR)
style(this.el, {
opacity: null,
transition: null,
transform: null,
transformOrigin: null,
willChange: null
this.opts[args[0].type === 'transitioncancel' ? 'onCancel' : 'onEnd'](args)
return this
* Store the element initial properties
* @returns { ANIMORE_STRUCT } self
stash() {
this.props.old = inspect(this.el)
return this
* Apply a flip animation
* @returns { ANIMORE_STRUCT } self
apply() {
if (!this.props.old) throw new Error('Make sure to trigger animore.stash() before any animore.apply()') = inspect(this.el)
flip(this.el, this.props, this.opts)
// make sure the transition end will always be triggered
// this will enable the testing of this script also in a node environment
setTimeout(() => {
if (hasAttr(this.el, IS_ANIMATING_ATTR)) {
this.el.dispatchEvent(new Event('transitionend'))
}, this.opts.duration + TIMER_OFFSET)
return this
// noop function
function noop() {}
* Add all the event listeners to the animore.el
* @this animore
function addEvents() {
addEvent(this.el, 'transitionstart', this.opts.onStart)
addEvent(this.el, 'transitionend transitioncancel', this.clear)
* Remove all the event listeners from the animore.el
* @this animore
function removeEvents() {
removeEvent(this.el, 'transitionstart', this.opts.onStart)
removeEvent(this.el, 'transitionend transitioncancel', this.clear)
* Inspect the transitionable properties of a DOM node

@@ -48,16 +119,15 @@ * @param { HTMLElement } el - DOM node to inspect

* @param { HTMLElement } el - DOM element we want to animate
* @param { Object } newProps - new element properties
* @param { Object } prevProps - old element properties
* @param { Object } props - object containing the old and new properties to animate
* @param { Object } opts - animation options
function flip(el, newProps, prevProps, opts) {
function flip(el, props, opts) {
style(el, {
opacity: prevProps.opacity,
opacity: props.old.opacity,
willChange: 'transform',
transformOrigin: '0 0',
transform: `
translateX(${prevProps.left - newProps.left}px)
translateY(${ -}px)
scaleX(${prevProps.width / newProps.width})
scaleY(${prevProps.height / newProps.height})
translateX(${props.old.left -}px)
translateY(${ -}px)
scaleX(${props.old.width /})
scaleY(${props.old.height /})

@@ -70,3 +140,3 @@ })

style(el, {
opacity: newProps.opacity,
transition: `transform ${opts.duration}ms ${opts.easing} ${opts.delay}ms`,

@@ -83,86 +153,45 @@ transform: `

* Create a single animore object
* Return an object linked to the context prototype but with all the methods bound to it
* @param { Object } src - object that will receive our bound methods
* @param { Array } methods - array containing all the methods we want to bind
* @param { * } context (optional) - context where we want to bind our methods
* @returns { Object } new object linked to the src prototype
function bind(src, methods, context) {
if (!context) context = src
methods.forEach(method => src[method] = src[method].bind(context))
return Object.create(src)
* Factory funciton to create a single animore object
* @param { HTMLElement } el - DOM node we need to animate
* @param { Object } opts - animations options
* @returns { Object } ret
* @returns { HTMLElement } ret.el - DOM element originally received
* @returns { Function } ret.destroy - unsubscribe function
* @returns { Object } animore - animore object
function create(el, opts) {
let isFrozen = false
let isAnimating = false
props = inspect(el),
// create an observer instance
observer = new MutationObserver(apply)
observer.observe(el, OBSERVER_CONFIG)
function removeEvents() {
removeEvent(el, 'transitionstart', opts.onStart)
removeEvent(el, 'transitionend transitioncancel', cleanup)
function addEvents() {
addEvent(el, 'transitionstart', opts.onStart)
addEvent(el, 'transitionend transitioncancel', cleanup)
function apply() {
if (isFrozen || isAnimating) return
isAnimating = true
const newProps = inspect(el)
flip(el, newProps, props, opts)
Object.assign(props, newProps)
// make sure the transition end will always be triggered
// this will enable the testing of this script also in a node environment
setTimeout(() => {
if (isAnimating) {
el.dispatchEvent(new Event('transitionend'))
function create(el, opts = {}) {
const animore = bind(
Object.assign({}, ANIMORE_STRUCT, {
opts: bind(
['onStart', 'onEnd', 'onCancel'],
props: {
old: null,
new: null
}, opts.duration + TIMER_OFFSET)
// cleanup function triggered when the animations are complete
function cleanup(...args) {
style(el, {
opacity: null,
transition: null,
transform: null,
transformOrigin: null,
willChange: null
opts[args[0].type === 'transitioncancel' ? 'onCancel' : 'onEnd'].apply(null, args)
requestAnimationFrame(() => isAnimating = false)
return {
freeze() {
isFrozen = true
return this
unfreeze() {
isFrozen = false
return this
apply() {
return this
destroy() {
return this
['clear', 'stash', 'apply']
return Object.seal(animore)
* Returns always an array containing
* the destroy method to disconnect the MutationObserver instances created
* and the result of the DOM query first argument of this function
* Returns always an array containing all the animore objects
* @param { Array|String|HTMLElement } el - element/s we want to animate

