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@@ -18,3 +18,3 @@ /// <reference types="babylonjs"/>

load(scene: Scene, data: any, rootUrl: string): boolean;
loadAssets(scene: Scene, data: string, rootUrl: string, onError?: (message: string, exception?: any) => void): Nullable<AssetContainer>;
loadAssetContainer(scene: Scene, data: string, rootUrl: string, onError?: (message: string, exception?: any) => void): AssetContainer;
private isBinary(data);

@@ -86,3 +86,3 @@ private parseBinary(mesh, data);

load(scene: Scene, data: string, rootUrl: string): boolean;
loadAssets(scene: Scene, data: string, rootUrl: string, onError?: (message: string, exception?: any) => void): Nullable<AssetContainer>;
loadAssetContainer(scene: Scene, data: string, rootUrl: string, onError?: (message: string, exception?: any) => void): AssetContainer;

@@ -134,2 +134,17 @@ * Read the OBJ file and create an Array of meshes.

interface IGLTFLoaderExtension {
* The name of this extension.
readonly name: string;
* Whether this extension is enabled.
enabled: boolean;
enum GLTFLoaderState {
Loading = 0,
Ready = 1,
Complete = 2,
interface IGLTFLoader extends IDisposable {

@@ -141,3 +156,2 @@ coordinateSystemMode: GLTFLoaderCoordinateSystemMode;

compileShadowGenerators: boolean;
onDisposeObservable: Observable<IGLTFLoader>;
onMeshLoadedObservable: Observable<AbstractMesh>;

@@ -147,4 +161,11 @@ onTextureLoadedObservable: Observable<BaseTexture>;

onCompleteObservable: Observable<IGLTFLoader>;
importMeshAsync: (meshesNames: any, scene: Scene, data: IGLTFLoaderData, rootUrl: string, onSuccess?: (meshes: AbstractMesh[], particleSystems: ParticleSystem[], skeletons: Skeleton[]) => void, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (message: string, exception?: any) => void) => void;
loadAsync: (scene: Scene, data: IGLTFLoaderData, rootUrl: string, onSuccess?: () => void, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (message: string, exception?: any) => void) => void;
onDisposeObservable: Observable<IGLTFLoader>;
onExtensionLoadedObservable: Observable<IGLTFLoaderExtension>;
state: Nullable<GLTFLoaderState>;
importMeshAsync: (meshesNames: any, scene: Scene, data: IGLTFLoaderData, rootUrl: string, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void) => Promise<{
meshes: AbstractMesh[];
particleSystems: ParticleSystem[];
skeletons: Skeleton[];
loadAsync: (scene: Scene, data: IGLTFLoaderData, rootUrl: string, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void) => Promise<void>;

@@ -187,3 +208,3 @@ class GLTFFileLoader implements IDisposable, ISceneLoaderPluginAsync, ISceneLoaderPluginFactory {

onMeshLoadedObservable: Observable<AbstractMesh>;
readonly onMeshLoadedObservable: Observable<AbstractMesh>;
private _onMeshLoadedObserver;

@@ -194,3 +215,3 @@ onMeshLoaded: (mesh: AbstractMesh) => void;

onTextureLoadedObservable: Observable<BaseTexture>;
readonly onTextureLoadedObservable: Observable<BaseTexture>;
private _onTextureLoadedObserver;

@@ -201,3 +222,3 @@ onTextureLoaded: (Texture: BaseTexture) => void;

onMaterialLoadedObservable: Observable<Material>;
readonly onMaterialLoadedObservable: Observable<Material>;
private _onMaterialLoadedObserver;

@@ -210,3 +231,3 @@ onMaterialLoaded: (Material: Material) => void;

onCompleteObservable: Observable<GLTFFileLoader>;
readonly onCompleteObservable: Observable<GLTFFileLoader>;
private _onCompleteObserver;

@@ -217,5 +238,16 @@ onComplete: () => void;

onDisposeObservable: Observable<GLTFFileLoader>;
readonly onDisposeObservable: Observable<GLTFFileLoader>;
private _onDisposeObserver;
onDispose: () => void;
* Raised after a loader extension is created.
* Set additional options for a loader extension in this event.
readonly onExtensionLoadedObservable: Observable<IGLTFLoaderExtension>;
private _onExtensionLoadedObserver;
onExtensionLoaded: (extension: IGLTFLoaderExtension) => void;
* The loader state or null if not active.
readonly loaderState: Nullable<GLTFLoaderState>;
private _loader;

