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articulate-nlg - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.1.8 to 2.0.1




@@ -1,27 +0,28 @@

export default class Persona {
vocab: Object;
core: Object;
constructor(vocab?: Object, core?: Object);
say: (template: string, params?: {}) => string;
interface WeightedVocab {
v: string;
t: string;
w: number;
interface ParamTextPair {
interface ParamValuePair {
p: string;
t: string;
t: any;
export declare class VocabHelpers {
static capitalize: (text: string) => string;
static choose: (texts: (string | WeightedVocab)[]) => string;
static maybe: (text: string) => string;
static say: (vocabKey: string) => string;
static capSay: (text: string) => string;
static param: (paramKey: string) => string;
static ifThen: (paramKey: string, thenText: string) => string;
static ifNot: (paramKey: string, thenText: string) => string;
static ifElse: (paramKey: string, thenText: string, elseText: string) => string;
static doFirst: (paramTextPairs: ParamTextPair[], defaultText?: string) => string;
export default class Persona {
vocab: any;
private params;
private cycledTextsGroups;
constructor(vocab?: any, params?: any, cycledTextsGroups?: any);
say: (vocabKey: string, params?: any) => string;
capitalize: (text: string) => string;
capSay: (vocabKey: string, params?: any) => string;
render: (val: any) => string;
choose: (...texts: (string | WeightedVocab)[]) => string;
private getCycledTextsFor;
cycle: (...texts: (string | WeightedVocab)[]) => string;
maybe: (text: string) => string;
param: (paramKey: string) => string;
ifThen: (paramKey: string, then: any) => string;
ifNot: (paramKey: string, then: any) => string;
ifElse: (paramKey: string, then: any, otherwise: any) => string;
doFirst: (paramTextPairs: ParamValuePair[], defaultText?: string) => string;
export {};
"use strict";
var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {
__assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
s = arguments[i];
for (var p in s) if (, p))
t[p] = s[p];
return t;
return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {

