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import test from 'ava';
import { FixtureOptions, FixtureBaselineTest, FixtureTest } from './interfaces';
export declare const fixtureDefaultOptions: FixtureOptions;
import { FixtureBaselineTest, FixtureTest } from './interfaces';
* Creates fixture test.
* `cwd` is set to the case directory during the test.
* `cwd` will be set to the case directory during the test.
* @param ava The ava module function (`import ava from 'ava'`).
* @param path Absolute or relative path to the fixture cases parent directory. In ava@0.17, cwd for relative path is set to the project root, instead of test file location.
* @param casesPath Absolute or relative path (from project root) to the fixture cases parent directory.
* @param baselinesPath Absolute or relative path (from project root) to the fixture baselines parent directory.
* @param resultsPath Absolute or relative path (from project root) to the fixture results parent directory.
export declare function fixture(ava: typeof test, path: string, options: FixtureOptions): FixtureBaselineTest;
export declare function fixture(ava: typeof test, path: string): FixtureTest;
export declare function fixture(ava: typeof test, casesPath: string, baselinesPath: string, resultsPath: string): FixtureBaselineTest;
export declare function fixture(ava: typeof test, casesPath: string): FixtureTest;
"use strict";
var path_1 = require("path");
var curryMatch_1 = require("./curryMatch");
exports.fixtureDefaultOptions = {
casesPath: 'cases',
baselinesPath: 'baselines',
resultsPath: 'results'
function fixture(ava, path, options) {
function fixture(ava, casesPath, baselinesPath, resultsPath) {
if (baselinesPath && !resultsPath) {
throw new Error('baselines and results must be specified together');
function curry(testfn) {

@@ -17,15 +15,9 @@ return (function (title, caseName, run) {

var d;
if (options) {
d = {
casePath: path_1.resolve(path, options.casesPath, caseName),
baselinePath: path_1.resolve(path, options.baselinesPath, caseName),
resultPath: path_1.resolve(path, options.resultsPath, caseName)
var d = {
casePath: path_1.resolve(casesPath, caseName)
if (baselinesPath) {
d.baselinePath = path_1.resolve(baselinesPath, caseName);
d.resultPath = path_1.resolve(resultsPath, caseName);
else {
d = {
casePath: path_1.resolve(path, caseName)
return testfn((title ? title + ' ' : '') + "(fixture: " + caseName + ")", function (t) {

@@ -35,3 +27,3 @@ var result;

try {
if (options) {
if (baselinesPath) {
d.match = curryMatch_1.curryMatch(d.baselinePath, d.resultPath, t);

@@ -58,10 +50,3 @@ }

skip: curry(ava.skip),
serial: curry(ava.serial),
todo: ava.todo,
cb: curry(ava.cb),
failing: curry(ava.failing),
before: ava.before,
beforeEach: ava.beforeEach,
after: ava.after,
afterEach: ava.afterEach
todo: ava.todo

@@ -71,5 +56,5 @@ for (var key in others) {

return fn; // fn as typeof fn & typeof others
return fn;
exports.fixture = fixture;

@@ -1,4 +0,3 @@

import { fixture, fixtureDefaultOptions } from './fixture';
import { fixture } from './fixture';
export default fixture;
export { fixtureDefaultOptions };
export * from './interfaces';
"use strict";
var fixture_1 = require("./fixture");
exports.fixtureDefaultOptions = fixture_1.fixtureDefaultOptions;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.default = fixture_1.fixture;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { Test, ContextualTestContext, ContextualCallbackTestContext, Observable } from 'ava';
import { ContextualTestContext, ContextualCallbackTestContext, Observable } from 'ava';
export interface ContextualDiffContext {

@@ -30,13 +30,2 @@ /**

export declare type FixtureContextualTest = (t: ContextualTestContext, d: ContextualDiffContext) => PromiseLike<any> | Iterator<any> | Observable | void;
export declare type FixtureContextualSerialTest = (t: ContextualTestContext, d: ContextualDiffContext) => void;
export declare type FixtureContextualCallbackTest = (t: ContextualCallbackTestContext, d: ContextualDiffContext) => void;
export interface BeforeRunner {
(title: string, run: Test): void;
(run: Test): void;
skip: FixtureRunner;
cb: FixtureCallbackRunner;
export interface AfterRunner extends BeforeRunner {
always: BeforeRunner;
export interface FixtureContextualBaselineTestFunction {

