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@@ -0,42 +1,41 @@

// Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
This Audio Module demo sets volume, then plays
an audio file out over Headphones/Line out
var tessel = require('tessel');
var fs = require('fs');
var audio = require('../').use(tessel.port('a'));
var audio = require('../').use(tessel.port['A']); // Replace '../' with 'audio-vs1053b' in your own code
console.log('trying to connect...');
var audioFile = 'sample.mp3';
// Wait for the module to connect
audio.on('ready', function() {
console.log("Ready to go!");
audio.setVolume(20, 20, function(err) {
if (err) return console.log('err setting volume', err);
var song = fs.readFileSync('/app/sample.mp3');
console.log("Audio module connected! Setting volume...");
// Set the volume in decibels. Around 20 is good; smaller is louder.
audio.setVolume(20, function(err) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
// Get the song
console.log('Retrieving file...');
var song = fs.readFileSync(audioFile);
// Play the song
console.log('Playing ' + audioFile + '...');, function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log("error playing song: ", err);
} else {
console.log('Done playing', audioFile);
else {
console.log("Done playing the first song");
// setTimeout(function audioPause() {
// console.log('pausing!');
// audio.pause(function paused() {
// setTimeout(function audioResume() {
// console.log('started playing again');
// setTimeout(function stopping() {
// console.log('stopping');
// audio.stop(function stopped() {
// console.log('stopped!');
// })
// }, 1000);
// }, 1000);
// });
// }, 1000);
// If there is an error, report it
audio.on('error', function(err) {
console.log("Failed to connect", err);
setInterval(function(){}, 20000);

@@ -1,2 +0,9 @@

// VS1053b module
// Copyright 2014 Technical Machine, Inc. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.

@@ -6,3 +13,3 @@ var fs = require('fs');

var util = require('util');
var hw = process.binding('hw')
var hw = process.binding('hw');
var Writable = require('stream').Writable;

@@ -67,3 +74,3 @@ var Readable = require('stream').Readable;

// Waits for the audio data event which is recorded data being output from the C shim
process.on('audio_recording_data', this._handleRecordedData.bind(this));
process.on('audio_recording_data', this._handleRecordedData.bind(this));

@@ -87,3 +94,3 @@ // Waits for final flushed buffer of a recording

// Make sure we can comm and have the right version
self._checkVersion(function(err) {
self._checkVersion(function(err) {
if (err) { self._failConnect(err, callback); }

@@ -95,3 +102,3 @@ else {

else {
// Enabke headphones and lineIn
// Enabke headphones and lineIn
self.setDefaultIO(function(err) {

@@ -106,3 +113,3 @@ if (err) { self._failConnect(err, callback); }


@@ -238,3 +245,3 @@ }

Audio.prototype._checkVersion = function(callback) {
this._readSciRegister16(SCI_STATUS, function(err, MP3Status) {
this._readSciRegister16(SCI_STATUS, function(err, MP3Status) {
if (err) { return callback && callback(err); }

@@ -254,3 +261,3 @@ else if ((MP3Status >> 4) & 0x000F != 4){

// Set multiplier to 3.0x
this._writeSciRegister16(SCI_CLOCKF, 0x6000, function(err) {
this._writeSciRegister16(SCI_CLOCKF, 0x6000, function(err) {
if (err) { return callback && callback(err); }

@@ -261,3 +268,3 @@ else {


@@ -391,5 +398,25 @@ }

Audio.prototype.setVolume = function(leftChannelDecibels, rightChannelDecibels, callback) {
if (rightChannelDecibels === undefined) {
// If no volume was provided
if (leftChannelDecibels === undefined) {
// Just callback
if (callback) {
// and return
// If the user passed in one decibel level and a callback
else if (typeof rightChannelDecibels === 'function' && !callback) {
// set the callback
callback = rightChannelDecibels;
// And make both channels the same
rightChannelDecibels = leftChannelDecibels;
// If the user only passed in a decibel level
else if (rightChannelDecibels === undefined && callback === undefined) {
// Make both channels the same
rightChannelDecibels = leftChannelDecibels;

@@ -399,2 +426,3 @@ // The units are in half decibels

rightChannelDecibels = rightChannelDecibels/0.5
// Set VS10xx Volume Register

@@ -644,3 +672,3 @@ this._writeSciRegister(SCI_VOL, leftChannelDecibels, rightChannelDecibels, callback);

if (ret < 0) {
var err;
var err;

@@ -668,3 +696,3 @@ if (ret == -1) {


@@ -703,2 +731,2 @@ this.emit('startRecording');

exports.use = use;
exports.use = use;
"name": "audio-vs1053b",
"version": "0.1.2",
"version": "0.1.3",
"description": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

@@ -1,181 +0,122 @@

#Audio Module
Driver for the audio-vs1053b Tessel audio module ([VS1053B](,d.cGU))
npm install audio-vs1053b
```npm install audio-vs1053b```
## Limitations
The current version of the Tessel runtime is too slow to play audio files smoothly. That means we wrote a custom C shim that handles most of the playback and recording of data. There are several consequences of the C shim:
* Any other modules that use SPI for communication will be blocked while the audio module is playing a buffer.
* You can only have one audio module attached to Tessel at a time.
* Any other modules that use SPI for communication will be blocked while the Audio Module is playing a buffer.
* You can only have one Audio Module attached to Tessel at a time.
* Updates to the Audio Module driver must be released in both firmware and this npm repo.
It sucks but we're expecting major runtime speed improvements to render the C shim uncessesary within the next couple months.
It sucks but we're expecting major runtime speed improvements to render the C shim unnecessary within the next couple of months.
1. Writing mic data to a file (w/out streams)
// Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
This Audio Module demo sets volume, then plays
an audio file out over Headphones/Line out
var tessel = require('tessel');
var fs = require('fs');
var audio = require('audio-vs1053b').use(tessel.port('a'), function(err) {
// Start recording data for a second into a file
audio.setInput('mic', function(err) {
var chunks = [];
var audio = require('../').use(tessel.port('a'));
audio.on('data', function(data) {
console.log('trying to connect...');
audio.on('ready', function() {
console.log("Ready to go!");
audio.setVolume(20, 20, function(err) {
if (err) return console.log('err setting volume', err);
var song = fs.readFileSync('/app/sample.mp3');, function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log("error playing song: ", err);
else {
console.log("Done playing the first song");
// Start the recording
audio.startRecording(function(err) {
// In one second
setTimeout(function() {
// Stop recording
audio.stopRecording(function(err) {
// Write the buffer to a file
fs.writeFile("micdata", Buffer.concat(chunks), function(err) {
console.log("Wrote to a file");
}, 1000);
2. Writing line-in to a file (w/ streams)
var tessel = require('tessel');
var fs = require('fs');
var audio = require('audio-vs1053b').use(tessel.port('a'), function(err) {
// Start recording data for a second into a file
audio.setInput('line-in', function(err) {
// Open a stream to a file
var file = fs.createWriteStream('lineInData.ogg');
// Create a readable stream of incoming data
var soundData = audio.createRecordStream();
// Pipe data to the file
audio.on('error', function(err) {
console.log("Failed to connect", err);
3. Output audio on the headphone Jack (w/o streams)
var tessel = require('tessel');
var fs = require('fs');
var audio = require('audio-vs1053b').use(tessel.port('a'), function(err) {
// Start recording data for a second into a file
audio.setOutput('headphone', function(err) {
// Open a file
var audioFile = fs.readFileSync('Oops... I did it again.mp3');
// Play the file;
4. Output audio on the headphone Jack (with streams)
var tessel = require('tessel');
var fs = require('fs');
var audio = require('audio-vs1053b').use(tessel.port('a'), function(err) {
// Start recording data for a second into a file
audio.setOutput('headphone', function(err) {
// Open a file
##### * `audio.setVolume(leftChannelDb, [rightChannelDb,] callback(err))` Set the output volume. Level is a Number from 0.0 to 1.0
##### * `audio.setInput(input, callback(err))` Set the input to either 'lineIn' or 'mic'. Defaults to 'lineIn'.
##### * `audio.setOutput(output, callback(err))` Set the output to either 'lineOut' or 'headPhones'. Defaults to 'lineOut'.
// Set the output volume. Level is a Number from 0.0 to 1.0
audio.setVolume( level, function(err) {...} );
##### * `audio.startRecording([profile] callback(err))` Start recording sound from the input. (Receive data in the 'data' event) Callback called after recording initialized (not stopped). quality is an optional argument that can be 'voice', 'wideband-voice', 'wideband-stereo', 'hifi-voice', or 'stereo-music'. Default is 'hifi-voice'.
// Set the input to either 'lineIn' or 'mic'. Defaults to 'lineIn'.
audio.setInput( input, function(err) {...} );
##### * `audio.stopRecording(callback(err))` Stop recording sound (note that may receive one more 'data' event before this completes when the buffer is flushed.)
// Set the output to either 'lineOut' or 'headPhones'. Defaults to 'lineOut'.
audio.setOutput(output, function(err) {...} );
##### * `[audioBuff], callback(err))` Play a buffer. If no buffer is passed in, the module will attempt to resume a buffer that was paused.
// Start recording sound from the input. (Receive data in the 'data' event) Callback called after recording initialized (not stopped.)
quality is an optional argument that can be 'voice', 'wideband-voice', 'wideband-stereo', 'hifi-voice', or 'stereo-music'. Default is 'hifi-voice'.
audio.startRecording([profile] function(err) {...} );
##### * `audio.pause(callback(err))` Pause the buffer
// Stop recording sound (note that may receive one more 'data' event before this completes when the buffer is flushed.)
audio.stopRecording( function(err) {...} );
##### * `audio.stop(callback(err))` Stop playing and flush the buffer
// Play a buffer. If no buffer is passed in, the module
// will attempt to resume a buffer that was paused. [audioBuff], function(err) {...} );
##### * `audio.createPlayStream()` Returns a stream that a buffer can be piped into to play audio
// Pause the buffer
audio.pause( function(err) {...} );
##### * `audio.createRecordStream()` Returns a readable stream of mic data
// Stop playing and flush the buffer
audio.stop( function(err) {...} );
##### * `audio.availableRecordingProfiles()` Returns an array of available profiles
// Returns a stream that a buffer can be piped into to play audio
// Returns a readable stream of mic data
// Returns an array of available profiles
##### * `audio.on('ready', callback())` The audio module is ready to use
##### * `audio.on('error', callback(err))` The audio module had an error on connection
##### * `audio.on('volume', callback(volume))` Volume was set
##### * `audio.on('input', callback(input))` The input mode was set
// The audio module is ready to use
audio.on( 'ready', function() {...} );
##### * `audio.on('output', callback(output))` The output mode was set
// The audio module had an error on connection
audio.on( 'error', function(err) {...} );
##### * `audio.on('startRecording', callback())` Started recording from the input
// Volume was set
audio.on( 'volume', function(volume) {...} );
##### * `audio.on('data', callback(audioBuff))` Received recorded data
// The input mode was set
audio.on('input', function(input) {...} );
##### * `audio.on('stopRecording', callback())` Stopped recording on the input
// The output mode was set
audio.on('output', function(output) {...} );
##### * `audio.on('play', callback())` A buffer is beginning to be played
// Started recording from the input
audio.on('startRecording', function() {...} );
##### * `audio.on('pause', callback())` Playback was paused
// Received recorded data
audio.on('data', function(audioBuff) {...} );
##### * `audio.on('stop', callback())` Playback was stopped
// Stopped recording on the input
audio.on('stopRecording', function() {...} );
##### * `audio.on('end', callback(err)` The buffer finished playing
// A buffer is beginning to be played
audio.on('play', function() {...} );
// Playback was paused
audio.on('pause', function() {...} );
##Further Examples
See the examples folder for code.
// Playback was stopped
audio.on('stop', function() {...} );
* audio-out-no-streams: Listen to audio without using streams.
// The buffer finished playing
audio.on('end', function(err) {...})
* record-sound: Record sound from the microphone without using streams.
* stream-audio-out: Stream audio from a file to Headphones/Line out
* stream-sound-to-file: Stream audio input from line in to a file.