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Identify and Read an ARC/INFO ASCII Grid

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49.1 MB



ascii-grid: beta

Identify, Read, and Write an ARC/INFO ASCII Grid


I do a lot of client-side geoprocessing (see geoblaze) and wanted to add support for .asc files. When I encountered large .asc files, I quickly ran out of memory because I was trying to load the whole file into memory. This package was created to make it easy to read specific areas of an ASCII Grid in a memory-safe way and prevent my laptop from overheating.


npm install ascii-grid



identifying ascii grid files

isAsciiGrid identifies ASCII GRID files in the following formats: ArrayBuffer, Buffer, DataView, Promise, String, and Uint8Array

const isAsciiGrid = require("ascii-grid/src/is-ascii-grid");

const buffer = readFileSync('./test_data/michigan_lld/michigan_lld.asc');
isAsciiGrid({ data: buffer, debug: false });
// true

parsing ascii grid metadata

const parseAsciiGridMeta = require("ascii-grid/src/parse-ascii-grid-meta");

const buffer = readFileSync('./test_data/michigan_lld/michigan_lld.asc');
const metadata = parseAsciiGridMeta({
  data: buffer,
  debug: false,
  cache: true, // caches metadata, but increases memory usage,
  raw: false // true returns numbers as raw strings
  ncols: 4201,
  nrows: 5365,
  xllcenter: -88,
  yllcenter: 41.62,
  cellsize: 0.0008333333333,
  nodata_value: -9999,
  last_metadata_line: 5,
  last_metadata_byte: 95

reading pixel values

const parseAsciiGridData = require("ascii-grid/src/parse-ascii-grid-data");

const result = await parseAsciiGridData({
  data: buffer,
  debug: true,
  cache: true, // caches metadata, but increases memory usage
  meta // optionally pass in metadata from parseAsciiGridMeta
 result is an object with a values array that holds
 two-dimensional array of rows with pixel values
      [55.874908, 57.874924, 58.874939, ...], // first row
      [62.875015, 63.875031, 62.875046, ...],
      [62.875122, 64.875137, 63.875168, ...],
      [52.875671, 50.875702, 51.875717, ...], // last row

reading pixel values within a bounding box

You can specify a bounding box to read from by specifying the zero-based index values of the first and last row, and first and last column for each row

const parseAsciiGridData = require("ascii-grid/src/parse-ascii-grid-data");

const result = await parseAsciiGridData({
  data: buffer,
  debug: true,
  start_column: 2, // start reading from the third column
  end_column: 10, // read through the eleventh column
  start_row: 1, // skip the first row
  end_row: undefined // read through the end

 result's values array is the size of the bbox.
 each row has a length of end_column - start_column + 1
      [62.875046, ...], // first row starting with index of start_row
      [63.875168, ...],
      [51.875717, ...], // last row

reading pixel values into a flat array

Sometimes you may require the data to be returned in a one-dimensional flat array instead of split up into rows. To do so, set flat to true like below

const parseAsciiGridData = require("ascii-grid/src/parse-ascii-grid-data");

const result = await parseAsciiGridData({
  data: buffer,
  flat: true

 result's values array is as long as width * height
   values: [55.874908, 57.874924, 58.874939, ...]

streaming grid points

If you don't want to save a large array of all the grid points, but rather iterate over the points with a callback, see below:

const forEachAsciiGridPoint = require("ascii-grid/src/for-each-ascii-grid-point");

  data: buffer,
  callback: ({ c, r, num }) => {
    console.log("row index is", r);
    console.log("column index is", c);
    console.log("value is", num);

calculating statistics

You can calculate statistics for the ASCII grid. Calculations are made by iterating over the grid points in a memory-aware way, avoiding loading the whole grid into memory. It uses calc-stats for the calculations.

const calcAsciiGridStats = require("ascii-grid/calc-ascii-grid-stats");

const stats = calcAsciiGridStats({ data: buffer });
  stats is
    median: 24.926056,
    min: -275.890015,
    max: 351.943481,
    sum: 304535462.0868404,
    mean: 13.685328213781924,
    modes: [6.894897],
    mode: 6.894897,
    histogram: {
      "23.1291283": {
        n: 23.1291283, // the actual value in numerical format
        ct: 82 // number of times that n appears

writing an ASCII Grid

const writeAsciiGrid = require("ascii-grid/src/write-ascii-grid");

const result = writeAsciiGrid({
  // you can also pass in the data as one flattened row
  data: [
    [123, 456, ...], // first row
    [789, 1011, ...], // second row
    // ...
  // number of columns
  ncols: 4201,
  // number of rows
  nrows: 5365,

  // alternatively you can use xllcorner and yllcorner
  xllcenter: -88,
  yllcenter: 41.62,

  cellsize: 0.0008333333333,
   /****** THE FOLLOWING IS OPTIONAL ******/
  // throw an error if necessary metadata is missing
  // default is true
  strict: false,
  // set to 1+ for increased logging
  // default is 0
  debug_level: 2,
  // whether to include a newline at the end of the file
  // default is true
  trailing_newline: false,
  // the number of digits after the decimal
  // doesn't apply to nodata_values
  // default is no rounding. 
  // for more explanation of the rounding please see the documentation for JavaScript's toFixed function [here](
  fixed_digits: 6,
  nodata_value: -9999

calculating the bounding box

You can calculate the bounding box of the ASCII Grid using floating-point arithmetic.

import calcAsciiGridBoundingBox from "ascii-grid/src/calc-ascii-grid-bounding-box";

  data, // array buffer, buffer, or string representing ascii grid file

  // if no meta object is provided,
  // calcAsciiGridBoundingBox will internally call parseAsciiGridMeta

  // max_read_length is an optional parameter passed to parseAsciiGridMeta
[491501, 2556440, 594634.0933000001, 2645315.3392]

calculating the precise bounding box

If precision is more important than speed, you can calculate the precise bounding box of the the ASCII Grid avoiding floating-point arithmetic errors.

import calcAsciiGridPreciseBoundingBox from "ascii-grid/src/calc-ascii-grid-precise-bounding-box";

  data, // required
  meta, // optional
  max_read_length // optional
["491501", "2556440", "594634.0933", "2645315.3392"]



Last updated on 29 Aug 2022

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