@@ -74,62 +63,2 @@ /**

export interface FixtureContextualBaselineSerialTestFunction {
* Runs a fixture test.
* @param title Title of the test (for display and filtering).
* @param caseName Name of the test case, matching the folder under `path`.
* @param run The test function.
(title: string, caseName: string, run: FixtureContextualBaselineSerialTest): void;
* Runs a fixture test.
* @param caseName Name of the test case, matching the folder under `path`.
* @param run The test function.
(caseName: string, run: FixtureContextualBaselineSerialTest): void;
export interface FixtureContextualSerialTestFunction {
* Runs a fixture test.
* @param title Title of the test (for display and filtering).
* @param caseName Name of the test case, matching the folder under `path`.
* @param run The test function.
(title: string, caseName: string, run: FixtureContextualSerialTest): void;
* Runs a fixture test.
* @param caseName Name of the test case, matching the folder under `path`.
* @param run The test function.
(caseName: string, run: FixtureContextualSerialTest): void;
export interface FixtureContextualBaselineCallbackTestFunction {
* Runs a fixture test.
* @param title Title of the test (for display and filtering).
* @param caseName Name of the test case, matching the folder under `path`.
* @param run The test function.
(title: string, caseName: string, run: FixtureContextualBaselineCallbackTest): void;
* Runs a fixture test.
* @param caseName Name of the test case, matching the folder under `path`.
* @param run The test function.
(caseName: string, run: FixtureContextualBaselineCallbackTest): void;
export interface FixtureContextualCallbackTestFunction {
* Runs a fixture test.
* @param title Title of the test (for display and filtering).
* @param caseName Name of the test case, matching the folder under `path`.
* @param run The test function.
(title: string, caseName: string, run: FixtureContextualCallbackTest): void;
* Runs a fixture test.
* @param caseName Name of the test case, matching the folder under `path`.
* @param run The test function.
(caseName: string, run: FixtureContextualCallbackTest): void;
export interface FixtureRunner extends FixtureContextualTestFunction {

@@ -142,21 +71,3 @@ skip: FixtureRunner;

export interface FixtureOptions {
* Path to the fixture's cases root folder.
casesPath: string;
* Path to the fixture's baselines root folder.
baselinesPath: string;
* Path to the fixture's results root folder.
resultsPath: string;
export interface FixtureBaselineTest extends FixtureContextualBaselineTestFunction {
before: BeforeRunner;
serial: FixtureContextualBaselineSerialTestFunction;
failing: FixtureContextualBaselineCallbackTestFunction;
cb: FixtureContextualBaselineCallbackTestFunction;
todo(title: string): void;

@@ -167,14 +78,4 @@ only(title: string, caseName: string, run: (t: ContextualTestContext, d: ContextualBaselineDiffContext) => any): void;

skip(caseName: string, run: (t: ContextualTestContext, d: ContextualBaselineDiffContext) => any): void;
after(title: string, run: (t: ContextualTestContext) => void): void;
after(run: (t: ContextualTestContext) => void): void;
beforeEach(title: string, run: (t: ContextualTestContext) => void): void;
beforeEach(run: (t: ContextualTestContext) => void): void;
afterEach(title: string, run: (t: ContextualTestContext) => void): void;
afterEach(run: (t: ContextualTestContext) => void): void;
export interface FixtureTest extends FixtureContextualTestFunction {
before: BeforeRunner;
serial: FixtureContextualSerialTestFunction;
failing: FixtureContextualCallbackTestFunction;
cb: FixtureContextualCallbackTestFunction;
todo(title: string): void;