@@ -178,5 +207,4 @@ * @param { Object } opts - options object

export default function animore(el, opts = {}) {
opts = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, opts)
export default function animore(el, opts) {
return $(el).map(e => create(e, opts))
"name": "animore",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "Animore makes DOM state transitions easier",

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ "main": "animore.js",

"devDependencies": {
"babel-preset-env": "^1.5.0",
"eslint": "^3.19.0",

@@ -20,6 +21,4 @@ "eslint-config-riot": "^1.0.0",

"jsdom-global": "3.0.2",
"mutationobserver-shim": "^0.3.2",
"raf": "^3.3.2",
"rollup": "^0.41.6",
"rollup-plugin-buble": "^0.15.0",
"rollup-plugin-babel": "^2.7.1",
"rollup-plugin-commonjs": "^8.0.2",

@@ -31,2 +30,3 @@ "rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^3.0.0"

"dependencies": {
"bianco.attr": "0.0.2",
"": "0.0.5",

@@ -33,0 +33,0 @@ "bianco.query": "0.0.6"

# animore
Animore makes DOM state transitions easier
It uses internally the [`MutationObserver`]( API to determinate whether a DOM node should be transitioned to a different state. It was inspired by [riot-animore]( and works thanks to the [flip technique]( by Paul Lewis
It uses internally the css transitions to animate 2 different states of the same DOM node. It was inspired by [riot-animore]( and works thanks to the [flip technique]( by Paul Lewis

@@ -12,5 +12,6 @@ [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url]

- [the box](
- [the list](
- [textarea](
- [The Gallery](
- [The Box](
- [The List](
- [The Textarea](

@@ -46,31 +47,25 @@ # Installation

## Simple automatic transitions
## Simple transitions
You can pass a query or a DOM node to `animore` and it will start watching its changes through a `MutationObserver` to trigger automatically the transitions.
You can pass a query or a DOM node to `animore` in the following way:
const anima = animore('.my-div')[0] // animore returns always an array!
const animaQuery = animore('.my-div')[0] // animore returns always an array!
const animaNode = animore(myDiv)[0] // DOM nodes are also valid
const animaList = animore([myDiv, myUl]) // array are also valid
const animaNodeList = animore(myUl.children) // NodeList are valid as well = '300px'
// animore will autimatically detect this change and transition the y position of the `div`
## Manual transitions
Remeber to use `stash` and `apply` to create your transitions
You can temporary `freeze` the watcher to trigger manually multiple transitions at same time:
const anima = animore('.my-div')[0]
anima.stash() // store the previous DOM position = '300px' = '500px'
// animore will autimatically detect this change and transition the y position of the `div`
anima.apply() // apply the transition
## Options

@@ -93,35 +88,22 @@

Any animore function will return an object with the following properties
Any animore call will return an object with the following properties
## animore.destroy
## animore.stash
Remove the DOM events disconnecting the MutationObserver internally created
Store the current DOM node position and size
### @returns self
__@returns self__
## animore.apply
Apply manually an animation comparing the current DOM node state with its previous state
Apply the transition comparing the current DOM node state with its previous state (it can be called only after a `stash`)
### @returns self
__@returns self__
## animore.freeze
Freeze temporarily all the MutationObserver automatic updates
### @returns self
## animore.unfreeze
Re enable again the automatic transitions updates
### @returns self
## animore.el
Reference to the DOM node observed
Reference to the DOM node queried
### @returns HTMLElement
__@returns HTMLElement__

@@ -128,0 +110,0 @@ [travis-url]:

import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs'
import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve'
import buble from 'rollup-plugin-buble'
import babel from 'rollup-plugin-babel'

@@ -9,5 +9,13 @@ export default {

moduleName: 'animore',
plugins: [ resolve(), commonjs(), buble({
transforms: { forOf: false }
}) ]
plugins: [ resolve(), commonjs(), babel({
presets: [
['env', {
modules: false,
loose: true,
targets: {
browsers: ['last 2 versions', 'safari >= 7']
const assert = require('assert')
const raf = require('raf')
// node js DOM polyfills
global.MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver
global.requestAnimationFrame = raf
global.cancelAnimationFrame = raf.cancel
// require the lib

@@ -22,25 +17,15 @@ const animore = require('../')

assert.equal(, null)
a.stash() = '20px'
it('The destroy method will properly unsubscribe all the listeners', (done) => {
it('It throws if no stash was called before apply', () => {
const el = dummyEl()
const a = animore(el, {
onEnd() {
})[0] = '20px'
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)
const a = animore(el)[0]
assert.throws(a.apply, Error)

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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