A module that diffs an input buffer with the previous one provided to it and outputs the diff as ANSI.
If you write out the diff to the terminal it will update the previous output with minimal changes
npm install ansi-diff
var diff = require('ansi-diff')({
width: process.stdout.columns
setInterval(render, 1000)
function render () {
process.stdout.write(diff.update('hello world...\n' + new Date()))
It also has terminal resize support
process.stdout.on('resize', function () {
diff.resize({width: process.stdout.columns})
var diff = ansiDiff([options])
Create a new differ. Options include:
width: terminalWidth,
height: terminalHeight
If you provide the terminal width ansi-diff will be able to support word wrapping
done by the terminal. That means that if you print out a line that is too long to fit in the terminal
the diff will still work.
var changes = diff.update(buffer, opts)
Update the buffer and return the diff between this and the previous one.
The diff is returned in ANSI as a buffer so you can write it out to the terminal.
- array of [column,row]
to move the cursor after diffing the
screen (in absolute coordinates)
Update the terminal width / height. If you are writing to stdout
you should update the width when process.stdout.on('resize')
is fired.
Options should look like this:
width: terminalWidth,
height: terminalHeight
Returns the last diffed string.
Property containing the last set terminal width.
Property containing the last set terminal height.