@@ -228,5 +260,9 @@ name: string;

dispose(): void;
importMeshAsync(meshesNames: any, scene: Scene, data: any, rootUrl: string, onSuccess?: (meshes: AbstractMesh[], particleSystems: ParticleSystem[], skeletons: Skeleton[]) => void, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (message: string, exception?: any) => void): void;
loadAsync(scene: Scene, data: string | ArrayBuffer, rootUrl: string, onSuccess?: () => void, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (message: string, exception?: any) => void): void;
loadAssetsAsync(scene: Scene, data: string | ArrayBuffer, rootUrl: string, onSuccess: (assets: AssetContainer) => void, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (message: string, exception?: any) => void): void;
importMeshAsync(meshesNames: any, scene: Scene, data: any, rootUrl: string, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void): Promise<{
meshes: AbstractMesh[];
particleSystems: ParticleSystem[];
skeletons: Skeleton[];
loadAsync(scene: Scene, data: string | ArrayBuffer, rootUrl: string, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void): Promise<void>;
loadAssetContainerAsync(scene: Scene, data: string | ArrayBuffer, rootUrl: string, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void): Promise<AssetContainer>;
canDirectLoad(data: string): boolean;

@@ -649,5 +685,13 @@ rewriteRootURL: (rootUrl: string, responseURL?: string) => string;

onCompleteObservable: Observable<IGLTFLoader>;
onExtensionLoadedObservable: Observable<IGLTFLoaderExtension>;
state: Nullable<GLTFLoaderState>;
dispose(): void;
importMeshAsync(meshesNames: any, scene: Scene, data: IGLTFLoaderData, rootUrl: string, onSuccess: (meshes: AbstractMesh[], particleSystems: ParticleSystem[], skeletons: Skeleton[]) => void, onProgress: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void, onError: (message: string) => void): boolean;
loadAsync(scene: Scene, data: IGLTFLoaderData, rootUrl: string, onSuccess: () => void, onProgress: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void, onError: (message: string) => void): void;
private _importMeshAsync(meshesNames, scene, data, rootUrl, onSuccess, onProgress, onError);
importMeshAsync(meshesNames: any, scene: Scene, data: IGLTFLoaderData, rootUrl: string, onProgress: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void): Promise<{
meshes: AbstractMesh[];
particleSystems: ParticleSystem[];
skeletons: Skeleton[];
private _loadAsync(scene, data, rootUrl, onSuccess, onProgress, onError);
loadAsync(scene: Scene, data: IGLTFLoaderData, rootUrl: string, onProgress: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void): Promise<void>;
private _loadShadersAsync(gltfRuntime, onload);

@@ -683,12 +727,2 @@ private _loadBuffersAsync(gltfRuntime, onLoad, onProgress?);

* If the uri is a base64 string
* @param uri: the uri to test
static IsBase64(uri: string): boolean;
* Decode the base64 uri
* @param uri: the uri to decode
static DecodeBase64(uri: string): ArrayBuffer;
* Returns the wrap mode of the texture

