Intends to be a complete Bitcoin Provider and Wallet Implementation. Currently, under development.
You can install Bitcoin3js in your project using npm.
npm install bitcoin3js
Quick Start with Provider
const bitcoin = require('bitcoin3js');
const provider = bitcoin.getDefaultProvider('test3');
const blockNumber = await provider.getBlockHeight();
const block = await provider.getBlock(1234);
const balance = await provider.getBalance('mwcxXm4jwz1K2hsrUJkbJ1YASC8Z4Vf4yB');
const transactions = await provider.getTransactions('mwcxXm4jwz1K2hsrUJkbJ1YASC8Z4Vf4yB', {
fromBlock: 1697117,
toBlock: 1697117
provider.on('block', blockNumber => {
A provider instance is used to interact with the Bitcoin blockchain. Currently, there is integration of Blockcypher and Bitaps APIs.
Constructing a Provider Instance
const blockcypher = new bitcoin.providers.BlockcypherProvider('test3');
const bitaps = new bitcoin.providers.BitapsProvider('test3');
Rate Limiters
Due to the presence of rate limits in the api providers, Bitcoin3js providers come with inbuilt rate limiters. You don't have to do anything. Though, you can customize the rate limiting variables.
const { BlockcypherProvider } = require('bitcoin3js/providers');
const blockcypher = new BlockcypherProvider({
network: 'test3',
apiKey: 'a3c1aad4c151458da9b1fdee2a7fbdf3',
requestsLimit: 200,
seconds: 60*60
Fallback Providers
Fallback Provider aggregates multiple provider objects into one provider object and in event of the failure of one provider, it utilises other provider. It can also be used for load balancing between multiple providers.
const { FallbackProvider } = require('bitcoin3js/providers');
const provider = new FallbackProvider([ blockcypher, bitaps ], {
loadBalancer: false
The getDefaultProvider
demonstrated in the beginning is a FallbackProvider
with providers blockcypher
and bitmaps
MoveOn Mechanism
MoveOn mechanism comes inbuilt in a FallbackProvider
. In some cases, an API call response is delayed, i.e. it doesn't resolve within a certain time, either due to server processing delay or delayed purposefully by the rate limiter (this happens a lot with BlockcypherProvider
since it's got freedom for only 200 free calls in 1 hour, and if you are out of'em, it'd not resolve for a long time). So the MoveOn mechanism makes the Fallback provider move on to the next provider, if the call doesn't resolve within a specified moveOnDelay
const defaultProvider = bitcoin.getDefaultProvider({
network: 'test3',
moveOnDelay: 800
const fallbackProvider = new FallbackProvider([ blockcypher, bitaps ], {
moveOnDelay: 800
I've started this project mainly because couldn't find a reliable project related to bitcoin API providers. Definitely, there are plenty of online resources made available by providers like Blockcypher to work with Bitcoin APIs and most of the projects rely with a single API provider. If you're building a project which needs a reliable source of information, provider downtime is a factor to consider. Your project would have to rely that the provider will be online 100%, which of course might not be always possible. If you are ready to go few miles ahead, you need to do a complicated setup to rely on multiple API providers so that single point of failure won't be an issue. And from above you can see, the FallbackProvider
is what that solves this problem.
Further Roadmap:
- More provider functionalities to be integrated
- A good documentation
- More provider apis to be integrated
- Essential helper methods to work in Bitcoin Ecosystem
- Wallet
Roadmap will be updated as development will follow. Any suggestions or contributions are welcome.