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Comparing version 0.12.1 to 0.12.2



@@ -192,3 +192,3 @@ "use strict";;

var BinaryOperator = or("==", "!=", "===", "!==", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "<<", ">>", ">>>", "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "**", "&", // TODO Missing from the Parser API.
"|", "^", "in", "instanceof", "..");
"|", "^", "in", "instanceof");

@@ -195,0 +195,0 @@ .bases("Expression")

@@ -34,7 +34,10 @@ "use strict";;

var IdOrQualifiedName = or(def("Identifier"), def("TSQualifiedName"));
var TSEntityName = or(def("Identifier"), def("TSQualifiedName"));
.bases("TSType", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation")
.build("typeName", "typeParameters")
.field("typeName", IdOrQualifiedName)
.field("typeName", TSEntityName);
// An abstract (non-buildable) base type that provide a commonly-needed
// optional .typeParameters field.
.field("typeParameters", or(def("TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), null), defaults["null"]);

@@ -52,4 +55,4 @@ // An abstract (non-buildable) base type that provide a commonly-needed

.build("left", "right")
.field("left", IdOrQualifiedName)
.field("right", IdOrQualifiedName);
.field("left", TSEntityName)
.field("right", TSEntityName);

@@ -67,2 +70,3 @@ .bases("Expression")


@@ -232,3 +236,3 @@ "TSNeverKeyword",

.field("exprName", IdOrQualifiedName);
.field("exprName", or(TSEntityName, def("TSImportType")));
// Inferred from Babylon's tsParseTypeMember method.

@@ -281,6 +285,11 @@ var TSTypeMember = or(def("TSCallSignatureDeclaration"), def("TSConstructSignatureDeclaration"), def("TSIndexSignature"), def("TSMethodSignature"), def("TSPropertySignature"));

.build("id", "body")
.field("id", or(StringLiteral, IdOrQualifiedName))
.field("id", or(StringLiteral, TSEntityName))
.field("declare", Boolean, defaults["false"])
.field("global", Boolean, defaults["false"])
.field("body", or(def("TSModuleBlock"), def("TSModuleDeclaration"), null), defaults["null"]);
.bases("TSType", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation")
.build("argument", "qualifier", "typeParameters")
.field("argument", StringLiteral)
.field("qualifier", or(TSEntityName, void 0), defaults["undefined"]);

@@ -291,3 +300,3 @@ .bases("Declaration")

.field("isExport", Boolean, defaults["false"])
.field("moduleReference", or(IdOrQualifiedName, def("TSExternalModuleReference")));
.field("moduleReference", or(TSEntityName, def("TSExternalModuleReference")));

@@ -310,10 +319,9 @@ .bases("Declaration")

.bases("TSType", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation")
.build("expression", "typeParameters")
.field("expression", IdOrQualifiedName)
.field("typeParameters", or(def("TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), null), defaults["null"]);
.field("expression", TSEntityName);
.bases("Declaration", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameters")
.build("id", "body")
.field("id", IdOrQualifiedName)
.field("id", TSEntityName)
.field("declare", Boolean, defaults["false"])

@@ -320,0 +328,0 @@ .field("extends", or([def("TSExpressionWithTypeArguments")], null), defaults["null"])

