What is b64-lite?
The b64-lite npm package provides lightweight utilities for encoding and decoding base64 strings. It is designed to be a simple and efficient solution for handling base64 operations in JavaScript.
What are b64-lite's main functionalities?
Base64 Encoding
This feature allows you to encode a string into base64 format. The code sample demonstrates how to use the `encode` method from b64-lite to convert a regular string into a base64 encoded string.
const b64 = require('b64-lite');
const encoded = b64.encode('Hello, World!');
console.log(encoded); // Outputs: 'SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ=='
Base64 Decoding
This feature allows you to decode a base64 encoded string back into its original form. The code sample shows how to use the `decode` method from b64-lite to convert a base64 string back to a regular string.
const b64 = require('b64-lite');
const decoded = b64.decode('SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==');
console.log(decoded); // Outputs: 'Hello, World!'
Other packages similar to b64-lite
The js-base64 package is a robust solution for base64 encoding and decoding in JavaScript. It offers similar functionality to b64-lite but includes additional features such as URL-safe encoding and support for binary data. Compared to b64-lite, js-base64 might be more suitable for projects requiring more comprehensive base64 handling capabilities.
The base-64 package provides basic utilities for encoding and decoding base64 strings. It is similar to b64-lite in terms of simplicity and ease of use. However, base-64 is a more established package with a larger user base, which might be beneficial for projects that prioritize community support and reliability.
Node, browser, and React Native base64 library
const b64 = require('b64-lite');
b64.btoa('hi there');
b64.toBase64('hello 你好');
b64.toBase64(new Uint8Array([228, 189, 160, 229, 165, 189]).buffer);
Can it be smaller?
If you use ES6 imports with a bundler that supports tree-shaking, yes!
import { toBase64 } from 'b64-lite'