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bigint-mod-arith - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.8 to 2.1.0



"name": "bigint-mod-arith",
"version": "2.0.8",
"version": "2.1.0",
"description": "Some common functions for modular arithmetic using native JS implementation of BigInt",

@@ -23,28 +23,42 @@ "keywords": [

"repository": "github:juanelas/bigint-mod-arith",
"main": "./lib/index.node.js",
"browser": "./lib/index.browser.mod.js",
"types": "./types/index.d.ts",
"engines": {
"node": ">=10.4.0"
"types": "./dist/esm/types/index.d.ts",
"main": "./dist/cjs/index.node.cjs",
"browser": "./dist/esm/index.browser.js",
"module": "./dist/esm/index.node.js",
"exports": {
".": {
"node": {
"require": "./dist/cjs/index.node.cjs",
"import": "./dist/esm/index.node.js"
"default": "./dist/esm/index.browser.js"
"./bundles/": "./dist/bundles/",
"./types/": "./dist/esm/types/"
"directories": {
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"src": "./src",
"test": "./test",
"types": "./types"
"test": "./test"
"engines": {
"node": ">=10.4.0"
"scripts": {
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"coverage": "nyc report --reporter=lcov",
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"test:node": "npm run mocha -- '{src/**/*.spec.ts,test/**/*.ts}'",
"watch": "npm run mocha -- --watch '{src/**/*.spec.ts,test/**/*.ts}'"
"standard": {
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@@ -54,25 +68,39 @@ "mocha"

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"project": "./tsconfig.json",
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"devDependencies": {
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^11.1.0",
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"typescript": "^4.2.2"
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@@ -12,53 +12,29 @@

## Installation
## Usage
bigint-mod-arith is distributed for [web browsers and/or webviews supporting BigInt]( as an ES6 module or an IIFE file; and for Node.js (>=10.4.0), as a CJS module.
`bigint-mod-arith` can be imported to your project with `npm`:
bigint-mod-arith can be imported to your project with `npm`:
npm install bigint-mod-arith
NPM installation defaults to the ES6 module for browsers and the CJS one for Node.js. For web browsers, you can also directly download the [IIFE bundle]( or the [ESM bundle]( from the repository.
Then either require (Node.js CJS):
const bigintModArith = require('bigint-mod-arith')
## Usage example
or import (JavaScript ES module):
Import your module as :
import * as bigintModArith from 'bigint-mod-arith'
- Node.js
const bigintModArith = require('bigint-mod-arith')
... // your code here
- JavaScript native or TypeScript project (including React and Angular)
import * as bigintModArith from 'bigint-mod-arith'
... // your code here
- JavaScript native browser ES module
<script type="module">
import * as bigintModArith from 'lib/index.browser.bundle.mod.js' // Use you actual path to the broser mod bundle
... // your code here
- JavaScript native browser IIFE
<script src="../../lib/index.browser.bundle.iife.js"></script> <!-- Use you actual path to the browser bundle -->
... // your code here
The appropriate version for browser or node is automatically exported.
You can also download the [IIFE bundle](, the [ESM bundle]( or the [UMD bundle]( and manually add it to your project, or, if you have already imported `bigint-mod-arith` to your project, just get the bundles from `node_modules/bigint-mod-arith/dist/bundles/`.
An example of usage could be:
/* Stage 3 BigInts with value 666 can be declared as BigInt('666')

@@ -79,3 +55,2 @@ or the shorter syntax 666n.

