An easy way to stream an unknown amount of data into a file on b2 cloud.
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--concurrency max concurrent connections [default: 20]
--path path on b2 container [required]
--bucket bucket on b2 [required]
--type content-type for the file being uploaded [default: "raw"]
--account b2 account [required]
--key b2 key [required]
--silent will not output to stderr [default: false]
--attempts max upload attempts [default: 30]
--chunk [default: 5000000]
Extremely simple example
echo "hello world" | b2pipe --account B2_ACCOUNT --key B2_KEY --bucket B2_BUCKET --path "helloworld.txt" --type "text/plain"
Of course you can do more complex things like the following
zfs send pool@latest | pigz | b2pipe --concurrency 20 --account B2_ACCOUNT --key B2_KEY --bucket B2_BUCKET --path "pool.gz"
Which would effectively stream+gzip, a ZFS pool to b2 cloud.