Backbone.ViewKit is a Backbone plugin for managing views and view transitions, geared primarily toward mobile applications.
Note: This is very much still an experiment/work in progress. It has only been developed/tested in Chrome and Safari (desktop and iOS) at this point.
A demo (of the included example) is available here: You can view/edit the code here:

A ViewPort is a Backbone.View responsible for rendering other views inside of it (one at a time) and serves as a base class for other Backbone.ViewKit classes. To build custom ViewPorts, override the getView
method and return a Backbone.View. The returned view will be displayed inside the ViewPort when the ViewPort is rendered. ViewPorts can also optionally transition between views (see Backbone.ViewKit.Transition).
var foo = new Backbone.View({ el: $('<div>foo</div>') });
var bar = new Backbone.View({ el: $('<div>bar</div>') });
var baz = new Backbone.View({ el: $('<div>baz</div>') });
var CycleView = Backbone.ViewKit.ViewPort.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.index = 0;
this.views = [foo, bar, baz];
getView: function() {
var view = this.views[this.index];
this.index = (this.index + 1) % this.views.length;
return view;
var cycle = new CycleView();
Returns the currently "active" view to be rendered in the view port.
Render the view returned from getView
in the view port, optionally using the given transition. Emits an inview
event on
the view entering the viewport and an outview
on the view exiting the viewport.
A ViewSelector is a ViewPort that manages an ordered set of views which can be selected and rendered one at a time.
var viewSelector = new Backbone.ViewKit.ViewSelector({ views: [foo, bar, baz] });
Views that are managed by the selector will be able to access the selector via this.viewSelector
new Backbone.ViewKit.ViewSelector([options])
When creating a new view selector, optionally initialize it with an array of views and/or a default transition.
new Backbone.ViewKit.ViewSelector({
views: [foo, bar, baz],
transition: new Backbone.ViewKit.Transitions.Fade()
Set the views that the selector will manage. This replaces all existing views with those given and clears the previously selected index.
viewSelector.setViews([foo, bar, baz]);
selectView(index, [transition])
Select the view at the given index and render it in the view port. Optionally specify a transition. Throws an error if the index is out of bounds. Emits a selected
event passing the selected view and the index respectively.
A ViewStack is a ViewPort that manages a stack of views. New views can be displayed by pushing them on to the stack and one can revert to previously displayed views by popping the stack.
var viewStack = new Backbone.ViewKit.ViewStack();
Views that are pushed onto the stack will be able to access the stack via this.viewStack
new Backbone.ViewKit.ViewStack([options])
When creating a new view stack, optionally specify any default transitions.
new Backbone.ViewKit.ViewStack({
transitions: {
push: new Backbone.ViewKit.Transitions.Slide(),
pop: new Backbone.ViewKit.Transitions.Slide({ reverse: true })
pushView(view, [transition])
Push the given view onto the stack and render it in the view port. Optionally specify a transition. Emits a pushed
event passing the pushed view.
Pop the current view off the top of the stack and render the previous view in the view port. Returns the popped view. Optionally specify a transition. Emits a popped
event passing the popped view.
replaceView(view, [transition])
Replace the current view with the given view. This effectively pops the stack and pushes the given view as a single operation. Returns the replaced view. Optionally specify a transition. Throws an error if there is no view to replace. Emits a popped
event (see above), pushed
event (see above), and replaced
event passing the pushed view and the popped view respectively.
A Transition is responsible for handling the change between views returned by a ViewPort's getView
method using CSS transitions. There are a number of method "hooks" that can be overridden to implement custom transitions- check out the source of the transitions bundled with Backbone.ViewKit for more details.
Slide (right to left by default) between views. Accepts various optional parameters:
new Backbone.ViewKit.Transitions.Slide({
reverse: false,
duration: 0.4,
easing: 'ease-out',
delay: 0
Crossfade between views. Accepts various optional parameters:
new Backbone.ViewKit.Transitions.Fade({
duration: 0.4,
easing: 'ease-out',
delay: 0