bread-tags is a minimal and performant tags parser supporting infinitely nested tags.
const Parser = require('breadtags');
console.log(await new Parser().parse('A random fruit is {uppercase:{choose:orange;apple;banana}}'))
Users can pass in a context to make tags more aware. It is passed into the run function of every tag.
Creating your own tags
All tags (including built-ins) satisfy an interface.
interface Tag {
aliases: Array<string>;
name: string;
run: Function;
Users can pass a tag implementing this interface into Parser#load
A synchronous Parser#loadAll
is also provided to load all tags from a directory.
Disabling tags
A variadic Parser#remove is provided to remove pre loaded tags.
Error handling
When an error occurs while executing a tag, parsing stops immediately and the error string is returned from Parser#parse.
This ensures the application will not crash, and the end user will be able to report the error.
Discord specific tags
Discord specific tags are implemented assuming you are using discord.js master. For all tags to function, ensure your Context satisfies this interface:
interface Context {
user: discordjs.User;
guild: discordjs.Guild;
channel: discordjs.GuildChannel;