import * as N from "./nodes";
export declare type PrintableKind = N.File | N.Program | N.Identifier | N.BlockStatement | N.EmptyStatement | N.ExpressionStatement | N.IfStatement | N.LabeledStatement | N.BreakStatement | N.ContinueStatement | N.WithStatement | N.SwitchStatement | N.SwitchCase | N.ReturnStatement | N.ThrowStatement | N.TryStatement | N.CatchClause | N.WhileStatement | N.DoWhileStatement | N.ForStatement | N.VariableDeclaration | N.ForInStatement | N.DebuggerStatement | N.FunctionDeclaration | N.FunctionExpression | N.VariableDeclarator | N.ThisExpression | N.ArrayExpression | N.ObjectExpression | N.Property | N.Literal | N.SequenceExpression | N.UnaryExpression | N.BinaryExpression | N.AssignmentExpression | N.UpdateExpression | N.LogicalExpression | N.ConditionalExpression | N.NewExpression | N.CallExpression | N.MemberExpression | N.RestElement | N.TypeAnnotation | N.TSTypeAnnotation | N.SpreadElementPattern | N.ArrowFunctionExpression | N.ForOfStatement | N.YieldExpression | N.GeneratorExpression | N.ComprehensionBlock | N.ComprehensionExpression | N.ObjectProperty | N.PropertyPattern | N.ObjectPattern | N.ArrayPattern | N.MethodDefinition | N.SpreadElement | N.AssignmentPattern | N.ClassPropertyDefinition | N.ClassProperty | N.ClassBody | N.ClassDeclaration | N.ClassExpression | N.ImportSpecifier | N.ImportNamespaceSpecifier | N.ImportDefaultSpecifier | N.ImportDeclaration | N.TaggedTemplateExpression | N.TemplateLiteral | N.TemplateElement | N.SpreadProperty | N.SpreadPropertyPattern | N.AwaitExpression | N.JSXAttribute | N.JSXIdentifier | N.JSXNamespacedName | N.JSXExpressionContainer | N.JSXMemberExpression | N.JSXSpreadAttribute | N.JSXElement | N.JSXOpeningElement | N.JSXClosingElement | N.JSXFragment | N.JSXText | N.JSXOpeningFragment | N.JSXClosingFragment | N.JSXEmptyExpression | N.JSXSpreadChild | N.TypeParameterDeclaration | N.TSTypeParameterDeclaration | N.TypeParameterInstantiation | N.TSTypeParameterInstantiation | N.ClassImplements | N.TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | N.AnyTypeAnnotation | N.EmptyTypeAnnotation | N.MixedTypeAnnotation | N.VoidTypeAnnotation | N.NumberTypeAnnotation | N.NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.StringTypeAnnotation | N.StringLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.BooleanTypeAnnotation | N.BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NullableTypeAnnotation | N.NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NullTypeAnnotation | N.ThisTypeAnnotation | N.ExistsTypeAnnotation | N.ExistentialTypeParam | N.FunctionTypeAnnotation | N.FunctionTypeParam | N.ArrayTypeAnnotation | N.ObjectTypeAnnotation | N.ObjectTypeProperty | N.ObjectTypeSpreadProperty | N.ObjectTypeIndexer | N.ObjectTypeCallProperty | N.ObjectTypeInternalSlot | N.Variance | N.QualifiedTypeIdentifier | N.GenericTypeAnnotation | N.MemberTypeAnnotation | N.UnionTypeAnnotation | N.IntersectionTypeAnnotation | N.TypeofTypeAnnotation | N.TypeParameter | N.InterfaceTypeAnnotation | N.InterfaceExtends | N.InterfaceDeclaration | N.DeclareInterface | N.TypeAlias | N.OpaqueType | N.DeclareTypeAlias | N.DeclareOpaqueType | N.TypeCastExpression | N.TupleTypeAnnotation | N.DeclareVariable | N.DeclareFunction | N.DeclareClass | N.DeclareModule | N.DeclareModuleExports | N.DeclareExportDeclaration | N.ExportSpecifier | N.ExportBatchSpecifier | N.DeclareExportAllDeclaration | N.InferredPredicate | N.DeclaredPredicate | N.ExportDeclaration | N.Block | N.Line | N.Noop | N.DoExpression | N.Super | N.BindExpression | N.Decorator | N.MetaProperty | N.ParenthesizedExpression | N.ExportDefaultDeclaration | N.ExportNamedDeclaration | N.ExportNamespaceSpecifier | N.ExportDefaultSpecifier | N.ExportAllDeclaration | N.CommentBlock | N.CommentLine | N.Directive | N.DirectiveLiteral | N.InterpreterDirective | N.StringLiteral | N.NumericLiteral | N.BigIntLiteral | N.NullLiteral | N.BooleanLiteral | N.RegExpLiteral | N.ObjectMethod | N.ClassPrivateProperty | N.ClassMethod | N.ClassPrivateMethod | N.PrivateName | N.RestProperty | N.ForAwaitStatement | N.Import | N.TSQualifiedName | N.TSTypeReference | N.TSAsExpression | N.TSNonNullExpression | N.TSAnyKeyword | N.TSBooleanKeyword | N.TSNeverKeyword | N.TSNullKeyword | N.TSNumberKeyword | N.TSObjectKeyword | N.TSStringKeyword | N.TSSymbolKeyword | N.TSUndefinedKeyword | N.TSUnknownKeyword | N.TSVoidKeyword | N.TSThisType | N.TSArrayType | N.TSLiteralType | N.TSUnionType | N.TSIntersectionType | N.TSConditionalType | N.TSInferType | N.TSTypeParameter | N.TSParenthesizedType | N.TSFunctionType | N.TSConstructorType | N.TSDeclareFunction | N.TSDeclareMethod | N.TSMappedType | N.TSTupleType | N.TSRestType | N.TSOptionalType | N.TSIndexedAccessType | N.TSTypeOperator | N.TSIndexSignature | N.TSPropertySignature | N.TSMethodSignature | N.TSTypePredicate | N.TSCallSignatureDeclaration | N.TSConstructSignatureDeclaration | N.TSEnumMember | N.TSTypeQuery | N.TSTypeLiteral | N.TSTypeAssertion | N.TSEnumDeclaration | N.TSTypeAliasDeclaration | N.TSModuleBlock | N.TSModuleDeclaration | N.TSImportEqualsDeclaration | N.TSExternalModuleReference | N.TSExportAssignment | N.TSNamespaceExportDeclaration | N.TSInterfaceBody | N.TSInterfaceDeclaration | N.TSParameterProperty | N.OptionalMemberExpression | N.OptionalCallExpression;
export declare type PrintableKind = N.File | N.Program | N.Identifier | N.BlockStatement | N.EmptyStatement | N.ExpressionStatement | N.IfStatement | N.LabeledStatement | N.BreakStatement | N.ContinueStatement | N.WithStatement | N.SwitchStatement | N.SwitchCase | N.ReturnStatement | N.ThrowStatement | N.TryStatement | N.CatchClause | N.WhileStatement | N.DoWhileStatement | N.ForStatement | N.VariableDeclaration | N.ForInStatement | N.DebuggerStatement | N.FunctionDeclaration | N.FunctionExpression | N.VariableDeclarator | N.ThisExpression | N.ArrayExpression | N.ObjectExpression | N.Property | N.Literal | N.SequenceExpression | N.UnaryExpression | N.BinaryExpression | N.AssignmentExpression | N.UpdateExpression | N.LogicalExpression | N.ConditionalExpression | N.NewExpression | N.CallExpression | N.MemberExpression | N.RestElement | N.TypeAnnotation | N.TSTypeAnnotation | N.SpreadElementPattern | N.ArrowFunctionExpression | N.ForOfStatement | N.YieldExpression | N.GeneratorExpression | N.ComprehensionBlock | N.ComprehensionExpression | N.ObjectProperty | N.PropertyPattern | N.ObjectPattern | N.ArrayPattern | N.MethodDefinition | N.SpreadElement | N.AssignmentPattern | N.ClassPropertyDefinition | N.ClassProperty | N.ClassBody | N.ClassDeclaration | N.ClassExpression | N.ImportSpecifier | N.ImportNamespaceSpecifier | N.ImportDefaultSpecifier | N.ImportDeclaration | N.TaggedTemplateExpression | N.TemplateLiteral | N.TemplateElement | N.SpreadProperty | N.SpreadPropertyPattern | N.AwaitExpression | N.JSXAttribute | N.JSXIdentifier | N.JSXNamespacedName | N.JSXExpressionContainer | N.JSXMemberExpression | N.JSXSpreadAttribute | N.JSXElement | N.JSXOpeningElement | N.JSXClosingElement | N.JSXFragment | N.JSXText | N.JSXOpeningFragment | N.JSXClosingFragment | N.JSXEmptyExpression | N.JSXSpreadChild | N.TypeParameterDeclaration | N.TSTypeParameterDeclaration | N.TypeParameterInstantiation | N.TSTypeParameterInstantiation | N.ClassImplements | N.TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | N.AnyTypeAnnotation | N.EmptyTypeAnnotation | N.MixedTypeAnnotation | N.VoidTypeAnnotation | N.NumberTypeAnnotation | N.NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.StringTypeAnnotation | N.StringLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.BooleanTypeAnnotation | N.BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NullableTypeAnnotation | N.NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NullTypeAnnotation | N.ThisTypeAnnotation | N.ExistsTypeAnnotation | N.ExistentialTypeParam | N.FunctionTypeAnnotation | N.FunctionTypeParam | N.ArrayTypeAnnotation | N.ObjectTypeAnnotation | N.ObjectTypeProperty | N.ObjectTypeSpreadProperty | N.ObjectTypeIndexer | N.ObjectTypeCallProperty | N.ObjectTypeInternalSlot | N.Variance | N.QualifiedTypeIdentifier | N.GenericTypeAnnotation | N.MemberTypeAnnotation | N.UnionTypeAnnotation | N.IntersectionTypeAnnotation | N.TypeofTypeAnnotation | N.TypeParameter | N.InterfaceTypeAnnotation | N.InterfaceExtends | N.InterfaceDeclaration | N.DeclareInterface | N.TypeAlias | N.OpaqueType | N.DeclareTypeAlias | N.DeclareOpaqueType | N.TypeCastExpression | N.TupleTypeAnnotation | N.DeclareVariable | N.DeclareFunction | N.DeclareClass | N.DeclareModule | N.DeclareModuleExports | N.DeclareExportDeclaration | N.ExportSpecifier | N.ExportBatchSpecifier | N.DeclareExportAllDeclaration | N.InferredPredicate | N.DeclaredPredicate | N.ExportDeclaration | N.Block | N.Line | N.Noop | N.DoExpression | N.Super | N.BindExpression | N.Decorator | N.MetaProperty | N.ParenthesizedExpression | N.ExportDefaultDeclaration | N.ExportNamedDeclaration | N.ExportNamespaceSpecifier | N.ExportDefaultSpecifier | N.ExportAllDeclaration | N.CommentBlock | N.CommentLine | N.Directive | N.DirectiveLiteral | N.InterpreterDirective | N.StringLiteral | N.NumericLiteral | N.BigIntLiteral | N.NullLiteral | N.BooleanLiteral | N.RegExpLiteral | N.ObjectMethod | N.ClassPrivateProperty | N.ClassMethod | N.ClassPrivateMethod | N.PrivateName | N.RestProperty | N.ForAwaitStatement | N.Import | N.TSQualifiedName | N.TSTypeReference | N.TSAsExpression | N.TSNonNullExpression | N.TSAnyKeyword | N.TSBigIntKeyword | N.TSBooleanKeyword | N.TSNeverKeyword | N.TSNullKeyword | N.TSNumberKeyword | N.TSObjectKeyword | N.TSStringKeyword | N.TSSymbolKeyword | N.TSUndefinedKeyword | N.TSUnknownKeyword | N.TSVoidKeyword | N.TSThisType | N.TSArrayType | N.TSLiteralType | N.TSUnionType | N.TSIntersectionType | N.TSConditionalType | N.TSInferType | N.TSTypeParameter | N.TSParenthesizedType | N.TSFunctionType | N.TSConstructorType | N.TSDeclareFunction | N.TSDeclareMethod | N.TSMappedType | N.TSTupleType | N.TSRestType | N.TSOptionalType | N.TSIndexedAccessType | N.TSTypeOperator | N.TSIndexSignature | N.TSPropertySignature | N.TSMethodSignature | N.TSTypePredicate | N.TSCallSignatureDeclaration | N.TSConstructSignatureDeclaration | N.TSEnumMember | N.TSTypeQuery | N.TSImportType | N.TSTypeLiteral | N.TSTypeAssertion | N.TSEnumDeclaration | N.TSTypeAliasDeclaration | N.TSModuleBlock | N.TSModuleDeclaration | N.TSImportEqualsDeclaration | N.TSExternalModuleReference | N.TSExportAssignment | N.TSNamespaceExportDeclaration | N.TSInterfaceBody | N.TSInterfaceDeclaration | N.TSParameterProperty | N.OptionalMemberExpression | N.OptionalCallExpression;
export declare type SourceLocationKind = N.SourceLocation;
export declare type NodeKind = N.File | N.Program | N.Identifier | N.BlockStatement | N.EmptyStatement | N.ExpressionStatement | N.IfStatement | N.LabeledStatement | N.BreakStatement | N.ContinueStatement | N.WithStatement | N.SwitchStatement | N.SwitchCase | N.ReturnStatement | N.ThrowStatement | N.TryStatement | N.CatchClause | N.WhileStatement | N.DoWhileStatement | N.ForStatement | N.VariableDeclaration | N.ForInStatement | N.DebuggerStatement | N.FunctionDeclaration | N.FunctionExpression | N.VariableDeclarator | N.ThisExpression | N.ArrayExpression | N.ObjectExpression | N.Property | N.Literal | N.SequenceExpression | N.UnaryExpression | N.BinaryExpression | N.AssignmentExpression | N.UpdateExpression | N.LogicalExpression | N.ConditionalExpression | N.NewExpression | N.CallExpression | N.MemberExpression | N.RestElement | N.TypeAnnotation | N.TSTypeAnnotation | N.SpreadElementPattern | N.ArrowFunctionExpression | N.ForOfStatement | N.YieldExpression | N.GeneratorExpression | N.ComprehensionBlock | N.ComprehensionExpression | N.ObjectProperty | N.PropertyPattern | N.ObjectPattern | N.ArrayPattern | N.MethodDefinition | N.SpreadElement | N.AssignmentPattern | N.ClassPropertyDefinition | N.ClassProperty | N.ClassBody | N.ClassDeclaration | N.ClassExpression | N.ImportSpecifier | N.ImportNamespaceSpecifier | N.ImportDefaultSpecifier | N.ImportDeclaration | N.TaggedTemplateExpression | N.TemplateLiteral | N.TemplateElement | N.SpreadProperty | N.SpreadPropertyPattern | N.AwaitExpression | N.JSXAttribute | N.JSXIdentifier | N.JSXNamespacedName | N.JSXExpressionContainer | N.JSXMemberExpression | N.JSXSpreadAttribute | N.JSXElement | N.JSXOpeningElement | N.JSXClosingElement | N.JSXFragment | N.JSXText | N.JSXOpeningFragment | N.JSXClosingFragment | N.JSXEmptyExpression | N.JSXSpreadChild | N.TypeParameterDeclaration | N.TSTypeParameterDeclaration | N.TypeParameterInstantiation | N.TSTypeParameterInstantiation | N.ClassImplements | N.TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | N.AnyTypeAnnotation | N.EmptyTypeAnnotation | N.MixedTypeAnnotation | N.VoidTypeAnnotation | N.NumberTypeAnnotation | N.NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.StringTypeAnnotation | N.StringLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.BooleanTypeAnnotation | N.BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NullableTypeAnnotation | N.NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NullTypeAnnotation | N.ThisTypeAnnotation | N.ExistsTypeAnnotation | N.ExistentialTypeParam | N.FunctionTypeAnnotation | N.FunctionTypeParam | N.ArrayTypeAnnotation | N.ObjectTypeAnnotation | N.ObjectTypeProperty | N.ObjectTypeSpreadProperty | N.ObjectTypeIndexer | N.ObjectTypeCallProperty | N.ObjectTypeInternalSlot | N.Variance | N.QualifiedTypeIdentifier | N.GenericTypeAnnotation | N.MemberTypeAnnotation | N.UnionTypeAnnotation | N.IntersectionTypeAnnotation | N.TypeofTypeAnnotation | N.TypeParameter | N.InterfaceTypeAnnotation | N.InterfaceExtends | N.InterfaceDeclaration | N.DeclareInterface | N.TypeAlias | N.OpaqueType | N.DeclareTypeAlias | N.DeclareOpaqueType | N.TypeCastExpression | N.TupleTypeAnnotation | N.DeclareVariable | N.DeclareFunction | N.DeclareClass | N.DeclareModule | N.DeclareModuleExports | N.DeclareExportDeclaration | N.ExportSpecifier | N.ExportBatchSpecifier | N.DeclareExportAllDeclaration | N.InferredPredicate | N.DeclaredPredicate | N.ExportDeclaration | N.Noop | N.DoExpression | N.Super | N.BindExpression | N.Decorator | N.MetaProperty | N.ParenthesizedExpression | N.ExportDefaultDeclaration | N.ExportNamedDeclaration | N.ExportNamespaceSpecifier | N.ExportDefaultSpecifier | N.ExportAllDeclaration | N.Directive | N.DirectiveLiteral | N.InterpreterDirective | N.StringLiteral | N.NumericLiteral | N.BigIntLiteral | N.NullLiteral | N.BooleanLiteral | N.RegExpLiteral | N.ObjectMethod | N.ClassPrivateProperty | N.ClassMethod | N.ClassPrivateMethod | N.PrivateName | N.RestProperty | N.ForAwaitStatement | N.Import | N.TSQualifiedName | N.TSTypeReference | N.TSAsExpression | N.TSNonNullExpression | N.TSAnyKeyword | N.TSBooleanKeyword | N.TSNeverKeyword | N.TSNullKeyword | N.TSNumberKeyword | N.TSObjectKeyword | N.TSStringKeyword | N.TSSymbolKeyword | N.TSUndefinedKeyword | N.TSUnknownKeyword | N.TSVoidKeyword | N.TSThisType | N.TSArrayType | N.TSLiteralType | N.TSUnionType | N.TSIntersectionType | N.TSConditionalType | N.TSInferType | N.TSTypeParameter | N.TSParenthesizedType | N.TSFunctionType | N.TSConstructorType | N.TSDeclareFunction | N.TSDeclareMethod | N.TSMappedType | N.TSTupleType | N.TSRestType | N.TSOptionalType | N.TSIndexedAccessType | N.TSTypeOperator | N.TSIndexSignature | N.TSPropertySignature | N.TSMethodSignature | N.TSTypePredicate | N.TSCallSignatureDeclaration | N.TSConstructSignatureDeclaration | N.TSEnumMember | N.TSTypeQuery | N.TSTypeLiteral | N.TSTypeAssertion | N.TSEnumDeclaration | N.TSTypeAliasDeclaration | N.TSModuleBlock | N.TSModuleDeclaration | N.TSImportEqualsDeclaration | N.TSExternalModuleReference | N.TSExportAssignment | N.TSNamespaceExportDeclaration | N.TSInterfaceBody | N.TSInterfaceDeclaration | N.TSParameterProperty | N.OptionalMemberExpression | N.OptionalCallExpression;
export declare type NodeKind = N.File | N.Program | N.Identifier | N.BlockStatement | N.EmptyStatement | N.ExpressionStatement | N.IfStatement | N.LabeledStatement | N.BreakStatement | N.ContinueStatement | N.WithStatement | N.SwitchStatement | N.SwitchCase | N.ReturnStatement | N.ThrowStatement | N.TryStatement | N.CatchClause | N.WhileStatement | N.DoWhileStatement | N.ForStatement | N.VariableDeclaration | N.ForInStatement | N.DebuggerStatement | N.FunctionDeclaration | N.FunctionExpression | N.VariableDeclarator | N.ThisExpression | N.ArrayExpression | N.ObjectExpression | N.Property | N.Literal | N.SequenceExpression | N.UnaryExpression | N.BinaryExpression | N.AssignmentExpression | N.UpdateExpression | N.LogicalExpression | N.ConditionalExpression | N.NewExpression | N.CallExpression | N.MemberExpression | N.RestElement | N.TypeAnnotation | N.TSTypeAnnotation | N.SpreadElementPattern | N.ArrowFunctionExpression | N.ForOfStatement | N.YieldExpression | N.GeneratorExpression | N.ComprehensionBlock | N.ComprehensionExpression | N.ObjectProperty | N.PropertyPattern | N.ObjectPattern | N.ArrayPattern | N.MethodDefinition | N.SpreadElement | N.AssignmentPattern | N.ClassPropertyDefinition | N.ClassProperty | N.ClassBody | N.ClassDeclaration | N.ClassExpression | N.ImportSpecifier | N.ImportNamespaceSpecifier | N.ImportDefaultSpecifier | N.ImportDeclaration | N.TaggedTemplateExpression | N.TemplateLiteral | N.TemplateElement | N.SpreadProperty | N.SpreadPropertyPattern | N.AwaitExpression | N.JSXAttribute | N.JSXIdentifier | N.JSXNamespacedName | N.JSXExpressionContainer | N.JSXMemberExpression | N.JSXSpreadAttribute | N.JSXElement | N.JSXOpeningElement | N.JSXClosingElement | N.JSXFragment | N.JSXText | N.JSXOpeningFragment | N.JSXClosingFragment | N.JSXEmptyExpression | N.JSXSpreadChild | N.TypeParameterDeclaration | N.TSTypeParameterDeclaration | N.TypeParameterInstantiation | N.TSTypeParameterInstantiation | N.ClassImplements | N.TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | N.AnyTypeAnnotation | N.EmptyTypeAnnotation | N.MixedTypeAnnotation | N.VoidTypeAnnotation | N.NumberTypeAnnotation | N.NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.StringTypeAnnotation | N.StringLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.BooleanTypeAnnotation | N.BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NullableTypeAnnotation | N.NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NullTypeAnnotation | N.ThisTypeAnnotation | N.ExistsTypeAnnotation | N.ExistentialTypeParam | N.FunctionTypeAnnotation | N.FunctionTypeParam | N.ArrayTypeAnnotation | N.ObjectTypeAnnotation | N.ObjectTypeProperty | N.ObjectTypeSpreadProperty | N.ObjectTypeIndexer | N.ObjectTypeCallProperty | N.ObjectTypeInternalSlot | N.Variance | N.QualifiedTypeIdentifier | N.GenericTypeAnnotation | N.MemberTypeAnnotation | N.UnionTypeAnnotation | N.IntersectionTypeAnnotation | N.TypeofTypeAnnotation | N.TypeParameter | N.InterfaceTypeAnnotation | N.InterfaceExtends | N.InterfaceDeclaration | N.DeclareInterface | N.TypeAlias | N.OpaqueType | N.DeclareTypeAlias | N.DeclareOpaqueType | N.TypeCastExpression | N.TupleTypeAnnotation | N.DeclareVariable | N.DeclareFunction | N.DeclareClass | N.DeclareModule | N.DeclareModuleExports | N.DeclareExportDeclaration | N.ExportSpecifier | N.ExportBatchSpecifier | N.DeclareExportAllDeclaration | N.InferredPredicate | N.DeclaredPredicate | N.ExportDeclaration | N.Noop | N.DoExpression | N.Super | N.BindExpression | N.Decorator | N.MetaProperty | N.ParenthesizedExpression | N.ExportDefaultDeclaration | N.ExportNamedDeclaration | N.ExportNamespaceSpecifier | N.ExportDefaultSpecifier | N.ExportAllDeclaration | N.Directive | N.DirectiveLiteral | N.InterpreterDirective | N.StringLiteral | N.NumericLiteral | N.BigIntLiteral | N.NullLiteral | N.BooleanLiteral | N.RegExpLiteral | N.ObjectMethod | N.ClassPrivateProperty | N.ClassMethod | N.ClassPrivateMethod | N.PrivateName | N.RestProperty | N.ForAwaitStatement | N.Import | N.TSQualifiedName | N.TSTypeReference | N.TSAsExpression | N.TSNonNullExpression | N.TSAnyKeyword | N.TSBigIntKeyword | N.TSBooleanKeyword | N.TSNeverKeyword | N.TSNullKeyword | N.TSNumberKeyword | N.TSObjectKeyword | N.TSStringKeyword | N.TSSymbolKeyword | N.TSUndefinedKeyword | N.TSUnknownKeyword | N.TSVoidKeyword | N.TSThisType | N.TSArrayType | N.TSLiteralType | N.TSUnionType | N.TSIntersectionType | N.TSConditionalType | N.TSInferType | N.TSTypeParameter | N.TSParenthesizedType | N.TSFunctionType | N.TSConstructorType | N.TSDeclareFunction | N.TSDeclareMethod | N.TSMappedType | N.TSTupleType | N.TSRestType | N.TSOptionalType | N.TSIndexedAccessType | N.TSTypeOperator | N.TSIndexSignature | N.TSPropertySignature | N.TSMethodSignature | N.TSTypePredicate | N.TSCallSignatureDeclaration | N.TSConstructSignatureDeclaration | N.TSEnumMember | N.TSTypeQuery | N.TSImportType | N.TSTypeLiteral | N.TSTypeAssertion | N.TSEnumDeclaration | N.TSTypeAliasDeclaration | N.TSModuleBlock | N.TSModuleDeclaration | N.TSImportEqualsDeclaration | N.TSExternalModuleReference | N.TSExportAssignment | N.TSNamespaceExportDeclaration | N.TSInterfaceBody | N.TSInterfaceDeclaration | N.TSParameterProperty | N.OptionalMemberExpression | N.OptionalCallExpression;
export declare type CommentKind = N.Block | N.Line | N.CommentBlock | N.CommentLine;

