
Optimized bcrypt in TypeSCript with zero dependencies. Compatible to the C++ bcrypt binding on Node.js and also working in the browser.
Why bcrypt-ts instead of bycrypt.js
- Bcrypt-ts is fully written in TypeScript
- Bcrypt-ts provide dual ESM/cjs mode for both node and browser env, and you can directly
- Minified output
- Tree shakable
Security considerations
Besides incorporating a salt to protect against rainbow table attacks, bcrypt is an adaptive function: over time, the
iteration count can be increased to make it slower, so it remains resistant to brute-force search attacks even with
increasing computation power. (see)
While bcrypt-ts is compatible to the C++ bcrypt binding, it is built by pure JavaScript and thus slower (about 30%), effectively reducing the number of iterations that can be processed in an equal time span.
The maximum input length is 72 bytes (note that UTF-8 encoded characters use up to 4 bytes) and the length of generated
hashes is 60 characters. Note that maximum input length is not implicitly checked by the library for compatibility with
the C++ binding on Node.js, but should be checked with truncates(password)
where necessary.
Install the package:
npm install bcrypt-ts
On Node.js, the inbuilt crypto module's randomBytes interface is used to obtain secure random numbers.
In the browser, bcrypt.js relies on Web Crypto API's getRandomValues interface to obtain secure random numbers. If no cryptographically secure source of randomness is available, the package will throw an error.
How to choose between them
If you are using this package in pure Node.js environment, then you will probably use the node bundle.
If you are using bundler like webpack and vite, then you will probably use the browser bundle.
If you meet any issues that a incorrect bundle is used, you can use bcrypt-ts/node
and bcrypt-ts/browser
to force the correct bundle.
Usage - Sync
To hash a password:
import { genSaltSync, hashSync } from "bcrypt-ts";
const salt = genSaltSync(10);
const result = hashSync("B4c0//", salt);
To check a password:
import { compareSync } from "bcrypt-ts";
const hash = "xxx";
compareSync("B4c0//", hash);
compareSync("not_bacon", hash);
Auto-gen a salt and hash at the same time:
import { hashSync } from "bcrypt-ts";
const result = hashSync("bacon", 8);
Usage - Async
To hash a password:
import { genSalt, hash } from "bcrypt-ts";
const salt = await genSalt(10);
const result = await hash("B4c0//", salt);
To check a password:
import { compare } from "bcrypt-ts";
const hash = "xxxxxx";
await bcrypt.compare("B4c0//", hash);
await bcrypt.compare("not_bacon", hash);
Auto-gen a salt and hash:
import { hash } from "bcrypt-ts";
const result = await bcrypt.hash("B4c0//", 10);
Note: Under the hood, asynchronous APIs split an operation into small chunks. After the completion of a chunk, the execution of the next chunk is placed on the back of the JS event queue, efficiently yielding for other computation to execute.
Usage - Command Line
Usage: bcrypt <input> [rounds|salt]
export const compareSync: (content: string, hash: string) => boolean;
export const compare: (
content: string,
hash: string,
progressCallback?: ((percent: number) => void) | undefined,
) => Promise<boolean>;
export const hashSync: (
contentString: string,
salt?: string | number,
) => string;
export const hash: (
contentString: string,
salt: number | string,
progressCallback?: ((progress: number) => void) | undefined,
) => Promise<string>;
export const getRounds: (hash: string) => number;
export const getSalt: (hash: string) => string;
export const genSaltSync: (rounds?: number) => string;
export const genSalt: (rounds?: number) => Promise<string>;