SchemaBranchMixin based on baobab-react
npm install baobab --save
npm install baobab-react --save
npm install baobab-react-schemabranchmixin --save
SchemaCursorMixin is designed for use with baobab-react mixin branch.
General purpose of mixin is tree autogeneration with schema.
This mixin add cursors from component schema
for tree
component prop or root tree.
Our tree (auto-generated from schema):
globalVal: 'global value (predefined)',
form: {
name: '',
externalId: ''
Example of usage:
const EditForm = React.createClass({
mixins: [SchemaBranchMixin],
schema: {
name: '',
externalId: ''
cursors: {
globalVal: ['globalVal']
render: function () {
We have this.cursors.globalVal (via baobab-react branch mixin)
And we have `this.cursors.name`, `this.cursors.externalId` via
`this.state.name` and others state params contains value from
appropriate cursor via baobab-react branch mixin
If `tree` props is not received from child component, global tree will
be used
const Page = React.createClass({
mixins: [SchemaBranchMixin],
schema: {
form: {}
render: function () {
return (<EditForm tree={this.cursors.form} />);
npm test
Release History
- 1.0.10 Fix #6
- 1.0.9 Fixed problem with cursors definition as function
- 1.0.8 Fixed problems with nested schema default values
- 1.0.7 Fixed problems with monkey
- 1.0.6 Added baobab-prop-types deps
- 1.0.4 Added PropTypes to export
- 1.0.3 Fixed deps
- 1.0.2 Initial release