node-artedi: client library for metric collection
is a Node.js library for measuring applications -- specifically, the
services composing Triton and Manta.
Sample Usage
Here is a simple example usage of counters and histograms to expose
metrics in the Prometheus v0.0.4 text format.
var artedi = require('artedi');
var collector = artedi.createCollector();
var counter = collector.counter({
name: 'http_requests_completed',
help: 'count of muskie http requests completed',
labels: {
zone: 'e5d3'
method: 'getobject',
code: '200'
collector.collect(artedi.FMT_PROM, function (err, metrics) {
var histogram = collector.histogram({
name: 'http_request_latency_seconds',
help: 'latency of muskie http requests',
buckets: [0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10]
histogram.observe(0.998, {
method: 'putobjectdir'
collector.collect(artedi.FMT_PROM, function (err, metrics) {
if (err) {
throw new Error('could not collect metrics');
For more advanced usage and full API documentation, see
npm install artedi
DTrace probes
artedi includes some useful DTrace probes. The full listing of probes and their
arguments can be found in the lib/provider.js file.
In this first example artedi is observing the latency of queries to three
Postgres instances (using joyent/pgstatsmon). The latency observations include
the name of the backend Postgres instance.
We can create a graph of each Postgres backend's latency using built-in DTrace
$ dtrace -qn 'artedi*:::histogram-observe {@lat[json(copyinstr(arg2), "name")] = quantize(arg1);} tick-10s {printa(@lat);}'
value ------------- Distribution ------------- count
8 | 0
16 |@@@@@@@@@@ 5
32 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 15
64 |@@ 1
128 | 0
value ------------- Distribution ------------- count
8 | 0
16 |@@@@@@@@ 4
32 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 16
64 |@@ 1
128 | 0
value ------------- Distribution ------------- count
8 | 0
16 |@@@@@@@@ 4
32 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 14
64 |@@@@@@ 3
128 | 0
We could also retrieve the number of HTTP operations performed by HTTP handler
name and return code (from manta-muskie):
$ dtrace -qn 'artedi*:::counter-add /copyinstr(arg0) == "http_requests_completed" /{ jsonstr = copyinstr(arg2); @counts[json(jsonstr, "operation"), json(jsonstr, "statusCode")] = count(); }'
getstorage 200 135
putobject 204 137
These probes could conceivably be used to create more complicated reporting
tools as well.