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A CLI tool to generate HTML5 Application Cache Manifest.

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A CLI tool to generate HTML5 Application Cache Manifest.

  • appcache-manifest command generates the manifest file of given files.
    • The manifest file includes the md5 hash which is calculated from the content of the files.
    • You can regenerate the manifest file when the files are changed by --watch option.

:cd: Installation

$ npm install appcache-manifest
  • Requires Node.js 4 or later.

:book: Usage

This provides 2 commands; appcache-manifest and appcache-manifest-fixer.

  • appcache-manifest is the command to generate manifest files.
  • appcache-manifest-fixer is the command to add manifest attribute into a HTML file.
Usage: appcache-manifest [OPTIONS] [FILES...]

    FILES: File globs that includes into manifest.

    -o, --output <FILE_PATH>    The path of an output file.
                                Prints to stdout by default.
    -p, --prefix <PATH>         The prefix part of each path in cache section.
    -P, --postfile <FILE_PATH>  The path of a postfix file.  The file will be
                                concatinated after generated contents.
    -h, --help                  Prints this text.
    -v, --verbose               Prints detail messages in progress. This option
                                must be used together with '--output' option.
    -V, --version               Prints version number.
    -w, --watch                 This command would be watching target files and
                                directories if --watch option is specified.
                                Then it regenerates the manifest file when those
                                files are added, removed, or changed.
    --network-star              Adds "NETWORK:\n*" after generated contents.
    --stamp                     Stamps the output with the date/time instead
                                of an md5 hash.
Usage: appcache-manifest-fixer [FILE_PATH] [OPTIONS]

    This command would add "manifest" attribute into <html> tag.

    FILE_PATH: The target HTML file path.
               Reading from stdin by default

    -o, --output <FILE_PATH>  The path of an output file.
                              Writing to stdout by default.
    -h, --help                Prints this text.
    -m, --manifest <PATH>     The path of a manifest file. The path will be set
                              to the value of "manifest" attribute.
                              "index.appcache" by default.
    -v, --version             Prints version number.


appcache-manifest "app/index.{html,css,js}" "app/lib/**/*.{css,js}" --network-star -o app/index.appcache
appcache-manifest "app/**/*.{html,css,js}" --postfile src/api.txt --postfile src/fallback.txt -o app/index.appcache

:turtle: Node.js API

var am = require("appcache-manifest");

am.generate(fileGlobs, options)

Generate a manifest file content; path list and a md5 hash comment.

  • fileGlobs string|string[] -- Globs that includes into CACHE section of the manifest.
  • options object
    • options.prefix string -- The prefix part of each path in cache section.
    • options.postfile string|string[] -- Paths of a postfix file. The file will be concatinated after generated contents.
    • options.networkStar boolean -- A flag to add "NETWORK:\n*" after generated contents.
    • options.stamp boolean -- Stamps the output with the date/time instead of an md5 hash.

This function returns stream.Readable. The stream outputs generated contents.


Add a "manifest" attribute into <html> tag.

  • options object
    • options.manifest string -- A path to a manifest file. By default, "index.appcache".

This function returns stream.Transform. The stream detect <html> tag from inputs, and add a manifest attribute.

:newspaper: Changelog

:muscle: Contributing

Welcome contributing!

Please use GitHub's Issues/PRs.

Development Tools

  • npm test runs tests and measures coverage.
  • npm run coverage shows the coverage result of npm test command with the default browser.
  • npm run clean removes the coverage result of npm test command.
  • npm run lint runs ESLint.
  • npm run watch runs tests with --watch option.



Package last updated on 22 Feb 2017

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