@@ -807,204 +841,64 @@ * @param mode: the mode value

declare module BABYLON.GLTF2 {
* Enums
enum EComponentType {
BYTE = 5120,
SHORT = 5122,
FLOAT = 5126,
interface TypedArray extends ArrayBufferView {
[index: number]: number;
enum EMeshPrimitiveMode {
LINES = 1,
interface IArrayItem {
_index: number;
enum ETextureMagFilter {
NEAREST = 9728,
LINEAR = 9729,
class ArrayItem {
static Assign(values?: IArrayItem[]): void;
enum ETextureMinFilter {
NEAREST = 9728,
LINEAR = 9729,
declare module BABYLON.GLTF2 {
interface ILoaderAccessor extends IAccessor, IArrayItem {
_data?: Promise<TypedArray>;
enum ETextureWrapMode {
CLAMP_TO_EDGE = 33071,
REPEAT = 10497,
interface ILoaderAnimationChannel extends IAnimationChannel, IArrayItem {
_babylonAnimationGroup: AnimationGroup;
* Interfaces
interface IGLTFProperty {
extensions?: {
[key: string]: any;
extras?: any;
interface ILoaderAnimationSamplerData {
input: Float32Array;
interpolation: AnimationSamplerInterpolation;
output: Float32Array;
interface IGLTFChildRootProperty extends IGLTFProperty {
name?: string;
interface ILoaderAnimationSampler extends IAnimationSampler, IArrayItem {
_data: Promise<ILoaderAnimationSamplerData>;
interface IGLTFAccessorSparseIndices extends IGLTFProperty {
bufferView: number;
byteOffset?: number;
componentType: EComponentType;
interface ILoaderAnimation extends IAnimation, IArrayItem {
channels: ILoaderAnimationChannel[];
samplers: ILoaderAnimationSampler[];
_babylonAnimationGroup: Nullable<AnimationGroup>;
interface IGLTFAccessorSparseValues extends IGLTFProperty {
bufferView: number;
byteOffset?: number;
interface ILoaderBuffer extends IBuffer, IArrayItem {
_data?: Promise<ArrayBufferView>;
interface IGLTFAccessorSparse extends IGLTFProperty {
count: number;
indices: IGLTFAccessorSparseIndices;
values: IGLTFAccessorSparseValues;
interface ILoaderBufferView extends IBufferView, IArrayItem {
_data?: Promise<ArrayBufferView>;
interface IGLTFAccessor extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
bufferView?: number;
byteOffset?: number;
componentType: EComponentType;
normalized?: boolean;
count: number;
type: string;
max: number[];
min: number[];
sparse?: IGLTFAccessorSparse;
index: number;
interface ILoaderCamera extends ICamera, IArrayItem {
interface IGLTFAnimationChannel extends IGLTFProperty {
sampler: number;
target: IGLTFAnimationChannelTarget;
interface ILoaderImage extends IImage, IArrayItem {
_objectURL?: Promise<string>;
interface IGLTFAnimationChannelTarget extends IGLTFProperty {
node: number;
path: string;
interface ILoaderMaterial extends IMaterial, IArrayItem {
_babylonMaterial?: Material;
_babylonMeshes?: AbstractMesh[];
_loaded?: Promise<void>;
interface IGLTFAnimationSampler extends IGLTFProperty {
input: number;
interpolation?: string;
output: number;
interface ILoaderMesh extends IMesh, IArrayItem {
primitives: ILoaderMeshPrimitive[];
interface IGLTFAnimation extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
channels: IGLTFAnimationChannel[];
samplers: IGLTFAnimationSampler[];
index: number;
babylonAnimationGroup: AnimationGroup;
interface ILoaderMeshPrimitive extends IMeshPrimitive, IArrayItem {
interface IGLTFAsset extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
copyright?: string;
generator?: string;
version: string;
minVersion?: string;
interface ILoaderNode extends INode, IArrayItem {
_parent: ILoaderNode;
_babylonMesh?: Mesh;
_primitiveBabylonMeshes?: Mesh[];
_babylonAnimationTargets?: Node[];
_numMorphTargets?: number;
interface IGLTFBuffer extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
uri?: string;
byteLength: number;
index: number;
loadedData?: ArrayBufferView;
loadedObservable?: Observable<IGLTFBuffer>;
interface IGLTFBufferView extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
buffer: number;
byteOffset?: number;
byteLength: number;
byteStride?: number;
index: number;
interface IGLTFCameraOrthographic extends IGLTFProperty {
xmag: number;
ymag: number;
zfar: number;
znear: number;
interface IGLTFCameraPerspective extends IGLTFProperty {
aspectRatio: number;
yfov: number;
zfar: number;
znear: number;
interface IGLTFCamera extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
orthographic?: IGLTFCameraOrthographic;
perspective?: IGLTFCameraPerspective;
type: string;
interface IGLTFImage extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
uri?: string;
mimeType?: string;
bufferView?: number;
index: number;
interface IGLTFMaterialNormalTextureInfo extends IGLTFTextureInfo {
scale: number;
interface IGLTFMaterialOcclusionTextureInfo extends IGLTFTextureInfo {
strength: number;
interface IGLTFMaterialPbrMetallicRoughness {
baseColorFactor: number[];
baseColorTexture: IGLTFTextureInfo;
metallicFactor: number;
roughnessFactor: number;
metallicRoughnessTexture: IGLTFTextureInfo;
interface IGLTFMaterial extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
pbrMetallicRoughness?: IGLTFMaterialPbrMetallicRoughness;
normalTexture?: IGLTFMaterialNormalTextureInfo;
occlusionTexture?: IGLTFMaterialOcclusionTextureInfo;
emissiveTexture?: IGLTFTextureInfo;
emissiveFactor?: number[];
alphaMode?: string;
alphaCutoff: number;
doubleSided?: boolean;
index: number;
babylonMaterial: Material;
interface IGLTFMeshPrimitive extends IGLTFProperty {
attributes: {
[name: string]: number;
indices?: number;
material?: number;
mode?: EMeshPrimitiveMode;
targets?: {
[name: string]: number;
vertexData: VertexData;
targetsVertexData: VertexData[];
interface IGLTFMesh extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
primitives: IGLTFMeshPrimitive[];
weights?: number[];
index: number;
hasVertexAlpha: boolean;
interface IGLTFNode extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
camera?: number;
children?: number[];
skin?: number;
matrix?: number[];
mesh?: number;
rotation?: number[];
scale?: number[];
translation?: number[];
weights?: number[];
index: number;
parent: IGLTFNode;
babylonMesh: Mesh;
babylonAnimationTargets?: Node[];
interface IGLTFSampler extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
magFilter?: ETextureMagFilter;
minFilter?: ETextureMinFilter;
wrapS?: ETextureWrapMode;
wrapT?: ETextureWrapMode;
index: number;
interface ILoaderSamplerData {
noMipMaps: boolean;