@@ -107,3 +107,4 @@ export declare type PositionKind = N.Position;

export declare type ClassImplementsKind = N.ClassImplements;
export declare type TSTypeKind = N.TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | N.TSTypeReference | N.TSAnyKeyword | N.TSBooleanKeyword | N.TSNeverKeyword | N.TSNullKeyword | N.TSNumberKeyword | N.TSObjectKeyword | N.TSStringKeyword | N.TSSymbolKeyword | N.TSUndefinedKeyword | N.TSUnknownKeyword | N.TSVoidKeyword | N.TSThisType | N.TSArrayType | N.TSLiteralType | N.TSUnionType | N.TSIntersectionType | N.TSConditionalType | N.TSInferType | N.TSParenthesizedType | N.TSFunctionType | N.TSConstructorType | N.TSMappedType | N.TSTupleType | N.TSRestType | N.TSOptionalType | N.TSIndexedAccessType | N.TSTypeOperator | N.TSTypeQuery | N.TSTypeLiteral;
export declare type TSTypeKind = N.TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | N.TSTypeReference | N.TSAnyKeyword | N.TSBigIntKeyword | N.TSBooleanKeyword | N.TSNeverKeyword | N.TSNullKeyword | N.TSNumberKeyword | N.TSObjectKeyword | N.TSStringKeyword | N.TSSymbolKeyword | N.TSUndefinedKeyword | N.TSUnknownKeyword | N.TSVoidKeyword | N.TSThisType | N.TSArrayType | N.TSLiteralType | N.TSUnionType | N.TSIntersectionType | N.TSConditionalType | N.TSInferType | N.TSParenthesizedType | N.TSFunctionType | N.TSConstructorType | N.TSMappedType | N.TSTupleType | N.TSRestType | N.TSOptionalType | N.TSIndexedAccessType | N.TSTypeOperator | N.TSTypeQuery | N.TSImportType | N.TSTypeLiteral;
export declare type TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiationKind = N.TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | N.TSTypeReference | N.TSImportType;
export declare type TSExpressionWithTypeArgumentsKind = N.TSExpressionWithTypeArguments;