@@ -17,117 +6,183 @@ return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var mustache_1 = __importDefault(require("mustache"));
var random_seed_weighted_chooser_1 = __importDefault(require("random-seed-weighted-chooser"));
var defaultCore = {
capitalize: function () {
return function (text, render) {
var renderedText = render(text);
return renderedText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + renderedText.slice(1);
choose: function () {
return function (text, render) {
var segments = text.split("|");
var segmentsWithWeights = [];
var regex = /(.*)[=]([0-9]*[.]?[0-9]+)/;
segments.forEach(function (segment) {
var match = segment.match(regex);
if (match !== null && match.length >= 2) {
value: match[1],
weight: parseFloat(match[2])
else {
segmentsWithWeights.push({ value: segment, weight: 1 });
var chosen = random_seed_weighted_chooser_1.default.chooseWeightedObject(segmentsWithWeights);
var renderedText = render(chosen.value);
return renderedText;
var hashCode = function (text) {
var hash = 0, i, chr;
if (text.length === 0)
return hash;
for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
chr = text.charCodeAt(i);
hash = (hash << 5) - hash + chr;
hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;
var toWeightedVocabs = function (texts) {
return (val) {
if (typeof val === "string") {
return { t: val, w: 1 };
return val;
var Persona = /** @class */ (function () {
function Persona(vocab, core) {
function Persona(vocab, params, cycledTextsGroups) {
var _this = this;
if (vocab === void 0) { vocab = {}; }
if (core === void 0) { core = defaultCore; }
if (params === void 0) { params = {}; }
if (cycledTextsGroups === void 0) { cycledTextsGroups = {}; }
this.vocab = vocab;
this.core = core;
this.say = function (template, params) {
if (params === void 0) { params = {}; }
return mustache_1.default.render("{{>" + template + "}}", __assign({}, _this.core, { params: params }), _this.vocab);
this.params = params;
this.cycledTextsGroups = cycledTextsGroups;
this.say = function (vocabKey, params) {
if (params === void 0) { params = _this.params; }
_this.params = params;
var val = _this.vocab[vocabKey];
return _this.render(val);
return Persona;
exports.default = Persona;
var preventNesting = function (stringToCheck, tag, returnIfValid, returnIfInvalid) {
if (stringToCheck.indexOf(tag) >= 0) {
console.warn("Can't nest " + tag + ". Make into another partial and reference it instead.", "Defaulting to " + returnIfInvalid, "For:", stringToCheck);
return returnIfInvalid;
return returnIfValid;
var VocabHelpers = /** @class */ (function () {
function VocabHelpers() {
VocabHelpers.capitalize = function (text) {
return preventNesting(text, "{{#capitalize}}", "{{#capitalize}}" + text + "{{/capitalize}}", text);
VocabHelpers.choose = function (texts) {
var firstValue = "";
var parts = (val) {
if (typeof val === "string") {
firstValue = !!firstValue ? firstValue : val;
this.capitalize = function (text) {
return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1);
this.capSay = function (vocabKey, params) {
if (params === void 0) { params = _this.params; }
return _this.capitalize(_this.say(vocabKey, params));
this.render = function (val) {
if (typeof val === "function") {
// Call it and render the value, which could be anything.
return _this.render(val());
else if (typeof val === "string") {
return val;
else if (!!val) {
return val + "";
else {
firstValue = !!firstValue ? firstValue : val.v;
return val.v + "=" + val.w;
return "";
var joinedParts = parts.join("|");
return preventNesting(joinedParts, "{{#choose}}", "{{#choose}}" + joinedParts + "{{/choose}}", firstValue);
this.choose = function () {
var texts = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
texts[_i] = arguments[_i];
var weightedVocabs = toWeightedVocabs(texts);
var choice = random_seed_weighted_chooser_1.default.chooseWeightedObject(weightedVocabs, "w");
return _this.render(choice["t"]);
this.cycle = function () {
var texts = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
texts[_i] = arguments[_i];
var weightedVocabs = toWeightedVocabs(texts);
// Create a hash that's used to group the items provided.
// This prevents global cycling and increases search performance.
var textsHash = hashCode( (val) { return val.t; }).join("")) + "";
var cycledTexts = _this.getCycledTextsFor(textsHash);
// console.log(textsHash, cycledTexts);
var filtered = weightedVocabs.filter(function (val) {
return !cycledTexts.includes(val.t);
// If they've all been used...
if (filtered.length === 0) {
// Choose from any of them
filtered = weightedVocabs;
// And remove all items from the cycled texts array
weightedVocabs.forEach(function (val) {
var index = cycledTexts.indexOf(val.t);
if (index >= 0) {
cycledTexts.splice(index, 1);
var chosen = _this.choose.apply(_this, filtered);
return chosen;
this.maybe = function (text) {
return _this.choose("", text);
this.param = function (paramKey) {
var val = _this.params[paramKey];
return _this.render(val);
this.ifThen = function (paramKey, then) {
return _this.ifElse(paramKey, then, "");
this.ifNot = function (paramKey, then) {
return _this.ifElse(paramKey, "", then);
this.ifElse = function (paramKey, then, otherwise) {
if (!!_this.params[paramKey]) {
return _this.render(then);
else {
return _this.render(otherwise);
this.doFirst = function (paramTextPairs, defaultText) {
if (defaultText === void 0) { defaultText = ""; }
for (var i = 0; i < paramTextPairs.length; i++) {
var pair = paramTextPairs[i];
var paramKey = pair.p;
var value = pair.t;
if (!!_this.params[paramKey]) {
return _this.render(value);
return defaultText;
Persona.prototype.getCycledTextsFor = function (hash) {
var cycledTexts = this.cycledTextsGroups[hash];
if (!!cycledTexts) {
return cycledTexts;
else {
this.cycledTextsGroups[hash] = [];
return this.cycledTextsGroups[hash];
VocabHelpers.maybe = function (text) {
return VocabHelpers.choose([text, ""]);
return Persona;
exports.default = Persona;
class Justin extends Persona {
createVocab = () => {
let say = this.say;
let capSay = this.capSay;
let choose = this.choose;
let maybe = this.maybe;
let cycle = this.cycle;
let param = this.param;
let doFirst = this.doFirst;
return {
greet: (): string =>
capSay("hi") +
"-" +
cycle("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") +
"-" +
cycle("2", "1", "3", "4", "5") +
"-" +
choose("hi", "hey", "hello", "what's up") +
"-" +
maybe(say("hi")) +
say("name") +
doFirst([{ p: "name", t: say("name") }], "not found"),
hi: "hiiii",
num: 6,
name: (): string => param("name")
VocabHelpers.say = function (vocabKey) {
return "{{>" + vocabKey + "}}";
VocabHelpers.capSay = function (text) {
var articulated = VocabHelpers.say(text);
var capitalized = VocabHelpers.capitalize(articulated);
return capitalized;
VocabHelpers.param = function (paramKey) {
return "{{params." + paramKey + "}}";
VocabHelpers.ifThen = function (paramKey, thenText) {
return preventNesting(thenText, "{{#params." + paramKey + "}}", "{{#params." + paramKey + "}}" + thenText + "{{/params." + paramKey + "}}", thenText);
VocabHelpers.ifNot = function (paramKey, thenText) {
return preventNesting(thenText, "{{^params." + paramKey + "}}", "{{^params." + paramKey + "}}" + thenText + "{{/params." + paramKey + "}}", thenText);
VocabHelpers.ifElse = function (paramKey, thenText, elseText) {
return "" + VocabHelpers.ifThen(paramKey, thenText) + VocabHelpers.ifNot(paramKey, elseText);
VocabHelpers.doFirst = function (paramTextPairs, defaultText) {
if (defaultText === void 0) { defaultText = ""; }
// Each if/else goes inside the previous.
// So I put my thang down, slice it and reverse it.
// The slice creates a new array since reverse() affects the original.
var template = paramTextPairs
.reduce(function (acc, curr) {
var paramKey = curr.p;
var value = curr.t;
return VocabHelpers.ifElse(paramKey, value, acc);
}, defaultText);
return template;
return VocabHelpers;
exports.VocabHelpers = VocabHelpers;
vocab = this.createVocab();
let justin = new Justin();
let count = 100;
new Array(count).fill(0).forEach(() => {
let params = { name: "justin" };
console.log(justin.say("greet", params));
"name": "articulate-nlg",
"version": "1.1.8",
"version": "2.0.1",
"description": "A natural language generator (NLG) that articulates concepts as words, phrases, and sentences.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "./dist/index.js",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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