@@ -1015,42 +909,27 @@ samplingMode: number;

interface IGLTFScene extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
nodes: number[];
index: number;
interface ILoaderSampler extends ISampler, IArrayItem {
_data?: ILoaderSamplerData;
interface IGLTFSkin extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
inverseBindMatrices?: number;
skeleton?: number;
joints: number[];
index: number;
babylonSkeleton: Skeleton;
interface ILoaderScene extends IScene, IArrayItem {
interface IGLTFTexture extends IGLTFChildRootProperty {
sampler?: number;
source: number;
index: number;
url?: string;
dataReadyObservable?: Observable<IGLTFTexture>;
interface ILoaderSkin extends ISkin, IArrayItem {
_babylonSkeleton: Nullable<Skeleton>;
_loaded?: Promise<void>;
interface IGLTFTextureInfo {
index: number;
texCoord?: number;
interface ILoaderTexture extends ITexture, IArrayItem {
interface _IGLTF extends IGLTFProperty {
accessors?: IGLTFAccessor[];
animations?: IGLTFAnimation[];
asset: IGLTFAsset;
buffers?: IGLTFBuffer[];
bufferViews?: IGLTFBufferView[];
cameras?: IGLTFCamera[];
extensionsUsed?: string[];
extensionsRequired?: string[];
images?: IGLTFImage[];
materials?: IGLTFMaterial[];
meshes?: IGLTFMesh[];
nodes?: IGLTFNode[];
samplers?: IGLTFSampler[];
scene?: number;
scenes?: IGLTFScene[];
skins?: IGLTFSkin[];
textures?: IGLTFTexture[];
interface ILoaderGLTF extends IGLTF {
accessors?: ILoaderAccessor[];
animations?: ILoaderAnimation[];
buffers?: ILoaderBuffer[];
bufferViews?: ILoaderBufferView[];
cameras?: ILoaderCamera[];
images?: ILoaderImage[];
materials?: ILoaderMaterial[];
meshes?: ILoaderMesh[];
nodes?: ILoaderNode[];
samplers?: ILoaderSampler[];
scenes?: ILoaderScene[];
skins?: ILoaderSkin[];
textures?: ILoaderTexture[];