@@ -209,2 +210,3 @@ export declare type FlowKind = N.AnyTypeAnnotation | N.EmptyTypeAnnotation | N.MixedTypeAnnotation | N.VoidTypeAnnotation | N.NumberTypeAnnotation | N.NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.StringTypeAnnotation | N.StringLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.BooleanTypeAnnotation | N.BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NullableTypeAnnotation | N.NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | N.NullTypeAnnotation | N.ThisTypeAnnotation | N.ExistsTypeAnnotation | N.ExistentialTypeParam | N.FunctionTypeAnnotation | N.ArrayTypeAnnotation | N.ObjectTypeAnnotation | N.GenericTypeAnnotation | N.MemberTypeAnnotation | N.UnionTypeAnnotation | N.IntersectionTypeAnnotation | N.TypeofTypeAnnotation | N.TypeParameter | N.InterfaceTypeAnnotation | N.TupleTypeAnnotation | N.InferredPredicate | N.DeclaredPredicate;

export declare type TSAnyKeywordKind = N.TSAnyKeyword;
export declare type TSBigIntKeywordKind = N.TSBigIntKeyword;
export declare type TSBooleanKeywordKind = N.TSBooleanKeyword;

@@ -247,2 +249,3 @@ export declare type TSNeverKeywordKind = N.TSNeverKeyword;

export declare type TSTypeQueryKind = N.TSTypeQuery;
export declare type TSImportTypeKind = N.TSImportType;
export declare type TSTypeLiteralKind = N.TSTypeLiteral;

@@ -249,0 +252,0 @@ export declare type TSTypeAssertionKind = N.TSTypeAssertion;

@@ -110,2 +110,3 @@ import { Type } from "../lib/types";

TSType: Type<N.TSType>;
TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation: Type<N.TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation>;
TSExpressionWithTypeArguments: Type<N.TSExpressionWithTypeArguments>;

@@ -211,2 +212,3 @@ Flow: Type<N.Flow>;

TSAnyKeyword: Type<N.TSAnyKeyword>;
TSBigIntKeyword: Type<N.TSBigIntKeyword>;
TSBooleanKeyword: Type<N.TSBooleanKeyword>;

@@ -249,2 +251,3 @@ TSNeverKeyword: Type<N.TSNeverKeyword>;

TSTypeQuery: Type<N.TSTypeQuery>;
TSImportType: Type<N.TSImportType>;
TSTypeLiteral: Type<N.TSTypeLiteral>;

@@ -251,0 +254,0 @@ TSTypeAssertion: Type<N.TSTypeAssertion>;

@@ -214,3 +214,3 @@ import { Omit } from "../types";

type: "BinaryExpression";
operator: "==" | "!=" | "===" | "!==" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "<<" | ">>" | ">>>" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "**" | "&" | "|" | "^" | "in" | "instanceof" | "..";
operator: "==" | "!=" | "===" | "!==" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "<<" | ">>" | ">>>" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "**" | "&" | "|" | "^" | "in" | "instanceof";
left: K.ExpressionKind;

@@ -536,6 +536,8 @@ right: K.ExpressionKind;

export interface TSExpressionWithTypeArguments extends Omit<TSType, "type"> {
export interface TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation {
typeParameters: K.TSTypeParameterInstantiationKind | null;
export interface TSExpressionWithTypeArguments extends Omit<TSType, "type">, TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation {
type: "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments";
expression: K.IdentifierKind | K.TSQualifiedNameKind;
typeParameters: K.TSTypeParameterInstantiationKind | null;

@@ -977,6 +979,5 @@ export interface Flow extends Node {

export interface TSTypeReference extends Omit<TSType, "type"> {
export interface TSTypeReference extends Omit<TSType, "type">, TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation {
type: "TSTypeReference";
typeName: K.IdentifierKind | K.TSQualifiedNameKind;
typeParameters: K.TSTypeParameterInstantiationKind | null;

@@ -1004,2 +1005,5 @@ export interface TSHasOptionalTypeParameters {

export interface TSBigIntKeyword extends Omit<TSType, "type"> {
type: "TSBigIntKeyword";
export interface TSBooleanKeyword extends Omit<TSType, "type"> {

@@ -1177,4 +1181,9 @@ type: "TSBooleanKeyword";

type: "TSTypeQuery";
exprName: K.IdentifierKind | K.TSQualifiedNameKind;
exprName: K.IdentifierKind | K.TSQualifiedNameKind | K.TSImportTypeKind;
export interface TSImportType extends Omit<TSType, "type">, TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation {
type: "TSImportType";
argument: K.StringLiteralKind;
qualifier: K.IdentifierKind | K.TSQualifiedNameKind | undefined;
export interface TSTypeLiteral extends Omit<TSType, "type"> {

@@ -1260,2 +1269,2 @@ type: "TSTypeLiteral";

export declare type ASTNode = File | Program | Identifier | BlockStatement | EmptyStatement | ExpressionStatement | IfStatement | LabeledStatement | BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | WithStatement | SwitchStatement | SwitchCase | ReturnStatement | ThrowStatement | TryStatement | CatchClause | WhileStatement | DoWhileStatement | ForStatement | VariableDeclaration | ForInStatement | DebuggerStatement | FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | VariableDeclarator | ThisExpression | ArrayExpression | ObjectExpression | Property | Literal | SequenceExpression | UnaryExpression | BinaryExpression | AssignmentExpression | UpdateExpression | LogicalExpression | ConditionalExpression | NewExpression | CallExpression | MemberExpression | RestElement | TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | SpreadElementPattern | ArrowFunctionExpression | ForOfStatement | YieldExpression | GeneratorExpression | ComprehensionBlock | ComprehensionExpression | ObjectProperty | PropertyPattern | ObjectPattern | ArrayPattern | MethodDefinition | SpreadElement | AssignmentPattern | ClassPropertyDefinition | ClassProperty | ClassBody | ClassDeclaration | ClassExpression | ImportSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportDeclaration | TaggedTemplateExpression | TemplateLiteral | TemplateElement | SpreadProperty | SpreadPropertyPattern | AwaitExpression | JSXAttribute | JSXIdentifier | JSXNamespacedName | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXMemberExpression | JSXSpreadAttribute | JSXElement | JSXOpeningElement | JSXClosingElement | JSXFragment | JSXText | JSXOpeningFragment | JSXClosingFragment | JSXEmptyExpression | JSXSpreadChild | TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | TypeParameterInstantiation | TSTypeParameterInstantiation | ClassImplements | TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | AnyTypeAnnotation | EmptyTypeAnnotation | MixedTypeAnnotation | VoidTypeAnnotation | NumberTypeAnnotation | NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation | NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation | StringTypeAnnotation | StringLiteralTypeAnnotation | BooleanTypeAnnotation | BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation | NullableTypeAnnotation | NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | NullTypeAnnotation | ThisTypeAnnotation | ExistsTypeAnnotation | ExistentialTypeParam | FunctionTypeAnnotation | FunctionTypeParam | ArrayTypeAnnotation | ObjectTypeAnnotation | ObjectTypeProperty | ObjectTypeSpreadProperty | ObjectTypeIndexer | ObjectTypeCallProperty | ObjectTypeInternalSlot | Variance | QualifiedTypeIdentifier | GenericTypeAnnotation | MemberTypeAnnotation | UnionTypeAnnotation | IntersectionTypeAnnotation | TypeofTypeAnnotation | TypeParameter | InterfaceTypeAnnotation | InterfaceExtends | InterfaceDeclaration | DeclareInterface | TypeAlias | OpaqueType | DeclareTypeAlias | DeclareOpaqueType | TypeCastExpression | TupleTypeAnnotation | DeclareVariable | DeclareFunction | DeclareClass | DeclareModule | DeclareModuleExports | DeclareExportDeclaration | ExportSpecifier | ExportBatchSpecifier | DeclareExportAllDeclaration | InferredPredicate | DeclaredPredicate | ExportDeclaration | Block | Line | Noop | DoExpression | Super | BindExpression | Decorator | MetaProperty | ParenthesizedExpression | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportNamespaceSpecifier | ExportDefaultSpecifier | ExportAllDeclaration | CommentBlock | CommentLine | Directive | DirectiveLiteral | InterpreterDirective | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | NullLiteral | BooleanLiteral | RegExpLiteral | ObjectMethod | ClassPrivateProperty | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | PrivateName | RestProperty | ForAwaitStatement | Import | TSQualifiedName | TSTypeReference | TSAsExpression | TSNonNullExpression | TSAnyKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSNeverKeyword | TSNullKeyword | TSNumberKeyword | TSObjectKeyword | TSStringKeyword | TSSymbolKeyword | TSUndefinedKeyword | TSUnknownKeyword | TSVoidKeyword | TSThisType | TSArrayType | TSLiteralType | TSUnionType | TSIntersectionType | TSConditionalType | TSInferType | TSTypeParameter | TSParenthesizedType | TSFunctionType | TSConstructorType | TSDeclareFunction | TSDeclareMethod | TSMappedType | TSTupleType | TSRestType | TSOptionalType | TSIndexedAccessType | TSTypeOperator | TSIndexSignature | TSPropertySignature | TSMethodSignature | TSTypePredicate | TSCallSignatureDeclaration | TSConstructSignatureDeclaration | TSEnumMember | TSTypeQuery | TSTypeLiteral | TSTypeAssertion | TSEnumDeclaration | TSTypeAliasDeclaration | TSModuleBlock | TSModuleDeclaration | TSImportEqualsDeclaration | TSExternalModuleReference | TSExportAssignment | TSNamespaceExportDeclaration | TSInterfaceBody | TSInterfaceDeclaration | TSParameterProperty | OptionalMemberExpression | OptionalCallExpression;
export declare type ASTNode = File | Program | Identifier | BlockStatement | EmptyStatement | ExpressionStatement | IfStatement | LabeledStatement | BreakStatement | ContinueStatement | WithStatement | SwitchStatement | SwitchCase | ReturnStatement | ThrowStatement | TryStatement | CatchClause | WhileStatement | DoWhileStatement | ForStatement | VariableDeclaration | ForInStatement | DebuggerStatement | FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression | VariableDeclarator | ThisExpression | ArrayExpression | ObjectExpression | Property | Literal | SequenceExpression | UnaryExpression | BinaryExpression | AssignmentExpression | UpdateExpression | LogicalExpression | ConditionalExpression | NewExpression | CallExpression | MemberExpression | RestElement | TypeAnnotation | TSTypeAnnotation | SpreadElementPattern | ArrowFunctionExpression | ForOfStatement | YieldExpression | GeneratorExpression | ComprehensionBlock | ComprehensionExpression | ObjectProperty | PropertyPattern | ObjectPattern | ArrayPattern | MethodDefinition | SpreadElement | AssignmentPattern | ClassPropertyDefinition | ClassProperty | ClassBody | ClassDeclaration | ClassExpression | ImportSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportDeclaration | TaggedTemplateExpression | TemplateLiteral | TemplateElement | SpreadProperty | SpreadPropertyPattern | AwaitExpression | JSXAttribute | JSXIdentifier | JSXNamespacedName | JSXExpressionContainer | JSXMemberExpression | JSXSpreadAttribute | JSXElement | JSXOpeningElement | JSXClosingElement | JSXFragment | JSXText | JSXOpeningFragment | JSXClosingFragment | JSXEmptyExpression | JSXSpreadChild | TypeParameterDeclaration | TSTypeParameterDeclaration | TypeParameterInstantiation | TSTypeParameterInstantiation | ClassImplements | TSExpressionWithTypeArguments | AnyTypeAnnotation | EmptyTypeAnnotation | MixedTypeAnnotation | VoidTypeAnnotation | NumberTypeAnnotation | NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation | NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation | StringTypeAnnotation | StringLiteralTypeAnnotation | BooleanTypeAnnotation | BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation | NullableTypeAnnotation | NullLiteralTypeAnnotation | NullTypeAnnotation | ThisTypeAnnotation | ExistsTypeAnnotation | ExistentialTypeParam | FunctionTypeAnnotation | FunctionTypeParam | ArrayTypeAnnotation | ObjectTypeAnnotation | ObjectTypeProperty | ObjectTypeSpreadProperty | ObjectTypeIndexer | ObjectTypeCallProperty | ObjectTypeInternalSlot | Variance | QualifiedTypeIdentifier | GenericTypeAnnotation | MemberTypeAnnotation | UnionTypeAnnotation | IntersectionTypeAnnotation | TypeofTypeAnnotation | TypeParameter | InterfaceTypeAnnotation | InterfaceExtends | InterfaceDeclaration | DeclareInterface | TypeAlias | OpaqueType | DeclareTypeAlias | DeclareOpaqueType | TypeCastExpression | TupleTypeAnnotation | DeclareVariable | DeclareFunction | DeclareClass | DeclareModule | DeclareModuleExports | DeclareExportDeclaration | ExportSpecifier | ExportBatchSpecifier | DeclareExportAllDeclaration | InferredPredicate | DeclaredPredicate | ExportDeclaration | Block | Line | Noop | DoExpression | Super | BindExpression | Decorator | MetaProperty | ParenthesizedExpression | ExportDefaultDeclaration | ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportNamespaceSpecifier | ExportDefaultSpecifier | ExportAllDeclaration | CommentBlock | CommentLine | Directive | DirectiveLiteral | InterpreterDirective | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral | NullLiteral | BooleanLiteral | RegExpLiteral | ObjectMethod | ClassPrivateProperty | ClassMethod | ClassPrivateMethod | PrivateName | RestProperty | ForAwaitStatement | Import | TSQualifiedName | TSTypeReference | TSAsExpression | TSNonNullExpression | TSAnyKeyword | TSBigIntKeyword | TSBooleanKeyword | TSNeverKeyword | TSNullKeyword | TSNumberKeyword | TSObjectKeyword | TSStringKeyword | TSSymbolKeyword | TSUndefinedKeyword | TSUnknownKeyword | TSVoidKeyword | TSThisType | TSArrayType | TSLiteralType | TSUnionType | TSIntersectionType | TSConditionalType | TSInferType | TSTypeParameter | TSParenthesizedType | TSFunctionType | TSConstructorType | TSDeclareFunction | TSDeclareMethod | TSMappedType | TSTupleType | TSRestType | TSOptionalType | TSIndexedAccessType | TSTypeOperator | TSIndexSignature | TSPropertySignature | TSMethodSignature | TSTypePredicate | TSCallSignatureDeclaration | TSConstructSignatureDeclaration | TSEnumMember | TSTypeQuery | TSImportType | TSTypeLiteral | TSTypeAssertion | TSEnumDeclaration | TSTypeAliasDeclaration | TSModuleBlock | TSModuleDeclaration | TSImportEqualsDeclaration | TSExternalModuleReference | TSExportAssignment | TSNamespaceExportDeclaration | TSInterfaceBody | TSInterfaceDeclaration | TSParameterProperty | OptionalMemberExpression | OptionalCallExpression;

