Automatic matching of Blue Button JSON data (detection of new, duplicate and partial match entries)

Library interfaces/APIs
This library exposes methods for matching entire health records as well as lower level methods for matching sections of health records.
This library provides the following functionality
- Match two health records in blue-button JSON format
- Match individual sections of above
Usage example
Require blue-button-match module
var match = require("./index.js")
var bb = require("blue-button");
var recordA = bb.parseString("record A");
var recordB = bb.parseString("record B");
var result = match.match(,;
This will produce a match object looking like this:
"allergies" : [
"match": "new",
"percent": 0,
"src_id": "0",
"dest_id": "0",
"dest": "dest"
"match": "new",
"percent": 0,
"src_id": "1",
"dest_id": "0",
"dest": "dest"
"match": "new",
"percent": 0,
"src_id": "2",
"dest_id": "0",
"dest": "dest"
"match": "new",
"percent": 0,
"src_id": "0",
"dest_id": "1",
"dest": "src"
"medications" : [...],
"demographics" : [...]
"version" : "0.0.1"
"errors": []
Matching record explanation
Match element can be {"match" : "duplicate", "percent": 100}
, {"match" : "new", "percent: 0"}
or {"match" : "partial", "percent": 50}
Partial match is expressed in percent and can range from 1
to 99
. Percent is included in the duplicate and new objects as well for range based calculations, but will always equal 100
or 0
Element attribute dest_id
refers to the element position (index) in the related section's array of the Master Health Record. Element attribute src_id
refers to the element position (index) in the related array of the new document being merged (new record). This is modulated by the 'dest' field. When {dest:'dest'}
is present the dest_id
references the index of the record matched against a new entry. When {dest: 'src'}
is present, the dest_id
references the index of the record contained within the same record as the src_id
"allergies" : [
{ "match" : "duplicate", "src_id" : 0, "dest_id": 2 },
{ "match" : "new", "src_id" :1 },
{ "match" : "partial", "percent" : 50, "src_id" : 2, "dest_id" : 5},
"medications" : [...],
"demographics" : [...]
Matching results JSON structures (by record type)
Multiple facts
Applied to: All sections excluding Demographics
New match entry (dest):
"match": "new",
"percent": 0,
"src_id": "1",
"dest_id": "2",
"dest": "dest"
Duplicate match entry (dest):
"match": "duplicate",
"percent": "100",
"src_id": "1",
"dest_id": "1",
"dest": "dest"
Partial match entry (dest):
"match": "partial",
"percent": 50,
"subelements": {
"reaction": [{
"match": "new",
"percent": 0,
"src_id": "0",
"dest_id": "0",
"dest": "dest"
"diff": {
"date_time": "duplicate",
"identifiers": "duplicate",
"allergen": "duplicate",
"severity": "duplicate",
"status": "duplicate",
"reaction": "new"
"src_id": "2",
"dest_id": "2",
"dest": "dest"
Single facts
Applied to: Demographics
Record is a duplicate:
[ { match: 'duplicate', src_id: 0, dest_id: 0 } ]
Record is a partial match:
[ { match: 'diff',
{ name: 'duplicate',
dob: 'new',
gender: 'duplicate',
identifiers: 'duplicate',
marital_status: 'duplicate',
addresses: 'new',
phone: 'duplicate',
race_ethnicity: 'duplicate',
languages: 'duplicate',
religion: 'duplicate',
birthplace: 'duplicate',
guardians: 'new' },
src_id: 0,
dest_id: 0 } ]
Edge cases for single facts:
Both objects are empty e.g. comparePartial({}, {})
[ { match: 'duplicate' } ]
Comparing empty object e.g. {} with non-empty (master record)
[ { match: 'diff', diff: {} } ]
Comparing non empty object with empty master record {}
[ { match: 'new' } ]
Matching Rules
Common matching rules
Date/time match - Hard match on dates, After initial date mismatch, fuzzy date match performed. Will check for overlap of dates if they don't hard match.
Code match (Code System match) - Either names must match, or code/code system must match. Translations are supported: Translated objects may be matched against an object and follow the same rules.
String match - Case insensitive/trimmed match of string values.
String array match - Case insensitive/trimmed match of arrays for equality.
Boolean match - Simple true/false equality comparison.
Each sections logic is contained in a .json file corresponding to the section name. It is divided into primary and secondary logic. Secondary logic only executes only if primary logic resulted in a successful match, and can bolster match percentages. Each section contains an array of match data.
Each element of match data has 3 components, a path, the location of the element, the type, or what common utility should handle it, and the percentage, which is a resulting increase if a match is made successfully.
Additionally, elements may have 'subarrays', which is used to populate sub-arrays from the match and provides corresponding diffs. Their structure is the same as match entries.
Note: Currently, the logic is designed so a match over 50% is considered actionable.
Primary: Allergen Coded Match.
Secondary: Date/time.
Primary: Payer String Match, Number String Match, and type String Array match.
All subelements are compared.
Primary: Encounter Coded Match, Date/time.
Primary: Product Coded Match, Date/time.
Primary: Plan Identifier String Match, Policy Number String Match, and Payer Name String match.
Note: Any combination of two matches will be over 50%.
Primary: Product Coded Entry.
Secondary: Date/time.
Primary: Policy Insurance Object.
###Plan of Care
Primary: Plan Coded Entry, Date/time.
Primary: Problem Coded Entry.
Secondary: Date/time, Status string match, Negation Indicator boolean match.
Primary: Procedure Coded Entry Match.
Secondary: Date/time.
Primary: Provider Type String Match.
Secondary: Person Object, and Name String.
Primary: Result set Coded Entry, and Result set Date/time.
Note: Date/time calculated as most recent value from results array.
###Social History
Primary: Value String entry.
Secondary: Date/time.
###Vitals model
Primary: Vital Coded entry.
Secondary: Date/time.
Contributors are welcome. See issues
Release Notes
See release notes [here] (./
Licensed under Apache 2.0