console.log(bigintModArith.modInv(BigInt('3'), BigInt('5'))) // prints 2

@@ -85,164 +60,2 @@

<a name="module_bigint-mod-arith"></a>
### bigint-mod-arith
Some common functions for modular arithmetic using native JS implementation of BigInt
* [bigint-mod-arith](#module_bigint-mod-arith)
* [~abs(a)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..abs) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
* [~bitLength(a)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..bitLength) β‡’ <code>number</code>
* [~eGcd(a, b)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..eGcd) β‡’ <code>egcdReturn</code>
* [~gcd(a, b)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..gcd) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
* [~lcm(a, b)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..lcm) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
* [~max(a, b)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..max) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
* [~min(a, b)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..min) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
* [~modInv(a, n)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..modInv) β‡’ <code>bigint</code> \| <code>NaN</code>
* [~modPow(b, e, n)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..modPow) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
* [~toZn(a, n)](#module_bigint-mod-arith..toZn) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
* [~egcdReturn](#module_bigint-mod-arith..egcdReturn) : <code>Object</code>
<a name="module_bigint-mod-arith..abs"></a>
#### bigint-mod-arith~abs(a) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
Absolute value. abs(a)==a if a>=0. abs(a)==-a if a<0
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>bigint-mod-arith</code>](#module_bigint-mod-arith)
**Returns**: <code>bigint</code> - the absolute value of a
| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| a | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> |
<a name="module_bigint-mod-arith..bitLength"></a>
#### bigint-mod-arith~bitLength(a) β‡’ <code>number</code>
Returns the bitlength of a number
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>bigint-mod-arith</code>](#module_bigint-mod-arith)
**Returns**: <code>number</code> - - the bit length
| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| a | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> |
<a name="module_bigint-mod-arith..eGcd"></a>
#### bigint-mod-arith~eGcd(a, b) β‡’ <code>egcdReturn</code>
An iterative implementation of the extended euclidean algorithm or extended greatest common divisor algorithm.
Take positive integers a, b as input, and return a triple (g, x, y), such that ax + by = g = gcd(a, b).
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>bigint-mod-arith</code>](#module_bigint-mod-arith)
**Returns**: <code>egcdReturn</code> - A triple (g, x, y), such that ax + by = g = gcd(a, b).
| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| a | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> |
| b | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> |
<a name="module_bigint-mod-arith..gcd"></a>
#### bigint-mod-arith~gcd(a, b) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
Greatest-common divisor of two integers based on the iterative binary algorithm.
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>bigint-mod-arith</code>](#module_bigint-mod-arith)
**Returns**: <code>bigint</code> - The greatest common divisor of a and b
| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| a | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> |
| b | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> |
<a name="module_bigint-mod-arith..lcm"></a>
#### bigint-mod-arith~lcm(a, b) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
The least common multiple computed as abs(a*b)/gcd(a,b)
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>bigint-mod-arith</code>](#module_bigint-mod-arith)
**Returns**: <code>bigint</code> - The least common multiple of a and b
| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| a | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> |
| b | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> |
<a name="module_bigint-mod-arith..max"></a>
#### bigint-mod-arith~max(a, b) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
Maximum. max(a,b)==a if a>=b. max(a,b)==b if a<=b
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>bigint-mod-arith</code>](#module_bigint-mod-arith)
**Returns**: <code>bigint</code> - maximum of numbers a and b
| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| a | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> |
| b | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> |
<a name="module_bigint-mod-arith..min"></a>
#### bigint-mod-arith~min(a, b) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
Minimum. min(a,b)==b if a>=b. min(a,b)==a if a<=b
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>bigint-mod-arith</code>](#module_bigint-mod-arith)
**Returns**: <code>bigint</code> - minimum of numbers a and b
| Param | Type |
| --- | --- |
| a | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> |
| b | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> |
<a name="module_bigint-mod-arith..modInv"></a>
#### bigint-mod-arith~modInv(a, n) β‡’ <code>bigint</code> \| <code>NaN</code>
Modular inverse.
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>bigint-mod-arith</code>](#module_bigint-mod-arith)
**Returns**: <code>bigint</code> \| <code>NaN</code> - the inverse modulo n or NaN if it does not exist
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| a | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> | The number to find an inverse for |
| n | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> | The modulo |
<a name="module_bigint-mod-arith..modPow"></a>
#### bigint-mod-arith~modPow(b, e, n) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
Modular exponentiation b**e mod n. Currently using the right-to-left binary method
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>bigint-mod-arith</code>](#module_bigint-mod-arith)
**Returns**: <code>bigint</code> - b**e mod n
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| b | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> | base |
| e | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> | exponent |
| n | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> | modulo |
<a name="module_bigint-mod-arith..toZn"></a>
#### bigint-mod-arith~toZn(a, n) β‡’ <code>bigint</code>
Finds the smallest positive element that is congruent to a in modulo n
**Kind**: inner method of [<code>bigint-mod-arith</code>](#module_bigint-mod-arith)
**Returns**: <code>bigint</code> - The smallest positive representation of a in modulo n
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| a | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> | An integer |
| n | <code>number</code> \| <code>bigint</code> | The modulo |
<a name="module_bigint-mod-arith..egcdReturn"></a>
#### bigint-mod-arith~egcdReturn : <code>Object</code>
A triple (g, x, y), such that ax + by = g = gcd(a, b).
**Kind**: inner typedef of [<code>bigint-mod-arith</code>](#module_bigint-mod-arith)
| Name | Type |
| --- | --- |
| g | <code>bigint</code> |
| x | <code>bigint</code> |
| y | <code>bigint</code> |
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