4.0.0 (2025-02-01)
- The following methods and properties were removed:
- mobileSetClipboard -> replaced by setClipboard
- mobileGetClipboard -> replaced by getClipboard
- executeMobile -> replaced by execute (the
argument must also be changed to start with mobile:
- mobileCommandsMapping -> replaced by executeMethodsMap
- mobileGetAppStrings -> replaced by getStrings
- The following methods were changed:
- mobileDragGesture
- mobileFlingGesture
- mobileDoubleClickGesture
- mobileClickGesture
- mobilePinchOpenGesture
- mobilePinchCloseGesture
- mobileSwipeGesture
- mobileScrollGesture
- mobileScrollBackTo
- mobileScroll
- mobileDeepLink
- mobileAcceptAlert
- mobileDismissAlert
- mobileType
- mobileReplaceElementValue
- mobileInstallMultipleApks
- mobileBackgroundApp
- mobilePressKey
- mobileScreenshots
- mobileScheduleAction
- mobileUnscheduleAction
- mobileGetActionHistory
- The following obsolete type definitions were removed:
- DragOptions
- FlingOptions
- ClickOptions
- LongClickOptions
- PinchOptions
- SwipeOptions
- ScrollGestureOptions
- ScrollElementToElementOpts
- ScrollOptions
- DeepLinkOpts
- AcceptAlertOptions
- DismissAlertOptions
- TypingOptions
- ReplaceValueOptions
- InstallMultipleApksOptions
- BackgroundAppOptions
- PressKeyOptions
- ScreenshotsOpts
- ActionArgs
- SetClipboardOpts
- GetAppStringsOptions
Based on https://github.com/appium/appium-android-driver/pull/982