@@ -1062,22 +941,16 @@ }

class GLTFLoader implements IGLTFLoader {
_gltf: _IGLTF;
_gltf: ILoaderGLTF;
_babylonScene: Scene;
_completePromises: Promise<void>[];
private _disposed;
private _state;
private _extensions;
private _rootUrl;
private _defaultMaterial;
private _rootBabylonMesh;
private _defaultSampler;
private _rootNode;
private _successCallback?;
private _progressCallback?;
private _errorCallback?;
private _renderReady;
private _requests;
private _renderReadyObservable;
private _renderPendingCount;
private _loaderPendingCount;
private _loaderTrackers;
static Extensions: {
[name: string]: GLTFLoaderExtension;
static RegisterExtension(extension: GLTFLoaderExtension): void;
private static _Names;
private static _Factories;
static _Register(name: string, factory: (loader: GLTFLoader) => GLTFLoaderExtension): void;
coordinateSystemMode: GLTFLoaderCoordinateSystemMode;

@@ -1088,82 +961,71 @@ animationStartMode: GLTFLoaderAnimationStartMode;

compileShadowGenerators: boolean;
onDisposeObservable: Observable<IGLTFLoader>;
onMeshLoadedObservable: Observable<AbstractMesh>;
onTextureLoadedObservable: Observable<BaseTexture>;
onMaterialLoadedObservable: Observable<Material>;
onCompleteObservable: Observable<IGLTFLoader>;
readonly onDisposeObservable: Observable<IGLTFLoader>;
readonly onMeshLoadedObservable: Observable<AbstractMesh>;
readonly onTextureLoadedObservable: Observable<BaseTexture>;
readonly onMaterialLoadedObservable: Observable<Material>;
readonly onExtensionLoadedObservable: Observable<IGLTFLoaderExtension>;
readonly onCompleteObservable: Observable<IGLTFLoader>;
readonly state: Nullable<GLTFLoaderState>;
dispose(): void;
importMeshAsync(meshesNames: any, scene: Scene, data: IGLTFLoaderData, rootUrl: string, onSuccess?: (meshes: AbstractMesh[], particleSystems: ParticleSystem[], skeletons: Skeleton[]) => void, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (message: string, exception?: any) => void): void;
loadAsync(scene: Scene, data: IGLTFLoaderData, rootUrl: string, onSuccess?: () => void, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void, onError?: (message: string, exception?: any) => void): void;
private _loadAsync(nodeNames, scene, data, rootUrl, onSuccess?, onProgress?, onError?);
private _onProgress();
_executeWhenRenderReady(func: () => void): void;
private _onRenderReady();
private _onComplete();
importMeshAsync(meshesNames: any, scene: Scene, data: IGLTFLoaderData, rootUrl: string, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void): Promise<{
meshes: AbstractMesh[];
particleSystems: ParticleSystem[];
skeletons: Skeleton[];
loadAsync(scene: Scene, data: IGLTFLoaderData, rootUrl: string, onProgress?: (event: SceneLoaderProgressEvent) => void): Promise<void>;
private _loadAsync(nodes, scene, data, rootUrl, onProgress?);
private _loadExtensions();
private _loadData(data);
private _setupData();
private _checkExtensions();
private _createRootNode();
private _loadNodesAsync(nodes);
_loadSceneAsync(context: string, scene: ILoaderScene): Promise<void>;
private _getMeshes();
private _getSkeletons();
private _startAnimations();
private _loadDefaultScene(nodeNames);
private _loadScene(context, scene, nodeNames);
_loadNode(context: string, node: IGLTFNode): void;
private _loadMesh(context, node, mesh);
private _loadAllVertexDataAsync(context, mesh, onSuccess);
* Converts a data bufferview into a Float4 Texture Coordinate Array, based on the accessor component type
* @param {ArrayBufferView} data
* @param {IGLTFAccessor} accessor
private _convertToFloat4TextureCoordArray(context, data, accessor);
* Converts a data bufferview into a Float4 Color Array, based on the accessor component type
* @param {ArrayBufferView} data
* @param {IGLTFAccessor} accessor
private _convertToFloat4ColorArray(context, data, accessor);
private _loadVertexDataAsync(context, mesh, primitive, onSuccess);
private _createMorphTargets(context, node, mesh);
private _loadMorphTargets(context, node, mesh);
private _loadAllMorphTargetVertexDataAsync(context, node, mesh, onSuccess);
private _loadMorphTargetVertexDataAsync(context, vertexData, attributes, onSuccess);
private _loadTransform(node);
private _loadSkinAsync(context, skin, onSuccess);
_loadNodeAsync(context: string, node: ILoaderNode): Promise<void>;
private _loadMeshAsync(context, node, mesh);
private _loadPrimitiveAsync(context, node, mesh, primitive);
private _loadVertexDataAsync(context, primitive, babylonMesh);
