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CoffeeScript preprocessor

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Biscotti Preprocessor

Like M4, but CoffeeScript.

Put CoffeeScript in your Markdown or YAML…or anywhere else! This is probably a thing you have never thought of doing or have always dreamt of doing, depending on your tolerance for madness.

If you're familiar with M4, just imagine that, but with CoffeeScript, complete with full the latest EcmaScript goodies, including Promises and import.

If you're not familiar with M4, or your only familiarity with it is because make config didn't work, imagine a templating language like Handlebars, except that it laughs in face of phrases like “logicless templates.”

Suppose we're writing in Markdown, and we get tired of writing the Markdown for greetings. (I know, implausible, but just go with it.) We can define a simple greeting function we can use anywhere in our document.

# Biscotti

_Like M4, but in CoffeeScript._

:: greeting = $ (name) -> "Hello, #{name}!" ::

That little $ is a “built-in” that takes the result of the function and includes it in the output that will replace our code block. (If for some reason, you wanted to load JQuery, $ is an alias for out.)

Suppose we want to welcome our friend Foo. (Like I said, just go with it.) We can just invoke our function.

:: greeting "Foo" ::


Embed executable CoffeeScript in your Markdown.

Hello, Foo!

How about we break out Markdown file into more manageable pieces?

# A Dark And Stormy Night

_by Snoopy_


include "chapter-1"
include "chapter-2"
include "chapter-3"
# you get the idea...


And, yup, include is another built-in.

You can also use import to reuse code from other modules. You just need to pass in an implementation of require to a Biscotti instance's context method.

:: import {chapter} from "my-biscotti-helpers" ::

# :: coffee chapter title: "Once Upon A Time" ::

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away…


It's the usual NPM deal.

npm i -s biscotti


import assert from "assert"
import processor from "../src/index"

# pass in your require to import local packages
render = processor {require}

# returns post-processed result
process "./my-novel.biscotti"


processor [globals] → processor

  • globals - An object whose properties will be available as global variables in a document's execution context. If you want to use import, you'll want to provide a require property, which should be a Node-compatible require function that takes a module name or absolute or relative path and returns the corresponding module's exports. Defaults to use the module's own require.

  • render - a function for processing documents.

The default export of the biscotti module is a function that takes an optional require function and returns a render function. What that means is that any updates to globals will be carried over from one call to the next.

The render function keeps its execution sandbox across invocations.

processor path, [options] → processed-document

  • options - An object describing options for processing a given document.

    • content - If you already have the document you want to process in memory, you can simply pass it as an option. In this case, the path argument is used only to resolve includes and for error messages. Defaults to the contents of the file at path.

    • encoding - String that determines the encoding used when reading the file. Defaults to utf8. Ingored when content option is provided.

    • open - String determining the open delimiter for code blocks. Defaults to ::.

    • close - String determining the close delimiter for code blocks. Defaults to the value of open.

  • processed-document - The resulting document after the embedded CoffeeScript has been processed.


Last updated on 15 Apr 2018

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