build pipeline for easily building aws lambda functions with typescript.
creating your function
- create a new node project and
npm init
npm install --save-dev gulp aws-lambda-typescript
- create a gulpfile.js file
- add the following to your gulpfile.js:
const gulp = require('gulp');
const awsLambdaTypescript = require('aws-lambda-typescript');
awsLambdaTypescript.registerBuildGulpTasks(gulp, __dirname);
- run
gulp lambda:init
to set everything up
The following files will be created in the root of your project:
- index.ts - the entry point of your typescript lambda function
- .eslintrc.js - configures the linter
- tsconfig.json - configures the typescript compiler
- debug.js - debugging entrypoint allows simple debugging of your function in a local express instance
- lambda-config.js - contains the deployment details for your function
The following commands are then available:
gulp lambda:init
- sets up the above files
gulp lambda:run
- runs your function in a local express instance, defaults to port 9000
gulp lambda:package
- packages your function up ready for deployment by bundling everything together with webpack
gulp lambda:deploy
- packages and deploys your function
gulp lambda:info
- get info about the current state of your lambda function
running locally
after running gulp lambda:run
you can test your function locally by posting to localhost:9000/
By setting your debuggers entry point to the debug.js
file in the root of your project you can easily step through your function.
debugging in vscode
Go to the debug tab in visual studio
at the top where it says "debug" and probably "no configurations" there should be a gear icon. Click it and you should be taken to your launch.json file that will look something like:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Program",
"program": "${workspaceRoot}\\index.js",
"outFiles": [
Then you should be able to debug as normal.
By altering lambda-config.js in the root of your project you can set the following options:
module.exports = {
localPort: 9000, // set the port to run the local server on
region: 'us-west-2' // set the aws region
There are lots of other options available but it's probably best to look at the lambda-config.js file in as we use that.
how it works
When running locally we spin up an express instance then use "ts-node" to allow the transparent usage of typescript and allow debugging to work. This is great but has some overhead, to keep spin-up times to a miminum we do something different when we package everything up for release. When we package the function up we run it through webpack and do a one-time transform to javascript, in this way we pay no runtime penalty for typescript compilation.
- A simple way to run tests
- check interaction with other aws resources when running locally