private _createMorphTargets(context, node, mesh, primitive, babylonMesh);
private _loadMorphTargetsAsync(context, primitive, babylonMesh, babylonVertexData);
private _loadMorphTargetVertexDataAsync(context, babylonVertexData, attributes, babylonMorphTarget);
private static _ConvertToFloat32Array(context, accessor, data);
private static _ConvertVec3ToVec4(context, data);
private static _LoadTransform(node, babylonNode);
private _loadSkinAsync(context, node, mesh, skin);
private _loadSkinInverseBindMatricesDataAsync(context, skin);
private _createBone(node, skin, parent, localMatrix, baseMatrix, index);
private _loadBones(context, skin, inverseBindMatrixData);
private _loadBone(node, skin, inverseBindMatrixData, babylonBones);
private _loadBones(context, skin, inverseBindMatricesData);
private _loadBone(node, skin, inverseBindMatricesData, babylonBones);
private _getNodeMatrix(node);
private _traverseNodes(context, indices, action, parentNode);
_traverseNode(context: string, node: IGLTFNode, action: (node: IGLTFNode, parentNode: IGLTFNode) => boolean, parentNode: IGLTFNode): void;
private _loadAnimations();
private _loadAnimation(context, animation);
private _loadAnimationChannel(animation, channelContext, channel, samplerContext, sampler);
private _loadBufferAsync(context, buffer, onSuccess);
private _loadBufferViewAsync(context, bufferView, onSuccess);
private _loadAccessorAsync(context, accessor, onSuccess);
private _loadAnimationsAsync();
private _loadAnimationAsync(context, animation);
private _loadAnimationChannelAsync(context, animationContext, animation, channel, babylonAnimationGroup);
private _loadAnimationSamplerAsync(context, sampler);
private _loadBufferAsync(context, buffer);
_loadBufferViewAsync(context: string, bufferView: ILoaderBufferView): Promise<ArrayBufferView>;
private _loadAccessorAsync(context, accessor);
private _buildArrayBuffer<T>(typedArray, data, byteOffset, count, numComponents, byteStride?);
_addPendingData(data: any): void;
_removePendingData(data: any): void;
_addLoaderPendingData(data: any): void;
_removeLoaderPendingData(data: any): void;
_whenAction(action: () => void, onComplete: () => void): void;
private _getDefaultMaterial();
private _loadMaterialMetallicRoughnessProperties(context, material);
_loadMaterial(context: string, material: IGLTFMaterial, assign: (babylonMaterial: Material, isNew: boolean) => void): void;
_createPbrMaterial(material: IGLTFMaterial): void;
_loadMaterialBaseProperties(context: string, material: IGLTFMaterial): void;
_loadMaterialAlphaProperties(context: string, material: IGLTFMaterial, colorFactor: number[]): void;
_loadTexture(context: string, texture: IGLTFTexture, coordinatesIndex?: number): Texture;
private _loadMaterialMetallicRoughnessPropertiesAsync(context, material);
_loadMaterialAsync(context: string, material: ILoaderMaterial, babylonMesh: Mesh): Promise<void>;
_createMaterial(material: ILoaderMaterial): PBRMaterial;
_loadMaterialBasePropertiesAsync(context: string, material: ILoaderMaterial): Promise<void>;
_loadMaterialAlphaProperties(context: string, material: ILoaderMaterial): void;
_loadTextureAsync(context: string, textureInfo: ITextureInfo, assign: (texture: Texture) => void): Promise<void>;
private _loadSampler(context, sampler);
private _loadImageAsync(context, image, onSuccess);
_loadUriAsync(context: string, uri: string, onSuccess: (data: ArrayBufferView) => void): void;
_tryCatchOnError(handler: () => void): void;
private static _AssignIndices(array?);
static _GetProperty<T extends IGLTFProperty>(array?: ArrayLike<T>, index?: number): Nullable<T>;
private static _GetTextureWrapMode(context, mode?);
private _loadImageAsync(context, image);
_loadUriAsync(context: string, uri: string): Promise<ArrayBufferView>;
private _onProgress();
static _GetProperty<T>(context: string, array: ArrayLike<T> | undefined, index: number | undefined): T;
private static _GetTextureWrapMode(context, mode);
private static _GetTextureSamplingMode(context, magFilter?, minFilter?);
private static _GetNumComponents(context, type);
private _compileMaterialAsync(babylonMaterial, babylonMesh, onSuccess);
private _compileMaterialsAsync(onSuccess);
private _compileShadowGeneratorsAsync(onSuccess);
private _abortRequests();
private _releaseResources();
private static _ValidateUri(uri);
private _compileMaterialsAsync();
private _compileShadowGeneratorsAsync();
private _clear();
_applyExtensions<T>(actionAsync: (extension: GLTFLoaderExtension) => Nullable<Promise<T>>): Nullable<Promise<T>>;

