Private key management
Private keys are imported and removed on the command line.
Converting from PKCS12 before adding a key
With a Private key that was exported from KeyChain. You'll be prompted for password that was set when exporting.
openssl pkcs12 -in Certificates.p12 -nocerts -out private_key.pem -nodes
Adding a key
RACK_ENV=production ./bin/rake keys:import name=NAME key=KEY_FILE
At this point key names are not important, but should be unique.
Removing a key
RACK_ENV=production ./bin/rake keys:remove name=NAME
RACK_ENV=production ./bin/rake keys:remove checksum=XXXXX
If a key checksum is not known, it can be determined from either the original key file or the
corresponding certificate file:
RACK_ENV=production ./bin/rake keys:checksum file=CERTIFICATE_OR_KEY_FILE
Development setup
Required Dependencies:
~ brew install imagemagick
~ brew install mongo
~ brew install redis
~ gem install foreman
Bundle install
~ gem install bundler
~ bundle
yarn install
** Setup DB **
~ bundle exec rake db:setup
** Start the server **
~ foreman start
Open browser and goto
** Troubleshooting **
If you encounter issues installing libv8, try running the following command to successfully install it.
~ GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS=NO gem install libv8 -v
If you encounter issues installing imagemagick, try running the following command to successfully install it.
~ brew uninstall imagemagick
~ brew install imagemagick@6 && brew link imagemagick@6 --force
~ brew link --overwrite imagemagick@6
~ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/imagemagick@6/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc