Auth0's website and landings react component header
From npm client:
npm install --save auth0-web-header
From yarn client:
yarn add auth0-web-header
From CDN:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
Props | Type | Default | Description |
className | string | '' | Applied to the header root element. |
children | node | null | Can be used to render custom menu items via React components. |
theme | string | 'light' | Header theme, another option is 'dark'. |
featuredEnable | boolean | true | Enable or disable featured link next to the Auth0 logo. |
featuredLink | string | '' | Featured link URI. |
featuredText | string | '' | Featured link text. |
loginButtonEnable | boolean | true | Enable or disable Login button. |
loginButtonLink | string | '' | Link of the Login button, if it's different from '' the Login button will be rendered as an anchor tag with this href. |
loginButtonOnClick | function | () => {} | Callback function for when Login button is clicked. |
loginButtonText | string | 'Log in' | Text of the Login button. |
talkToSalesButtonEnable | boolean | true | Talk to sales button link. |
talkToSalesButtonLink | string | '?contact=true' | Link of the Talk to sales button, if it's different from '' the Talk to sales button will be rendered as an anchor tag with this href. |
talkToSalesButtonOnClick | function | () => {} | Callback function for when Talk to sales button is clicked. |
talkToSalesButtonText | string | 'Talk to sales' | Text of the Talk to sales button. |
signupButtonEnable | boolean | true | Signup button link. |
signupButtonLink | string | '' | Link of the Signup button, if it's different from '' the Signup button will be rendered as an anchor tag with this href. |
signupButtonOnClick | function | () => {} | Callback function for when Signup button is clicked. |
signupButtonText | string | 'Sign up' | Text of the Signup button. |
Get a variant for the ribbon:
import Auth0WebHeader from 'auth0-web-header'
Example of usage with lock
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import Auth0WebHeader from 'auth0-web-header'
import Auth0Lock from 'auth0-lock'
import { auth0ClientId, auth0Domain, auth0CallbackUrl } from '../config'
class Header extends Component {
mainLock = {}
componentDidMount() {
this.mainLock = {
lock: new Auth0Lock(auth0ClientId, auth0Domain),
options: {
icon: auth0IconUrl,
callbackURL: auth0CallbackUrl,
rememberLastLogin: true,
integratedWindowsLogin: false,
dict: {
signup: {
footerText: 'By signing up, you agree to our <a href="/terms" target="_new">terms of service</a> and <a href="/privacy" target="_new">privacy policy</a>'
showLock = () => {
const { lock, options } = this.mainLock
render() {
const { dark, logged } = this.props
return logged
? <Auth0WebHeader theme={dark} primaryButtonText="Open Dashboard" primaryButtonLink="" />
: <Auth0WebHeader theme={dark} primaryButtonOnClick={this.showLock} />
@import '../../node_modules/auth0-web-header/build/web-header.css'
git clone
cd web-header
yarn run start:dev
And point your browser to the playgrounds:
To release a new version just commit a package.json version change. And changelog entry, git tag, cdn deploy and npm publish will be triggered automatically.
Issue Reporting
If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.
Auth0 Web Header is MIT licensed.