@@ -185,8 +86,2 @@ only(title: string, caseName: string, run: (t: ContextualTestContext, d: ContextualDiffContext) => any): void;

skip(caseName: string, run: (t: ContextualTestContext, d: ContextualDiffContext) => any): void;
after(title: string, run: (t: ContextualTestContext) => void): void;
after(run: (t: ContextualTestContext) => void): void;
beforeEach(title: string, run: (t: ContextualTestContext) => void): void;
beforeEach(run: (t: ContextualTestContext) => void): void;
afterEach(title: string, run: (t: ContextualTestContext) => void): void;
afterEach(run: (t: ContextualTestContext) => void): void;
"name": "ava-fixture",
"description": "Write fixture tests with ava",
"version": "0.4.0",
"version": "0.5.0",
"main": "dist/commonjs/index.js",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "typings": "dist/commonjs/index.d.ts",

@@ -12,6 +12,23 @@ # ava-fixture

Fixture tests are tests that require access to some files. The tests may write files and in that case the files can be compared with a baseline (i.e. Baseline Tests)
Fixture tests are tests that require access to some files.
The tests may write files and in that case the files can be compared with a baseline (i.e. Baseline Tests)
## Usage
Assume you have the following folders:
+ fixtures
+ cases
+ case-1
- something.txt
+ other-cases
+ baselines
+ case-1
- something.txt
+ results # empty, not check into repository
When you only need to access files in each test case (i.e. don't need to perform baseline test):

@@ -22,10 +39,12 @@ import ava from 'ava';

// Point to the base folder which contain the fixtures.
const ftest = fixture(ava, '../fixture/cases');
// Relative path starts from project root.
const ftest = fixture(ava, 'fixture/cases');
// You can also use absolute path.
// const ftest = fixture(ava, join(process.env.PWD, 'fixture/cases'));
// const ftest = fixture(ava, join(process.cwd(), 'fixture/cases'));
ftest('test title', 'fixture-name', (t, path) => {
ftest('test title', 'case-1', (t) => {
// t is ava test.
// path is the path to the fixture-name folder.
// process.cwd() points to `case-1`
// ...test away

@@ -35,31 +54,37 @@ });

## API
When you want to perform baseline tests:
typings is available so just follow the code completion.
import test from 'ava';
import fixture from 'ava-fixture';
### `fixture(ava: Ava.Test, absOrRelativePath: string): FixtureTest`
// Point to the base folder which contain the fixtures.
// Relative path starts from project root.
const btest = fixture(test, 'fixture/cases', 'fixture/baselines', 'fixture/results');
### `fixtureTest([title], caseName, (t, casePath) => Promise<any> | void): void`
btest('test title', 'case-1', (t, d) => {
// t is ava test.
// process.cwd() points to `case-1`
// d.casePath, d.baselinePath, d.resultPath points to respective folder for `case-1`
// tests
### `fixtureTest.serial([title], caseName, (t, casePath) => Promise<any> | void): void`
// `d.match()` will check if the result folder has the same content as the baseline folder.
return d.match()
### `fixtureTest.cb([title], caseName, (t, casePath) => Promise<any> | void): void`
## Other API
### `fixtureTest.only([title], caseName, (t, casePath) => Promise<any> | void): void`
import test from 'ava';
import fixture from 'ava-fixture';
### `fixtureTest.skip([title], caseName, (t, casePath) => Promise<any> | void): void`
const ftest = fixture(test, 'fixture/cases');
### `fixtureTest.todo([title: string], caseName: string): void`
### `fixtureTest.failing([title], caseName, (t, casePath) => Promise<any> | void): void`
For `before()`, `beforeEach()`, `after()`, `afterEach()`, `todo()`, use `ava` directly.
### `fixtureTest.before([title], caseName, (t, casePath) => Promise<any> | void): void`
### `fixtureTest.after([title], caseName, (t, casePath) => Promise<any> | void): void`
### `fixtureTest.beforeEach([title], caseName, (t, casePath) => Promise<any> | void): void`
### `fixtureTest.afterEach([title], caseName, (t, casePath) => Promise<any> | void): void`
## Contribute

@@ -66,0 +91,0 @@

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