@@ -1174,17 +1036,29 @@ }

declare module BABYLON.GLTF2 {
* Utils functions for GLTF
class GLTFUtils {
* If the uri is a base64 string
* @param uri: the uri to test
static IsBase64(uri: string): boolean;
* Decode the base64 uri
* @param uri: the uri to decode
static DecodeBase64(uri: string): ArrayBuffer;
static ValidateUri(uri: string): boolean;
abstract class GLTFLoaderExtension implements IGLTFLoaderExtension {
enabled: boolean;
readonly abstract name: string;
protected _loader: GLTFLoader;
constructor(loader: GLTFLoader);
/** Override this method to modify the default behavior for loading scenes. */
protected _loadSceneAsync(context: string, node: ILoaderScene): Nullable<Promise<void>>;
/** Override this method to modify the default behavior for loading nodes. */
protected _loadNodeAsync(context: string, node: ILoaderNode): Nullable<Promise<void>>;
/** Override this method to modify the default behavior for loading mesh primitive vertex data. */
protected _loadVertexDataAsync(context: string, primitive: ILoaderMeshPrimitive, babylonMesh: Mesh): Nullable<Promise<VertexData>>;
/** Override this method to modify the default behavior for loading materials. */
protected _loadMaterialAsync(context: string, material: ILoaderMaterial, babylonMesh: Mesh): Nullable<Promise<void>>;
/** Override this method to modify the default behavior for loading uris. */
protected _loadUriAsync(context: string, uri: string): Nullable<Promise<ArrayBufferView>>;
/** Helper method called by a loader extension to load an glTF extension. */
protected _loadExtensionAsync<TProperty, TResult = void>(context: string, property: IProperty, actionAsync: (context: string, extension: TProperty) => Promise<TResult>): Nullable<Promise<TResult>>;
/** Helper method called by the loader to allow extensions to override loading scenes. */
static _LoadSceneAsync(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, scene: ILoaderScene): Nullable<Promise<void>>;
/** Helper method called by the loader to allow extensions to override loading nodes. */
static _LoadNodeAsync(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, node: ILoaderNode): Nullable<Promise<void>>;
/** Helper method called by the loader to allow extensions to override loading mesh primitive vertex data. */
static _LoadVertexDataAsync(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, primitive: ILoaderMeshPrimitive, babylonMesh: Mesh): Nullable<Promise<VertexData>>;
/** Helper method called by the loader to allow extensions to override loading materials. */
static _LoadMaterialAsync(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, material: ILoaderMaterial, babylonMesh: Mesh): Nullable<Promise<void>>;
/** Helper method called by the loader to allow extensions to override loading uris. */
static _LoadUriAsync(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, uri: string): Nullable<Promise<ArrayBufferView>>;

