
A Library for handling bible reference ranges.
These are the exposed end-points
- parseReferenceToList
- Takes a reference and splits into individual verses or verse spans. Can handle reference in format such as: “2:4-5”, “2:3a”, “2-3b-4a”, “2:7,12”, “7:11-8:2”, "6:15-16;7:2". It returns a list of {chapter, verse}. Or in the case of a verse range it returns {chapter, verse, endChapter, endVerse}.
- getVerses
- finds all verses from a bible contained in ref, returning an array of {chapter, verse, verseData}
- cleanupReference
- takes a reference and splits into individual verses or verse spans for cleanup. Then recombines the cleaned up references to a string. Primarily it removes extra characters following the verse number (as in the case of
) to make it easier to iterate through the verses.
- referenceHelpers
- contains all the lower level methods to allow external use.
- doesReferenceContain
- Takes two references and determines if a reference is contained within another reference.
- npm users :
nmp i
- yarn users :
- In your code add import:
import { parseReferenceToList, cleanupReference } from 'bible-reference-range';
- or to use all the exports do:
import { referenceHelpers } from 'bible-reference-range';