@@ -111,2 +111,3 @@ import { NodePath } from "../lib/node-path";

visitTSType?(this: Context & M, path: NodePath<N.TSType>): any;
visitTSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation?(this: Context & M, path: NodePath<N.TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation>): any;
visitTSExpressionWithTypeArguments?(this: Context & M, path: NodePath<N.TSExpressionWithTypeArguments>): any;

@@ -212,2 +213,3 @@ visitFlow?(this: Context & M, path: NodePath<N.Flow>): any;

visitTSAnyKeyword?(this: Context & M, path: NodePath<N.TSAnyKeyword>): any;
visitTSBigIntKeyword?(this: Context & M, path: NodePath<N.TSBigIntKeyword>): any;
visitTSBooleanKeyword?(this: Context & M, path: NodePath<N.TSBooleanKeyword>): any;

@@ -250,2 +252,3 @@ visitTSNeverKeyword?(this: Context & M, path: NodePath<N.TSNeverKeyword>): any;

visitTSTypeQuery?(this: Context & M, path: NodePath<N.TSTypeQuery>): any;
visitTSImportType?(this: Context & M, path: NodePath<N.TSImportType>): any;
visitTSTypeLiteral?(this: Context & M, path: NodePath<N.TSTypeLiteral>): any;

@@ -252,0 +255,0 @@ visitTSTypeAssertion?(this: Context & M, path: NodePath<N.TSTypeAssertion>): any;

@@ -195,3 +195,3 @@ "use strict";;

var move = getMoves(this, argc - 1, index);
if (move === emptyMoves) {
if (move === emptyMoves && argc <= 1) {
return this;

@@ -198,0 +198,0 @@ }

"author": "Ben Newman <>",
"name": "ast-types",
"version": "0.12.1",
"version": "0.12.2",
"description": "Esprima-compatible implementation of the Mozilla JS Parser API",

@@ -32,5 +32,4 @@ "keywords": [

"gen": "ts-node --transpile-only script/gen-types.ts",
"tsc": "tsc --noEmit",
"mocha": "test/",
"test": "npm run gen && npm run tsc && npm run mocha",
"test": "npm run gen && npm run build && npm run mocha",
"clean": "ts-emit-clean",

@@ -37,0 +36,0 @@ "build": "tsc && ts-add-module-exports",

@@ -424,3 +424,3 @@ # AST Types [![Build Status](]( [![Greenkeeper badge](](

information about variable and function declarations in the scope that
contains `path.node`. See [scope.js](lib/scope.js) for its public
contains `path.node`. See [scope.ts](lib/scope.ts) for its public
interface, which currently includes `.isGlobal`, `.getGlobalScope()`,

@@ -480,9 +480,17 @@ `.depth`, `.declares(name)`, `.lookup(name)`, and `.getBindings()`.

The `def` syntax is used to define all the default AST node types found in
[flow.js](def/flow.js), and
[jsx.js](def/jsx.js), so you have
so you have
no shortage of examples to learn from.

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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