@@ -1194,19 +1068,20 @@ }

declare module BABYLON.GLTF2 {
abstract class GLTFLoaderExtension {
enabled: boolean;
readonly abstract name: string;
protected _traverseNode(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, node: IGLTFNode, action: (node: IGLTFNode, parentNode: IGLTFNode) => boolean, parentNode: IGLTFNode): boolean;
protected _loadNode(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, node: IGLTFNode): boolean;
protected _loadRoot(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, root: BABYLON.GLTF2._IGLTF): boolean;
protected _loadScene(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, scene: IGLTFScene): boolean;
protected _loadMaterial(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, material: IGLTFMaterial, assign: (babylonMaterial: Material, isNew: boolean) => void): boolean;
protected _loadExtension<T>(context: string, property: IGLTFProperty, action: (context: string, extension: T, onComplete: () => void) => void): boolean;
static _Extensions: GLTFLoaderExtension[];
static TraverseNode(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, node: IGLTFNode, action: (node: IGLTFNode, parentNode: IGLTFNode) => boolean, parentNode: IGLTFNode): boolean;
static LoadRoot(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, root: BABYLON.GLTF2._IGLTF): boolean;
static LoadScene(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, scene: IGLTFScene): boolean;
static LoadNode(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, node: IGLTFNode): boolean;
static LoadMaterial(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, material: IGLTFMaterial, assign: (babylonMaterial: Material, isNew: boolean) => void): boolean;
private static _ApplyExtensions(action);
declare module BABYLON.GLTF2.Extensions {
class MSFT_lod extends GLTFLoaderExtension {
readonly name: string;
* Maximum number of LODs to load, starting from the lowest LOD.
maxLODsToLoad: number;
private _loadingNodeLOD;
private _loadNodeSignals;
private _loadingMaterialLOD;
private _loadMaterialSignals;
protected _loadNodeAsync(context: string, node: ILoaderNode): Nullable<Promise<void>>;
protected _loadMaterialAsync(context: string, material: ILoaderMaterial, babylonMesh: Mesh): Nullable<Promise<void>>;
protected _loadUriAsync(context: string, uri: string): Nullable<Promise<ArrayBufferView>>;
* Gets an array of LOD properties from lowest to highest.
private _getLODs<T>(context, property, array, ids);

@@ -1217,13 +1092,5 @@ }

declare module BABYLON.GLTF2.Extensions {
class MSFTLOD extends GLTFLoaderExtension {
* Specify the minimal delay between LODs in ms (default = 250)
Delay: number;
class KHR_draco_mesh_compression extends GLTFLoaderExtension {
readonly name: string;
protected _traverseNode(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, node: IGLTFNode, action: (node: IGLTFNode, parentNode: IGLTFNode) => boolean, parentNode: IGLTFNode): boolean;
protected _loadNode(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, node: IGLTFNode): boolean;
private _loadNodeLOD(loader, context, nodes, index, onComplete);
protected _loadMaterial(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, material: IGLTFMaterial, assign: (babylonMaterial: Material, isNew: boolean) => void): boolean;
private _loadMaterialLOD(loader, context, materials, index, assign, onComplete);
protected _loadVertexDataAsync(context: string, primitive: ILoaderMeshPrimitive, babylonMesh: Mesh): Nullable<Promise<VertexData>>;

@@ -1234,6 +1101,6 @@ }

declare module BABYLON.GLTF2.Extensions {
class KHRMaterialsPbrSpecularGlossiness extends GLTFLoaderExtension {
class KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness extends GLTFLoaderExtension {
readonly name: string;
protected _loadMaterial(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, material: IGLTFMaterial, assign: (babylonMaterial: Material, isNew: boolean) => void): boolean;
private _loadSpecularGlossinessProperties(loader, context, material, properties);
protected _loadMaterialAsync(context: string, material: ILoaderMaterial, babylonMesh: Mesh): Nullable<Promise<void>>;
private _loadSpecularGlossinessPropertiesAsync(loader, context, material, properties);

@@ -1244,9 +1111,8 @@ }

declare module BABYLON.GLTF2.Extensions {
class KHRLights extends GLTFLoaderExtension {
class KHR_lights extends GLTFLoaderExtension {
readonly name: string;
private applyCommonProperties(light, lightInfo);
protected _loadScene(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, scene: IGLTFScene): boolean;
protected _loadNode(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, node: IGLTFNode): boolean;
protected _loadRoot(loader: GLTFLoader, context: string, root: BABYLON.GLTF2._IGLTF): boolean;
protected _loadSceneAsync(context: string, scene: ILoaderScene): Nullable<Promise<void>>;
protected _loadNodeAsync(context: string, node: ILoaderNode): Nullable<Promise<void>>;
private readonly _lights;

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ {

"description": "The Babylon.js file loaders library is an extension you can use to load different 3D file types into a Babylon scene.",
"version": "3.2.0-alpha7",
"version": "3.2.0-alpha8",
"repository": {

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ "type": "git",

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display